Nov 30, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

What do you ask a shaman?

Can shamanism help with mental illness? What about my depression? Am I cheating myself out of healing by taking my pharmaceuticals? Can you heal my father's dementia? Does shamanic healing work long distance? How do I "pay the rent" with powerful psychoactive plants and stay in good relationship with the spirit world? Why does gratitude matter? Tune in this week for answers to these and many other listener questions. Shaman and host, Christina Pratt, explains, "Many of the questions we receive are thoughtful and complex. They come in after the shows, via email. This show is dedicated to circling back around to answer many of them." We will clarify what a shaman means when they say that experiential learning "writes on your bones" and why that matters. We will explore the difference between "entering the Void" and moving in the Taoistic nature of things. Finally, we will look at how shamans understand that while we are not our body, the fact that we are here in a body is essential to living our soul's purpose and doing what we have come into this life to do.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 28, 2010

Horoscope for November 29 - December 5

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Relationships, both personal and professional, are your primary concern this week, Aries. The personal variety appears to be easier and more enjoyable than the professional, but there can be a mutually rewarding business partnership that can be negotiated during the middle of your busy week. Negotiations will be another main topic. You seek and share information and utilize the power of the mind and persuasive speech to further your goals. Some may say you have a hidden agenda and they would be correct. Where you stand in life now – especially career-wise – feels like a rest stop, not a final destination. You may not even be consciously aware of the goal, but you feel deep down inside that something new, bigger, and better is possible. The power of future potential drives you now and you use your people and leadership skills to sway groups. The new moon on Sunday prompts a serious conversation with a lover or partner. It is important to you that long-range dreams are in harmony and you want the assurance of a commitment now. You want a partner to understand that the time you take to advance your own knowledge and career benefits not just you, but the relationship, as well.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Your job description may become unclear this week, Taurus. The planets indicate that you may currently be a jack of all trades in your work environment. Experimental, creative, or temporary assignments spring up like mushrooms now. Powerful passionate thoughts and words are flowing. The “I love you – do you love me?” conversations or the zeal you express over a subject close to your heart make those around you roll their eyes, but they have to admit that you’re a happier, more relaxed and flexible Bull when the love light is in your eyes. An on-the-job romance is possible now or joining forces with your mate to begin a business is another possibility now. Material gains can flow from a business partnership, marriage, or investments with the arrival of new moon energy on Sunday. If you are single and decide to choose just one person from among several potential partners, you may break a few hopeful hearts. Not everyone attracted to you now wants to hear, “Let’s be friends.”

Astrological Trends for November 29 - December 5

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

The focus on the holiday season increases on Monday, November 29th, as the sun progresses in the merry fire sign of Sagittarius. A semi-sextile between the moon in detail-oriented Virgo and Saturn in Libra turns your attention to holiday planning. Mercury, the planet of communication, conjunct Mars, the planet of action, in Sagittarius forms helpful sextiles to both Venus in Libra and Neptune conjunct Chiron in Aquarius. This energy promotes the feeling of goodwill to mankind and you may find yourself wanting to do more for others than for yourself now. The Mercury/Mars conjunction in Sagittarius exchanges difficult energy through a square aspect to Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces. This aspect is in effect until next week and because it acts like an impediment to growth, change, and the ability to put plans fully into action, it can feel similar to a Mercury retrograde period. On the mundane level, you can expect gasoline prices to increase. Late this afternoon, around rush hour, the moon in Virgo squares both Mercury/Mars in Sagittarius and opposes Jupiter/Uranus in Pisces. With Mercury and Mars already squaring Jupiter/Uranus, we now have an awkward T-square in mutable signs, creating mental stress that can affect transportation and communication. Please be considerate and cautious during your evening commute and patient in your exchanges with others while the planetary energy is serving up a helping of discontent, irritability, and frustration. In the evening, the moon quincunx Neptune conjunct Chiron in Aquarius lifts hopes and moods. It feels good to be home. Connecting with friends online, playing games, or watching a movie is a relaxing end to a busy day.

Nov 26, 2010

Mr. Deity on Good, Evil, and David Caruso

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

This was just the kind of chuckle I needed this morning. Mr. Deity figures out how to let himself off the hook for all the evil in the world.

Nov 24, 2010

New James Arthur Ray Offer: Health, Wealth, and Vitality!

