Nov 29, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Cultivating Immunity to Evil in the Time of Chaos: Tools for Change

Advertising seduces through free-floating anxiety. Hatred seduces through cowardice of the heart and the fear of risking acceptance of the Other. Greed seduces through the illusion of the easier, cheaper, or more profitable path. It is your choice to be seduced or to become immune to seduction. To become unseducible is to say "yes" to the dignity of your soul and "no" to the invitation to live life beneath the nobility of your human spirit. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores the first steps on the path to becoming unseducible and looks ahead to how we must walk during the collapse of the Old Story. We are better than this and we must become unseducible to prove it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 28, 2016

CNN to Air James Ray Documentary

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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Set your DVRs, folks. CNN will air Enlighten Us, the James Ray documentary of dubious quality I wrote about here. The details can be found on the CNN website.

ENLIGHTEN US: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray, directed by Jenny Carchman, will premiere Thursday, Dec. 01 at 9:00pm and 11:00pm Eastern on CNN/U.S., with limited commercial interruption, the network announced today.  ENLIGHTEN US made its world debut at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival in New York City in April and also screened at Telluride Mountainfilm in Colorado and Tallgrass Film Festival in Kansas.

The film explores the story of the motivational speaker’s meteoric rise, fall, and attempt to return to the $11 billion personal growth industry following his conviction for negligent homicide in the deaths of three of Ray’s clients at one of his events.  The film explores the origins of the self-help industry, what followers of the industry are looking for, who is offering answers to those followers, and why some are willing to risk so much for that guidance.

In other news, Ray doesn't want to be a convicted felon anymore. Connie Joy has learned that he is petitioning the court to set aside the verdict that put him in prison briefly, for the small matter of killing three people.

Nov 22, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Love in the Time of Chaos: Tools for Change

How do we find the eye in an intensifying storm of disorder, unrest, and fear? Shamanic people, traditional and contemporary, know that Trickster had a hand in making this world and it is that hand we need to grasp to pull ourselves up into the possibility inherent in this chaos. At the same time we need to look within and track the unconscious energies that want to recreate the old world as it has been. Indigenous people have been tracking this unconscious psychic virus for many centuries calling it by many names, like e'epa and wetiko. Wetiko is a true illness of the soul and is at the root of humanity's inhumanity to itself. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores how we can use our shamanic skills to become immune to the wetiko virus and learn to paradoxically ground in the chaos and co-create a New World.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 18, 2016

Introducing the Wit & Wisdom of Teal Swan

I have been graciously invited to share my work on this fine blog. I'm a frog of few words, preferring to speak through the power of images. Perhaps you are familiar with my work, which may be found on my YouTube channel here.

I am intending my newest film to be part of a series. As Teal is so witty and so wise, I believe her videos to be a treasure of trove of cleverness. I am also opening the floor to suggestions. All are welcome to pass along favorite Teal witticisms and insights to be incorporated into future compilations.

I must also beg your indulgence. The process of making videos is still relatively new to me.  photo froghandAnd as you may have guessed this work is challenging and time consuming for hands such as these.

Nov 15, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Norse Shaman with Evelyn Rysdyk

Many in shamanic practice seek to deepen their relationship with their own ancestral lines and, in this, to reconnect with the shamanic roots in their own bloodline. Contemporary people seek an authentic practice in a time of broken lineages, appropriation, and deep histories of abuse, dominance and pain. Shaman teacher/healer, speaker, artist and author, Evelyn Rysdyk, joins host, Christina Pratt, to share her new book, The Norse Shaman: Ancient Spiritual Practices of the Northern Tradition and the vision it offers us in our own time. While we face a life-ending Ragnorok of our own creation in climate change and ecological destruction, we can choose to learn from our ancient ancestors to sacrifice what must die, to transform ourselves, and to work together with the Earth, each other and spirit to "bring forth a verdant new world".

This week's guest:
Evelyn Rysdyk

Evelyn C. Rysdyk delights in supporting people to remember their sacred place in All That Is. Whether through face-to-face contact with individual patients, workshop groups and conference participants, or through the printed word-Evelyn uses her loving humor and passion to open people's hearts and inspire them to live more joyful, fulfilling and purposeful lives.

She is a nationally recognized shaman teacher/healer, speaker, artist and author of Spirit Walking a Course in Shamanic Power, Modern Shamanic Living: New Explorations of an Ancient Path, a contributor to Spirited Medicine: Shamanism in Contemporary Healthcare and author of a regular column and numerous articles on shamanism, living in harmony with the Earth and how ancient healing methods support individuals to feel more whole, confident, connected and empowered. Evelyn's web site is

In joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW at Spirit Passages (, their training center for advanced experiential shamanism, Evelyn offers a full complement of workshops, presentations and long-term trainings in advanced shamanism, eco-spirituality and shamanic healing. As founding members of True North, an integrated medical center in Falmouth, Maine, they collaborate directly with medical and other complementary health practitioners to bring healing of the spirit, mind and body to people who arrive at their center from across the USA.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 8, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Warriorship, Shadow, and Shamanism

What actions are required to unite a nation divided? If we are not insane (and one wonders these days) then we must innovate and take new actions if we are to create a different outcome. Shamanic skills give us the ability to engage spirit in creating different actions through direct revelation and asking for help. But will we have the courage to explore what is needed with a whole-heart and commitment to a greater, shared truth. And will we have the courage to take those actions? Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores how easily we can slip into shadow when our world asks us to act consciously from the heart. Will we continue to allow our minds to be hijacked by the media or will we use our shamanic skills to take the power to shape our collective dream? Will we rise to the hope of our spirit or allow that dream to continue to be rendered impotent and invisible. And in our body's disgust with the whole thing, will we slip into rebellion?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 1, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Healers, Shadow, and Shamanism

Now that the ugly racist, sexist, violent, ignorant underbelly of America is exposed for the world to see, will we learn to heal the wounds of our culture? Will we simply move on to ogle the next bloody accident of our culture, get distracted by the next shiny thing, or martyr ourselves on the sad cruelty of our world? Why would we be such cowards when the world is full of beauty and blessings? This ugly underbelly is a blessing in disguise, a gift, a calling to the human you are dreaming yourself to become. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores how we use our shamanic skills to turn the trauma of this election year into medicine. Can we step up into the disease within our culture and be the healing salve of inclusion, vulnerability, and the honesty necessary to embrace being the change we are seeking?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

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