Dec 29, 2016


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After decades of fruitless scanning the skies for alien messages, scientists say it's time to try a basic rule of etiquette: Say "hello" first.

A new San Francisco-based organization called METI, or Messaging Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, plans to send signals to distant planets, rather than waiting for them to call Earth.

By the end of 2018, the project aims to send some conversation-starters via radio or laser signals to a rocky planet circling Proxima Centauri, the nearest star other than the sun, and then to more distant destinations, hundreds or thousands of light years away.

6 more mysterious radio signals have been detected coming from outside our galaxy

Back in March, scientists detected 10 powerful bursts of radio signals coming from the same location in space. And now researchers have just picked up six more of the signals seemingly emanating from the same region, far beyond our Milky Way.

These fast radio bursts (FRB) are some of the most elusive and explosive signals ever detected from space - they only last milliseconds, but in that short period of time, they generate as much energy as the Sun in an entire day. But despite how powerful they are, scientists still aren't sure what causes them.

Until the detection of the 10 repeating signals back in March, it was thought that the bursts were only ever one-off events, coming from random locations around space. And without a discernible pattern to them, researchers were left stumped as to what could be causing them.

Dec 27, 2016



Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Doing the Impossible: Tools for Change

The ability to face the impossible and do it anyway is at the core of what it means to be human. At their best humans have the ability to think outside the box, to take action guided by values that truly matter, to take risks, to be vulnerable, and to take action in connection with others, both physical and spiritual. In 2016 we lost so many luminaries who truly inspired us and gained people of gargantuan egos and questionable mental health who model for us our own deepest untouched Shadow and some of the worst humanity has to offer. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores learning from those who inspire us to do the impossible and become the person we never dreamed of. By knowing we are not enough and doing it anyway we become the person who is enough. When faced with things that are unjust, inhumane, and just plain wrong, doing the impossible is required if we are to be humane.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Dec 20, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Solstice Fire Between Stories: Tools for Change

The solstice of 2016 gives us the opportunity to step off the wheel of the Old World whether we are enjoying winter or summer. A solstice fire ritual is an opportunity to work with our most ancient ancestor, Fire, to release our deep habits of “life as we have known it” and step into the space between stories. To move toward the New World we must explore our unconscious collusion with the dominant paradigm that drives the old, familiar reality through us into manifest reality. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, offers us a ritual for both hemispheres to release the Old Story. Regardless of our conscious position in the world we are all playing roles of one kind or another in the old script. And we have shamanic skills that allow us to explore our unconscious collusion with the Old Story and expose the ways that we deceive, mislead, and otherwise excuse ourselves from stepping fully into our authenticity and the unknown.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Dec 16, 2016

A Second Look at James Ray Documentary

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

CNN will be re-airing Enlighten Us this Saturday evening at 9:00 (check local listings), so if you missed it, you have another opportunity. As I wrote here, I don't think it's good, or fair, but it is worth seeing. I've been doing a little more digging into the odd bits of media coverage surrounding its television debut, because I was left with lingering questions about the director's choices and perspective.

One of the main things I've learned is that there really isn't a lot of interest in this documentary or in James Arthur Ray, as demonstrated by the dearth of coverage. The debut in the Tribeca Film Festival got a little coverage, but not as much as you might expect. I did find a smattering of new material, however. CNN pimped the television debut with some interviews, and, like the documentary, they're worth seeing if only for Ray's unconscious self-reveals.

I also rummaged up a few articles. The most in-depth piece I could find is in People magazine. People is owned by Time Inc., which is part of Time Warner, which owns CNN.

In all these interviews, Ray paints himself as a victim of the legal system, but explains that Kirby Brown, James Shore, and Liz Neuman weren't victims at all. They were heroes. He's kind of heroic himself and hopes his ability to survive all he has suffered can serve as an inspiration to struggling people everywhere. He's taken responsibility, though. He's definitely taken responsibility.

“My work was never on trial,” he says. “The tragedy was on trial. The jury found absolutely no shred of evidence of intentional misconduct or harm. It was a tragic accident, and it was determined to be negligent, and because three people died, it was determined to be criminally negligent.”

So "it" – the "tragedy" – was on trial and found guilty, not Ray. I guess it was the tragedy that was convicted of negligent homicide and went to prison?

Dec 13, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Psychedelic Marine, PTSD, and Tools for Change with Alex Seymour

The Psychedelic Marine is a vivid portrait of both the anguish of war and the power of entheogens and shamanic ritual to help combat veterans complete the inner journey combat begins, and heal from PTSD and the deep, traumatic loss from war. Author, Alex Seymour, enlisted as a teen in the Royal Marines Commandos and served for six years, completing two tours of duty, only to re-enlist 20 years later. Alex served another tour of duty in Afghanistan where he suffered severe losses. Host and shaman, Christina Pratt, speaks with Alex about the relationship between our fears, beliefs, traumas, and PTSD and the depth at which we can let go when faced with our own direct experience of The Sacred. Join us this week as we explore how ayahuasca in shamanic ceremony can offer a way to help soldiers prepare for war and help combat veterans heal from it.

This week's guest:
Alex Seymour

Alex served in the Royal Marines Commandos for 6 years and completed 2 tours of duty on active service. He then returned to serve as a reservist 20 years later as the oldest front line commando in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. After returning from a tour of duty during the war in Afghanistan, he needed a way to cope with the extremes he experienced in the war, losing 7 men in his unit, and having his best friend critically injured by a Taliban bomb.

