Feb 28, 2010

Full Moon in Virgo

Dream Oracle
Buy at AllPosters.com

A look at this full moon in Virgo, in opposition to sun and Jupiter conjunct in the sign of Pisces, made me think how cranky and disoriented this moon feels. Virgo likes to analyze and discriminate and compartmentalize things. Jupiter and the sun are both expansive and all over the place in nebulous and ethereal Pisces. This opposition can have us all feeling emotionally disoriented and destabilized. Hmm, almost like experiencing an earthquake. Concerning actual earthquakes, I feel we may be experiencing ever-increasing earth adjustments at each new and full moon as the months go by.

Squares and oppositions are not bad things, in my way of thinking. Nor are trines and sextiles purely positive. Most of our productive growth and change comes from the challenge of working out a square or opposition. An opposition is the most challenging energy to deal with because we must try to be or to do two things at one time.

My first thought surrounding this lunation was to check the Sabian symbol for it. “Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows” and I immediately knew that the way to balance the moon/sun opposition (the two heads, indeed) was to put them to work at looking beyond the “shadows” (Jupiter expanding beyond the Piscean/Neptunean fog) through the use of divination methods. By coincidence, the site I found to look up the Sabian symbol features a wonderful oracle option where you can ask a question, a numerology option where you can analyze your name through the combined methods of numerology and Sabian symbols, and a feature that allows you to see the Sabian symbols for each of your natal planet degrees. What a perfect blending of a Virgo detail-oriented system and a Pisces image-rich intuitive method of divination!

Spend some time at this site and you may feel less off-kilter.

Originally posted to Dunnea.net

Johnny Depp Boosts Media Interest in the WM3

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

If you missed last night's 48 Hours Mystery episode on Johnny Depp and his public support for the West Memphis Mystery, video of the entire show is posted below. It covers most of the important elements of the case and has some really moving interviews. The show focuses almost exclusively on supporters of the WM3, not on the Arkansas court system that convicted them and continues to stand by the verdict. Probably because no one from the prosecution would talk to 48 Hours. The most telling statement in the entire show: "Prosecutors turned down our requests for interviews."

As I've noted previously, the prosecution and Judge Burnett have really dug in their heels. Media, celebrity, and public attention, have only hardened their resolve against the "second guessing" of outsiders. Arkansas courts have repeatedly rejected things like expert testimony on DNA and forensics that cut the legs out from under the case that convicted Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley. After all, they convicted them without any credible physical evidence. Why should physical evidence matter now?

Feb 25, 2010

Harmonic Wealth Author Pleads Poverty -- Updated

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

"James is not a wealthy guy." ~ Attorney Brad Brian on Larry King 2/4/10

What to do when you discover that the emperor's new clothes are shackles and an orange jumpsuit? But James Arthur Ray may be sporting the orange ensemble for a while, unless he can reach a new bail agreement.

Defense lawyers said Ray could not afford his bail, even though he told reporters he was worth $10 million a year ago. But his lawyers say Ray owes massive amounts to attorneys and other creditors – and he really has a negative net worth of $4.2 million.

Prosecutors asked for bail to be set at $1.5 million, but his attorneys say he can't even afford that. They're asking for a bail of few thousand dollars or ROR.

Alex Smyth testified that Ray's business is operating at a loss, employees were laid off, his properties are in foreclosure and that Ray essentially drained his bank accounts following the Oct. 8 sweat lodge ceremony in anticipation of high legal fees, not in an effort to flee. 

Johhny Depp: Free the WM3

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Set your DVRs, folks. The case of the West Memphis Three will be profiled on 48 Hours Mystery this Saturday night at 10:00. It sure does take a lot of star power to draw national media attention to one of the gravest injustices in the history of American jurisprudence.

What do actor Johnny Depp and musicians Natalie Maines and Eddie Vedder have in common? They all publicly support and believe in the innocence of three convicted men known as the West Memphis Three.

In an interview with "48 Hours Mystery," Depp advocates for the release of death row inmate Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr., who are all serving life sentences for the brutal murders of three 8-year-old boys in West Memphis, Ark., in 1993.

