Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shadow, Sex, and Shamanism with Marsha Scarbrough
Where people gather in community there is Shadow, even in spiritual communities. Where there is unacknowledged Shadow there is sex, often good and exciting, and usually inappropriate. At its worst this Shadow driven sex moves hand in hand with great abuse of trust and misuse of power and it tears spiritual communities apart. Author Marsha Scarbrough shares her passionate, sexual, painful journey in her new book Honey in the River: Shadow, Sex and West African Spirituality. Marsha explores this all too common experience with honesty, vulnerability, and maturity so that we can get past our overly simplified victim/perpetrator stance and see the movement of spirit, shadow, love, and the Trickster in the mix. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, and her guest Marsha Scarbrough this week as they discuss shadow, sex and the Trickster and their movement in our lives.
This week's guest:
Marsha Scarbrough
Marsha's new book, Honey in the River: Shadow, Sex and West African Spirituality, takes us on a breath-taking journey of love, passion, sex, betrayal and ultimately, healing in the world of powerful rituals, dance, African drumming, mythological archetypes and sacrifice. She is a freelance journalist, who has had over 75 articles published in national magazines such as TV Guide, Body & Soul, Natural Home & Garden and Millimeter: The Motion Picture and Television Production Magazine.
Her first book, Medicine Dance: One woman's healing journey into the world of Native American sweatlodges, drumming meditations and dance fasts, published in August 2007 by O Books, John Hunt Publishing, was named First Runner Up for the 2009 Zia Award by New Mexico Press Women as well as a finalist in USA Book News National 2007 and 2008 "Best Books" Awards and the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards.
Along the way, Marsha traveled with Buddhist teacher Joan Halifax, danced with movement guru Gabrielle Roth, earned a brown belt in karate from martial arts legend Tak Kubota, participated in indigenous healing ceremonies of dance and sweat lodge and produced workshops for a Nigerian master drummer. Marsha and her book can be found on her website:
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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