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Hat tip to the Salty Droid for the most recent addition to the James Arthur Ray audacity files. A while ago I posted on Ray's inability (unwillingness?) to reimburse people for seminars he never gave... due to the whole baking people to death in a sweat lodge fall-out.

Am I the only one who sees some irony in someone offering to "mentor" people in "Harmonic Wealth®" because he can't afford to pay them back the money he owes them?

As the Droid points out, nowhere in the email is it explicitly stated that accepting the offered program voids your right to sue for, or in any other sense expect, recompense for the canceled events. For that information you have to look at the disclaimers page which is about as clear as most legalese. The Droid, being an attorney, has helpfully zeroed in on the relevant passage to make that clearer. Unfortunately, I doubt the majority of Ray's students read the Salty Droid.

Nov 23, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Shamanic Healing for Animals

Have you ever wondered if shamanic healing might help your animal or pet? Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt speaks with Carla Meeske, the shaman who pioneered Shamanic Method for Animal Communication. Shamanic healing with animals is the same in many ways as it is with humans. Animals lose soul parts and take on invasive energies, for example, just like humans do. At the same time, animals are different. They have animal tribes with members in the physical world and the invisible world, deeply interwoven soul stories with their humans, and they don't carry ancestral illnesses as humans do. Shamanic healing for animals gives the humans a way to know what a pet feels and needs to bring an animal relief. Often this healing involves giving the human rich advice from the animal. Shamanic skills also give humans a way to attend compassionately and completely to the dying and death of a beloved pet. Join us as we explore the rich and extraordinary gifts that come to us from our animals and their shamanic healing.

This week's guest:
Carla Meeske

Carla Meeske (formerly Carla Person) has been offering shamanism and animal communication for clients across the globe since 1998. A published author and acclaimed instructor, she teaches Shamanism through Carla teaches through distance education and live workshops. Her courses are geared toward healing animals, but the path involves deep personal transformation.

Carla pioneered the Shamanic Method for Animal Communication. She has been a professional shamanist for over 10 years, beginning her Shamanic studies in the mid 1980s and graduating from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies 3 Year Advanced Training in 2000.
Carla's publications include, The Calico Shaman: True Tales of Animal Communication, Speak to My Heart, and articles for Shamanism and Sacred Hoop Magazine. Her work has been described in Teaching Your Horse to Overcome Fears. Carla has presented her work at the Society for Shamanic Practitioners Conference in 2006 and the International Alliance for Animal Therapy and Healing Conference 2004.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 22, 2010

Horoscope for November 22-28

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
The moon is supporting you in the flow of holiday happenings this week, Aries. Running errands, shopping, preparing your home, spending time with the family, relaxing over the weekend with entertaining or creative pursuits all happen in a logical, sequential way, making it easy for you to go on automatic pilot while you sit with your koan. Do you know what a koan is? It is a story, statement, or question the meaning of which cannot be understood by rational thinking, but may be found through intuition. A koan is often given to a meditation student. You have a koan in your life now. A brief glimmer of understanding breaks through midweek, but the true solution or enlightenment will take approximately two more weeks of deep inner searching. You may think you are ready to move ahead with something, but until you know it is already a done deal, nothing will take hold properly. Love feels more Universal and less personal now.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Avoid impulsive moves with money, investments, or property at the start of the week, Taurus. There is a short-lived, but potentially destructive, aspect pattern that leaves your money vulnerable and your judgment faulty on Tuesday. You can easily charm customers and increase sales now and you enjoy working cooperatively with groups of people. If you are in a retail business that looks forward to Black Friday every year, you can anticipate good numbers. The planets are influencing people to shop enthusiastically the day after Thanksgiving. Your own Turkey Day looks full of good food and happy family moments that become fond memories. Avoid getting on a soap box over a personal passion or cause and avoid engaging in debates with anyone over their viewpoints and you should sail through the week with more pleasure than discomfort. Take in a movie or a quick getaway this weekend.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
Me, me, me is what the moon wants you to look at as your week begins. How do you feel about your relationships, your work, and you – and are you experiencing life as you would like it to be? Mix a serious attitude with pie-in-the-sky wishes and you can bring at least one of your dreams into reality. Some Twins eager to increase income may be working on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Your partner shouldn’t mind – he or she may be working, too. If you are off from work, it looks like you will be out early with the other shoppers in the wee hours on Friday to get the best deals at the stores. The family feeling that Thanksgiving brings catches up with you later in the week when you may get together with relatives and friends for some potentially emotional reunions. Gratitude is an ever-present awareness this week.

