Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Sacred Song: Art and Shamanism with Lauri Shainsky
Sacred sounds resonate with the original blueprint for life and for your life. Sacred song can be a direct path by which the shaman restores your resonance with your original self in your body in the moment, regardless of the stories your mind spins or the fears you believe in. Shamanic sound healing can be offered to others or practiced with the intention of self-healing, but either way you do not need to know how to sing. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, in this second episode of the new WSN series, Art and Shamanism, when our guest is shamanic sound healer and teacher, Lauri Shainsky, PhD. Lauri currently has a thriving practice in shamanic sound healing at Hidden Lake Retreat, outside of Portland Oregon. There she works with individuals and groups to rediscover sacred sound and how we can sing with the song the universe is singing of all life.
This week's guest:
Lauri Shainsky
Lauri currently has a thriving practice in shamanic sound healing at Hidden Lake Retreat, outside of Portland Oregon, which she co-owns and runs with her partner. Lauri has been practicing shamanism since 1998, and shamanic sound healing since 2005. Her primary teachers Jan Engels-Smith, Michael and Sandra Harner, Tom Kenyon, Tom Cowan and Betsy Bergstrom.
Before studying shamanism and sound healing, she was a faculty member in the Center for Science Education and the Graduate School of Education at Portland State University. She founded and was Executive Director of Wolftree, a nonprofit dedicated to science education in the outdoors for young people and she wrote grants and served as a consultant for environmental education non-profit organizations.
She teaches shamanic sound healing for Lightsong School of Shamanic Studies and is on the council for the School, serving as mentor, Associate Teacher and Healer. She is a ceremonial singer and sweat lodge water pourer. She is deeply committed to the Earth and the Earth's animals. Her mission is to serve others and earth through transformative experience with Spirit and Nature.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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