Feb 24, 2010

Happy Birthday George

George HarrisonWe have entered the water world of Pisces with the sun having left Aquarius a few days ago. Today I feel particularly watery and emotional. Last night I stabbed my hand accidentally with a small, but sharply pointy, paring knife. I had to buy some rubber gloves this morning so I could wash dishes without getting the wound wet. I took my walk in the park early this morning and the damp, cold air made tears flow down my face as though I was crying. This relentless winter has been enough to make me cry. On a happy note, I had my first major sign of spring – a large flock of robins was busy worm hunting on the field of grass. As I write this, I see the snow forecast for today has begun to fall lightly. I hope the robins were successful in their worm hunt, because tomorrow the grass will be white again.

All I want to do is soak in a hot bath, eat, and sleep. With the moon in watery Cancer today and Venus also in a water sign – Pisces – it’s no wonder bathing, eating, and dreaming feel so wonderful. A common theme among newsletters and updates I read from other intuitives, astrologers, and channelers is the strong need to be quiet, withdraw, and go within.

Today is the birthday of the late Beatles musician, George Harrison. One of my favorite songs of all time is his song, “Within You and Without You.” The lyrics perfectly match the current planetary energies and, although we may seem to be without George, he is still within us. Enjoy.


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

How to with Betsy Bergstrom

How do you protect yourself, even on your really bad days? How do you protect the energy of your life, so that it is not drained or used by others? How do you protect the energy of your dreams? Energetic Protection remains one of our most popular topics. This week, shaman and teacher, Betsy Bergstrom returns to explore "how to" protect your self. Bergstrom is a master of the Middleworld, the realm filled with energies that aren't helpful for our health or life expression. She specializes in unraveling thought forms and curses, the removal of unwanted energies, and heart-centered shamanic healing. She passionately and clearly discusses the shamanic concepts related to protection, like mediumship, compassionate beings, and attuning to energies in the earlier show "Your Most Powerful Ally." This week we continue that conversation exploring how to protect yourself in a variety of situations, with and without shamanic skills and all from a light and heart-centered perspective.

This week's guest:
Betsy Bergstrom

Betsy Bergstrom is a full-time Shamanic Practitioner who has studied with shamans and healers from many cultures. She is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3-Year Program. She has been trained by a number of indigenous shamans and healers who have encouraged her and shared with her their wonderful teachings. She has worked in various fields of Alternative Healing for nearly 20 years. Her calling is to work in partnership with the Helping Spirits, to help the living and with the dead. She says, "...the feedback from my classes has been that the teaching (of Heart Centered Shamanic Depossession) defused much of the fear that some people felt in approaching the work of clearing and depossession."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 at 2PM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Voice America, 7th Wave Network

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 19, 2010

Money Myth Exposed

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion

WASHINGTON—The U.S. economy ceased to function this week after unexpected existential remarks by Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke shocked Americans into realizing that money is, in fact, just a meaningless and intangible social construct.

What began as a routine report before the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday ended with Bernanke passionately disavowing the entire concept of currency, and negating in an instant the very foundation of the world's largest economy.

"Though raising interest rates is unlikely at the moment, the Fed will of course act appropriately if we…if we…" said Bernanke, who then paused for a moment, looked down at his prepared statement, and shook his head in utter disbelief. "You know what? It doesn't matter. None of this—this so-called 'money'—really matters at all."

"It's just an illusion," a wide-eyed Bernanke added as he removed bills from his wallet and slowly spread them out before him. "Just look at it: Meaningless pieces of paper with numbers printed on them. Worthless."

. . .

For some Americans, the fog of disbelief surrounding the nation's epiphany has begun to lift, with many building new lives free from the illusion of money.

Okay... It's from The Onion, but a girl can dream.

Actually, I posted this because it's one of those really poignant, "funny 'cause it's true" things. Not the part about Bernanke suddenly losing his religion. That won't happen. But the simple truth is that our current monetary system is a giant, soul sucking illusion. Also true, people are waking up to that fact.

Feb 17, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Tom Pinkson: Medicine Teachings for Modern Times

The practices of the Huichol of the Sierra Madre in Mexico focus on living life in harmony with all living things. Their traditional ways of living include the ceremonial use of the sacred peyote plant and offer a path to a truly sustainable future. This week author and shaman, Tom Pinkson, PhD., joins us to discuss his new edition of The Flowers of Wiricuta, The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol: Medicine Teachings for Modern Times and to explore that possible future. In the book Pinkson shares his 11-year apprenticeship in the medicine teachings of the Huichol. Pinkson has successfully infused these sacred teachings into his work as a contemporary psychologist. He is uniquely positioned; having walked this path of integration for decades to look at the many challenges we face together, culturally, socially, and environmentally. Pinkson believes that the wisdom of the Huichol offers us a path to live spiritually grounded lives in intimate relationship with nature and each other.

