Feb 25, 2020


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Cycle of Transformation: Part Five

The last part of the Cycle of Transformation involves using all the skills you have learned in the cycle to dismantle your False Self. The False Self is more than the ego or the personality you identify with. It is an entire 'person' you constructed as a child to make certain that you fit in, get along with people, survive physically, and do nothing that scares you. The False Self always moves us away from our authenticity. To truly manifest a life guided by our authenticity and purpose in service of all living things, we must learn to recognize the False Self and free up the power we have locked away in it.

This week guest host Langston Kahn, senior teacher at the Last Mask Center, will interview
students who have completed the Cycle of Transformation and Dismantling the False Self, the last part of the 4-year training process offered which begins with a week-long residential workshop, Masks of Illusion and the Authentic Self. They will explore together what brought them to the Cycle, how their lives have been changed by their Dismantling and what it's like to be supported in transformation by a contemporary shamanic community.

**This show originally aired April 9, 2019.**

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 18, 2020


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Cycle of Transformation: Part Four

Traditionally, our Ancestors are meant to be a primary source of blessing, wisdom, love and protection. However, when the dead aren't tended well they hijack the living, their unresolved issues snowballing down the generations and becoming a source of disease and dysfunction. What if we could repair the dysfunction in our lineages and receive the full blessings we are meant to embody? What if with the wisdom of our ancestors we could vision and create a more beautiful world for our descendants?

This week Langston Kahn, guest host and a senior teacher at the Last Mask Center, will interview students involved in the fourth year of the Cycle of Transformation, the 4-year training process offered by the Last Mask Center, which continues in year four with a week-long residential workshop, Laying The Bones To Rest. They will explore together how their work with ancestors have changed their lives and their experience of vision and purpose deepened after four years of being held in this work by a contemporary shamanic community.

**This show originally aired March 26, 2019.**

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 16, 2020


Bikram yoga founder Bikram Choudhury trapped in Mexico after passport seized; fleet of CA cars to be auctioned

Once at the top of an international yoga empire, Bikram Choudhury is now on the run from creditors, hiding from an arrest warrant and trapped in Mexico where his bills are only growing.

Eyewitness News learned that the founder of the hot yoga brand, whose international Bikram Yoga empire is headquartered in West Los Angeles, had his passport seized in Mexico, where he failed to pay a $180,000 bill at the Princess Mundo Imperial Hotel.

The 76-year-old yogi is also accused of using his trademark name to market his teacher training sessions at the Acapulco resort in violation of court orders.

. . .

On his trail is the woman who brought him down. His former attorney, Micki Jafa-Bodden, won a $6.6 million sexual harassment and wrongful termination lawsuit. Four years after the court judgment, Jafa-Bodden is closing in on Bikram's hidden assets.

Feb 11, 2020


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Cycle of Transformation: Part Three

We are given so many stories by our culture that limit how we use our power. Often these stories involve what it means to be a man or a woman and what we are allowed or not allowed to do as a result. What if you were given the tools to dismantle every single story except I am one with all things. What would it feel like to viscerally experience your innate divinity, your connection to all living things and that your power and ability to co-create your life in alignment with your purpose is limitless? And then what if you could use that power to create the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible for the next seven generations?

This week Langston Kahn, guest host and a senior teacher at the Last Mask Center, will interview students involved in the third year of the Cycle of Transformation, the 4-year training process offered by the Last Mask Center, which continues in year three with a week-long residential workshop: The Sacred Self. They will explore together the inner transformation required to step up as leaders in their own lives and how their lives have changed and their experience of power, choice and how they use their energy has deepened after three years of being held in this work by a contemporary shamanic community.

**This show last aired March 19, 2019.**

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 4, 2020


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Cycle of Transformation: Part Two

What if the juiciest parts of yourself, your humor, your creativity, your sexuality were waiting for you in the shadow realms? What if the parts of yourself that had been judged, feared, rejected and repressed were actually necessary for you to live your soul's purpose? What would it feel like to bring those parts of yourself back into your fullness and to transform them into allies through love?

This week Langston Kahn, guest host and a senior teacher at the Last Mask Center, will interview students involved in the second year of the Cycle of Transformation, the 4-year training process offered by the Last Mask Center, which continues in year two with a week-long residential workshop, Dance of the Shadow Self. They will explore together what fears they held in anticipation of delving deeply into heart-centered shadow work, what differentiates shadow work in The Last Mask Community from other approaches and how their lives have been changed by their work.

**This show originally aired March 12, 2019.**

Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 1, 2020


Pema Chödrön steps down from Shambhala position

Pema Chödrön, a bestselling author and one of the best-known American Buddhist teachers, has stepped down as a senior teacher (acharya) in the Shambhala organization.

In a letter released yesterday, she states that she was ”disheartened” by news that Shambhala leader Sakyong Mipham may resume teaching this year with the approval of the organization’s board. Sakyong Mipham has currently “stepped back” from his roles in the community after allegations against him of sexual assault and clergy sexual misconduct.

“I experienced this news as such a disconnect from all that’s occurred in the last year and half,” Chödrön says in the letter. “It feels unkind, unskillful and unwise for the Sakyong to just go forward as if nothing had happened without relating compassionately to all of those who have been hurt and without doing some deep inner work on himself.”

While noting that “I haven’t actually served as an acharya for a long time, and I have been considering retiring for a few years,” she says that at this point “I do not feel that I can continue any longer as a representative and senior teacher of Shambhala given the unwise direction in which I feel we are going,” she says.

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