Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
Today, August 31st, I noticed the first signs of Mercury retrograde on the road. Many instances of people jumping out impatiently, cutting people off, drifting out of lanes, directional signals not being used or being left on, and an extremely long funeral procession that I had to wait out before I could continue to my son’s school to pick him up. Lots of craziness!
With the Sun and Mercury now in a tighter orb of conjunction and the Moon in naturally impetuous and slightly scattered Gemini square to the Sun and Mercury on the morning of September 1st, please be extra careful in your commute, folks. Allow yourself some additional time to get where you need to be and be alert and aware. Wear your belts and watch the speed.
Aug 31, 2010
Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shamanism and Love
Why would the spirits bother to teach us about love? Because love is all there is. Think you've heard that before? We don't think so. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores Love as you've never heard it before. What is it love really? Why do you need it? Where do you find it? And, most importantly, how do we cultivate this most powerful essence energy in our lives? Let's face facts: couples are not necessarily in love, love is fleeting, and love always seems to show up where it shouldn't. Perhaps we don't really understand True Love as well as we think we do. From the beginning of our lives the very human flaws of the adults around us shape what we believe about love. Love is shaped, contorted, limited, and defined by our childhood experience. One of the most valuable uses of a contemporary shamanic skill set in every day life is to learn to live in love. When we are in love everything feels possible, we find humor in the quirks of life, a song in our heart and lightness in our step. And through shamanic skills you can be in love in any moment whether or not you have discovered the love of your life or even want to.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific
Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Aug 30, 2010
Horoscope for August 30-September 5
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Your thoughts and actions this week revolve around you and things that immediately concern you, Aries. You may be entering a new phase of relationship and as you share the news with others, you find that not all your friends are happy about “losing” you. Their perceptions of your beloved and the choices you are making with your life now are colored by their own attachments and dependency upon you. Actually, changes in your relationships now are ultimately liberating and energizing for everyone concerned, even if it feels strange or disruptive at this moment. Some health advice you receive or work rules you must adhere to may not be to your liking initially, but once you get over your immediate emotional resistance, you see the reason and can keep your focus on the desired outcome rather than the inconvenience. When you declare your love of life, the love you have for yourself and those you love, you feel like you rule the world – and you do.
Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
An interesting week is ahead for you, Taurus. Over the course of things first going your way, then maybe not going exactly as you had intended, you learn some valuable lessons about yourself and your need for acceptance and approval. At times, your creativity may be recognized and at other times, you may be overlooked, ignored, or criticized. The key lesson you learn this week is that your happiness and self worth are not dependent on any person, place, thing, or circumstance. You may notice that as soon as you decide to continue doing what makes you happy, perhaps investing your own time and money into a project that no one else wanted to back or support, that suddenly others take notice and are eager to follow along. Keeping love as the only option in all endeavors and exchanges makes you feel extremely valuable to yourself and all others.
Your thoughts and actions this week revolve around you and things that immediately concern you, Aries. You may be entering a new phase of relationship and as you share the news with others, you find that not all your friends are happy about “losing” you. Their perceptions of your beloved and the choices you are making with your life now are colored by their own attachments and dependency upon you. Actually, changes in your relationships now are ultimately liberating and energizing for everyone concerned, even if it feels strange or disruptive at this moment. Some health advice you receive or work rules you must adhere to may not be to your liking initially, but once you get over your immediate emotional resistance, you see the reason and can keep your focus on the desired outcome rather than the inconvenience. When you declare your love of life, the love you have for yourself and those you love, you feel like you rule the world – and you do.
An interesting week is ahead for you, Taurus. Over the course of things first going your way, then maybe not going exactly as you had intended, you learn some valuable lessons about yourself and your need for acceptance and approval. At times, your creativity may be recognized and at other times, you may be overlooked, ignored, or criticized. The key lesson you learn this week is that your happiness and self worth are not dependent on any person, place, thing, or circumstance. You may notice that as soon as you decide to continue doing what makes you happy, perhaps investing your own time and money into a project that no one else wanted to back or support, that suddenly others take notice and are eager to follow along. Keeping love as the only option in all endeavors and exchanges makes you feel extremely valuable to yourself and all others.
Astrological Trends for August 30-September 5
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
A day of practical purpose is in store for you on Monday, August 30th, when the Moon in stable Taurus trines retrograde Mercury in meticulous Virgo. Your emotions are intensified due to a Moon contra-parallel Pluto aspect in the morning. No matter what minor annoyances or interruptions come your way, nothing can deter you from working surely and steadily. Mercury is contra-parallel Jupiter and Uranus, enabling you to see the bigger picture and to follow a progressive, future-oriented plan. Issues surrounding relationships of all kinds are still highlighted while Venus and Mars are still conjunct in Libra. Some of the issues may deal with equality, fairness, or gender roles. Now that the Sun is well into the mutable earth sign of Virgo, joining the retrograde Mercury in Virgo, it makes any Mercury retrograde effects more noticeable. As you move through this week, you may experience more communication or transportation snafus than last week. The planet Mercury rules Gemini and as the Moon advances into the sign of Gemini mid-week, you will want to pay extra attention to all communication/transportation things. Instances of distraction and interruption are more likely once the Moon leaves the grounded sign of Taurus. A longer-term, weak but favorable aspect between Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius may signal a phase of rapid technological advancement for society as well as increased interest in the strange, unusual, or inspirational. Watch the news for more stories showing how science and spirituality are becoming one.