Already familiar with entheogens, Alex traveled to the Amazon in search of ceremony and a shaman to guide him to something sacred to draw meaning from his experiences. His book 'Psychedelic Marine' tells this story and is available on

Alex is the Technology Account Director for a global technology company and lives in Buckinghamshire, England, with his wife of 18 years, Julia, and his two children.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Dec 8, 2016

CNN Ignores Victims in James Ray Doco

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

The year 2016 has been dubbed "post-truth" by the Oxford English Dictionary, "an adjective defined as ‘relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’." Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Exhibit A) Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray.
The CNN produced documentary is slick, compelling, and far more revealing than its subject probably intended, but it is also very nearly fact free. Director Jenny Carchman wove together media footage and personal interviews without commentary. The lack of narration, which can be a very effective documentary style, meant, in this case, that one outrageous falsehood after another went unchecked. The passive narration was particularly troubling, given that the victims' families were completely excluded.

Jean Brown, sister of the late Kirby Brown, was quick to respond to James Ray's lies about her sister and her family, posting the above video the day the documentary aired. (see above) It is unfortunate that she was not given the opportunity to do so in the documentary itself. And it was not for lack of trying. As discussed here, both Jean and her mother Ginny took it upon themselves to contact the director, but Carchman evinced no interest.

Kirby Brown, James Shore, and Liz Neuman, were little more than footnotes in this story of their gruesome deaths. Make no mistake. This documentary is entirely about how their deaths affected the man who caused them.

Dec 6, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

What is Shadow Work Now? Part Two

Shadow work is the sacred ground of decades of men's work and women's work pioneered by early visionaries like Jean Houston and Robert Bly and those that followed. If all of the decades of shadow work was actually all shadow work we would not have the ugly reality of the United States' collective shadow staring us in the face right now, waiting to be manipulated in the debacle of our 2016 presidential election. "Shadow work isn't psychological work, its heart work," explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt. "As soon as the ego shoved that aspect of self into the Shadow, that aspect of self was moved out of the realm of the mind into the realm of the heart." While insight and understanding are helpful and they satisfy the mind, true shadow transformation occurs in the darkest realms of the heart. It begins with nothing less than a daring rescue mission to free the falsely accused, imprisoned and forgotten self. And that is just the beginning.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 29, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Cultivating Immunity to Evil in the Time of Chaos: Tools for Change

Advertising seduces through free-floating anxiety. Hatred seduces through cowardice of the heart and the fear of risking acceptance of the Other. Greed seduces through the illusion of the easier, cheaper, or more profitable path. It is your choice to be seduced or to become immune to seduction. To become unseducible is to say "yes" to the dignity of your soul and "no" to the invitation to live life beneath the nobility of your human spirit. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores the first steps on the path to becoming unseducible and looks ahead to how we must walk during the collapse of the Old Story. We are better than this and we must become unseducible to prove it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 28, 2016

CNN to Air James Ray Documentary

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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Set your DVRs, folks. CNN will air Enlighten Us, the James Ray documentary of dubious quality I wrote about here. The details can be found on the CNN website.

ENLIGHTEN US: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray, directed by Jenny Carchman, will premiere Thursday, Dec. 01 at 9:00pm and 11:00pm Eastern on CNN/U.S., with limited commercial interruption, the network announced today.  ENLIGHTEN US made its world debut at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival in New York City in April and also screened at Telluride Mountainfilm in Colorado and Tallgrass Film Festival in Kansas.

The film explores the story of the motivational speaker’s meteoric rise, fall, and attempt to return to the $11 billion personal growth industry following his conviction for negligent homicide in the deaths of three of Ray’s clients at one of his events.  The film explores the origins of the self-help industry, what followers of the industry are looking for, who is offering answers to those followers, and why some are willing to risk so much for that guidance.

In other news, Ray doesn't want to be a convicted felon anymore. Connie Joy has learned that he is petitioning the court to set aside the verdict that put him in prison briefly, for the small matter of killing three people.

Nov 22, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Love in the Time of Chaos: Tools for Change

How do we find the eye in an intensifying storm of disorder, unrest, and fear? Shamanic people, traditional and contemporary, know that Trickster had a hand in making this world and it is that hand we need to grasp to pull ourselves up into the possibility inherent in this chaos. At the same time we need to look within and track the unconscious energies that want to recreate the old world as it has been. Indigenous people have been tracking this unconscious psychic virus for many centuries calling it by many names, like e'epa and wetiko. Wetiko is a true illness of the soul and is at the root of humanity's inhumanity to itself. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores how we can use our shamanic skills to become immune to the wetiko virus and learn to paradoxically ground in the chaos and co-create a New World.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 18, 2016

Introducing the Wit & Wisdom of Teal Swan

I have been graciously invited to share my work on this fine blog. I'm a frog of few words, preferring to speak through the power of images. Perhaps you are familiar with my work, which may be found on my YouTube channel here.

I am intending my newest film to be part of a series. As Teal is so witty and so wise, I believe her videos to be a treasure of trove of cleverness. I am also opening the floor to suggestions. All are welcome to pass along favorite Teal witticisms and insights to be incorporated into future compilations.

