Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shamanism and Death
"The things we learn about life from working with the dead," says shaman and host, Christina Pratt, "are timeless and priceless." One of the shaman's traditional roles is the psychopomp, or guide of souls. A psychopomp escorts the newly deceased souls to the afterlife, providing safe passage and often comfort or guidance in reconciling life and letting go. And on that journey the dead do tell tales... We are precisely who we have crafted ourselves to be with our lives. Nothing changes at death. The dead teach us that is critically important to live well and to live fully now. What ever you are cultivating now with your time and attention will be your legacy. Will your legacy be one of depression, shopping, and chasing tail? Or will you hand on something of meaning and purpose to your descendants? When the dead do not receive the guidance that they need to complete the journey or they simply can't let go, their unresolved energies remain, plaguing their descendants with a legacy of the same habits and addictions. Working to clear the energies of the dead teaches us that everything matters, everything can be changed with the help of spirit, and there is always hope. This week we begin a summer "blockbuster" series as we look into what shamanism has to teach us about the big issues-death, life, love and sex.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Just Energy Radio
Anodea Judith - Transforming The Love Of Power To The Power Of Love
Anodea Judith
Transforming The Love Of Power To The Power Of Love
Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is a best-selling author, and evolutionary activist, whose passion is awakening humanity to its amazing potential before we throw it all away. Since her first book on the chakras became a classic and spawned the birth of her current organization, Sacred Centers. Having spent two decades as a somatic psychotherapist working with individuals, she left her practice to teach worldwide and address the issues that affect us all. Her latest book, Waking the Global Heart: Humanity's Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love charts the social evolution through our collective history.
Friday 8/13/10 3:00PM EST/2:00PM CST
Awake: Now What?
Chat with Elaine Fidyk and Michael Popkin, Pharmacists, Healers, Channel
Elaine Fidyk is a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. She has worked for 41 years in her chosen profession, first as an employee, then as a business owner and entrepreneur, and while still practicing Pharmacy, she remembered the healing techniques she learned while on the Earth in past life times. She has been trained by the Essenes, the Galactic Emissaries of Light, the Elementals, and by many of the angels and masters who have assisted her in remembering the techniques involved. She presently is an author, channel, poet, alchemist, publicist, and teaching and healing master at the and at specializing in the Alpha Auric Cleansing and healing. She was taught by the Alpha Masters, ancient beings who assisted with creation. She has been perfecting her skills and is now making herself available to the general public. Her call is being answered, and those who have experienced her healing, say that it reminds them of home. She can do her cleansing by phone, or Skype, and in person. Her name on Skype is rainbowhealer1111, and she can be also reached at and her phone number is 403-726-0804. She lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Michael Popkin is a retired pharmacist who spent many years studying Edgar Cayce's works. He has join Elaine in "remembering" and they have created a new healing technique that is quite powerful.
Sunday August 15, 2010, 6:00PM EDT
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