Waking to vague anxiety is possible on Tuesday, August 31st, when the Moon in Taurus square to Neptune in Aquarius may have you wondering how much tougher things might become for you and humanity. There is definitely a tendency to feel that you are struggling to endure without enough of something because of this worrisome aspect. But the Moon also aspects gentle Venus and relief from your worry can be found in sharing physical affection, cuddling with pets, or appreciating the material comforts you do have. Many people in this world do not have a full refrigerator or hot running water. Gratitude is a good attitude to have now. Sometimes when a difficult long-term aspect pattern which has become an integrated energy in your life begins to loosen its grip, you can feel a bit shaky. Even if the pattern was challenging, it became familiar and the loss of it can make you feel as though something significant is lacking in your life. Today may be a day where you are aware of such a feeling because Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra are no longer in a tight opposition and the larger T-square aspect pattern they were a part of is dissolving. Saturn in Libra is still square to Pluto in Capricorn, exposing anything less than truth and fairness in authority and power structures. Jupiter, the planet of growth, in initiating Aries and destabilizing Uranus in sensitive Pisces are still square to Pluto. Society as a whole is pushing for change in the old order, yet there may be discomfort from, or resistance to, those changes. Your fears subside and optimism lifts later today as the Moon supports Jupiter and Uranus. Late in the evening, the Moon moves into witty Gemini. A Moon/Pluto energy flow pumps passion and power into your thoughts and conversations.
A day of practical purpose is in store for you on Monday, August 30th, when the Moon in stable Taurus trines retrograde Mercury in meticulous Virgo. Your emotions are intensified due to a Moon contra-parallel Pluto aspect in the morning. No matter what minor annoyances or interruptions come your way, nothing can deter you from working surely and steadily. Mercury is contra-parallel Jupiter and Uranus, enabling you to see the bigger picture and to follow a progressive, future-oriented plan. Issues surrounding relationships of all kinds are still highlighted while Venus and Mars are still conjunct in Libra. Some of the issues may deal with equality, fairness, or gender roles. Now that the Sun is well into the mutable earth sign of Virgo, joining the retrograde Mercury in Virgo, it makes any Mercury retrograde effects more noticeable. As you move through this week, you may experience more communication or transportation snafus than last week. The planet Mercury rules Gemini and as the Moon advances into the sign of Gemini mid-week, you will want to pay extra attention to all communication/transportation things. Instances of distraction and interruption are more likely once the Moon leaves the grounded sign of Taurus. A longer-term, weak but favorable aspect between Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius may signal a phase of rapid technological advancement for society as well as increased interest in the strange, unusual, or inspirational. Watch the news for more stories showing how science and spirituality are becoming one.
Waking to vague anxiety is possible on Tuesday, August 31st, when the Moon in Taurus square to Neptune in Aquarius may have you wondering how much tougher things might become for you and humanity. There is definitely a tendency to feel that you are struggling to endure without enough of something because of this worrisome aspect. But the Moon also aspects gentle Venus and relief from your worry can be found in sharing physical affection, cuddling with pets, or appreciating the material comforts you do have. Many people in this world do not have a full refrigerator or hot running water. Gratitude is a good attitude to have now. Sometimes when a difficult long-term aspect pattern which has become an integrated energy in your life begins to loosen its grip, you can feel a bit shaky. Even if the pattern was challenging, it became familiar and the loss of it can make you feel as though something significant is lacking in your life. Today may be a day where you are aware of such a feeling because Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Libra are no longer in a tight opposition and the larger T-square aspect pattern they were a part of is dissolving. Saturn in Libra is still square to Pluto in Capricorn, exposing anything less than truth and fairness in authority and power structures. Jupiter, the planet of growth, in initiating Aries and destabilizing Uranus in sensitive Pisces are still square to Pluto. Society as a whole is pushing for change in the old order, yet there may be discomfort from, or resistance to, those changes. Your fears subside and optimism lifts later today as the Moon supports Jupiter and Uranus. Late in the evening, the Moon moves into witty Gemini. A Moon/Pluto energy flow pumps passion and power into your thoughts and conversations.
Aug 26, 2010
Mr. Deity Discovers Bureaucratic Red Tape
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
Mr. Deity doesn't follow the rules. He makes them up as he goes along. A bit capricious and unpredictable. Overall, a pretty accurate portrayal of the Biblical god... but even more like the Gnostic's Yaldabaoth.
