Cross-posted from Aloha Astro
It’s off to a fresh week with a spring in your step on Monday, November 22nd, as the sun enters the feisty fire sign of Sagittarius. The moon in the youthfully curious air sign of Gemini feels light and bubbly – a nice change from the earthy weight of the full moon in Taurus, which is behind you now. To make matters even happier and more delicious, Venus has gone direct in Libra and Jupiter has gone direct in Pisces. Venus and Jupiter are known as the Lesser and Greater Benefics, meaning they bring good things. If you have been doing everything correctly, but haven’t been able to manifest something or achieve your intended results, these two kind and generous planets will assist you now. A pleasant trine aspect between the moon in Gemini and Saturn in Libra helps you make favorable decisions, solidify plans, and have productive conversations with people. Later this evening, the moon opposing Mercury and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius can curb excessive enthusiasm or put you in the mood for some debate. This is the kind of aspect that can tempt you to stage a practical joke or play devil’s advocate just to needle someone. The overall energy of today favors joking and playfulness, but take care not to cross the line between humor and hurt.
On the morning of Tuesday, November 23rd, the moon is still in Gemini opposing Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius. Allow extra time for delays in your commute to work and watch your speed and your patience. The moon is also trine to Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius this morning, so if you find yourself in a traffic jam or your current plans are being held up, let the energy flow along the favorable trine to allow you to tap into compassion for your fellow man. Who knows – you may even daydream a solution to a problem while this aspect is in effect. On this day of planetary potpourri, Jupiter in Pisces becomes involved in a mildly challenging and short-lived T-square pattern with both the moon in Gemini and Mercury in Sagittarius square Jupiter. I think your biggest challenge here may be too much information or distraction coming at you at once. At lunchtime, the moon moves out of opposition to Mars and Mercury, releasing any built up mental tension. A beautiful Grand Trine then forms involving Venus in Libra, Neptune/Chiron in Aquarius, and the Gemini moon. Thinkers, dreamers, lovers, artists, and writers may swoon with delight as the mental realm of air is blessed with romantic, idealistic, futuristic, and healing energy. All of us, no matter what our chart holds, will feel and believe anything is possible. Late this evening, the moon enters Cancer forming a quincunx to the sun in Sagittarius, increasing your capacity to feel hopeful and confident.
After experiencing energy that was all over the map yesterday, you may appreciate that Wednesday, November 24th, is calm and quiet from the outset. Positive changes in your love life or your willingness to be in a relationship may take front and center stage as Venus in Libra forms a quincunx to Uranus in Pisces. Venus trine Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius also has to do with relationship and the happily-ever-after feeling. No matter what your relationship status is, these two aspects plus the moon in the nurturing and emotionally sensitive water sign of Cancer can help you heal past hurts and open to giving and receiving more love in your life. Mercury and Mars conjunct in Sagittarius are in a challenging square aspect to Jupiter in Pisces. You want more, bigger, better, faster and you want it NOW, but this square is teaching you patience (darn that patience!) until December 7th, sorry to say. The good side to this energy pattern is that it can send you back to the drawing board with your idea or get your manuscript returned to you for more tweaking until it reaches perfection. A gentle semi-sextile between the sun in Sagittarius and Pluto in Capricorn boosts your self-esteem. Early this evening, when Saturn in Libra is challenged by the moon in Cancer, your energy and emotions can invert and stagnate unless you do something physical and constructive. Put the finishing touches on your home in preparation for Thanksgiving tomorrow, shop for last-minute items, like extra camera batteries, or pick up a hostess gift to present if you are a guest tomorrow.
Positive planetary aspects are popping like crazy on Thursday, November 25th. The Cancer moon forms a favorable trine to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces and is also quincunx to Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius. Mars and Mercury are in a harmonious semi-sextile to Neptune and Chiron. The afternoon brings a gentle quincunx of the moon to Neptune and Chiron. Good food, good conversation, happy family relationships, and easy travel are practically guaranteed with this wonderful selection of aspects. Try to end your entertaining by 6 p.m., though. A square aspect between the moon in Cancer and Venus in Libra begins around that time and it may put a damper on the socializing. People can be on their best behavior for only so long before preferences, personalities, and egos clash or the effect of too much rich food or alcohol is felt. I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving and please do not drink and drive.
Black Friday shopping is fired up and enthusiastic on Friday, November 26th, as the moon in Leo trines the sun in Sagittarius this morning. The moon in Leo is also quincunx Pluto in Capricorn, giving shoppers stamina and determination to get the best deal and complete their shopping. This aspect is both ardent and urgent. If you have the day off from work and opt to sleep in rather than shop, you may be enjoying a morning of passion with your partner. Both these influences last until the early afternoon, so make the most of high energy and passion while you have it. This evening, the moon in Leo forms a supportive sextile to Saturn in Libra. The moon is also making a contra-parallel to Neptune. Together, these aspects increase your need and desire for love and your staying power in lovemaking. Pursue, woo, and linger in love.
The holiday feel to the weekend continues on Saturday, November 27th, with the moon in playful and creative Leo. The morning is quiet and uneventful until lunchtime, when an energizing trine develops between Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius. Run errands, take short trips, shop for your Christmas tree, or work off some of those Thanksgiving calories. Later this afternoon, the moon is quincunx to Jupiter in Pisces, enhancing the creative side of the Leo moon – time to decorate the tree or hang lights outdoors? The moon in Leo opposes Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius later this evening while Mercury in Sagittarius and Venus in Libra are in a favorable sextile, indicating there is something that may be bothering you that you can’t change, but that there could be a way to make things more tolerable – even happier. If you are missing a family member who is serving our country or you know people who are, consider sending a gift of some kind to our troops this holiday.
Too much holiday rest and relaxation could have you itching to get things done on Sunday, November 28th, as the moon in practical Virgo is powered up by a trine to Pluto in constructive Capricorn. The moon contra-parallel Chiron in the morning inclines you toward doing loving acts of service for your partner or family. Perhaps you are overcome by an urge to get your home clean, organized, and clutter-free before a new work and school week begins. At lunchtime, the Virgo moon forms a challenging square aspect with the sun in Sagittarius. You may be torn between a list of things you should be doing versus a list of fun things you would be doing if you didn’t have things that needed to be done. A reluctant grumpiness or put-upon feeling could accompany this aspect. Procrastination will not work to your benefit, nor will thinking you have to do it all yourself. The poor-me attitude is self-created and never gets you any help. Tackle the chores first, but assign specific tasks to family members before they see you working and disappear. When the chores are finished, you can reward yourself and enjoy your indulgences without guilt.
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