This week's guest:
Dr. Tom Pinkson, Ph.D

TOM SOLOWAY PINKSON, Ph.D., is a psychologist, ceremonial retreat and vision-fast leader, sacred storyteller, and shaman. For 32 years he worked with terminally ill children at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in California, successfully integrating the wisdom teachings of the Huichol and other medicine teachers into the world of the practicing psychologist. His most recent work includes training in the Hardiness Factor (training for emotional resilience) and A New Vision of Aging (working consciously with the challenges and opportunities of the elder years). The founder of Wakan, a nonprofit organization committed to restoring the sacred in daily life, he lives in northern California.

The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol is the autobiographical account of Pinkson's decade-long immersion in the shamanic traditions of the Huichol tribes of the Sierra Madre in Mexico. From his first Huichol pilgrimage to Wiricuta (their sacred homeland) in 1981 to searching the desert for the heart medicine of peyote, Pinkson's account of his initiation into the medicine teachings of the Huichol brings new life to this ancient eco-centric tradition. Providing a guiding light for those who seek to become part of the solution to our planet's ecological challenges, Pinkson empowers readers to choose their own path toward healing both on a personal and a planetary level.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 2PM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Voice America, 7th Wave Network

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 16, 2010

Flower of Life Mandala

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Just incredibly cool. I discovered quite viscerally, when I was training in the Flower of Life, that working with this seminal geometrical form is very, very powerful. This meditation video is really well done. Enjoy!

Feb 14, 2010

The Year of the Heart

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ~ C.S. Lewis

This year Valentine's Day coincides with the Chinese New Year. At our house, we'll be celebrating both; exchanging valentines over homemade Chinese food. It's fitting I think, because I decided a while back that I am calling 2010 "the year of the heart." This is not because of anything astrological. In Chinese astrology it's a tiger year, which is something different, entirely. So why am I calling this the year of the heart? Because of the massive changes I'm seeing in our heart chakras. And because it is crucial now that we begin to operate from our hearts.

Over the past month or so, I've seen these shifts in client after client. There are massive releases of energy from the heart chakra, and a feeling of expansion. In some cases those clients have been deliberately doing heart chakra work, because they have been moved to do so. In other cases, it's entirely unconscious on their parts. When I notice that many parallel experiences, I have to acknowledge the possibility that there is a larger, more general, transformation at work.

I've also noticed a number of psychics, channelers, and lightworkers talking about this pronounced shift in heart energy. Karen Bishop has reflected in some of her updates, including the most recent one, that part of the greater purpose of the horrific earthquake in Haiti was to open our hearts. Our heart chakras are opening, whether we want them to or not.

Feb 13, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

New WINGS Update from Karen Bishop

The Earth Changes

Although a WINGS message was just recently posted, there are noteworthy events on the near horizon, and knowing the higher level reasons behind them before-hand, will hopefully serve to ease any stress and confusion that may result.

The Haiti earthquake jump-started the emergence of the new reality by opening our hearts and bringing people together once again. It literally cracked open the new earth, and prepared it for its very new beginning.

In very near times to come, we will experience additional natural disasters, and these will not occur in third world countries. Although the areas where these disasters will occur are most likely already known to many, personally, I do not see the need to report this aspect. We are always right where we need to be, at any given time. At our soul levels, we are always, but always, navigated to our perfect places and spaces. In this way, some of us will remain in these areas when these disasters occur, as our earth angel role will be greatly needed. Others can serve better by being removed from these areas, all according to who and what we have all come to do.

Feb 11, 2010

I Will Not Play in God's Domain

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Isn't the budget a little tight for the Pentagon to be throwing millions of dollars at creepy, apocalyptic, science fiction scenarios?

The Pentagon’s mad science arm may have come up with its most radical project yet. Darpa is looking to re-write the laws of evolution to the military’s advantage, creating “synthetic organisms” that can live forever — or can be killed with the flick of a molecular switch.