Mr. Deity doesn't follow the rules. He makes them up as he goes along. A bit capricious and unpredictable. Overall, a pretty accurate portrayal of the Biblical god... but even more like the Gnostic's Yaldabaoth.
In the Apocryphon of John circa 120-180 AD, the Demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself:
Now the archon (ruler) who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas (“fool”), and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, "I am God and there is no other God beside me," for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.[21]
Aug 24, 2010
Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shamanism and Sex
"Sex is meant to be a mainline to Spirit for anyone," explains shaman and host, Christina Pratt. "Spirit is constantly teaching that being in right relationship with others requires a robust and healthy sex life-at least with your self." Join us this week as we continue the summer "blockbuster" series by looking into what shamanism has to teach us about the big issues-death, life, love and sex. In some traditional cultures the shaman or the diviner has a literally sexual relationship with his/her helping spirits in the spirit world. In all shamanic cultures a true working relationship with Spirit is at least energetically and spiritually intimate. While this is an interesting fact to throw around at cocktail parties, what is more interesting is "why?" What are the spirits trying to teach us about interconnection, Oneness and the transmission of energies? First, that the capacity for intimacy is essential for mental, emotional, and physical health. Second, that the path to a robust and fulfilling sex life can be lead by Spirit. And finally, that a path to Spirit can be found in the paradoxical grace of the intimacy found at the heart of orgasmic pleasure.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific
Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Aug 23, 2010
Horoscope for August 23-29
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
You have a busy week ahead of you, Aries. Work demands a great deal of your time. Some of that time may not be spent on work itself, but on the relationships you have with people related to your job. You may have been keeping a secret, looking the other way, making allowances, or covering for someone and this just doesn’t feel good anymore. Perhaps you have simply been taken advantage of and now you are becoming aware of this fact. Whatever the complication may be, you will go through several stages surrounding the issue this week. First, you will become aware of an imbalance and you may try to change things in a non-confrontational way. When that fails, you withdraw to gather your thoughts before you take a stand. Finally, the situation is resolved and you reclaim your sovereignty and integrity.
Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
A wonderfully creative week is in store for you, Taurus. Bulls who work in theater, the arts, advertising, or any field where aesthetics and visual beauty are important will be in top form and high demand now. The first half of the week finds you loving every minute of your enthusiastic flow of creativity. You may use your mate as a sounding board for your ideas or find a romantic spark is kindled between you and a collaborative partner, which makes the work even more exciting. So much energy being used on the mental and physical level takes its toll near the end of the week and you may find it necessary to recharge your batteries and spend time alone. The stars hint you may not be completely alone this weekend, when the evenings hold the promise of shared affection.
You have a busy week ahead of you, Aries. Work demands a great deal of your time. Some of that time may not be spent on work itself, but on the relationships you have with people related to your job. You may have been keeping a secret, looking the other way, making allowances, or covering for someone and this just doesn’t feel good anymore. Perhaps you have simply been taken advantage of and now you are becoming aware of this fact. Whatever the complication may be, you will go through several stages surrounding the issue this week. First, you will become aware of an imbalance and you may try to change things in a non-confrontational way. When that fails, you withdraw to gather your thoughts before you take a stand. Finally, the situation is resolved and you reclaim your sovereignty and integrity.
A wonderfully creative week is in store for you, Taurus. Bulls who work in theater, the arts, advertising, or any field where aesthetics and visual beauty are important will be in top form and high demand now. The first half of the week finds you loving every minute of your enthusiastic flow of creativity. You may use your mate as a sounding board for your ideas or find a romantic spark is kindled between you and a collaborative partner, which makes the work even more exciting. So much energy being used on the mental and physical level takes its toll near the end of the week and you may find it necessary to recharge your batteries and spend time alone. The stars hint you may not be completely alone this weekend, when the evenings hold the promise of shared affection.
Astrological Trends for August 23-29
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
“What do you mean, watch out for Mercury retrograde,” you may wonder on Monday, August 23rd. If anything, the Sun entering Virgo in the same cerebral earth sign as Mercury feels like a fresh wind in the sails of your mind. Favorable aspects between the Sun and Jupiter/Uranus as well as Pluto and Saturn will make you excited about taking a new look at old plans, ideas, or systems and finding ways to make them work – or work better. The Moon in future-minded Aquarius supports Mercury in analytical Virgo and the Venus/Mars conjunction in the cardinal air sign of Libra. The Moon is nearly full, enhancing your urge to gather information and make informed choices which benefit both yourself and others. When the Moon joins Neptune later today, it will tip the Venus/Mars energy from diplomatic concerns to romantic yearnings. A gentle tickle from Mercury to Venus/Mars gives you the gift of poetic prose and charming pick up lines that just might work. A wink between the Moon/Neptune/Chiron and Jupiter/Uranus tells me you might be lucky in love tonight.
