Feb 28, 2011

Black Swans Overtake the Middle East

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Last night Natalie Portman took home the Oscar for her performance in The Black Swan. The excitement around this film has been building since it hit the screens to great critical acclaim and then won the Golden Globe and Independent Spirit Awards for Portman. I haven't seen The Black Swan yet but the buzz has been hard to escape. As with any phenomenon that captures headlines and imaginations, recognizable archetypes emerge. Even in the worst of pop culture, there are insights into the collective psyche and shared vision.

Several years before the Portman vehicle began making the news, a bestselling book by the same name created a different sort of buzz. Nassim Nicholas Taleb makes the convincing argument that events that create the greatest impact are unexpected and unpredictable based on past patterns. He uses the black swan as a metaphor for these unexpected events. Before the discovery and colonization of Australia, the black swan was a metaphor for something non-existent and, therefore, inconceivable. It was common knowledge throughout Europe and its colonies that all swans were white. But in 1697 the great birds were discovered by Willem de Vlaming's expedition along Australia's Swan River. With the discovery, a fundamental assumption about the world collapsed and a colloquialism was turned on its head.

So the black swan emerges as an archetype for radical shifts that fly in the face of our assumptions about our reality and have the greatest potential to create change in the world. And, it is against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world that Natalie Portman has been picking up her awards and accolades. Which, of course, brings me back to the Time Monks tipping point prediction.

Feb 27, 2011

Horoscope for February 28 - March 6

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Some spiritual root canal of your soul takes place this week, Aries. The new moon in Pisces on the 4th takes you down, down, down into the deep recesses of the closet where you stuff things. In general, Aries doesn't have too much personal baggage because the Ram is quick to act in the immediate moment and rarely wallows in the past. But Aries can knock people down and ignore the needs of others when they have their strong minds set on getting what they want. The new moon energy will be replaying all kinds of relationship memories for you so that you can rid your closet of bad feelings, regret, unrequited love, forsaken love, and times you could have been more loving. You feel an imperative need to bring all your relationships into a better balance. Forgiveness is the tool that can help you do that. By the end of this week, you will have more love in your heart for everyone, including yourself.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
The planets want you to work on your popularity factor, Taurus, because a group or an audience is waiting for you to join in with your steady presence and placid calm that knows just what to do next, every step of the way. I see the same reluctance you have felt at various other times in the last few months to appear to be too powerful or smart interfering with your confidence. Absolutely no one will think you are being lazy if you let go of the hands-on, practical work and step into the role of networker and guide. It's time to step up from the level of apprentice to the role of master so you can teach and inspire other people. Beauty and balance are involved somehow. If you are a Bull who works in theater, music, or design, your work can reach new levels of inspiration and recognition because you will be channeling heart energy through your art.