Astrological Trends for November 22-28

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

It’s off to a fresh week with a spring in your step on Monday, November 22nd, as the sun enters the feisty fire sign of Sagittarius. The moon in the youthfully curious air sign of Gemini feels light and bubbly – a nice change from the earthy weight of the full moon in Taurus, which is behind you now. To make matters even happier and more delicious, Venus has gone direct in Libra and Jupiter has gone direct in Pisces. Venus and Jupiter are known as the Lesser and Greater Benefics, meaning they bring good things. If you have been doing everything correctly, but haven’t been able to manifest something or achieve your intended results, these two kind and generous planets will assist you now. A pleasant trine aspect between the moon in Gemini and Saturn in Libra helps you make favorable decisions, solidify plans, and have productive conversations with people. Later this evening, the moon opposing Mercury and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius can curb excessive enthusiasm or put you in the mood for some debate. This is the kind of aspect that can tempt you to stage a practical joke or play devil’s advocate just to needle someone. The overall energy of today favors joking and playfulness, but take care not to cross the line between humor and hurt.

Nov 19, 2010

Iconoclasts, Stigmata Martyrs, and William Henry

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

I have previously expressed my amusement that so many of the greatest proponents of the ten commandments consistently violate the second. The most devout Christians I've known through the years have surrounded themselves with religious imagery. They bow and pray before crosses. They also wear them. Catholics, in particular, are heavily invested in statues of saints and the Blessed Virgin, some of which are believed to have healing properties and even exude divine unction. (Yes. In many cases it turns out to be a coating of air-born cooking oils most likely caused by frying a lot of zeppoles but we don't need to go there.)

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

The bottom line: Most Christians -- and Catholics in particular -- are idolators. The prohibition in the second commandment was probably a reaction against Egyptian practices and useful for stamping out pagan practices as Christianity expanded. And as I've pointed out previously, the iconoclast movements have long since been abandoned by Jews and Christians, making the second commandment a sort of vestigial relic.

Holiday Shopping with Astrology

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

The biggest holiday shopping day of the year, Black Friday, is just around the corner. You know the retailers will be offering fantastic bargains, but do you know what to get for the people on your gift list? Astrology can help you find the perfect gift. The recommendations below are based on sun sign personality traits. The sun is vibrant and masculine in nature, expressing sun sign character traits strongly for most people. The moon is subtle and feminine in nature and moon sign personality often expresses more strongly in a woman than her sun sign. If you want to make a woman happy, choose a gift for her based on her moon sign rather than her sun sign, unless her personality strongly expresses her sun sign traits. There are many free chart services online, including the one on my website, which make it easy for you to quickly and accurately find sun and moon signs for anyone with a birth date.

Aries loves the first of anything, whether it is a new video game, the first issue of a coin or stamp, or a signed first edition print or book. A scrapbook all about them; a portrait of them, their pet, or their home; or a gift certificate for something they’ve never done before, like a rock climbing lesson, makes them feel special. Monogrammed items and diamonds speak to them of luxury and wealth. In fashion, they are drawn to black and white together and accents of fire-engine red. Aries rules the head and they often are drawn to hats, scarves, headbands, and hair accessories that draw attention to the head or face. A gift certificate to their favorite styling salon is appreciated.

Taurus is an easy sign to please because they revel in all the senses. If it looks good, tastes good, sounds good, or feels good, Taurus says it is good! They have a keen aesthetic sense and know quality when they see it. Ask them what they want; they’ll be glad to tell you. Both sexes tend to enjoy wearing gold jewelry and colorful stones. Music or tickets to a live performance are a hit, as is a gift certificate to a fine restaurant or their favorite gourmet market. Some Bulls are collectors or love antiques – check to see what is already on display in their home. The weight and texture of wood and stone appeals to their earthiness and gives you a springboard for more gift ideas.

