Dec 7, 2010


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Shaman's Heart

The shaman's heart is an awakened heart. The path the shaman walks to free the heart offers a metaphor for each of us to find the courage to heal our broken heartedness and step into spiritual adulthood. "Contemporary life can break your heart on any day," explains shaman and host, Christina Pratt. "And from that wreckage most of us learn to stand in our own way, habitually, practically, and fearfully rationalizing why we remain disengage from our heart and the hearts of others." What the shaman knows is that while the broken heart is real, the story that we wrap around it is not. If we have the courage to unwrap the story and feel again, we return to reality. In reality the heart contains its own medicine to heal. Where the heart has been emptied by grief and loss, it can be freed to fill its great depths again. Where the heart has closed in fear and protection it can be opened by the wisdom of what truly matters. Where the heart is weak with the struggles of life it can find power in honoring the essence of life. Join us this week as we explore how to engage the medicine of the heart to heal and allow the energies of the heart to flow with passion in our lives.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Awakenings with Michele Meiche


12pm PST --- One on One with Michele --- MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly 2012 & beyond update and answers your questions 12:15pm PST --- Welcome our Awakened Guest: SARK --- SARK is a best-selling author and artist, with sixteen titles in print and well over two million books sold, including the national bestsellers "Succulent Wild Woman", "Bodacious Book of Succulence", "Eat Mangoes Naked", "Prosperity Pie", and "Juicy Pens", "Thirsty Paper". Her newest book is "Glad No Matter What - Transforming Loss and Change into Gift and Opportunity". She is also the founder and Creative Fountain of Planet SARK, a thriving business that creates innovative products and services to support empowered living. SARK lives and creates gladly in San Francisco, CA. Visit her online at or call her Inspiration phone line at 415 546 3742.

12/8/2010 3:00PM ET

Just Energy Radio

Marc Seifer: Consciousness VS. The Speed Of Light & Nicole Lanning: Chrystal Healing

First Hour Guest

Marc Seifer, PhD
Consciousness VS. The Speed Of Light
Marc J. Seifer, Ph.D., teaches psychology at Roger Williams University. He has studied under Bruno Bettelheim, Herbert Meltzer, and Stanley Krippner and is the author of several books, including Transcending the Speed of Light, Inward Journey: From Freud to Gurdjieff and the acclaimed Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla. He lives in Rhode Island.

Second Hour Guest

Nicole Lanning
Chrystal Healing
Nicole Lanning is a natural born empath and psychic intuitive that has focused her life on crystal, energy, and spiritual teachings. She is the founder of Healing Art Forms Institute, author of Practical Crystal Healing 555 Tips & Techniques series tip books, and has dedicated her life to sharing her wisdom so that others may grow and learn. Nicole has been honored with accreditations from the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

Friday 12/10/2010 3:00PM EST/2:00PM CST

Awake: Now What?

Barbara Hofmeister, Life Coach, Author, Speaker

Barbara is a passionate advocate of helping people live their dreams. She is the person you would want to go to to clarify your dreams and live a life of joy and passion Barbara is a refugee from Communist Germany and knows first hand what it is like to be living in adverse circumstances. Severely abused and with low self-esteem she set out to live her personal dream traveling the world sharing what she learned from the “University of Hard Knocks” with a wide audience. Barbara became involved in her own personal development in 1978 when a friend gave her a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer and she has not stopped since to further her knowledge on the topic. Her never ending enthusiasm and passion for her work shine through every presentation she gives. You will not be able to stay untouched as Barbara has a way reaching deep inside of you so that you can rediscover your hidden dreams and – if you so choose live your life’s true purpose. Barbara uses a practical step by step approach that allows ANYBODY to move towards their dream life. For more information go to The ASIN number for her TO BE book is 3941164023

12/12/2010 6:00PM ET

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