Some disorientation or scattering of energy is possible at the onset of Tuesday, August 24th, as the Moon in late-degree Aquarius moves into early Pisces and peaks at full as it opposes the Sun. The trine between the Sun and Pluto as well as a supportive Moon/Saturn aspect help you to apply willpower, focus, and determination to get you up to speed and back on track no matter how strongly the Moon is pulling at your emotions. The Moon in Pisces is often a crazy time when people respond and react from subconscious, hidden levels. The fullness of the Moon only makes it crazier and it may be best to set some time aside for retreat and contemplation. Do your thing and allow others to do theirs. You can use the power of this Moon to tune in to your Higher Self through meditation, your past lives through hypnosis or other spirits present or past, through setting your intent and waiting quietly for a reply. This evening, the Moon enhances Pluto, the Transformer, in Capricorn and Saturn, the Teacher, in Libra. An understanding and healing of a loss or difficult relationship is possible through release and forgiveness.
“What do you mean, watch out for Mercury retrograde,” you may wonder on Monday, August 23rd. If anything, the Sun entering Virgo in the same cerebral earth sign as Mercury feels like a fresh wind in the sails of your mind. Favorable aspects between the Sun and Jupiter/Uranus as well as Pluto and Saturn will make you excited about taking a new look at old plans, ideas, or systems and finding ways to make them work – or work better. The Moon in future-minded Aquarius supports Mercury in analytical Virgo and the Venus/Mars conjunction in the cardinal air sign of Libra. The Moon is nearly full, enhancing your urge to gather information and make informed choices which benefit both yourself and others. When the Moon joins Neptune later today, it will tip the Venus/Mars energy from diplomatic concerns to romantic yearnings. A gentle tickle from Mercury to Venus/Mars gives you the gift of poetic prose and charming pick up lines that just might work. A wink between the Moon/Neptune/Chiron and Jupiter/Uranus tells me you might be lucky in love tonight.
Some disorientation or scattering of energy is possible at the onset of Tuesday, August 24th, as the Moon in late-degree Aquarius moves into early Pisces and peaks at full as it opposes the Sun. The trine between the Sun and Pluto as well as a supportive Moon/Saturn aspect help you to apply willpower, focus, and determination to get you up to speed and back on track no matter how strongly the Moon is pulling at your emotions. The Moon in Pisces is often a crazy time when people respond and react from subconscious, hidden levels. The fullness of the Moon only makes it crazier and it may be best to set some time aside for retreat and contemplation. Do your thing and allow others to do theirs. You can use the power of this Moon to tune in to your Higher Self through meditation, your past lives through hypnosis or other spirits present or past, through setting your intent and waiting quietly for a reply. This evening, the Moon enhances Pluto, the Transformer, in Capricorn and Saturn, the Teacher, in Libra. An understanding and healing of a loss or difficult relationship is possible through release and forgiveness.
Aug 22, 2010
The Myth of Traditional Marriage
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
There's an excellent article in the Huffington Post on the recent Prop 8 decision and the erroneous religious argument against it.
There's an excellent article in the Huffington Post on the recent Prop 8 decision and the erroneous religious argument against it.
Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to allow resumption of legal same-sex weddings in California has right-wing Christians claiming his ruling against Proposition 8 threatens "Bible believing Christians." I've read the Bible pretty carefully myself (I read it cover to cover when I was in high school) and even taught it as a college professor. It is not a source I'd turn to in order to defend traditional marriage, but I think it does offer ways to think about ethical marriage.
The Bible presents multiple views of marriage, and most actual marriages it depicts are terrible by modern standards. "Traditional marriages" in ancient biblical times were arranged as transfers of the ownership of daughters. The tenth commandment lists wives among properties like houses and slaves: "You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor" (Exodus 20:17, also found in Deuteronomy 5:21). Marriages occurred via deception, kidnapping, adulterous seductions, theft, rape, and murder, and were often in multiples so that the pater familias could amass land, flocks, and progeny and cement political alliances. Abraham, David, and Solomon had marriages that would be illegal today. The book of Hosea likens the mercy of God to a husband who has the right to beat or kill his adulterous wife, but spares her -- for this, she was supposed to be grateful. When women seek marriages, such as Naomi arranged for Ruth, it was to avoid an even worse fate such as destitution.
Aug 19, 2010
The Secrets of the Queen's Chamber
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
Without much fanfare, a fresh attempt to discover the secrets of the Queen's Chamber in the main pyramid at Giza was recently announced.
Without much fanfare, a fresh attempt to discover the secrets of the Queen's Chamber in the main pyramid at Giza was recently announced.
Leeds University in the UK is teaming with the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt and a team of international engineers to construct the bot, which is also known as the Djedi project after the magician consulted by Egypt's King Khufu as he planned the layout of his pyramid. The structure was built over a 20-year period thought to end around 2560 BC.
The Djedi bot is equipped with a mini ultrasonic device that can tap on walls and listen to the response to help determine the thickness and condition of the stone, and a coring drill that can penetrate the rock (if necessary) while removing the minimum amount of material necessary.
It has a precision compass and inclinometer to measure the orientation of the shafts. Importantly, it's also fitted with lights and a "snake camera" that can see around corners--and hopefully yield new information into the curved air shafts, which were discovered in 1872 by a British engineer named Waynman Dixon.
