Dec 23, 2009

Egyptian Alarm Clock

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Giza Pyramids, Egypt

"When I'm in Egypt, and I look at the pyramids, I think, that's the real world." 
~ William Henry

Some years ago I recorded something in my journal that, like so many things I scribble in these notes, has taken me years to even begin to understand. An image emerged in my mind's eye of what looked like a mountain range, so I began to draw it. I drew the first peak. The second was a bit higher. Then my hand was forced down to draw a much lower, disproportionate looking third peak. The asymmetry of the drawing bothered me, somewhat, but it was a fair representation of what I saw in my head. Then I heard the following words, which I wrote under my funny looking mountain range. "Trapped in the wrong dimension." The asymmetrical mountain range looking thing became stunningly obvious one day, when I saw a photo of the pyramids at Giza, from that particular angle.  The phrase I heard I still don't really understand, but I have theories.

As I've mentioned previously, Graham Hancock's concept of us as "a species with amnesia" really resonates for me. I found an older interview with Graham Hancock on Coast to Coast with the legendary Art Bell. The whole interview is excellent, but the part that really struck me I've transcribed here:

I can tell you that many, many people, around the world today, have the sense of an awakening memory. There is a sense that the pyramids of Egypt are operating like a beacon drawing people towards them. And, imagine this: Imagine if you were the survivors, as I spoke before, of a lost civilization with a high wisdom and knowledge -- a knowledge that we do not have today -- and you believed in reincarnation. And not just believed; you knew that it happened, and you knew that you would be reborn 12,000 or more years, in the future. And, that you knew that part of the deal with reincarnation is that you do not remember past lives; that at the most you get these faint, haunting recollections that you do not clearly remember. Perhaps you would create an alarm clock for yourself. Perhaps you would create a beacon that would draw you towards it, and an alarm clock -- a symbolic alarm clock -- that would awaken those repressed memories of past lives.

William Henry has a similar take on Egypt's ability to wake us up to a reality that is more "real" than our current, transient experience on earth. In this Conscious Media Network interview, he explains his fascination with Egypt, and with its effect on the psyche.

Both Henry and Hancock express a certain urgency, and the need for those of us who hear this wake-up call to acquire the necessary knowledge. Hancock posits that there is a window of opportunity here, that we may miss. All I know is that the promptings to "remember" are getting louder, and that I also feel there is something (???) I'm supposed to do. Increasingly, I feel like the white rabbit, checking my fob watch.


  1. I watched both of these last night. I could not stop & I was hanging on every word. I haven't been able to listen to anything that intently in a while. When I listen to both of these men its like I hear whispers from the back of my mind trying to speak louder. I have a deep motivation to delve into the ancient Egyptian schools of thought. Today I received the "Tablets of Thoth" from Edna of Earth Heal. I think its time I read this. Yet another cool syncronicity.

    Listening to Graham was refreshing after hearing the depressing reports from Clif High. Its was good to listen to someone with so much hope.

  2. "When I listen to both of these men its like I hear whispers from the back of my mind trying to speak louder." Exactly! That's why I've gotten so invested in their work. For me, it's like, Oh, thank-you. That explains this thing I've been seeing in my head for years. Or, at least, it helps me to start to put these symbols in some sort of context. They just hit all the right myths for me.


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