Appearing at The Truth About Cameron and Celestial Reflections.
Since my decision to speak out publicly regarding my experience with Teal Swan, I've had some fairly in-depth private discussions with people who have taken it upon themselves to message me over the past couple of years. My goal with this blog is to: (a) highlight some of the central issues I have with Teal Swan's "work," (b) challenge some of the popularly held attitudes and philosophies found in the spiritual community in general, (c) clear up some of the misconceptions many people seem to have about me, and (d) eliminate redundant messages from people who may try to contact me in blind defense of Teal in the future. To serve public interest, what follows is a compilation of paraphrased excerpts from back and forth exchanges with various people:
What is your motivation to build your life around the mission to destroy the person Teal Swan? Is it malevolent intention, or is it for a good cause?
It is in no way my “life’s mission” to destroy Teal Swan or anybody else. My intention, and I’ve stated this repeatedly, has been to tell my own story and let people make up their own minds from an informed place. My objective in making my experience with Teal public has always and only been to inform the public. It’s my hope that when people make decisions about whether or not to work with or follow her, they have as much information as possible, not just the spin she and Blake provide.
I am motivated to speak out of concern. I am concerned about Doc’s safety, I am concerned about the state of our world, and I’m concerned about the way humans have been programmed to blindly follow authority. I am motivated by my desire to one day live in a world with fewer followers, and more rational, independent thinkers. I think Teal’s audience is only one small example of the ways people around the world are being manipulated, fed false hope, and led astray by “leaders,” every day. In the US, one doesn’t need to look hard to see the same issues being mirrored in our political system; we have Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as our next presidential candidates. Enough said. I am very concerned about the deleterious effects gurus and celebrity idol worship have on people’s minds.
It seems that most people believe they need to follow someone stronger, wiser, or richer, in order to “succeed.” It seems that many followers think that they need to hear what gurus like Teal have to say, in order to understand how to live their lives to the fullest, in some way. It is in this way that I see people actually giving away their power to others, under the guise of becoming more empowered.