During a mission in 1992, archaeologists sent another robot, named Upuaut 2, up one of the tunnels and found it blocked by a limestone door with two copper handles. Ten years later, researchers drilled through that door, only to find another one about 8 inches away.
Aug 17, 2010
Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shamanism and Life
What are the powerful and precise teachings about living life that we learn from the practice of shamanism? Our most popular guest, Martin Brennan, joins shaman and host, Christina Pratt, to share the universal and important life lessons he has learned from shamanism. Join us this week Martin's list of the five things necessary for a robust and rich life filled with laughter, good work, and good relationship. 1. The balance of focus and surrender, humility and empowerment needed for successful shamanic journeying is precisely the stance needed to enter in to right relationship with others and ultimately the self. 2. Sacrifice is essential to engage spirit in the discovery of your true calling. 3. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing in ritual, which allows depth in transformation and expression. 4. There is incredible power in the spirit world to help you, but you must ask. And finally, use your life to transform you; that's what its there for. This week we continue the summer "blockbuster" series as we look into what shamanism has to teach us about the big issues-death, life, love and sex.
This week's guest:
Martin Brennan
Martin Brennan possesses a deep commitment to helping people (including himself) remember how to feed their love, starve their fears, and live boldly. Martin has studied spirituality and leadership for over twenty years. These dual passions have lead him to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer, work with street children in the developing world, earn a MA in Creation Spirituality form Naropa University, work as a Diversity and Leadership Trainer in corporate America, and travel to over 40 countries on six continents. Martin has also studied, practiced and instructed the principles of shamanism for the past 12 years. For the past 10 years, Martin has assisted the Cycle of Transformation Retreats with shaman, Christina Pratt, of Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing. He is the first and only apprentice in line to teach this path of shamanic awakening to power and heart. Martin believes firmly that each and every one of us brings a unique gift to this world, and the responsibility to cultivate it, hone it, and share it openly.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific
Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Aug 16, 2010
Horoscope for August 16-22
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
Creativity is the driving force behind your week, Aries. You are striving to bring a feeling forward that expresses a personal view of Heaven or a more inspired way of living. Meanwhile, relationship issues are pulling at you and responsibilities at work are taking a lion’s share of your time, preventing you from putting all your focus on the creative urge within. Paperwork and communication tasks may be the last thing you feel like doing, but the choice may not be yours to make or there is no one else to do the work. Midweek, a partner may express some discontent over the workload you are shouldering now. The truth is that you would like some time to yourself as much as you would like to have a romantic interlude. Later this week, your hidden genius emerges and you are finally able to catch that elusive storyline or mix the right color or even conceive a child, if that is what you have been wishing for. Expect a bolt from the blue.
Home sweet home is where you long to be this week, Taurus, but the outer world is pulling against that. Are you able to cut back on work hours a bit or work out of your home to satisfy that desire? You may be able to free up some time for yourself by delegating (what a concept!) tasks to others. I know delegating is a concept foreign to your basic nature, but it can do wonders for your health. The planets would like you to watch the scales now and pay attention to your diet, exercise, and beauty rest. Get outdoors and walk. The deep breathing and time to think that walking offers will keep you at the top of the game while you are in demand. You may have an unusual and entertaining house guest late in the week.
Creativity is the driving force behind your week, Aries. You are striving to bring a feeling forward that expresses a personal view of Heaven or a more inspired way of living. Meanwhile, relationship issues are pulling at you and responsibilities at work are taking a lion’s share of your time, preventing you from putting all your focus on the creative urge within. Paperwork and communication tasks may be the last thing you feel like doing, but the choice may not be yours to make or there is no one else to do the work. Midweek, a partner may express some discontent over the workload you are shouldering now. The truth is that you would like some time to yourself as much as you would like to have a romantic interlude. Later this week, your hidden genius emerges and you are finally able to catch that elusive storyline or mix the right color or even conceive a child, if that is what you have been wishing for. Expect a bolt from the blue.
Home sweet home is where you long to be this week, Taurus, but the outer world is pulling against that. Are you able to cut back on work hours a bit or work out of your home to satisfy that desire? You may be able to free up some time for yourself by delegating (what a concept!) tasks to others. I know delegating is a concept foreign to your basic nature, but it can do wonders for your health. The planets would like you to watch the scales now and pay attention to your diet, exercise, and beauty rest. Get outdoors and walk. The deep breathing and time to think that walking offers will keep you at the top of the game while you are in demand. You may have an unusual and entertaining house guest late in the week.
