Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
“What do you mean, watch out for Mercury retrograde,” you may wonder on Monday, August 23rd. If anything, the Sun entering Virgo in the same cerebral earth sign as Mercury feels like a fresh wind in the sails of your mind. Favorable aspects between the Sun and Jupiter/Uranus as well as Pluto and Saturn will make you excited about taking a new look at old plans, ideas, or systems and finding ways to make them work – or work better. The Moon in future-minded Aquarius supports Mercury in analytical Virgo and the Venus/Mars conjunction in the cardinal air sign of Libra. The Moon is nearly full, enhancing your urge to gather information and make informed choices which benefit both yourself and others. When the Moon joins Neptune later today, it will tip the Venus/Mars energy from diplomatic concerns to romantic yearnings. A gentle tickle from Mercury to Venus/Mars gives you the gift of poetic prose and charming pick up lines that just might work. A wink between the Moon/Neptune/Chiron and Jupiter/Uranus tells me you might be lucky in love tonight.
Some disorientation or scattering of energy is possible at the onset of Tuesday, August 24th, as the Moon in late-degree Aquarius moves into early Pisces and peaks at full as it opposes the Sun. The trine between the Sun and Pluto as well as a supportive Moon/Saturn aspect help you to apply willpower, focus, and determination to get you up to speed and back on track no matter how strongly the Moon is pulling at your emotions. The Moon in Pisces is often a crazy time when people respond and react from subconscious, hidden levels. The fullness of the Moon only makes it crazier and it may be best to set some time aside for retreat and contemplation. Do your thing and allow others to do theirs. You can use the power of this Moon to tune in to your Higher Self through meditation, your past lives through hypnosis or other spirits present or past, through setting your intent and waiting quietly for a reply. This evening, the Moon enhances Pluto, the Transformer, in Capricorn and Saturn, the Teacher, in Libra. An understanding and healing of a loss or difficult relationship is possible through release and forgiveness.
Therapeutic thoughts or communication follow the deep soul diving of yesterday’s full Moon. Mercury parallel Saturn and contra-parallel Jupiter and Uranus on Wednesday, August 25th, are the behind-the-scenes players. As you go about your day in a mildly dreamy way, your mind is picking up each little pearl of awareness you gathered yesterday. Examine, polish, sort, discard, save. You should have a nice little cache of wisdom and plans for the future by the end of your day. The Pisces Moon opposes the retrograde Mercury in Virgo this evening, but is in harmony with Venus/Mars in Libra. When you come down to a final review of the full Moon revelations, follow your heart and your gut and ignore the thinking that arises from a fearful mind that replays scenes from your past. Contemplating past failure or loss will only result in more of the same. Ah, maybe that’s why they say history repeats itself. Write yourself a new history and study it faithfully.
Thursday, August 26th, is a lighthearted day. Much of the heavier aspects are beginning to loosen their stranglehold and you feel a lessening of pressure as a result. The Moon is in late degrees of watery Pisces and poised to enter the initiative fire sign of Aries, joining Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the planet of change. Instinctively, you sense the approach of a new beginning and your optimism rises as a result. Enjoy this brief but peaceful pause in the energy and do something that gives you or someone you love pleasure. The Sun contra-parallel Venus increases affection and enjoyment now.
Delays and opposition greet your impetuous and impatient mood the morning of Friday, August 27th. The Moon in Aries opposing Saturn and squaring Pluto is the culprit. As the Moon progresses, the hurdles you must jump become shorter and fewer. By midday, nothing can hold you back and your passion and effort are perfectly aligned. Tonight is a magical opportunity for love when the Sun, Venus, and the Moon are in astrological harmony. This configuration along with the Venus/Mars conjunction makes it easier for two people to be in the mood at the same time. When desire is equal on both sides, the entire lovemaking experience is enhanced. This positive energy doesn’t have to be directed toward a relationship. You can also spend the evening engaged in any activity that makes you feel happy and gives you a sense of completeness or satisfaction.
A lively debate is possible on Saturday, August 28th. The Moon in “I am” Aries stimulates Mercury in Virgo and opposes the Venus/Mars in Libra conjunction at the start of the day. What might begin as teasing observances of a partner’s habits or weaknesses could easily become misconstrued as criticism and judgment, leading to a full-blown argument. In a work setting, gender jokes or insinuations could be taken too personally or out of context. If your basic nature thrives on mental repartee and quick comebacks, this may be stimulating energy for you. If you are more sensitive, reserved, or slow on the uptake, perhaps you should be like “de Tar Baby” and say “nuffin.” The Moon contra-parallel Neptune this evening softens the emotions, making you inclined to kiss and make up, forgive and forget.
Sunday, August 29th, begins with an interesting energy pattern between the Moon in independent Aries, Jupiter in Aries conjunct Uranus in idealistic Pisces, and Neptune/Chiron in humanitarian Aquarius. You may find a renewed faith in life and people motivating you to make a sacrifice of some kind with an aim to improve society or people’s lives. An aspect between the Sun and Saturn indicates you may be putting your time and work into that commitment – not just writing a check for financial support. The planets are prompting you to ask, “What can I do to help?” As the day moves on, the Moon enters purpose-driven Taurus and exchanges strong positive energy with Pluto (power), Saturn (structure), and the Sun (presence), which just gave me the image of a huge black steam locomotive on a railroad track. Whatever you choose to do today, you have the energy to do it, do it, do it and I doubt that anything will stand in your way.
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