I must also beg your indulgence. The process of making videos is still relatively new to me.  photo froghandAnd as you may have guessed this work is challenging and time consuming for hands such as these.

Nov 15, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Norse Shaman with Evelyn Rysdyk

Many in shamanic practice seek to deepen their relationship with their own ancestral lines and, in this, to reconnect with the shamanic roots in their own bloodline. Contemporary people seek an authentic practice in a time of broken lineages, appropriation, and deep histories of abuse, dominance and pain. Shaman teacher/healer, speaker, artist and author, Evelyn Rysdyk, joins host, Christina Pratt, to share her new book, The Norse Shaman: Ancient Spiritual Practices of the Northern Tradition and the vision it offers us in our own time. While we face a life-ending Ragnorok of our own creation in climate change and ecological destruction, we can choose to learn from our ancient ancestors to sacrifice what must die, to transform ourselves, and to work together with the Earth, each other and spirit to "bring forth a verdant new world".

This week's guest:
Evelyn Rysdyk

Evelyn C. Rysdyk delights in supporting people to remember their sacred place in All That Is. Whether through face-to-face contact with individual patients, workshop groups and conference participants, or through the printed word-Evelyn uses her loving humor and passion to open people's hearts and inspire them to live more joyful, fulfilling and purposeful lives.

She is a nationally recognized shaman teacher/healer, speaker, artist and author of Spirit Walking a Course in Shamanic Power, Modern Shamanic Living: New Explorations of an Ancient Path, a contributor to Spirited Medicine: Shamanism in Contemporary Healthcare and author of a regular column and numerous articles on shamanism, living in harmony with the Earth and how ancient healing methods support individuals to feel more whole, confident, connected and empowered. Evelyn's web site is

In joint practice with C. Allie Knowlton, LCSW, DCSW at Spirit Passages (, their training center for advanced experiential shamanism, Evelyn offers a full complement of workshops, presentations and long-term trainings in advanced shamanism, eco-spirituality and shamanic healing. As founding members of True North, an integrated medical center in Falmouth, Maine, they collaborate directly with medical and other complementary health practitioners to bring healing of the spirit, mind and body to people who arrive at their center from across the USA.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 8, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Warriorship, Shadow, and Shamanism

What actions are required to unite a nation divided? If we are not insane (and one wonders these days) then we must innovate and take new actions if we are to create a different outcome. Shamanic skills give us the ability to engage spirit in creating different actions through direct revelation and asking for help. But will we have the courage to explore what is needed with a whole-heart and commitment to a greater, shared truth. And will we have the courage to take those actions? Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores how easily we can slip into shadow when our world asks us to act consciously from the heart. Will we continue to allow our minds to be hijacked by the media or will we use our shamanic skills to take the power to shape our collective dream? Will we rise to the hope of our spirit or allow that dream to continue to be rendered impotent and invisible. And in our body's disgust with the whole thing, will we slip into rebellion?

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Nov 1, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Healers, Shadow, and Shamanism

Now that the ugly racist, sexist, violent, ignorant underbelly of America is exposed for the world to see, will we learn to heal the wounds of our culture? Will we simply move on to ogle the next bloody accident of our culture, get distracted by the next shiny thing, or martyr ourselves on the sad cruelty of our world? Why would we be such cowards when the world is full of beauty and blessings? This ugly underbelly is a blessing in disguise, a gift, a calling to the human you are dreaming yourself to become. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores how we use our shamanic skills to turn the trauma of this election year into medicine. Can we step up into the disease within our culture and be the healing salve of inclusion, vulnerability, and the honesty necessary to embrace being the change we are seeking?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Oct 25, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Visionaries, Shadow, and Shamanism

True visionaries are a dime a dozen. Humanity is full of great ideas. What we find in short supply are those people who will actually manifest a new vision. These are people who have the capacity to stay out of fantasy thinking, hold two divergent thoughts simultaneously and tirelessly, and work on all parts of the project indefatigably. Vision is easily distorted by doubt, perceiving reality as a limitation, and denying the truth because you simply don't like it. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores what it takes to manifest a truly new vision. With the help of spirit and shamanic skills we can see through the lies we tell ourselves that keep us from doing good work and see through the hype and illusion to the actual power of our vote.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Oct 18, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Leaders, Shadow, and Shamanism

Leading is a thankless job, whether you lead a community garden or a nation. People criticize, blame, and project their unacknowledged flawed selves onto leaders without hesitation and regardless of fact or fiction. People project their unlived dreams and desires on to leaders so that they do not have to take full responsibility for the life they are unwilling to create for themselves. The contemporary dynamic between the leader and those led is deeply steep in shadow and misuse of power. If we are to become a new people who can write a new story then we must drag our relationship with leaders out of the shadow. Only then can we come into right relationship with our power and cultivate the capacity to lead well and to be led. Join host and shaman, Christian Pratt, as she explores the shamanic values that shape a new vision of leadership and the shamanic skills needed to bring that vision into the world.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Oct 11, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Timespirits and Shamanism

Timespirits exist in the shared field and can motivate the actions of individuals in the collective. The more unaware you are of your self and the timespirits that exist in your field the more easily you become possessed and motivated by them. Some timespirits are in the forefront like the forced roles of racism while others are in the background like the unknown path of diversity. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores the influence of timespirits in shamanic practice. Conscious engagement with timespirits can help us to transform ourselves individually, create lasting and resilient shamanic communities, and work within non-shamanic communities to create the humane, informed, abundant, and inspirited ways of living together that celebrate all life.