Astrological Trends for August 16-22
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
The Moon in persnickety Virgo squares the Sun in exuberant Leo on Monday, August 16th, for a good part of the day. This mildly awkward energy may cause feelings of frustration when you want to take action, but rules and proper methods of operation prevent you from moving ahead quickly. Sometimes precautions must be taken and patience and delay can have a purpose. The Sun contra-parallel Neptune today can make you a bit dreamy, romantic, and gullible. Later this evening, the Moon in seductive Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius, which can bring out the deceptive side of Neptune. The Moon also makes a favorable aspect to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. While Jupiter and Uranus are retrograde, the dark sides of both those planets are likely to manifest. You may find yourself believing the stories of an unstable, but highly stimulating, individual against your better judgment. The Venus/Mars conjunction still has libidos amped up and this could be an evening where the unusual or taboo holds a strong appeal. Playing is fine, but don’t expect to play for keeps now.
You are chomping at the bit to advance a cause on Tuesday, August 17th. The day begins with the Moon in high-minded Sagittarius exchanging positive energy with Jupiter/Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto. You have the idealism, energy, and staying power to spearhead a movement that benefits many. Later in the day, the Moon is in harmony with Mars, the planet of action and Venus, the planet of affection and pleasure, conjunct in Libra, the sign of relationship. Share an outdoor activity with your partner to make the most of the stimulating and adventurous energy. The Leo Sun is now in opposition to Neptune in Aquarius the rest of this week. Your newest creative ideas may suddenly seem unobtainable or impractical. This is just a temporary illusion and when the Sun moves on later next week, the fog will lift. With a Mercury retrograde cycle about to begin this Friday, it may be best to put new things to the side, anyway. A new project almost always involves a heavier communication load, which is just the kind of load Mercury delights in tipping over!
The Moon in persnickety Virgo squares the Sun in exuberant Leo on Monday, August 16th, for a good part of the day. This mildly awkward energy may cause feelings of frustration when you want to take action, but rules and proper methods of operation prevent you from moving ahead quickly. Sometimes precautions must be taken and patience and delay can have a purpose. The Sun contra-parallel Neptune today can make you a bit dreamy, romantic, and gullible. Later this evening, the Moon in seductive Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius, which can bring out the deceptive side of Neptune. The Moon also makes a favorable aspect to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. While Jupiter and Uranus are retrograde, the dark sides of both those planets are likely to manifest. You may find yourself believing the stories of an unstable, but highly stimulating, individual against your better judgment. The Venus/Mars conjunction still has libidos amped up and this could be an evening where the unusual or taboo holds a strong appeal. Playing is fine, but don’t expect to play for keeps now.
You are chomping at the bit to advance a cause on Tuesday, August 17th. The day begins with the Moon in high-minded Sagittarius exchanging positive energy with Jupiter/Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto. You have the idealism, energy, and staying power to spearhead a movement that benefits many. Later in the day, the Moon is in harmony with Mars, the planet of action and Venus, the planet of affection and pleasure, conjunct in Libra, the sign of relationship. Share an outdoor activity with your partner to make the most of the stimulating and adventurous energy. The Leo Sun is now in opposition to Neptune in Aquarius the rest of this week. Your newest creative ideas may suddenly seem unobtainable or impractical. This is just a temporary illusion and when the Sun moves on later next week, the fog will lift. With a Mercury retrograde cycle about to begin this Friday, it may be best to put new things to the side, anyway. A new project almost always involves a heavier communication load, which is just the kind of load Mercury delights in tipping over!
Aug 15, 2010
Understanding Sacred Geometry... and the Universe
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
Math is taught all wrong. This has long been my contention. I was a terrible math student and today I can barely balance my own checkbook. Yet, when I first heard the term "sacred geometry" I felt like I was waking from a dream. It was one of the strongest intuitive pulls I've ever felt. It would seem that Michael S. Schneider has a similar take on the problems with math education. Scheider is the author of my favorite and most frequently recommended book on sacred geometry A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe. He has a gift for explaining these concepts in very simple, pragmatic terms. I wish he'd been my math teacher. I'd be better off.
Math is taught all wrong. This has long been my contention. I was a terrible math student and today I can barely balance my own checkbook. Yet, when I first heard the term "sacred geometry" I felt like I was waking from a dream. It was one of the strongest intuitive pulls I've ever felt. It would seem that Michael S. Schneider has a similar take on the problems with math education. Scheider is the author of my favorite and most frequently recommended book on sacred geometry A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe. He has a gift for explaining these concepts in very simple, pragmatic terms. I wish he'd been my math teacher. I'd be better off.
Aug 11, 2010
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
Bulgarian archaeologists claim discovery of John the Baptist's bones?
Bulgarian archaeologists claim discovery of John the Baptist's bones?
An ancient alabaster reliquary, a box for relics, was found embedded in an altar at the ruins of a fifth-century monastery on the tiny Black Sea island of Sveti Ivan. On Sunday, the excavation's leader, Kazimir Popkonstantinov, carefully pried open the miniature casket at a ceremony attended by local government figures and an Eastern Orthodox bishop in the nearby coastal town of Sozopol.
Inside, researchers found parts of a cranium, tooth and arm bone, according to Bulgarian news agency Novinite. Further tests are now being carried out on the remains, and the country's culture minister, Vezhdi Rashidov, declared that people should wait for results before making "emotional statements" about the identity of the bones' original owner.