Nov 17, 2010

Watching California

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

I noticed when I opened my start page last night that there were two more minor quakes centered in Baja California, Mexico. I have earthquake feeds on my start page. It has seemed to me for a while that there has been a sharp uptick this year in California quakes, particularly centered in Baja, where a big 7.2 quake shook the entire region last spring. So I did a bit of googling to see what I could find. I found that there's been a sharp uptick in Baja centered quakes this year. Here is a graph:

As per my recent post, I am increasingly concerned about the potential for major quake activity in California. I also noticed this morning that there was 3.2 in LA in the wee hours. It seems like every time I look at my feeds, something is rumbling in the California area. There is a school of thought that says that lots of minor quakes relieve pressure and reduce the chances of a larger quake. I'd like to think that this is so and that the stomach turning pressure I feel about that area will be relieved through a series of 3 point quakes. But if this guy is right, all these little tremors are more likely predictive of an impending quake of some magnitude. Sometimes quakes actually up the pressure on other fault lines and cause more quakes, as indeed happened following the big Baja quake. As they've recently discovered 50 more fault lines in California, that could another point of concern.

I'm not a seismologist. I'm just a psychic who has been very troubled by what I'm picking up in readings and dreams. I'm not saying the big one is necessarily on its way. I'm saying the system is blinking red and to please, please pay attention to your preparedness, animal behavior, and your own instincts and intuition.

Nov 16, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Tom Cowan: Conflux of Power

Tom Cowan joins host, Christina Pratt, to explore the art of "standing in the conflux of power." This traditional role of the shaman involved moving between forces, holding dynamic tensions, and finding balance in opposition. Tom joins us to explore how shamans practice this art today-or need to-when working in contemporary waking states of chaos like in war and large scale disasters, whether natural or man-made. Tom will share the timeless value in remembering ancient wisdom and embracing sovereignty as we seek to be wise and effective in the face of life's challenges. Tom is a much loved teacher, an internationally respected author of many books, lecturer, and a founding board member of the SSP. He joins us for the next show in the Society of Shamanic Practitioners sponsored interview series where we explore how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenge of their world where the relations of things-the living and the dead, the humans and nature, and Western Way and the spirit world-are profoundly out of balance. It is the ancient role of the shaman in all cultures to tend the balance of things. How are these shaman meeting this extraordinary need today?

This week's guest:
Tom Cowan

Tom Cowan is a deeply loved teacher and an internationally respected, author, lecturer, and tour leader. As a shamanic practitioner Tom specializes in Celtic visionary and healing techniques, while core shamanism continues to be Tom's primary spiritual practice. In his teachings Tom combines traditional European spirit lore with universal core shamanism to create spiritual practices that can heal and enrich one's own life and the lives of others. He is the author of many books, in particular one of the best books written on shamanism as a daily practice, Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life.

Tom's lifelong interest in mystical traditions led him to develop excellent tours to Ireland or Scotland to practice shamanism at sacred sites and work with the spirits of the land. Tom is also a minister in the Circle of the Sacred Earth, a church of animism dedicated to shamanic principles and practices. Today he lives in New York's Hudson River Valley where he offers training workshops, spiritual retreats, and healing sessions for groups and individuals.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 15, 2010

Tipping Point Update

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Those who were waiting for drama yesterday were probably disappointed. Those of us who were looking for clues to significant events that could cause a couple of months worth of falling dominoes, less so. In terms of news reports, what jumped out at me yesterday was a ratcheting up of concern about Ireland's economy which appears to be imploding. It feels an awful lot like what happened in Iceland but with more of that pulling of a thread that starts to unravel a much larger tapestry kind of urgency. So I'd keep an eye on what happens there. Maybe it's because I still feel that the economic component to the tipping point is primary. But that's just me. I can't speak for Time Monks Clif High or George Ure. They speak well enough for themselves. Ure has posted his take on what events fall under the umbrella here:

Did the ‘tipping point’ begin on Sunday morning? Yes.  Not only did we have lots of release language surrounding the release of Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma/Myanmar, but there was the release of  Paul & Rachel Chandler who had been held by Somali pirates for 388 days.

Then – almost exactly on schedule – time-wise – we’ve had a big outburst of earthquakes in the area south of Yemen and northeast of Djibouti.  And no, we’re not talking 2′s and 3′s.  This is an area which hasn’t been seismically active and in the past 30-hours it has suddenly popped off – not with one or two - but with 40 quakes on the USGS site.