Tuesday, October 10, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Oct 9, 2016

FLDS Defends Religious Freedom and Felonious Rapture

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Gaming the food stamp program was the free exercise of religious faith, FLDS attorneys argued in court this week.

Members of the Fundamentalist LDS Church charged in a massive food stamp fraud and money laundering scheme are arguing a religious freedom right to "consecrate" their government benefits to their church.

The results of the hearing in federal court could make or break the government's case against the polygamous church and some of its top members. Federal prosecutors have charged 11 FLDS members, accusing them of ordering faithful members to hand over food stamps to the storehouse, to do with as they wished. The U.S. Attorney's Office has claimed the scheme exceeds $12 million in taxpayer money, and some of it went to purchase luxury cars or was spending cash for leaders.

. . .

The "Law of Consecration" stems from early Mormon teachings about united orders, where people give what they have to the church and it is doled out according to needs. A retired Mormon history professor testified on Tuesday that what the FLDS Church preaches is no different than The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints taught in the 19th century.

Oct 4, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Racism, the Double Wounding, and Shamanism with Langston Kahn: Part Four

What are the tangible ways we can engage shamanic skills to approach both systemic racism and our own internalized racism? They begin when we engage the Visionary to access the power of shared dreaming and the Ancestral Helping Spirits to learn from those who have gone before us. Those who colonized North America dreamed of religious freedom, but hypocritically took action, perpetrating genocide and slavery, to ensure freedom only for themselves. Today we live in that hypocrisy, not in that dream. Join host, Christina Pratt and her guest, Langston Kahn, as they explore what is necessary to step out of the shadows of our unresolved past and weave a new vision. How can we use our shamanic skills together to go beyond the limited imagination of our ancestors and make the medicine we need from the great diversity of our time.

This week's guest:
Langston Kahn

Langston Kahn is a shamanic practitioner specializing in emotional clearing and radical transformation. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by the western modality of Inner Relationship Focusing, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, the contemporary shamanic tradition of The Last Mask Center and the guidance of his helping spirits and ancestors weaving it all together.

Langston has studied and facilitated Inner Relationship Focusing, developed by Ann Weiser Cornell for the last 8 years. He has completed 5 years of training with Christina Pratt in the Cycle of Transformation and also serves on the leadership council for the Last Mask Community, a community of contemporary people striving to live in alignment with ancient shamanic beliefs and principles in a way that answers the unique challenges of our time. Additionally, he holds initiations in several traditions of the African Diaspora.

Langston, who is centered in New York City offers sessions in emotional clearing and shamanic healing and classes both in person and online.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Sep 27, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Racism, the Double Wounding, and Shamanism with Langston Kahn: Part Three

Can contemporary American's transform their consciousness-and unconsciousness- in their engagement with systemic racism? Shamanic practice offers tangible ways we can approach the transformation of our own internalized racism. When we choose to engage powerfully and skillfully on our selves in this moment we become the people who can then transform the system itself. Join host Christina Pratt and her guest Langston Kahn as they continue their exploration of how we can effectively engage the double wounding of racism and the roots of this cultural disease from a shamanic perspective. There are ways to use our shamanic skills to make new medicine for this ancient illness and step up, together as humanity, to shape a social fabric our descendants would be honored to inherit.

This week's guest:
Langston Kahn

Langston Kahn is a shamanic practitioner specializing in emotional clearing and radical transformation. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by the western modality of Inner Relationship Focusing, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, the contemporary shamanic tradition of The Last Mask Center and the guidance of his helping spirits and ancestors weaving it all together.

Langston has studied and facilitated Inner Relationship Focusing, developed by Ann Weiser Cornell for the last 8 years. He has completed 5 years of training with Christina Pratt in the Cycle of Transformation and also serves on the leadership council for the Last Mask Community, a community of contemporary people striving to live in alignment with ancient shamanic beliefs and principles in a way that answers the unique challenges of our time. Additionally, he holds initiations in several traditions of the African Diaspora.

Langston, who is centered in New York City offers sessions in emotional clearing and shamanic healing and classes both in person and online.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Sep 20, 2016

The Enemy Within the Codependent Heart

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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BBC America has been celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek by playing full, uncut episodes of the original show. I must confess that it dominated my television screen for an entire weekend. I think I may have even begun to convince my teenage daughter of its genius.

A standout episode for me is "The Enemy Within." Captain Kirk is split in two after a transporter accident. His "strange alter-ego," his dark half, becomes a sentient Kirk look-alike. But, no one sees this Mr. Hyde materialize on the platform moments after a very normal appearing Kirk has left the transporter room. He goes about functioning much as our internal shadow does, with neither Kirk, nor anyone else aware of his existence. Yet, a drunken, rampaging lout, who looks a lot like Captain Kirk, begins acting out his worst impulses.

Kirk's better half seems at first to be in every way the Kirk they all know – the split-off shadow like some foreign monster, "a thoughtless brutal animal" that the apparently normal Kirk would rather live without. But, it rapidly becomes clear that this calm, reasonable Kirk has lost some key components of his personality. He's indecisive. His instincts are dulled. "Good" Kirk is unqualified for command.