Astrological Trends for February 28 - March 6

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

The moon in Capricorn gets your morning off to a productive start on Monday, February 28th. Capricorn is a grounded, success-oriented, cardinal earth sign. If you have a list of things that must be done, this is the best morning of the week to tackle the biggest tasks on your list first. Venus, the planet of pleasure and affection, is in Capricorn, favorably supported by a sextile to impulsive Uranus in dreamy Pisces and Venus semi-sextile inspirational Neptune in intellectual Aquarius. These Venus aspects can help you take some crazy dreams and turn them into real-life situations or you may be anchoring a highly improbable, but Divinely perfect, relationship or creative idea to earth. The longer-term challenging influence of expansive Jupiter in initiating Aries square to potent Pluto in rigid Capricorn is still with you this week. It can be felt in your personal life as inner or outer resistance between new versus old or personal sovereignty versus established systems or authority. Globally, any groups of people feeling oppressed will still be pushing for old regimes to step down. The sun and Mars, the planet of action, are conjunct in the mutable water sign of Pisces and form a supportive sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Despite the diffusing nature of Pisces, this sextile enables you to take action and follow through on your plans. Even if you may sometimes feel like you are moving through thick fog, the sun and Mars act like lighthouse beams to follow and Pluto provides a grounded willpower you can tap into. The current lineup of Pisces planets is Chiron, Mars, sun, and Mercury making conjunctions with each other in a tight row, like a conga line. Check your own natal chart to see what house, or area of life, these planets will be activating and you will know where most of your attention is focused this week. Some Pisces words are dreams, prayers, inspiration, devotion, illusion, deception, fog, mist, ocean, nebulous, gentle, intuitive, deep, sensitive, healing, healer, victim, savior, and martyr. With so many diverse planets expressing via the Pisces influence, it is difficult for me to summarize the myriad possible effects you may experience now. The simplest way to make the most of Pisces is to be receptive, pure, and heart-centered. Some of you may have a fairly uneventful week and others may feel like they have slipped into an extremely altered dimension - it all depends on your own natal chart. When it comes to Neptune/Pisces energy, no two people perceive it in quite the same way. Around lunchtime on Monday, the moon in Capricorn cozies up to Venus, stimulating the Venus/Uranus sextile. A lunch date could turn suddenly and excitingly romantic under this energy. If your romance has been moving slowly, give it a nudge now. Later this evening, Mercury in Pisces forms a quincunx to Saturn in Libra. Flirting and hinting that took place this afternoon could turn into some serious pillow talk at bedtime. Mercury and Saturn continue to aspect each other until March 3rd, and then Mercury moves along and passes the quincunx baton to the sun. The sun in Pisces will then be quincunx Saturn in Libra for the remainder of the week. Serious relationship talks will settle into a solid mode of relating. Any area you are mentally thinking of bringing to balance in your life will become balanced through your intentions.

Feb 22, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Recognition Rites to Create and Celebrate Elders

"Recognition Rites is a ceremonial rite of passage which honors and celebrates Elderhood," explains our guest, author and shaman, Tom Pinkson, PhD. Join host Christina Pratt as she explores The Recognition Rites Program through which Tom "helps people to create rituals in alignment with their deepest core values, their sense of mission and purpose their highest vision of who they are and why they are here, and how to best use their gift of longevity in their quest for fulfillment in creating and living out a meaningful legacy for future generations." In short, Recognition Rites is a new, old way to create elders and memory keepers who will enrich the fabric of contemporary life. This process begins with a set of reflective questions that help one to harvest the wisdom of his or her particular life. The process evolves through set steps which lead to "gerotranscendence" or the ability to grow into old age with a fortified spirituality and awareness of a shift from the small, doing-defined self to an understanding of a larger Self that is one with the creative power of the cosmos. Tom is the author of the re-released The Flowers of Wiricuta, The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol: Medicine Teachings for Modern Times. He has successfully infused the sacred teachings of his 11-year apprenticeship in the medicine teachings of the Huichol into his work as a contemporary psychologist, assisting North Americans to live spiritually grounded lives in intimate relationship with nature and each other for decades.

This week's guest:
Tom Pinkson

Tom Soloway Pinkson, Ph.D., is a psychologist, ceremonial retreat and vision-fast leader, sacred storyteller, and shaman. For 32 years he worked with terminally ill children at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in California, successfully integrating the wisdom teachings of the Huichol and other medicine teachers into the world of the practicing psychologist. His most recent work includes training in the Hardiness Factor (training for emotional resilience) and A New Vision of Aging (working consciously with the challenges and opportunities of the elder years). The founder of Wakan, a nonprofit organization committed to restoring the sacred in daily life, he lives in northern California.

The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol is the autobiographical account of Pinkson's decade-long immersion in the shamanic traditions of the Huichol tribes of the Sierra Madre in Mexico. From his first Huichol pilgrimage to Wiricuta (their sacred homeland) in 1981 to searching the desert for the heart medicine of peyote, Pinkson's account of his initiation into the medicine teachings of the Huichol brings new life to this ancient eco-centric tradition. Providing a guiding light for those who seek to become part of the solution to our planet's ecological challenges, Pinkson empowers readers to choose their own path toward healing both on a personal and a planetary level.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 21, 2011