Meantime, in Indonesia, the Child of Krakatau (Krakatoa) has been active every five minutes

Horoscope for November 15-21

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
The outer world activity trend continues for you this week, Aries, with the planets bringing you relationships, learning, teaching or traveling, friends or an organization to deal with. Most of your week is productive and pleasant; however, throughout the entire week there is an issue involving a friend, group, or organization that may knock you off your stride. You may not be able to maintain the friendship or affiliation any longer or there may be an element to the situation that places you in the position of victim, savior, or martyr. There is a part of you that knows best what to do. It is a situation that requires an inner knowing – not thinking. Remove yourself from the situation and go within for guidance. Psychic skills are incredibly accurate now and odd synchronicities may occur several times a day. The full moon this weekend will bring the situation with the friend or group to a head. It also highlights values, finances, investments, insurance, and any partnership where you have shared resources, such as a business or marriage. The full moon will show you where you must eliminate fear, doubt, and negativity to bring things into balance.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
You have the support of friends or a group who encourage you to grow and expand, Taurus. A challenge for you this week may come from a partner who feels neglected. They may think you are either too career-driven right now or that you are being taken advantage of at work. If you are not in a relationship, then the issue may be that you are neglecting your own needs at this time. While you do have planets pushing you to work hard, expand your business, and advance in your career, there is more to life than work. The full moon this weekend is in the sign of Taurus, putting you in the hot seat. It will make you look at yourself, relationship, and career and you will have to find a way to manage all three. Before the moon arrives in your sign, it may take you for a two-day ride through one of those dark nights of the soul. This time, you have advance notice, so you can gather some light affirmations to bring with you.

Astrological Trends for November 15-21

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Your week begins with the moon in the dreamy, intuitive sign of Pisces on Monday, November 15th. It exchanges some challenging energy with Mars, the planet of action, conjunct Mercury, the planet of the mind, in Sagittarius. Taking impetuous action without careful thought can result in disappointment because your expectations are greater than what reality can deliver now. This aspect can also make for misunderstandings between people due to the scattering quality of the energy. A supportive quincunx between the moon and Saturn in Libra helps bring you back down to earth and reminds you to pay attention and consider both sides of a situation. The sun in sensitive Scorpio trine to Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces enhances intuition, sensuality, and risk-taking. All this week, the sun in Scorpio is involved in a challenging square with Neptune/Chiron conjunct in Aquarius. I believe this square will manifest itself in various nuances as your week unfolds. The key word that comes to mind is disappointment. As the moon approaches full, an undercurrent of dissatisfaction or a Divine discontent builds along with the full moon energy thanks to the sun/Neptune square. Mars is conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius sextile Saturn in Libra, giving you added mental strength throughout your week. The awkward aspect between the moon and Mars/Mercury passes by this afternoon – whew, it’s safe to speak again! Later this evening, the Pisces moon joins the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, activating a Venus in Libra quincunx, which can step up your desire for romance and maybe some kinky or adventurous love. Venus is also trine to the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, increasing romantic longing; however, the challenging aspect between the sun and Neptune/Chiron indicates you may have a mild disappointment in matters of the heart or things may not be exactly as you wish them to be.

Nov 9, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Choosing a Shamanic Teacher

How do we choose a shamanic teacher? And do we choose, or do the teachers select us? What should you look for? What are the signs that there might be problems lying just under the surface? And what if no teacher comes when the student is ready? Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as we navigate these tricky waters. Entering into shamanic training is not a decision to take lightly. Authentic training will take years and will come with no guarantees, which means that your relationship with your teacher will be a long-term relationship. How do you discern the difference between charisma and the passion of a teacher who comes from the heart? True teachers connect us to rivers. They connect us to a flow of information that existed before the teacher and will continue to flow after we are gone. The purpose of a teacher is to help us to use the river to create a more essential, authentic expression of our self. Learning from a really good teacher is like being carried in the current of a river directly into the self.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 8, 2010

