Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
The energy is high and rambunctious on Monday, December 6th, as the moon in Sagittarius joins an energized Mars, also in the fire sign of Sagittarius. With the sun in Sagittarius, as well, you may be feeling restless and eager to get things accomplished today. A supportive sextile between the sun and Saturn in Libra gives you the ability to use precise planning and strategy as you direct the expansive Sagittarius fire energy like a laser toward your goals. The challenging square of Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces keeps you on your toes. Not all things will flow smoothly and this could cause you to feel impatient. A positive effect of this particular aspect is a heightened interest in sex and romantic pursuit. A pleasant sextile between the moon conjunct Mars in Sagittarius and Neptune conjunct Chiron in Aquarius makes romance mysterious, alluring, and exciting. Venus in sultry Scorpio exchanges a harmonious sextile to Mercury conjunct Pluto, both in Capricorn. Your thoughts are passionate and you are not afraid to express them now. Later this evening, the moon moves into earthy Capricorn, creating a lineup of planets joining forces for a potent locomotive of energy. Mars in Sagittarius blends optimistic action with the emotional seriousness of the moon in Capricorn, the determined mindset of Mercury in Capricorn, and the intensifying effect of Pluto in Capricorn. For Sagittarius and Capricorn sun sign people, this can be a very busy week, indeed. You may not be a Sagittarius or Capricorn, but you do have those two signs somewhere in your natal chart. Check your own natal chart to see what areas of life will be hopping for you this week. The new moon of December 5th in the sign of Sagittarius will still be felt as this week unfolds. Today through Thursday of this week are important days for you to take action, direct projects, initiate plans, tie up loose ends, and delegate tasks to others clearly before Mercury goes retrograde on Friday. Imagine the new moon as the kickoff. Now you are running with the ball, but soon the planets will be gaining on you and you could be intercepted and tackled if you don’t take advantage of the extra hustle the beginning of this week delivers.
On Tuesday, December 7th, the moon is still in Capricorn, but as the day progresses, the emotional charge around Mars, Pluto, and Mercury lessens. The square between Mars in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces, which created irritability, stress, or friction for you most of last week, is gone now. The planet Mars slides from the fire sign of Sagittarius to the earth sign of Capricorn, but you may not even notice. It is not unusual to feel that something is different on a day when a planet shifts signs and elements, but you have been living with the vibration of Pluto in Capricorn for so long now that one more hot, volatile planet in the earth element is barely noticeable. Mars joining forces with Mercury and Pluto can definitely help bring something to a head in your life, though. The extra fire could be just what you need to come to a final decision or make a super human effort. Conquering a major fear or opposition is possible now thanks to this planetary trio. An emotional disappointment or difference of opinion may arise this evening when the moon in Capricorn squares Saturn in Libra. This is a hypercritical aspect that can create unreasonable expectations that no one can meet. If you are tempted to come down hard on yourself or a loved one, be advised that it is a temporary feeling that will pass and sometimes it is better to be kind and tolerant than to be perfect or right.
The calm before the storm is the feeling present on Wednesday, December 8th. There is a sense of watching and waiting as the moon winds down its transit through the reserved earth sign of Capricorn. The signal to move forward arrives as the moon forms a supportive sextile to Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces at lunchtime. This planetary tickle is felt as an inner urge for change and growth and adds to the overall feeling of anticipation that hangs in the air today. I personally feel the moon strongly every month when it moves from the weighty and serious sign of Capricorn to the much more expansive, but erratic, sign of Aquarius. The intense focused energy of Mars, Pluto, and Mercury in Capricorn being magnified even more by the sextile flow of energy from Venus in Scorpio can make you obsessive over something this week. Like a scab that gets picked until it is raw, your issue could be at the bleeding point. You may come to the end of your limits now and feel the need to change, move forward, or let go. When you wake tomorrow, the moon will have entered liberating Aquarius. Things will feel a bit lighter, but no less complex.
One aspect significantly colors the day on Thursday, December 9th. The moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius squares Venus in the fixed water sign of Scorpio. These two signs are both stubborn truth-seekers, but they operate through different elements; hence the discordant note of the square between them. Aquarius uses intellect and Scorpio uses intuition. Venus is a soft and gentle planet, which helps to temper the challenge of the square, but with the sun in Sagittarius still exchanging energy with Saturn in Libra and Venus still activating Mars, Pluto, and Mercury in Capricorn, I see today as being a “tough love” day. It’s time to apply iodine and stitches to the issue you have picked raw this week. Nationally and globally, this week can bring a call for action and a demand for accountability from individuals or institutions that form the supportive structure of society. If people learn they have been deceived in any way now, the planets may give the impetus for a realistic and effective course of action.
The moon in Aquarius forms a favorable trine to Saturn in Libra until mid-afternoon on Friday, December 10th. This aspect supports plans and communication between people despite the fact that Mercury in Capricorn begins a retrograde period. When Mercury is retrograde, it is best to avoid anything new in the areas of communication and transportation; however, a Mercury retrograde period is an excellent time to pull out old plans and address old issues. The moon in Aquarius also forms a favorable sextile to the sun in Sagittarius, which encourages goodwill and easy exchanges between people. The sun parallel Mercury and Venus parallel the moon increases harmony even more. This evening, the moon in Aquarius joins Neptune and Chiron in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, activating a semi-sextile flow of energy between those planets and Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces. With all the easy and good-natured aspects in place today, it is difficult to believe Mercury is truly in that dreaded retrograde! Nothing astrological is ever all good or all bad. Today, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn has the chance to show its best “fixer upper” side. Hopefully, the last two days showed you where to direct this restoring and refurbishing energy. It is time to put some things right in your life and in society as a whole. If the blessings of the planets today ward off communication and transportation snafus, today is an excellent day to spend time with friends or one very special friend.
Romance, passionate creativity, or doing things for the family or mankind is on tap Saturday, December 11th, as the moon in fair-minded Aquarius joins inspirational Neptune and healing, family-oriented Chiron. The passionate intensity of Venus in Scorpio sextile Mercury/Mars/Pluto in Capricorn is still in effect. Although intense issues may not have changed much yet, emotions and attitudes change significantly now. You have more of a willingness to forgive and forget and extend healing energy and an open heart to people. Peace and harmony reign as the energy of a higher spiritual plane sees you through the day into the evening. Late in the afternoon, the moon enters the dreamy and sensitive sign of Pisces and forms a supportive sextile to first Mars, then Pluto, and next, Mercury in Capricorn as the evening progresses. It is a perfect evening for love, nostalgic reminiscing, or making some new memories with someone you love. If you celebrate Christmas, decorate the house or wrap gifts while listening to holiday music or watching “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
The good feelings of last night extend into the morning on Sunday, December 12th, as the moon in Pisces supports Venus in Scorpio with an easygoing trine. It feels safe and good to express your emotions now and the aspect favors the pursuit of sensual pleasure. Do what makes you happy and enjoy it to the fullest. In the late afternoon, the moon in Pisces is quincunx Saturn in Libra, highlighting commitment and the rules of social exchange and etiquette in relationships. The image that comes to my mind is one of a man and a woman. She is in a long gown and gloves, with her hair swept up in a soft bun and jewels at her ears and throat, and he is looking dapper in a suit with tails and a waistcoat with a pocket watch chain hanging down. His hair is brilliantine – smooth and his mustache is upturned at the ends. They are stepping out for an evening of dining and dancing. This image is telling me that the lunar aspect tonight can help you make something grand and beautiful happen if you pay attention to fine details, and treat your exchanges with others as an occasion worthy of special treatment.
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