Horoscope for February 21-27

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Some of last week's themes continue for you this week, Aries, as you deal with the challenges of making a name for yourself at work. Accepting greater responsibilities that keep you on the job and cut into your free time is possible, as well. Your personal relationships are likely to be affected by your work schedule and devotion to personal growth. Someone may even say, "You love work more than you love me." It's not that you love work more than people now - you are just driven to do whatever it takes to be recognized in your field. You could be delving into some unusual spiritual, esoteric, or metaphysical subjects now in your quest for personal expansion and excellence. You may be introduced to consciousness-expanding ideas through a friend or group, or be drawn to unusual technologies, like brain wave entrainment or hypnosis.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Are you afraid to stand out from the crowd, Taurus? Do you feel that being more knowledgeable would isolate you and cut you off from your friends? I know you do excellent work, but the planets are asking for more. It looks like you have some smarts or expertise that would elevate you to a teacher or leader position if you let other people see them or you allow yourself to grow. A mate or partner encourages you to display your hidden talents. They wouldn't do so if they thought you were just mediocre. By "showing off," you attract even more support from friends or coworkers. The inner thrill you feel when you take the plunge solidifies into a strong sense of having made the right move. The important things remain the same and only good is added when you make up your mind to be assertive.

Astrological Trends for February 21-27

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

A completion or decision in matters of love may be reached on Monday, February 21st, when the moon in relationship-minded Libra joins Saturn, the planet of duty, responsibility, and restriction. Together, they form an emotionally sobering square to Venus in Capricorn. Any kind of relationship can be affected by this energy, including parent/child, boss/employee, business partner, and sibling relationships. This aspect encourages tough love or can make you decide to do what you know must be done in the name of love. The square between Jupiter in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, which reminds me of a young buck challenging the herd leader, is still creating some delay or complication when it comes to implementing new plans that must receive approval from authority figures, the government, or established institutions. If you are thinking of applying for grants or permits, or considering formalizing a new business or restructuring a business, you could have a rougher time of things than if you just wait until March 15th when this problematic square dissolves. If you fear the IRS and are worried about an audit, then definitely wait this aspect out. Early this evening, the square between Venus and Saturn fades and you may notice this as a lightening in your body in the chest or your back between the shoulder blades. You've been carrying the weight of that aspect in your heart chakra and now you can release it and breathe some springtime lightness into your heart. Mercury and Mars are both parallel to Neptune this evening, making it a nice time to connect with your lover or enjoy a romantic book or movie. Ambient music and subdued lighting can restore your mental and emotional equilibrium. You don't need a partner or a special occasion to light some candles and play your favorite mood music. Mercury leaves the logical air sign of Aquarius and enters the inspirational water sign of Pisces, making your thought process less intellectual and more intuitive. Instances of telepathic communication or psychic impressions picked up from objects, people, or places may increase as this week unfolds due to the combination of planets joining Mercury now.

Feb 15, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Right of Passage with Annie Spencer

"Making Ceremony is a way of reminding ourselves that in fact all that we do is sacred," explains Annie Spencer, founder of Hartwell Centre for Shamanic & Ceremonial Ways in the UK. And our guest this week. Join host and shaman Christina Pratt as we explore with Annie the art and power of creating Ceremony in our contemporary lives. Annie is a frequent presenter at the UK Society of Shamanic Practitioners Conference and an elder and guide in the practice of ceremonial shamanism the worldwide. She explains, "perhaps it is precisely because we are so barraged by advertising hype, political spin and journalistic license that we need (ceremony) now more than ever... Getting lost in a delusional, fragmented post-modern world of virtual reality, we become addicted to adrenalin, throw ourselves out of balance and then are terrified to discover that one in three of us will contract cancer and need psychiatric help during our lifetimes. Ceremony, and particularly the ceremonies that are rooted in an earth-based spiritual tradition, help us regain our balance, our sense of purpose, and a deep feeling of belonging in the natural world that brings with it a strong sense of joy." Annie is our next guest the Society of Shamanic Practitioners sponsored interview series. In this series we explore how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenge of their world where the relations of things are profoundly out of balance. It is the ancient role of the shaman in all cultures to tend the balance of things. How are these shamans meeting this extraordinary need today?