Eventually, the disowned shadow does what it will do. It overpowers the weakened, good-natured Kirk and takes command. It takes all that's left of his strength and support from his crew for the saner Kirk to confront and embrace his dark nature and reintegrate it.

"I've seen a part of myself no man should ever see." 
~ Capt. James T. Kirk


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Racism, the Double Wounding, and Shamanism with Langston Kahn: Part Two

The poison arrow of racism is a double wound. It is the arrow-the direct injustice inherent in the act that harms the heart and mind. It is the poison-the insidious, creeping awareness that the larger system condones the injustice, righteously maintaining a double standard that has no basis in scientific or spiritual truth. Does shamanism offer contemporary American consciousness a possibility of true transformation? Join host Christina Pratt and her guest Langston Kahn as they explore the double wounding of racism and the roots of this cultural disease from a shamanic perspective. Can we use our shamanic skills to make new medicine for an ancient illness, to lean effectively into our own discomfort, and shape a social fabric our descendants would be honored to inherit?

This week's guest:
Langston Kahn

Langston Kahn is a shamanic practitioner specializing in emotional clearing and radical transformation. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by the western modality of Inner Relationship Focusing, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, the contemporary shamanic tradition of The Last Mask Center and the guidance of his helping spirits and ancestors weaving it all together.

Langston has studied and facilitated Inner Relationship Focusing, developed by Ann Weiser Cornell for the last 8 years. He has completed 5 years of training with Christina Pratt in the Cycle of Transformation and also serves on the leadership council for the Last Mask Community, a community of contemporary people striving to live in alignment with ancient shamanic beliefs and principles in a way that answers the unique challenges of our time. Additionally, he holds initiations in several traditions of the African Diaspora.

Langston, who is centered in New York City offers sessions in emotional clearing and shamanic healing and classes both in person and online.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Sep 13, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Racism, the Double Wounding, and Shamanism with Langston Kahn: Part One

The collusive, fearful, racist underbelly of the American culture has been exposed by the hate-filled rhetoric, violence, and lies of the current presidential race. The avoidance of social issues condoned by the 1980's politics of political correctness have done precisely what avoidance does, allow that which we are avoiding to grow unchecked. In this same timeframe shamanism has blossomed into contemporary American consciousness offering a possibility of transformation. Join host Christina Pratt and her guest Langston Kahn as they explore the double wounding of racism and the roots of this cultural disease from a shamanic perspective. Can we use our shamanic skills to make new medicine for an ancient illness, to lean effectively into our own discomfort, and shape a social fabric our descendants would be honored to inherit?

This week's guest:
Langston Kahn

Langston Kahn is a shamanic practitioner specializing in emotional clearing and radical transformation. He stands firmly at the crossroads, his practice informed by the western modality of Inner Relationship Focusing, initiations into traditions of the African Diaspora, the contemporary shamanic tradition of The Last Mask Center and the guidance of his helping spirits and ancestors weaving it all together.

Langston has studied and facilitated Inner Relationship Focusing, developed by Ann Weiser Cornell for the last 8 years. He has completed 5 years of training with Christina Pratt in the Cycle of Transformation and also serves on the leadership council for the Last Mask Community, a community of contemporary people striving to live in alignment with ancient shamanic beliefs and principles in a way that answers the unique challenges of our time. Additionally, he holds initiations in several traditions of the African Diaspora.

Langston, who is centered in New York City offers sessions in emotional clearing and shamanic healing and classes both in person and online.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Sep 6, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Wild Heart in the New World

There has been a great domestication of the heart in America, numbing and dumbing down the voice that should guide us. It is the rare individual today who knows the path of his or her heart, who is fearless in feeling the passionate emotions of a spiritual adult, and who finds the courage of heart, discipline and devotion, day in and day out, to get off the couch, out of the office, or unplug from the Internet and take the steps to make their soul's purpose happen. Loving openly is considered foolish and following the heart considered weak or weak minded. However, if the Story of the People is to change and support us in creating a qualitatively different world, then we must ally ourselves once again with our Wild Hearts. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt as she explores what we must do in our own lives to subvert the need to control that reinforces the lie of separation. The Wild Heart brings us to the intimacy necessary for true nourishment, sustaining pleasure in our connections, and a primary relationship with our True Self.

This show originally aired January 5, 2013

Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Aug 30, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Power of Blessing

Blessings are the way to give life to that which you value, to give it strength and help it to survive and to thrive. Through blessings we can give life and protection to what is new and uncertain. They are a way to give strength to that which doesn't have strength yet, like a new story for a new world, and to give it time to take shape and build resonance. Blessings can be a formal, complex ritual process or a simple act of love, like calling on the spirits of the family totem to protect a child as she leaves for school. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores the power of blessings and how we can use them with intention to create change in these challenging times. Blessings call on energies of the invisible world, like elementals, nature spirits, and angels, and ask for their participation in our lives in specific ways. Whether simple or grand, our blessings are most powerful when they are an expression of a deep relationship with spirit, one that we have already cultivated with our faith, gratitude, and practice.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Aug 23, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Power of Faith

