Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
Aloha, my astrology-loving and spiritually-aware friends. All last week, as the moon has been moving through the higher, more society-connected signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and now Pisces, planets in my own natal chart have been deeply affected. Each of those signs represents the highest octave of the elements of fire, earth, air, and water. The first octave of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer looks through the lens of self. The second octave of Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio sees the world through the lens of self and another. The third octave of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces sees itself in relation to the whole crowd, the group, the collective of society. Before you look at your own sun sign and judge yourself based on this astrological tidbit, keep in mind that you have the entire zodiac wheel represented in your natal, or birth, chart. You are a very unique symphony, a music of the spheres, composed through the interchange of planetary aspect patterns and planetary placements in the houses, or areas of life, expressed as your own beautiful soul. As the planets continue to move through time, they interact with the music of your birth chart, bringing choices, experiences, growth, change, and transcendence. Just like photographs of you as an infant and you now are different but the same person, so, too is your natal chart always with you, but you become new over and over again. You will experience what it is to be all the signs at some point in time or at some level of your consciousness.
All week, I stalled on writing my "traditional" horoscopes and trends for you. Today is Sunday, September 11th, and, as I opened my astrology software program to see where the planets are and how they may be affecting you, the full moon in the mutable water sign of Pisces gave me a nice wet fish-slap in the face. Yes, I've been looking at its ripening beauty grow in the velvet star-spangled evening sky on these sweet, cool September evenings and I know where it occurs in my own chart, but I've been ignoring the symbols and signs as I try to stay in the "normal" world and do what I think is the right thing to do in terms of money, production, business, etc. I have been ignoring my own internal GPS, although some of the messages I have been receiving about the global consciousness and the importance of the current time did get modified and mainstreamed for last week's astrological trends. All my life, I have felt like a non-conformist trying to conform. My chart holds the sun (self-awareness) in rebellious, oddball Aquarius, Jupiter (growth, abundance) and Saturn (authority, restriction, work, structure) in the 8th house of metaphysics and the occult in reserved and traditional Capricorn. All my knowledge and experiences in things metaphysical and spiritual have come to me through doubt and skepticism. When I first learned of planting a garden by moon signs years ago, I had to plant a garden by the moon and a control garden where I did everything opposite to astrological gardening wisdom. I have to see it to believe it and it took me years to understand that when we want to manifest something, we see it when we believe it. My Mercury is also in Aquarius in the 9th house, so I'm here to communicate and teach unusual things. My moon in Aries in the 11th house means I am to share it with a group and the trine between my moon and Uranus, ruler of my sun sign, in the 3rd house of communication reinforces my interest and emotional "knowing" of astrology and its potential for helping to create a life from a point of awareness. My Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th house has given a lifelong interest in metaphysics and spirituality and I especially have a fascination with the laws of abundance and manifestation. I have created things out of nowhere and thin air many times in my past, and my Mars in Cancer in my 1st house of self trine to my Neptune in Scorpio in the 5th leads me to persist, believing that someday, I can do it at will. I know that we are all moving to a point of consciousness where we will instantly manifest what we desire as we think it. I think the current full moon in Pisces, following the recent new moon in Virgo, is bringing a more widespread awareness of this process of imagining/seeing, believing/receiving to us all now. The challenges within my chart, in the form of squares between my moon and Jupiter/Saturn and my Mercury and sun square to Neptune, make it difficult for me to feel safe or believe I will be accepted if I am too "far out," New Age, or non-traditional. When I left New York, where I always felt like anything but the typical suburban Barbie I felt I was expected to be, and landed in Sedona, Arizona, a mecca for spirituality and unusual interests, I finally felt at home and surprisingly normal among the diverse population of New Agers living there. Now, I live in a place with mainstream, traditional consciousness and I feel I am holding a frequency in place for the benefit of others without them even being aware of what I am doing. Many of you who feel you are somewhere that you don't belong could be performing a similar energy elevation service where you are now. The Internet allows people to connect in ways that weren't possible years ago, and if we can't find our tribe in our own neighborhood, we can find our tribe online, which is what many of us are doing. Can you believe we are moving to a level of awareness where we can be somewhere in our consciousness and experience a person or place and they will also have the same ability? What do you think will replace the Internet? I think telepathy will one day be our main form of communication.