This week's guest:
Annie Spencer

Annie Spencer, founder of Hartwell Centre for Shamanic & Ceremonial Ways in the UK. She is a ceremonialist and workshop leader with an Oxford MA and a diploma in Humanistic Psychology. Annie has been running groups and trainings for over 20 years including the groundbreaking Women's Mysteries courses; and was a co-founder of the Shamanka School of Shamanic Studies for Women and of Openings, the Bath based centre for therapies and group work. Her writing on earth mysteries, women's mysteries and ceremony can be regularly found in many major magazines.

She is currently involved in the establishment of Circle of Life Rediscovery, which is devoted to bringing earth based spiritual traditions to young people. Annie has worked in many spiritual traditions across the Americas over the past 30 years. In addition to studying Guatemalan Mayan teachings for the past five years she has built up an intimate relationship with the sacred sites of her Cornish ancestors. Her primary interest is the renewal of ancient ceremonial forms for creating a path of beauty upon Grandmother Earth.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 13, 2011

Horoscope for February 14-20

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Finding balance between home, family, relationship, career, and time for yourself will be the work of your week, Aries. You have all four burners going on the stovetop now and the aspects between the planets are increasing the chances that one of your pots will boil over, but I'm not sure which one. Most likely, the area you have been paying the least attention to will be the one where you encounter some difficulty. It is possible you have been emulating a powerful individual at work or unconsciously projecting an image that is not really you, but someone you think you should aspire to be. By striving to be a certain way, you are neglecting your own authentic self, which is a much easier role to play and more accepted by your peers. The full moon brings you back to your own script and reconnects you with your true tribe.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Laying new groundwork for your career is the theme this week, Taurus. Communication regarding career or education plans figures strongly or you could be making calls or short trips related to sales. You may be considering working or going to school at home or changing your home location because of school or work. Somewhere in the mix, there is a friend or organization that is open to seeing things in a different way who can give you some unusual suggestions or help you bend or rewrite rules so that you can make your changes easily. The full moon brings changes in your home life or changes in how you view your position in the grander scheme. You may have to roar against the establishment in order to follow your purpose.

Astrological Trends for February 14-20

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Tread softly on the morning of Monday, February 14th, while the moon in sensitive Cancer squares swaggering Jupiter in Aries and opposes controlling Pluto in Capricorn while Jupiter, in turn, squares Pluto, forming an emotionally volatile and defensive cardinal T-square. This tension-producing T-square doesn't engender romantic feelings at all on Valentine's Day. In fact, until the T-square wanes in the late afternoon, people may be more concerned with themselves and having things their way than they are with pleasing their partner. The T-square dynamics are likely to trigger the worst attributes of each planet and sign involved. You and everyone else could be feeling needy, greedy, and controlling to a certain degree today. Those most likely to be affected emotionally are the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn and anyone who has specific expectations of another person. Later this evening, when those aspects fade, an opposition from the moon in Cancer to Venus in Capricorn cools affections. Many couples could go through the motions of a Valentine celebration because they feel they should rather than because they feel amorous. The planets could create an atmosphere of something missing or falling short of the mark. Singles could be feeling sorry for themselves because they don't have a special Valentine to be with. A supportive trine between Saturn in Libra, the sign of relationship, and Mercury in independent, free-thinking Aquarius could be partly to blame for any Valentine upsets. Even though a trine is considered a beneficial aspect, in this case, it encourages personal freedom, independent thinking, and self-sufficiency even within committed relationships - hardly a romantic scenario! Hopefully, many Valentine celebrations took place this past weekend when the planets were more supportive of romance and cooperation. Jupiter in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn is a long-term aspect that will be felt by everyone until the middle of March. On the global level, I believe people are fed up with political misuse of power, excess spending on war, and corporate greed. There are already rebellions and uprisings and I am sure there will be more over the course of the next month due in part to this challenging Jupiter/Pluto aspect and the current lineup of Mercury, Mars, the sun, and Neptune in Aquarius, the sign of humanity, reformation, and the future. Civil unrest will continue. You may experience an unrest, as well, that precipitates a radical change or rebellion in some area of your life. Check your birth chart to see where the Aquarius planets sit now. Whatever house they are transiting will be shifting like quicksand.