Horoscope for November 8-14

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
A personal revolution in your interior world is beginning to show its effect in your relationships and career. Perhaps you have been clearing limiting beliefs and replacing small thinking with bigger and better ideas of how you would like life to be. Aries is a fire sign that prefers to start things or direct other people to do things rather than stick around to complete things. Currently, the planets are giving you more stamina and the grounding you need to stay where you are and follow things through to a successful conclusion. Although you may play the role of business owner, manager, or teacher right now, there are planetary forces that make you eager to participate in procedures and work cooperatively with others. You are no longer starting one fire and running off to light another fire somewhere else. Being active in all aspects of your business or career is making you a master of success. Being where the action is taking place connects you with people who are inspired by you or who inspire you. Love may be more satisfying and secure. The planets are encouraging social activities or work with an organization that keeps you and a partner busy together with a shared outer focus. Paradoxically, the less you gaze at each other and the more you share the world together, the stronger your love becomes and the more deeply you desire to be together.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Purpose and passion infuse your work ethic, Taurus. Some Bulls may forge a new path of service-related work that reaches many people. You may discover that the best thing you can do for other people and for yourself is to do what makes you happy. As soon as you tap into the passion, everything you do, make, teach, or offer becomes service because it is an offering of your heart. If you are single and looking for love, you may find your true love now, possibly online or anywhere large groups of people are gathered. If you have a partner, you may both be encouraging each other to follow dreams and expand your circle of friends. The pace of life is lively now and you find yourself feeling impetuous and daring. While things are moving forward so smoothly for you, “Why not?” seems to be the best answer to any new proposition or experience that presents itself. By the end of the week, you may feel a bit overwhelmed (in a good way) by the high-octane planetary energy that has made you act like a cavorting calf rather than a boring, but safe, Bull.

Astrological Trends for November 8-14

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

An overtone of excitement follows the new moon weekend as you greet the morning on Monday, November 8th. The moon is in the enthusiastic and optimistic fire sign of Sagittarius. First thing this morning, a supportive sextile between the moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Libra helps you jump right into your day and follow through on any commitments or new resolutions you have put in place following the revelations of the new moon. Today, retrograde Venus slips from the emotional water sign of Scorpio back into the discerning air sign of Libra. A new aspect energy pattern for you to adjust to this week is affectionate Venus in relationship-minded Libra making a strong quincunx to genius Uranus in mystical Pisces. You will experience this predominantly as a positive and supportive energy, but because Uranus is involved, the qualities of unpredictability and shock can be mixed among those of excitement and fresh originality. For the slow-but-steady mindset, this Venus/Uranus aspect can be frightening, but for the leap-before-you-look folks, this energy is like a magic elixir. The art of relating moves from instinctual and sensual to intellectual and analytical. If you are in a romantic relationship or looking to be in one, you may be desiring a combination of beauty, brains, spirituality, and geek. Neptune is now direct after being retrograde since the end of May. One of my Twitter followers mentioned experiencing a feeling of melancholy, but also noted that things seem better now than they did during the summer. Some challenging aspects between the planets that we dealt with all summer are forgotten now. The current overall patterns support newness, hope, and better things for the future. So, yes, things do seem better. Some of that melancholy could be a transit in her personal chart or it could be the effect of a retrograde Neptune keeping hope and faith suppressed. Now that Neptune has turned direct, perhaps her feelings of melancholy will lift. Another high-octane aspect for future good is Mercury in Scorpio trine Uranus in Pisces. “Where there is a will, there is a way,” is a good motto to represent that energy. Using the combined strength of your mind and spirit persistently whenever you hear the word “impossible” will make miracles happen. In world news, we may hear of new science or medical breakthroughs.

Nov 7, 2010

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

I've posted on a couple of predictions this year that I, personally, find concerning. My concern is growing. I might even say that it's reached critical mass on a couple of these; partly because of external affirmation and partly because of my own psychic impressions and reactions to shifts in earth energy. The first is the tipping point predicted by Time Monk Clif High and his webbot technology. The second is the possibility of major earthquakes in California.

As far as the tipping point is concerned, we are in it. Clif High's most recent report has expanded the time-line of the plateau period from Nov. 8-11 to Nov. 5-14. He has also revised his assessment of it to something much more akin to what I was getting from the outset; which is to say that he, too, now expects it to be largely financial. (A change from his war with Iran prediction.) What he describes sounds like a rapid acceleration of the "death of the dollar." (High's recent interview on Veritas was posted in the YouTube player. It has been pulled. I hope to replace it as soon as it becomes available on YouTube again. In the meanwhile, it will available through, I think Friday, here.)