As part of its budget for the next year, Darpa is investing $6 million into a project called BioDesign, with the goal of eliminating “the randomness of natural evolutionary advancement.” The plan would assemble the latest bio-tech knowledge to come up with living, breathing creatures that are genetically engineered to “produce the intended biological effect.” Darpa wants the organisms to be fortified with molecules that bolster cell resistance to death, so that the lab-monsters can “ultimately be programmed to live indefinitely.”

Feb 10, 2010

Cafe -- Updated

Around the Web, Around the World

New WINGS Update from Karen Bishop

Moving Into Our New Spaces

The high/low, up/down pattern with the energies continues, as we move forward with creating the new reality one piece at a time. Now, we are creating and moving energy at some very deep levels, as we have made great progress enabling us to begin new phases in setting up a very new reality.

Last Thursday, February 4th, we had yet another shift, and although these shifts feel very unpleasant when they occur, they are none-the-less creating their original intentions…the purpose being to move us into a very new space, and then align with that new space and way of being and living.

When these new blueprints arrive, they always feel wonderful at first, and then we must align with them in order to bring them into form and to make them “stick.” So even though it may feel like not much is occurring at times, we are indeed making progress as these energies are pushing and pulling if even in some strange and uncomfortable ways.

Feb 9, 2010

Feb 7, 2010

Global Village, Global Oneness?

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee poses us an interesting challenge on The Huffington Post. Can we use the global communication potential of the Internet to experience unity consciousness with the world?

I remember when I first accessed the Internet in the early Nineties. I think that my children were using AOL and I went online to see what these "chat rooms" were. But although there was not much content in those days, I was struck by its potential and possibility. At that time I was having mystical experiences of the oneness that is present in all of life. In these moments I was made aware of the interconnectedness of all of creation, and how everything is a living expression of divine oneness. This first time that I went online I saw in that moment how the Internet could give the whole of humanity direct access to this interconnectedness and global oneness. All that is required is a computer and a connection.

Almost twenty years later the Internet is one of the central tools of our global connectivity. In the last few years it has radically changed our culture, how we communicate and access information. From laptops and cybercafes all around the world, even in unexpectedly remote locations, we are forming an interconnected whole, a network of human consciousness. And yet, although we are more and more immersed in this new form of communication, we do not appear to realize its deeper significance. There is the danger, that, as in the words of T.S. Eliot, we "have the experience but miss the meaning."

Feb 5, 2010

James Arthur Ray's Not Guilty Plea -- Not!

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Apparently, all the various and sundry news agencies have reported James Arthur Ray's "Not Guilty" plea. This was due to a toxic combination of sloppy reporting and fancy lawyering. He has not plead not guilty, because he has not yet entered a plea.

The confusion starts when Judge Warren R. Darrow asks if Mr. Ray has been informed of the charges against him.

Kelly answers, "I have, judge." Then Kelly jumps immediately into the following, preemptive statement, speaking rather quickly, "We've got a copy of the indictment, we've reviewed it with our client, we've waived its formal reading, his name is spelled correctly, we'd enter a plea of not guilty; request that a jury trial be preserved and the case management conference be set."

But Judge Darrow doesn't enter that plea of not guilty. And really, if you listen carefully to what Kelly said it was, "we'd enter a plea..." In other words, "we would enter a plea..." but he wasn't entering a plea at that time, because, this wasn't the time to enter any plea at all.

Judge Darrow's next words confirm this, "OK, and that's essentially what would be done at an arraignment; this isn't the arraignment, it's the initlal appearance. As I have indicated, I am going to set, or I have indicated to counsel [unintelligible] I intend to set the matter EDC, Early Disposition Court; however, I think that if the parties want to waive that, by an agreement, that can be considered an arraignment proceeding rather than an EDC proceeding, and there probably could be a waiver of that later hearing. But in any event, I'll note that, Mr. Kelly, but I'm not conducting the arraignment today. This is strictly the initial appearance, basically the proceeding that's required within 24 hours of arrest."

Feb 3, 2010

James Arthur Ray Indicted for Sweat Lodge Deaths

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

James Arthur Ray was arrested this afternoon for causing the deaths of three participants in his "Spiritual Warrior" retreat. I have been following this case pretty closely, since the news broke last fall. See here, here, here, and here, for background. Not much to say here, except that it's about time.