Feb 11, 2011

Persecuting Witches in Romania

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Here's another reason to be glad I don't live in Romania. Leaving aside for the moment how they're defining witchcraft and how on earth a religion can be a profession, the latest wrinkle in the ongoing saga of Romanian witches is just, plain dumb. Apparently, they're equating the fortune-telling with being a witch (???). Obviously, there is a whole cultural context here about which I'm woefully ignorant. But making anyone who does psychic readings legally responsible for their accuracy is ludicrous. I don't mean that people shouldn't be held responsible for the quality of their work, I just mean that accuracy of predictions is a poor measure of the quality of a reading. I know this sets me apart from a lot of people in my field, many of whom are very invested in "accuracy." But -- and I truly tire of pointing out this various obvious fact -- if the future were unchangeable what would be the point of having a psychic reading? So you could know what was coming, good or bad, and sit passively and powerlessly until it occurs? The whole point of getting any prediction is to get a heads up on your direction and make whatever changes are necessary to avoid or minimize potential problems. In the case of positive outcomes, it is the very unusual case where all that's required of a person is that they sit on their hands and wait. There is usually some action required to manifest any potential outcome.

Tarot expert Rachel Pollack makes the point in one of her books, I can never remember which one, that from the moment a tarot spread is laid out, it's already at least a little wrong. That's because the observer of those cards now has information they didn't have before. As a result their actions will invariably change at least slightly. This is the entire point of getting any form of psychic reading. Apparently, Romanian politicians don't understand this... not that this puts them in the minority. Under Soviet rule, it was illegal to practice witchcraft or any other religion. Now to practice the craft of psychic divination means witches could go to jail for simply doing their jobs.

Witches in Romania could receive a spell in jail or a fine if they make incorrect fortune telling predictions.

Politicians are debating a draft bill which will require witches to apply for a permit and be judged on their accuracy.

They will also be required to provide receipts for their customers and will be prevented from carrying out their work near churches and schools.

Feb 9, 2011

Egypt Then and Now

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

I have been watching the unfolding events in Egypt with horrified fascination. Of course, I've watched much of it from my sick bed. I'm not sure these things are unconnected.

The past few months have sure been interesting and I think we can safely say that the Time Monks were onto something with that tipping point prediction: apocalyptic bird and fish deaths, an assassination attempt resulting in multiple deaths (this occurred within 12 hours of the webbot prediction of when release language would "go vertical"), and the revelation of several secrets, some of which triggered revolutions. These are just the most attention grabbing of the bizarro events of that have transpired amidst a steady cascade of "release language." But this thing in Egypt has knocked me over... almost literally.

I have feelings about Egypt -- and the Giza pyramids -- that are indescribably intense. I know this is true of many people in my field. But my feelings were not always so clear or straight-forward. For a long time I felt a kind revulsion at ancient Egyptian imagery. I just did not feel drawn, which I thought odd. Obviously, Egyptian myth and imagery figures heavily into the lives of modern psychics. It's hard to escape if you spend any time in New Age bookstores and I spent a lot of my time in such stores throughout the late 80s and 90s.

Feb 8, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Taking Right Action

The right use of power requires that you are willing to do whatever it takes. The person of mature spirituality understands that this will mean drawing on discernment, flexibility, and adaptability. One must discern when to act with insight on the past and far-sighted perspective on the future or when to act with trust in invisible allies and intuition in the face of the Unknown. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores what it means to take right action in a world that has normalized a diverse array of the abuses of power. Taking right action always requires facing our fears. Only then can we act with discernment. And we must act if we are to engage in the right use of power. The mature spiritual warrior knows that she must "do whatever it takes" while steering clear of "doing it at all costs." To act at all costs is the desperate act of the child and often results in soul loss and giving away our gifts and power. This lays down the pattern for life draining co-dependant relationships and/or unexplained autoimmune disorders that drain us of lifeforce. We have all acted at all cost as children and we need to go back, heal and reclaim ourselves from those moments. Join us this week as we explore the warriorship of self-reclamation and the art of doing whatever it takes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Feb 7, 2011