The primary reason for the spike in my own concern is the things I am seeing, feeling, and otherwise experiencing. The past few months seem to have flown by at an accelerated speed and I am not the only person who has experienced them this way. August and September I'm calling Augtember and October was a blur. For my part I've been battling illness and injuries of one form or another throughout, mostly affecting my digestive system. Currently, I am incapacitated by a pulled muscle in my ribs. The thing is I don't know how I did this and I don't remember doing it. But the injury itself is quite real and quite debilitating. I don't really know why I'm so physically affected by earth changes and massive shifts in the collective consciousness. I only know that I am and that the past few months have filled me repeatedly with a sense of foreboding.

Nov 5, 2010

Major Victory for the West Memphis Three

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Finally! A sane decision from an Arkansas court. And the first ray of sunlight in a dark, legal tunnel that has stolen half the lives of three men and failed to find justice for the deaths of three little boys. In a unanimous decision, the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled for evidentiary hearings to be scheduled for Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley.

As explained here, attorneys sought a new trial for the three men a couple of years ago with evidence including DNA results that completely excluded the West Memphis Three but implicated the stepfather of one of the slain boys. Judge David Burnett, who has the rare distinction of having dismissed multiple appeals on this case which he himself officiated, predictably dismissed the DNA and other evidence.

In a December 2009 article in the Arkansas Law Review, David S. Mitchell Jr. examined Burnett's denial of Echols' appeal for a new trial, under a statute passed by the legislature in 2001. That law provided a way for persons convicted of a crime to bring before a court new evidence produced by testing methods that were not available at the time of his trial.

Mitchell wrote that Burnett's interpretation of the statute “eviscerated its purpose” and thereby “failed to meet the Arkansas Legislature's goal of accounting for the ability of new technology to accomplish the mission of criminal law — to punish the guilty and exonerate the innocent.”

Nov 1, 2010

Horoscope for November 1-7

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Your attention turns to relationships and business now, Aries. The planet Mars is adding enthusiasm and a certain degree of aggression to your thinking and communicating. Whether you are courting new clients, pitching an idea, forging business alliances, or pushing a sweetheart to a deeper level of relating, you are madly planning, talking, texting, e-mailing, and phoning. There is a tidal quality to your energy. Although your energy is strong and purpose-driven in work and relationship and you are 100% involved and present while engaging others, you have chunks of time where you crave retreat and withdraw into yourself. It is extremely important that you do this. Friends and groups may be bombarding you with information and opinions that overwhelm your decision-making abilities. Your intuitive guidance is infallible, but you can’t receive it unless you take time to disengage from everyone and everything else at times during the course of a very busy week. A scheduled meditation time daily can keep you at peak performance physically and mentally. A new beginning in a committed relationship or business partnership could be the end result of a driven week.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Love seems to be all you need this week, Taurus. Work may require you to pay attention and solve a problem or teach a method to others at the beginning of the week. After that, you may just go through the motions while your thoughts are on your partner or soon-to-be partner. Whether your romance is old or new, it can be all-consuming. The next best thing to having things for a Taurus is sharing things with someone they love. You and a lover may be so besotted with each other that you want to have a business together so you will never be apart. That is a fantastic idea and the planets support combining love and career, but take some time to double check before investing money in a new endeavor. There is one planetary aspect this week that can cause deception, distortion, and confusion in your business and career sector. Plan now but hold off on any investments or business changes until after the new moon of this coming weekend.

Astrological Trends for November 1-7

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Conscientious feelings may clash with some inner urge for fun and freedom on Monday, November 1st, as the fastidious Virgo moon forms a difficult square aspect with rambunctious Mars in Sagittarius. If you have children to hustle out the door to school or you have put off some of the little things you do on a Sunday night to get ready for Monday, the morning routine may feel a bit frantic and short on time. This challenge is short-lived and once you get through the morning routine, you may wonder where all the high energy and drama disappeared to so quickly. A friendly trine between the moon and Pluto in Capricorn along with supportive sextiles between the moon and Venus and the sun, both in Scorpio, indicate that you are actually happy to get back to work today. The lunar energy and aspects are like a new blank notebook or a fresh canvas. Just seeing day one of a new month on your calendar points you in a new direction with purpose and precision. The intense Scorpio sun is enhanced by a semi-sextile to Saturn in Libra – this gives you some extra determination and savvy. Mars in the fire sign of Sagittarius semi-sextile both Venus in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn gives extra passion and drive. You can use the newness of the month and the week along with the discerning skills of Virgo to make lists, eliminate unnecessary clutter or time thieves, and prepare for the launch of something new when the new moon arrives this weekend.

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