Faith does not require religion and is often stronger without it. Faith is the power to stand in the Unknown with uncertainty and discomfort and take a new step forward anyway... and then another... and then another. It is the power to do what hasn't been done and what feels impossible. We must cultivate the capacity for faith, barrels of it, or we will not be able to be the change that we seek. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, this week as she explores faith and the need to cultivate faith that does not inspire separation from others via religion, race, or nationality. To rise to the challenges of our time we must know without ever getting proof that we were born to be the medicine for the illness, disease, and unrest of our time. And that it will require faith, again and again, to surrender who we are for who we could become so that we can be that medicine. Faith is power.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Aug 17, 2016

Restoring Integrity: Teal and The Presence Process

If you like Teal Swan, you should probably buy these books.
A couple of months ago, a former follower of Teal's filled me in on an interesting rumor. She had heard that Teal’s Completion Process had been plagiarized from Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process and Alchemy of the Heart. I had been very curious about the true origins of the Completion Process ever since Ma Nithya Swarupapriyanda released a video accusing Teal of plagiarizing her guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The dialogue brought on by Swarupapriya's video led me to discover this post by LaVaughn, which eventually led me to abandon Teal's teachings. My interest in the source of this technique grew when Teal's ex-husband, Sarbdeep, also hinted that the process was plagiarized in this blog post. I decided to investigate. I took one glance at Brown’s website and immediately spotted this incredible...synchronicity.

This is the homepage of Brown's site:

This is from Teal's article, "Spirituality 3.0":

Aug 11, 2016

FLDS Still Slippery as Feds Build Case

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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Five years after its leader was incarcerated for sexually abusing his very young "brides," the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints may finally be in serious trouble. As I wrote here, a federal case was brought against sect leaders for defrauding the food stamp program, while letting the genuinely needy sect membership starve. The case appears to have thrown the FLDS into disarray.

Lyle Jeffs, who was the church's acting leader, used olive oil (presumably paid for with illegal food stamps) to slip out of his ankle monitor and escape. He remains at large – or on a "repentance mission" if communiques from Warren Jeffs are to believed. The fugitive Jeffs was stripped of his authority by the incarcerated Jeffs, and replaced with another Jeffs, Nephi. 

Prosecutors would like to see the key defendants behind bars awaiting trial, as they have all been caught meeting against court order, and illegally carrying out Warren Jeffs's mandates.

Warren Jeffs ordered John Wayman and Seth Jeffs to meet with others in Hildale, Utah, several times in late July, the U.S. Attorney's Office says in a court filing Monday. They were told to make a plan to interview all members of an elite group within the sect known as the "United Order" to determine if they should be re-baptized and re-confirmed as members, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors filed the new evidence in an attempt to persuade a judge to keep Wayman and Seth Jeffs behind bars. They were re-arrested last week for violations of their release provisions.

"The evidence, including the defendants' past conduct, well establishes that when the dictates of their prophet conflict with an order of the court, the defendants will follow their religious leader in contravention of the court's order," prosecutors wrote.

Aug 2, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Power of Joy

Joy touches us when we are accountable to our true selves, even our darkest most challenging selves. If we are willing to be accountable to our true self, no matter what we find there, we are choosing to live in a way that tends the essence of joy. To cultivate a long-term relationship with joy we must reforge that original relationship with sovereignty. We must shape our character, our appetites, and our longings with the wisdom of each of the four bodies: the physical, the heart, the mind, and the spirit. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores joy in these challenging times. When we choose to cultivate joy we accept the energetic reality of our world and become the people who can change the physical reality of it. No matter the circumstances of life, each individual is sovereign and can learn to cultivate joy, allowing it to travel through thoughts, words, and actions into the world.

This show originally aired June 21, 2011.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jul 26, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Root of Resiliency

To bring our mature courageous hearts into action in the world we must be resilient. But resiliency is the first casualty in a culture that avoids discomfort through mood altering prescription drugs, escaping through recreational drugs, and learning skills to clear the discomfort away, without ever asking why. The root of resiliency is in the courage to heal the deeps wounds of your past, to risk stepping through fear into a new way of life, and to engage in the mundane daily practices that cultivate a robust inner life. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores why any true path of healing or raising consciousness cultivates resiliency. Living your authentic life is not accomplished by "special snowflakes" who seek to control their environment, but by courageous and resilient, whole-hearted people who aren't afraid to make a mess.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jul 24, 2016

An Open Letter to Teal Tribe

Yesterday afternoon, I was kicked out of the tribe for voicing my concerns that Teal’s healing methods could lead to False Memory Syndrome, and for linking to this article by Michael James. For those of you who never got a chance to read it, my post is below, followed by a summary of the events leading up to the removal. For those of you who already know what happened, you might want to scroll down a bit. 

Jul 19, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Highly Skilled Wounded Child

The highly skilled wounded child arises when an adult learns an assortment of excellent skills to move out of the pain caused today by their unreconciled childhood without healing the wounds of that childhood along the path of that journey. The highly skilled wounded child tends to over-react and under-react regularly and then take responsibility for using their skillset to clear the painful reaction without investigating why they over or under reacted in the first place. They learn to clearly communicate to others how the others need to behave differently without seeing their own righteous positionality. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores the growing phenomenon of the highly skilled wounded child, how to recognize this behavior in your self, and most importantly, how we can use our shamanic skills to heal the wounds of the past, cultivate resiliency, and bring our mature courageous hearts into action in the world.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jul 12, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Cultivating Discernment with Mary Shutan

Discernment, the ability to accurately tell one thing from another, is a necessary quality of wisdom, along with objectivity and clarity. Cultivating discernment is critical for living an emotionally and energetically healthy life. It is even more essential when we engage in the invisible worlds as we do in shamanic practice. Until we learn to discern we will not be interpreting energies, messages, or experiences accurately. "At the most basic level discernment requires differentiation of self from other," explains our guest, Mary Shutan, creator of "The Discernment Course." Join us this week as Mary joins host, Christina Pratt, to explore the steps to cultivate discernment and the issues that arise when we skip that basic step in our development. When we reframe our lack of discernment as super sensitivity or empathy we undermine our health and the development of our true gifts.

