"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Tools for Reclaiming Wholeness in a Culture of Trauma – Part OneThe Deep Liberation Process invites us to discover how we can divest our energy and liberate our imagination from the oppressive systems and broken culture we inhabit. This is not a solo job. It is both personal and collective, but one we can only do together. If we learn to do that—to embrace and celebrate diversity, both human and nonhuman—then we will share in the manifestation of a more just and joyful future together. If we don’t, we are abandoning why we are here completely. Join us in a new series, as author and practitioner, Langston Kahn, and host, Christina Pratt, discuss a literal and accessible path forward—from wherever you are—out of your unconscious, everyday repetition of history. With this experiential skillset you can step into the fierce, unyielding heart of transformative love and restorative justice with us and our global Deep Liberation Community.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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