Motivational speaker James Arthur Ray was arrested Wednesday afternoon on three counts of manslaughter for deaths that happened after a sweat lodge ceremony he led in northern Arizona last year. Ray was taken into custody on an indictment at his attorney's office in Prescott, and was to be booked into the Yavapai County jail in Camp Verde, sheriff's officials said. His bond was set at $5 million.

. . .

About halfway through the two-hour ceremony, some began feeling ill, vomiting and collapsing inside the 415-square-foot structure. Despite that, Ray urged participants to push past their physical weaknesses and chided those who wanted to leave, authorities and participants have said.

Two people - Kirby Brown, 38, of Westtown, N.Y., and James Shore, 40, of Milwaukee - passed out inside the sweat lodge and died that night at a hospital. Liz Neuman, 49, of Prior Lake, Minn., slipped into a coma and died a week later. Eighteen others were hospitalized.

Feb 2, 2010

Could Religion Survive First Contact?

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

One could argue that shamanism has been surviving the discovery of Grey-like aliens going all the way back to the paleolithic era. But I don't think shamanism was what Ted Peters of the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary had in mind when he conducted a survey on how religious people would weather the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Study participants were mostly Buddhists and Christians of various denominations.

None of the 70 Buddhists questioned thought that the discovery of ET would undercut their belief systems, although 40 per cent thought it could pose problems for other religions.

More Roman Catholics believed ET could pose a problem for their faith. Only 8 per cent of the 120 surveyed thought that their individual beliefs would be shaken, but nearly a quarter – 22 per cent – said it could adversely affect their religion. Even more – 30 per cent – thought it could threaten the beliefs of other religious people.


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

How to Thrive in Challenging Times with Sandra Ingerman

In her latest work, How to Thrive in Changing Times: Simple Tools to Create True Health, Wealth, Peace and Joy for Yourself and the Earth, therapist and author, Sandra Ingerman provides many valuable insights into unlocking our creativity to deal with our challenging and turbulent times. With her usual clarity and open heart, she offers a fresh perspective on transforming your own inner pollution for outer benefit. Join us as we explore how Ingerman's new book points us toward a new way of being in the world and offers the practices needed to support that change. This is book is a call to action! Ingerman believes that the work begins by learning how to shift our daily thoughts and words. She encourages people to think of themselves as members of a growing global community of conscious change agents, who together, can shift the challenges on the planet today. Working as a global community we can bring forth the invisible energies and manifest a world we truly wish to live in.

This week's guest:
Sandra Ingerman

Sandra Ingerman, MA, is a licensed therapist and the author of numerous books including How to Heal Toxic Thoughts, Soul Retrieval, and Medicine for the Earth: How to Transform Personal and Environmental Toxins. She is also the author of several lecture programs produced by Sounds True. Sandra lives in New Mexico and can be found online at www.sandraingerman.com.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 2PM Pacific (Rescheduled from Jan 27th)


All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 1, 2010

Imbolc: Festival of Brigid (February 1 & 2)

Last night the Green Man walked through my door. For a split second, I thought him an intruder. Then I saw that his limbs were branches, he was covered head to toe with leaves, and he lumbered more than walked. But of course, Imbolc celebrations begin this evening, and what I sensed were the earliest ticklings of spring.

Imbolc is a word believed to be derived from the Old Irish i mbolg which translates as 'In the belly', referring to the pregnancy of Ewes - an event which coincided with the onset of spring. Initially celebrated on Februrary 1st, the festival of Brigit represented the point in the Celtic year that divided winter in half; where the crone aspect of the cold months recedes heralding the return of the young spring maiden. The festival of Imbolc celebrates the increasing strength of the new God, still within his child form, and a return of the maiden aspect of the Goddess in the form of Brigit. These traditions and associations of fertility and the connection to spring were further transliterated into the Christian celebration known as 'Easter'.

Brigit has long been associated with February and the return of Spring, going back further than the history of Christianity. In later years, Christianity converted this popular pagan holiday into Candlemas, retaining many of the ancient traditions and timeframe. Brigit became known as St. Brigid, a celebrated saint second only to St. Patrick in popularity.

Imbolc is a festival of waxing light - a time when the earth begins to see more sun - and purification. Brigid, being one of the most powerful feminine archetypes in Celtic history, was seen as a maiden goddess,rescued from the Cailleach (Hag) of winter by her lover Angus. This mythos of metaphor alludes to the first hints of spring and the new quickening of life after the long sleep of winter.

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