This week's guest:
Mary Shutan

Mary Mueller Shutan is a Spiritual Healer who focuses on helping others work with their spiritual awakenings, spiritual callings, and psychic abilities. She is a painter and the author of The Spiritual Awakening Guide: Kundalini, Psychic Abilities, and The Conditioned Layers of Reality from Findhorn Press. Her focus in all of her work is on the understanding that the spiritual is part of our daily lives, that we are meant to have emotions as well as physical bodies, and that we can have deep compassion and love for even the darkest aspects of ourselves.

Since she was a child Mary has been highly sensitive and creative, with the ability to see, sense, and interact with the spiritual realms. Over a ten year period she focused a tremendous amount energy into finding out how to work with her sensitivities and abilities. This led her through four years of Chinese Medicine school and certifications in Upledger-style and Biodynamic CranioSacral therapy, Asian Body Therapy, Massage Therapy, Zero Balancing, Reiki and Energy Work, Rootwork, and Meditation. Mary also has intensive education in different forms of bodywork, energy work, folk magic, occult practices, and shamanic/spiritual healing.

Mary is particularly known for her distance healing work. Her focus is on Dark or Middle World work- trauma and emotional release, spiritual clearing and protection, spirit release, past life and ancestral healing. She also teaches individuals who are called to this type of work to become safe, effective, and powerful practitioners.

Mary runs a personal blog ( that covers a variety of thought-provoking spiritual subjects and offers email based programs and individual consultations worldwide to people experiencing Kundalini, Spiritual Awakenings, Psychic Abilities, Shamanic callings, and other spiritual experiences to learn how to understand and navigate their experiences and abilities.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jul 5, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Soul's Purpose: The Cornerstone of Your Well-being

In shamanic cultures around the world the individual brings a unique soul's purpose to the world and living that purpose is the cornerstone of the individual's well-being. Early in life we each must forge that original relationship with our soul's purpose and later, use the wisdom of our four bodies to find good vehicles for the expression of our purpose in the world. Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores the relationship between chronic illness and cultivating the energy needed for the ongoing expressions of our soul's purpose. The expression of our soul's purpose gives context and meaning to everything else that we do. When we live in this way our thoughts, words and actions cultivate well-being. When we don't our life and our soul conspire to bring us back into alignment with our one true reason for existence.

This podcast originally aired June 1, 2010.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jul 1, 2016

My Central Issues with Teal Swan's Brand of Spirituality; an In-Depth Discussion with Teal's Supporters

Appearing at The Truth About Cameron and Celestial Reflections.

Since my decision to speak out publicly regarding my experience with Teal Swan, I've had some fairly in-depth private discussions with people who have taken it upon themselves to message me over the past couple of years. My goal with this blog is to: (a) highlight some of the central issues I have with Teal Swan's "work," (b) challenge some of the popularly held attitudes and philosophies found in the spiritual community in general, (c) clear up some of the misconceptions many people seem to have about me, and (d) eliminate redundant messages from people who may try to contact me in blind defense of Teal in the future. To serve public interest, what follows is a compilation of paraphrased excerpts from back and forth exchanges with various people:

What is your motivation to build your life around the mission to destroy the person Teal Swan? Is it malevolent intention, or is it for a good cause?

It is in no way my “life’s mission” to destroy Teal Swan or anybody else. My intention, and I’ve stated this repeatedly, has been to tell my own story and let people make up their own minds from an informed place. My objective in making my experience with Teal public has always and only been to inform the public. It’s my hope that when people make decisions about whether or not to work with or follow her, they have as much information as possible, not just the spin she and Blake provide.

I am motivated to speak out of concern. I am concerned about Doc’s safety, I am concerned about the state of our world, and I’m concerned about the way humans have been programmed to blindly follow authority. I am motivated by my desire to one day live in a world with fewer followers, and more rational, independent thinkers. I think Teal’s audience is only one small example of the ways people around the world are being manipulated, fed false hope, and led astray by “leaders,” every day. In the US, one doesn’t need to look hard to see the same issues being mirrored in our political system; we have Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as our next presidential candidates. Enough said. I am very concerned about the deleterious effects gurus and celebrity idol worship have on people’s minds.
It seems that most people believe they need to follow someone stronger, wiser, or richer, in order to “succeed.” It seems that many followers think that they need to hear what gurus like Teal have to say, in order to understand how to live their lives to the fullest, in some way. It is in this way that I see people actually giving away their power to others, under the guise of becoming more empowered.