Horoscope for February 7-13

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
If this week were a race, you would be in the lead all week and the first to finish, Aries. With benevolent Jupiter blessing the first house of your chart, you may get so lucky that you take luck for granted. On the physical level, Jupiter can expand your waistline if you are not careful, so I suggest you expand your exercise routine as a preemptive strike. You have been working hard at career, stabilizing your relationships, and making people connections. This week, so many good things come so easily and so fast that the only downside I can see is a tendency toward a little too much pride, ego, or arrogance. What - Aries - arrogant? Everyone wants you to be the leader now. Show them they've made the right choice.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
It looks as though you have a secret plan, Taurus. Just recently, you rose to the top of your career or work environment and possibly took on a position of leadership. When you pay attention to things, you are a powerfully quick learner and the planets indicate you have already achieved a level of mastery or a full understanding of your position and field. Now what? While climbing the ladder, you made some astute observations and now you are mulling over what works and what does not. You may also be thinking that you can do something better yourself - and you are probably right. Being practical, you know the plans come first and then the financial backing. While you go through the required daily motions this week, you are busy working on those plans and the latter half of the week gives you an opportunity to present them to a potential backer.

Astrological Trends for February 7-13

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Monday, February 7th, could feel like a typical "I hate Mondays" day as the moon in hotheaded Aries squares Venus conjunct Pluto in rigid Capricorn. Strong feelings of irritation and impatience mixed in with some selfishness that could show up as a me-first attitude are to be expected with this challenging aspect. Knowing this may be the case, you can make a concentrated effort to be courteous and kind. Instead of reacting to negativity with more negativity, give people a smile. After all, you know it's just a passing aspect making them ornery now. Through the entire week, pleasure-seeking Venus and controlling Pluto conjunct in restrictive Capricorn are also square to expansive Jupiter in me-oriented Aries. You may experience this longer-term aspect as people telling you what to do or how to do it. They may think they are helping you for your own good or are interfering with your life because of their love and concern, but you could feel controlled, resentful, or rebellious. It is just as likely that you are dishing out the same treatment to others. Last week's new moon brought changes to people's lives. When we change, other people we relate with must adjust to those changes. This week, the overall tone of Venus/Pluto square Jupiter is one of fear - fear of letting someone go or grow. You may be reluctant to plunge fully into your own new moon changes. "Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't," aptly sums up this aspect. Rational thought, however, presides as Mercury in logical Aquarius is sextile both the moon and Jupiter in Aries. Mercury is also semi-sextile Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. You are able to remain detached when necessary and use mind over matter to solve problems. The sun and Mars are conjunct in Aquarius and involved in a supportive trine to Saturn in Libra through Thursday. The sun and Mars give you get up and go in a big way and Saturn adds stability. These planets are all in the air element and encourage communication and cooperation between individuals and groups. If you have projects that require reading, writing, recording, or contacting people, this week is a perfect time to work on them. Later this afternoon, the moon in Aries moves out of the square aspect to Venus, which may have caused some emotional friction for you. Everyone settles down peacefully at the end of the day.

Feb 1, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Facing your Fears

Facing our fear is the first hurdle to get over when we take action to create the life we are dreaming of and it is often the next hurdle and the next... Cultivating a right relationship with fear is critical if we want to live for what we believe has meaning and purpose each day. Growing a courageous heart is required so that Fear can become our ally. Host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explains that, "Fear is meant to warn us of danger, not make us afraid of it. And your mind will perceive every change-no matter how welcome and how hard won-as danger." Join us this week as we explore the true nature of fear and its sad and overachieving cousins, depression and anxiety. In right relationship with fear we are able to see with discernment and to do what ever it takes to bring our dreams into being. That balance between the precision of discernment and force (and finesse) of taking the action happens only in the heart. The mind will grip too tightly and the rubber of spirit never meets the road. Fear exists in relationship with courage. Thus fear and fearlessness are bound and mutual. The paradox of making fear your ally is that the courage that it takes arises from and with fear itself.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

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