Jan 31, 2022


Do not condemn your children for their sexual orientation, Pope Francis tells parents

Parents of gay children should not condemn them but offer them support, Pope Francis said.

He spoke in unscripted comments at his weekly audience in reference to difficulties that parents could face in raising offspring.

Those issues included "parents who see different sexual orientations in their children and how to handle this, how to accompany their children, and not hide behind an attitude of condemnation", Francis said on Wednesday.

He has previously said LGBTIQ+ people have a right to be accepted by their families as children and siblings.

He has also said that while the church could not accept same-sex marriage, it can support civil union laws aimed at giving partners joint rights in areas of pensions, health care and inheritance issues.

Jan 25, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma – Part Three

The Deep Liberation Process is time tested over 30 years and fine-tuned online with 950+ people. The core of its uniqueness is a fractal clearing process that allows you to navigate to the root of stuck patterns, stories and beliefs that uproot your healthy grounding and boundaries and reclaim your freedom to act in alignment with your authenticity and purpose. They also prepare you to step into the Shadow Transformation Process and completely transform what feels impossible to change. Join us for the final part of our series as we look at what we need to learn and do together to co-create a sustainable, just, and free way of life together? Author and practitioner, Langston Kahn, and host, Christina Pratt, explore the potential of the Deep Liberation Process skillset to support us in shadow transformation and ancestral healing. Together we can step into the fierce, unyielding heart of transformative love and restorative justice with anyone who will step into it with us.

**This show last aired January 2021.**

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Listen live on Tuesdays at 11 AM Pacific For over 500+ podcasts go to: whyshamanismnow.com... Subscribe to the iTunes Podcast Library

Jan 18, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma - Part Two

The Deep Liberation Process is a literal and accessible path forward—from wherever you are—out of your unconscious, everyday repetition of history and into the engaged, mature expression of your true self. This experiential skillset has 3 parts, each its own course, that build one on the other. With these skills you are able to release limiting beliefs, clear emotional turmoil or numbness, and free yourself at the root in the past that support the persistent patterns that frustrate your life. Join us for Part Two of this series, as author and practitioner, Langston Kahn, and host, Christina Pratt, discuss the potential is collective work and other exciting aspects of Advanced Energy Body Clearing, offered every third year. At this level the Deep Liberation Process skillset gives us the ability to work in focused collaborative effort to undermine and transform the systemic injustice we share and dismantle the internalized patterns of unconscious colonizer thinking that colors our innovation and collaborative creation.

**This show originally aired January 2021.**

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Listen live on Tuesdays at 11 AM Pacific For over 500+ podcasts go to: whyshamanismnow.com... Subscribe to the iTunes Podcast Library

Jan 11, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma - Part One

The Deep Liberation Process invites us to discover how we can divest our energy and liberate our imagination from the oppressive systems and broken culture we inhabit. This is not a solo job. It is both personal and collective, but one we can only do together. If we learn to do that—to embrace and celebrate diversity, both human and nonhuman—then we will share in the manifestation of a more just and joyful future together. If we don’t, we are abandoning why we are here completely. Join us in a new series, as author and practitioner, Langston Kahn, and host, Christina Pratt, discuss a literal and accessible path forward—from wherever you are—out of your unconscious, everyday repetition of history. With this experiential skillset you can step into the fierce, unyielding heart of transformative love and restorative justice with us and our global Deep Liberation Community.

**This show originally aired January 2021.**

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Listen live on Tuesdays at 11 AM Pacific For over 500+ podcasts go to: whyshamanismnow.com... Subscribe to the iTunes Podcast Library

Jan 4, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts

Circle Sanctuary's Circle Talk - New Circle Ministers Rev. Bear & Rev. Jufer

Join us on Circle Talk as we meet two of Circle Sanctuary’s new ministers. Rev. Andrew Bear and Rev. James Jufer, who were ordained during Samhain and will share with us their journey to ordination.

Tue, January 4, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox - Befana Night Ritual

Attune and commune with Befana, ancient Italian Crone Goddess & Christmas Witch. Connect with her symbols, lore, and magic on Her special night, January 5 in this ritual that includes invocations, meditation, and divination.

Wed, January 5, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Moon Magic with Jeanet and David Ewing - Icelandic Myths and Mysteries

Join us as we share stories from our recent trip to Iceland. Hear stories about trolls, elves, hidden people, ghosts and much more.

Thu, January 6, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]


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