Aug 30, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts

Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox - Ancestor Rituals

Calling on and attuning to Ancestors with invocations, incantations, meditations, offerings, and workings for personal, family, and community ceremonies and life passage rites.

Wed, August 31, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Nature Mystic with Selena Fox - Ritual Tools

Selection, care, and use of ceremonial tools to aid in spiritual practice.

Encore from Nature Folk on September 6, 2016

Sun, September 4, 2022 07:00 pm [Eastern]

Aug 23, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts

Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox - Ancestors Altars

Creating and working with Ancestors with personal, household, and group altars and shrines.

Wed, August 24, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Nature Mystic with Selena Fox - Circle of Communities

Attuning to and working with Community as part of Spiritual practice.

Encore of Circle Craft Studies from May 22, 2012

Sun, August 27, 2022 07:00 pm [Eastern]

Aug 15, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

A Little Bit Culty

Summer Bonus: Sarah and Nippy answer your emails and make some big moves

If you’re in the mood for a breezy little summer check-in with Sarah and Nippy, you have arrived at the right episode. They answer some recent audience questions about NXIVM, and do some critical podcast housekeeping. Plus, they chat about the highs and lows of leaving Vancouver for Atlanta.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye: The views and opinions expressed on A Little Bit Culty do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast. Any content provided by our guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, group, club, organization, business individual, anyone or anything. Nobody’s mad at you, just don’t be a culty fuckwad.

Episode available since August 15, 2022, 2022

Aug 9, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts

Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox - Ancestors Stories

Learning about Ancestors and their lives through genealogical research and oral history.

Wed, August 10, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Nature Mystic with Selena Fox - Forest Therapy

Healing and wellness through forest walks, forest bathing, and forest psychotherapy.

Encore of Nature Spirituality from July 14, 2021

Sun, August 14, 2022 07:00 pm [Eastern]

Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Autism Awareness

Have you heard of “neurotypical privilege?” If you are on the autism spectrum, you almost certainly know about it! Laura and Jake will talk about autism and neurotypical privilege, and about how we can all be sensitive, respectful and inclusive of people on the spectrum.Have you heard of “neurotypical privilege?” If you are on the autism spectrum, you almost certainly know about it! Laura and Jake will talk about autism and neurotypical privilege, and about how we can all be sensitive, respectful and inclusive of people on the spectrum.

Mon, August 15, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Aug 5, 2022


Scientists Find No Evidence That Depression Is Caused by “Chemical Imbalance” or Low Serotonin Levels

After decades of research, there remains no clear evidence that serotonin levels or serotonin activity are responsible for depression, according to a comprehensive review of prior research led by University College London (UCL) scientists.

The major new umbrella review – an overview of existing meta-analyses and systematic reviews – was published on July 20 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. It suggests that depression is not likely caused by a chemical imbalance, and calls into question what antidepressant medications do. This is because most antidepressants are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which were originally said to function by correcting abnormally low serotonin levels. In fact, there is no other accepted pharmacological mechanism by which antidepressants affect the symptoms of depression.

Lead author Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a Professor of Psychiatry at UCL and a consultant psychiatrist at North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT), said: “It is always difficult to prove a negative, but I think we can safely say that after a vast amount of research conducted over several decades, there is no convincing evidence that depression is caused by serotonin abnormalities, particularly by lower levels or reduced activity of serotonin.

. . .

Professor Moncrieff said: “Our view is that patients should not be told that depression is caused by low serotonin or by a chemical imbalance, and they should not be led to believe that antidepressants work by targeting these unproven abnormalities. We do not understand what antidepressants are doing to the brain exactly, and giving people this sort of misinformation prevents them from making an informed decision about whether to take antidepressants or not.”

Aug 2, 2022


Around the Web, Around the World

A Little Bit Culty

Summer Bonus: Sarah and Nippy Chat with the IndoctriNation Podcast

It’s another summer bonus episode, and you’re all invited to put this in your ears and enjoy it from your favorite pool floatie. This time, we’re chatting with the righteous Rachel Bernstein, LMFT, on her Indoctrination Podcast about our trip in and out of that thing we did for a while that turned out to be a notorious cult. Just some light summer listening about sex cults, trauma, and coming back from hell. Pairs well with watermelon frosé.

About Rachel: She’s an OG cult awareness and recovery podcast host, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from Los Angeles, California who has specialized in cult intervention and re-acclimation for over 30 years. She serves on the advisory board of the International Cultic Studies Association and has worked with the Department of Justice providing therapy to cult victims who testify against their perpetrators. She's also made many media appearances over the years as a cult expert on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR, Bloomberg, and many other news outlets. Ms. Bernstein is also the host of IndoctriNation: A weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and protecting yourself from systems of control where she has interviewed hundreds of cult survivors, journalists, and experts. Her book, "Kids Talking to Kids about Divorce" is available now on Amazon.

Episode available since August 1, 2022

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