Jun 28, 2016


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Chronic Illness and Shamanic Practice with Kelley Harrell

Living with chronic illness is a challenge, a challenge more and more people are being required to navigate daily in an already busy life. How can we use our shamanic practice most effectively and efficiently to respond to chronic illness, whether our own, a client's, or with a loved one? How do we cultivate good energy hygiene or even go for a walk daily when chronic pain is robbing us of the energy we do have? What is reasonable to expect or responsible to promise from shamanic healing as a resource for the chronically ill? This week author, teacher, and shaman, Kelley Harrell, joins host, Christina Pratt, to explore how we can apply shamanic practice to address chronic illness and how to avoid the fantasy, illusion-no matter how well meaning, and the false claims that arise from our pain and fear of the Unknown.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jun 21, 2016

Bill Donohue Crows Over Defeat of Church's Victims

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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The Catholic Church and its lobbyists appear to have defeated the Child Victims Act in New York State, and Bill Donohue's victory lap is offending pretty much everyone.

The gloating head of the Catholic League on Monday ripped into the “victims’ lobby” he says is out to “rape” the Catholic Church over the issue of child sex abuse.

. . .

“The bill was sold as justice for the victims of sexual abuse, when, in fact, it was a sham,” Donohue wrote.

He blasted the legislation as ”a vindictive bill pushed by lawyers and activists out to rape the Catholic Church.”

Yes, that's right. He accused people who were raped by Catholic clergy of trying to rape the Church.

Donohue has a long history of saying shockingly offensive things about the sexual abuse of children in the Catholic Church, minimizing these crimes, and even accusing victims of being "gold diggers."



Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Mythical Beasts and Weirdness: Working with Helping Spirits

A mythical beast is a beast that we believe never existed in physical form, like dragons, the basilisk, and the phoenix in the Harry Potter novels. But never is a long time. If they never existed, then why do similar mythical beasts appear in different stories the mythology of peoples who never spoke or met? Whether you believe they were real or are imaginary, mythical beasts are very special helping spirits to work with in shamanic altered states. "You need to pay attention," explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt, "There is a quality of being not of this world when we engage the mythical beasts. But we work with them because they remind us that our souls are not limited to this world either. Mostly we engage the mythical beasts to grow up and stop acting like our silly, violent, consumerist culture has anything to do with the real reality and why we are here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jun 19, 2016

A Conversation with Jordan from Spirit Science

Appearing at The Truth About Cameron and Celestial Reflections.

Update: Jordan to Add Teal's Paintings to Spirit Science Store (See Below)

I was recently contacted, out of the blue, by Jordan Pearce, proprietor of Spirit Science. I have never personally met Jordan. I'm familiar with his work in the spiritual community, but the only personal information I've heard about him has been relayed to me by mutual acquaintances, like Teal Swan. I will refrain from repeating this third party gossip. Let's just say that I wasn't left with a very favorable impression of him. Jordan and I had no prior communication, so I was a little confused by his familiar tone in his initial contact. It seemed rather presumptuous, but I was intrigued enough to respond and see where this communication might lead.

His second message was more condescending than the first. I saw what I thought was a rather obvious agenda. In retrospect, his motives for contacting me are, at best, unclear. I assumed, based partly on things I'd heard, that he was getting back into a business collaboration with Teal, and thereby had a vested interest in clearing the decks. After seeing this blog post, in which he describes being "denied access" to her, I wonder if it wasn't more to curry favor with her. Either way, I felt it would be best to break contact with him. To my surprise, he became relentless. He sent me a number of messages and even tried to initiate a voice chat. I decided to re-engage, but only if he would consent to having his words published. He did.

I wrote him a somewhat detailed reply to what I thought were his major points. I had hoped for a fruitful exchange and realized after I'd sent that message off, that there were a number of things I needed more clarity about. I had begun to prepare a follow-up message, when Jordan abruptly terminated contact and blocked me on Facebook Messenger. Bear in mind that he pursued communication with me for days in messages dripping with affection and heart emoticons. I was blunt and dismissive and still he pursued me. But, when I finally wrote him back with an open and detailed message and invited him to continue with a meaningful exchange, he blocked me.

What follows is our entire exchange, copied verbatim from Facebook Messenger:

Jun 16, 2016

Mary Magdalene: Penitent, Prostitute, or Illuminator?

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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Pope Francis has taken a big step, by elevating the commemoration of Mary Magdalene to a liturgical Feast. He should take the greater step of clearing her of criminal charges.

In a letter announcing the change, the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Arthur Roche, writes the decision means one “should reflect more deeply on the dignity of women, the New Evangelization, and the greatness of the mystery of Divine Mercy.”

. . .

“The Holy Father Francis took this decision precisely in the context of the Jubilee of Mercy to signify the importance of this woman who showed a great love for Christ and was much loved by Christ,” writes Archbishop Roche.

He also notes Saint Magdalene was referred to as the "Apostle of the Apostles" (Apostolorum Apostola) by Thomas Aquinas, since she announced to them the Resurrection, and they, in turn, announced it to the whole world.

“Therefore it is right that the liturgical celebration of this woman has the same grade of feast given to the celebration of the apostles in the General Roman Calendar, and shines a light on the special mission of this woman, who is an example and model for every woman in the Church.”

What Pope Francis has not said: that Mary Magdalene was never a prostitute and that her depiction as one has enshrined attitudes about female sexuality that have been more damaging to women than her lack of recognition as an apostle ever could.

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