But Popkonstantinov is convinced that the fragments belong to Jesus' baptizer, largely because a Greek inscription on the 8-inch-long, 4-inch-high and 4-inch-wide reliquary mentions June 24, the date Orthodox and Catholic Christians celebrate John the Baptist's birth.
Aug 10, 2010
Natal Chart Analysis for Antonio Banderas
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Happy Birthday, Antonio Banderas! Born August 10, 1960.
Every day I post celebrity birthdays on Twitter. This is something I enjoy doing because I get to learn more about the celebrities as people when I read their short biographies and I also get to look at their charts. Almost every chart of a famous person has something that jumps out at me and proves to me how astrology really works.
Today I lingered a bit on Antonio’s chart (what female astrologer wouldn’t?) and a few things jumped out at me immediately that clearly show why he is such an attractive man and popular actor – especially with the ladies.
Many charts with an acting vibe often have Neptune in the 1st house of self, which gives the individual the ability to be chameleon-like in their appearance and projection. A 1st house Neptune individual can intuit how another wishes them to appear or behave and they naturally step into the role. Banderas does not have Neptune in the 1st house, but he does have a Pisces Ascendant. Neptune is the ruling planet for the sign of Pisces, so the shadow and presence of Neptune energy can be felt in the 1st house almost as strongly as if the planet itself was there. And where is Neptune in his chart? The 8th house of sex in the sensitive water sign of Scorpio. How is that for deep sensitivity and emotional intensity?
Happy Birthday, Antonio Banderas! Born August 10, 1960.
Every day I post celebrity birthdays on Twitter. This is something I enjoy doing because I get to learn more about the celebrities as people when I read their short biographies and I also get to look at their charts. Almost every chart of a famous person has something that jumps out at me and proves to me how astrology really works.
Today I lingered a bit on Antonio’s chart (what female astrologer wouldn’t?) and a few things jumped out at me immediately that clearly show why he is such an attractive man and popular actor – especially with the ladies.
Many charts with an acting vibe often have Neptune in the 1st house of self, which gives the individual the ability to be chameleon-like in their appearance and projection. A 1st house Neptune individual can intuit how another wishes them to appear or behave and they naturally step into the role. Banderas does not have Neptune in the 1st house, but he does have a Pisces Ascendant. Neptune is the ruling planet for the sign of Pisces, so the shadow and presence of Neptune energy can be felt in the 1st house almost as strongly as if the planet itself was there. And where is Neptune in his chart? The 8th house of sex in the sensitive water sign of Scorpio. How is that for deep sensitivity and emotional intensity?
Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shamanism and Death
"The things we learn about life from working with the dead," says shaman and host, Christina Pratt, "are timeless and priceless." One of the shaman's traditional roles is the psychopomp, or guide of souls. A psychopomp escorts the newly deceased souls to the afterlife, providing safe passage and often comfort or guidance in reconciling life and letting go. And on that journey the dead do tell tales... We are precisely who we have crafted ourselves to be with our lives. Nothing changes at death. The dead teach us that is critically important to live well and to live fully now. What ever you are cultivating now with your time and attention will be your legacy. Will your legacy be one of depression, shopping, and chasing tail? Or will you hand on something of meaning and purpose to your descendants? When the dead do not receive the guidance that they need to complete the journey or they simply can't let go, their unresolved energies remain, plaguing their descendants with a legacy of the same habits and addictions. Working to clear the energies of the dead teaches us that everything matters, everything can be changed with the help of spirit, and there is always hope. This week we begin a summer "blockbuster" series as we look into what shamanism has to teach us about the big issues-death, life, love and sex.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific
Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Aug 9, 2010
Mayan Grand Elder: Live Address
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, the Grand Elder of the Maya, for whom Drunvalo Melchizedek has been delivering information in previous addresses, will be doing a live internet event starting August 15th. According to Drunvalo, it is only over roughly the last year that the Maya have been willing to set the record straight on the meaning of the long count calendar, based on their traditions and practices.
Also, Drunvalo has posted a Q&A from his last lecture and it's very, very interesting.
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, the Grand Elder of the Maya, for whom Drunvalo Melchizedek has been delivering information in previous addresses, will be doing a live internet event starting August 15th. According to Drunvalo, it is only over roughly the last year that the Maya have been willing to set the record straight on the meaning of the long count calendar, based on their traditions and practices.
Also, Drunvalo has posted a Q&A from his last lecture and it's very, very interesting.
Aug 7, 2010
Cardinal Grand Cross August 6th & 7th, 2010
Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
The Grand Cross holds the possibility of pivotal crisis and change for many people. The Moon is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, which is associated with the fourth house of home, parents (especially mother), root belief, and the foundation of the soul. The Moon rules Cancer and is at ease here. I am hearing the expression “coming home to roost” when I consider this lunation. The most important part of this grand cross event is the emotional aspect, in my opinion. The Moon opposes Pluto in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is associated with the tenth house, sometimes father, our home or place in the outer world where we become an authority or are respected, our career. When Pluto aspects the Moon, feelings are magnified and become more extreme or dramatic. When it is a challenging aspect, such as this opposition, the negative emotions of fear and anger are more likely to be evident. Just by being aware that you may have a flood of emotions all at once now may help you to play the role of observer rather than reactor.
