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"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Depression and Soul Retrieval
We may be able to measure the ways in which depression alters our brain chemistry. However, that does not prove that brain chemistry causes depression. One problem with the brain chemistry explanation is that it does nothing to help us ferret out the root cause of our depression, to make a change there at the root, and then to make new choices in life. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores the interrelationship between soul loss and depression. In shamanic healing practice we often find that soul loss is actually at the root of the depression. When soul parts are retrieved by an initiated shaman and integrated by the client the resulting changes show that the depression was not the issue, but was a side affect of the original soul loss. In other cases we find that the depression is a side affect of the fatigue and energy loss that results from the constant energy drain out the holes in the energy body created by soul loss. Finally, we see hopelessness and feelings of impotence arise from continual, unsuccessful efforts to heal soul loss through modalities other than shamanism. Whether the depression results from the content of the soul loss, the energetic mechanics of the soul loss, or the hopelessness that grows from trying to heal soul loss without soul retrieval, depression is your heart lamenting for the soul parts that have gone missing from your life.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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