For a while now, we have all been experiencing the T-square dynamics involving Saturn in Libra opposing a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aries. Mars and Venus have recently joined Saturn in Libra. Aries is a cardinal fire sign that has to do with self identification and self assertion. Its home is the first house of self. Libra is a cardinal air sign with seventh house association. Relationships, the self and another are highlighted. Both sides of that opposition are in square aspect to Pluto. It’s been feeling a bit like a volcano getting ready to blow. Now that the Moon in Cancer has opposed Pluto and squared Saturn/Venus/Mars and Jupiter/Uranus, we have a complete geometry of a Grand Cross. With the energy of crisis comes the final breakdown of something that has to collapse. While some situations may not appear positive, now is not the best time to determine good/bad. It is better to simply accept what is and allow your emotions to rise for observation.
The Grand Cross holds the possibility of pivotal crisis and change for many people. The Moon is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer, which is associated with the fourth house of home, parents (especially mother), root belief, and the foundation of the soul. The Moon rules Cancer and is at ease here. I am hearing the expression “coming home to roost” when I consider this lunation. The most important part of this grand cross event is the emotional aspect, in my opinion. The Moon opposes Pluto in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is associated with the tenth house, sometimes father, our home or place in the outer world where we become an authority or are respected, our career. When Pluto aspects the Moon, feelings are magnified and become more extreme or dramatic. When it is a challenging aspect, such as this opposition, the negative emotions of fear and anger are more likely to be evident. Just by being aware that you may have a flood of emotions all at once now may help you to play the role of observer rather than reactor.
For a while now, we have all been experiencing the T-square dynamics involving Saturn in Libra opposing a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aries. Mars and Venus have recently joined Saturn in Libra. Aries is a cardinal fire sign that has to do with self identification and self assertion. Its home is the first house of self. Libra is a cardinal air sign with seventh house association. Relationships, the self and another are highlighted. Both sides of that opposition are in square aspect to Pluto. It’s been feeling a bit like a volcano getting ready to blow. Now that the Moon in Cancer has opposed Pluto and squared Saturn/Venus/Mars and Jupiter/Uranus, we have a complete geometry of a Grand Cross. With the energy of crisis comes the final breakdown of something that has to collapse. While some situations may not appear positive, now is not the best time to determine good/bad. It is better to simply accept what is and allow your emotions to rise for observation.
Aug 5, 2010
What is the Light Body?
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
The discussion between William Henry and Whitley Strieber, posted in the player below, is brief but dense. I also highly recommend following the link to the electronic edition of Blake's book above, after listening to the interview. Also, kind of interesting synchronicity can be found here.
The discussion between William Henry and Whitley Strieber, posted in the player below, is brief but dense. I also highly recommend following the link to the electronic edition of Blake's book above, after listening to the interview. Also, kind of interesting synchronicity can be found here.
Aug 4, 2010
Mr. Deity Has Anger Issues
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
Pretty hard to miss that if you've read much of the Old Testament.
Pretty hard to miss that if you've read much of the Old Testament.
Aug 3, 2010
Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
The Initiation Series Wrap Up: Remembering True Initiation
In the opening of Curing our Cultural Sickness: The Initiation Series on June 8th, shaman and host, Christina Pratt, presented the hypothesis that the lack of meaningful or functional initiation from childhood to adulthood is at the root of much of our cultural sickness. In the weeks that followed Christina interviewed a diverse range of shamans in the hopes that in hearing about the qualities of the experiences that actually transformed them from many different perspectives we could remember again what true initiation is. We learned that humility, the willingness to be empty, and asking our questions from that uncertain stance is essential to engage the initiatory potential in experience. We learned that pain, sacrifice, and a willingness to feel are all critical. And finally we learned that allowing oneself to be transformed not once, but at least three layers deeply into ourselves is necessary to even begin to call an experience "initiatory." Join us this week as we explore all that we learned from these stories of initiation and what that means for our culture going forward.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific
Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Aug 2, 2010
Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
We might be a few steps closer to having our "molecules scrambled by that contraption."

We might be a few steps closer to having our "molecules scrambled by that contraption."
"Quantum entanglement" may sound like an awful sci-fi romance flick, but it's actually a phenomenon that physicists say may someday lead to the ability to teleport an object all the way across the galaxy instantly.
It's not exactly the Star Trek version of teleportation, where an object disappears then reappears somewhere else. Rather, it "entangles" two different atoms so that one atom inherits the properties of another.
. . .
Quantum entanglement isn't a new idea — Einstein once famously referred to it as "spooky action at a distance" — but it wasn't until the past 30 years that scientists were first able to observe this process.
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