Oct 25, 2010

Horoscope for October 25-31

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Mental pursuits and communication in the realm of business and partnership dominate your week, Aries. Inner transformations and your quest for spiritual awareness and mental mastery keep you exploring new concepts. Sharing these concepts or putting these principles to work in your life may have a profound impact on the people with whom you associate personally and professionally. As you increase your own self mastery, you will be faced with greater opportunities to demonstrate your skills. You can bring personal relationships to a deeper level of intimacy and shared pleasure. You can be more authentic in your work and discover that the secret to your success is not conformity but an inner belief in the value of your unique personal contribution of ideas and knowledge. Toward the end of the week, you may ready your home for Halloween. Whether you are hosting a party or simply handing out candy at the door, you may enjoy wearing a costume that represents your alter ego.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Money and values figure prominently this week, Taurus. Being a fixed earth sign, these issues are never far from your mind. You like your stuff and you feel most secure when you are able to get the stuff you desire. If you have a partner who shares household expenses with you, the budget may be picked over this week. You and your partner knuckle down to set a course for prosperity. You both have a strong desire now to be free of debt and to make plans for the long term. The planets support you in this and a joint plan can enhance your relationship and bring you closer together. If you are single, your money concerns may turn your attention to monitoring behaviors or beliefs which undermine your prosperity consciousness. If you do not have the emotional support of a partner to encourage you, you may find support in a group of friends or an organization that focuses on Law of Attraction principles. Changing your financial situation may also require the courage to ask for what you want. Raising the fee for your services or asking your employer for a raise may be the most direct route to more cash. The prospects for love and romance are good for everyone this week, but especially the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus. You may find yourself spouting poetry and spontaneously singing love songs.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
Oh, if you could have a clone this week, Gemini! The pace seems faster than usual and you feel the pull of many things all needing your attention at once. Lunar energy puts the focus on you at the beginning of the week. It is a good time to connect with people and ask for help if you need it. Money, work, transportation, travel, and communication may have you wishing you could be in two places at once. Although you are an expert multi-tasker, it is still not possible to do two tasks in two different locations. Your creativity and communication skills are your best assets now. Blogging and social networking can help you hone skills or increase income. Love, relationship, and romance can help you feel grounded and energized. If you are looking for love, you may meet a potential partner while running daily errands. Meeting several potential partners is also possible – another reason why you might be wishing you could clone yourself!

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
You could be on cloud nine this week, Cancer. This is a dreamy, inspired, creative, and sensitive time for you. There is a strong sense of magic in the planets for you now. Has love bewitched you? Perhaps you are falling more deeply in love with someone and are at that wonderful stage where all the world loves a lover. Maybe you are so in love with life and what you do that you have that glow of love that just attracts more good things to you. The only glitch may be the need to spend some extra money on home or family. I am at a loss to find more words to fill your prediction for the week. Sometimes less is more.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
Multiple possibilities present themselves for you this week, Leo. For the highest accuracy, I recommend you read the forecast for your rising sign and combine both. No matter how the planetary transits are affecting your own natal chart this week, you will be dealing with some issue surrounding home or family, an intimate relationship (or the longing for one), a time for contemplation followed by a time for decision. The home issue may be purely practical such as thoughts of a move, buying or selling a home, or renovating a home. On the emotional level, the family dynamics in the home and needs of the people in the family are important now. The overall goal is to have more of what you desire that is good for you and the family and less of what you don’t want that could be making life challenging. You may think your dream is impossible, but after careful review, you determine that there can be no other option but having what is best for you, your family, and your relationships and you take steps toward that goal.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
A busy, social start to the week advances to a time of rest and retreat this weekend, Virgo. Of all the signs, you are the least likely to be partying or handing out candy this Halloween, unless the forecast for your rising sign says otherwise. If you go into recluse mode on Halloween, be sure to turn your outside light off so the little ghouls get the message and skip your house. If you do attend a party, you may want to go in full disguise to protect your anonymity and slip out the door early. But yes, you do feel like talking during the early half of the week and you may do a lot of it, too, especially if you are looking for love or deepening bonds with your partner. There is a chance you may meet someone at work or your mate may ask you to do some work with him or her. Concerning work – you may be offered a freelance gig or you could close a sale or sign some papers that bring an extra infusion of money to your bank account. The planets flow a great deal of energy your way this week that will keep you busy and you are grateful to claim time and space for yourself this weekend.

Libra (September 23rd - October 23rd)
The buying or selling of property, the completion of a lucrative business deal, a return on an investment, or an insurance settlement could be a highlight of your week, Libra. Personal money power is with you now – sweet! A trip or vacation could be in the works, too. You will find good bargains if you book tickets and hotel reservations online. Business and work are favorable, too. You have a great deal of persuasive influence and are able to present things in a way that makes people want to buy from you or follow your suggestions. Love and romance are not lacking, either, but you may be more interested in impressions, appearances, and connections that can advance or support you in one way or another. A lover or partner is someone you want to be seen looking good with and know you can rely on to stand by you more than someone you put your personal life or career aside for right now.

Scorpio (October 24th - November 21st)
“If you want something done right, do it yourself,” could be your motto this week, Scorpio. You have confidence in yourself and your ideas and are willing to take action to see them bear fruit. Many Scorpios will launch their own product, book, or business this week. Cupid’s arrow may strike your heart midweek. Your current self assurance and an urge for some excitement may make you the aggressor in love. The usual Scorpio method is to be as strong, silent, and mysterious as possible to pique curiosity and lure the unsuspecting prey – I mean, partner – closer, but the planets are making you extremely expressive and action-oriented now. You have ample opportunity to live up to your reputation as the zodiac’s sexiest lover. A Halloween party may be less about entertainment and more about networking for business. Tell people who you are and what you do and hand them your business card whenever you find yourself in a crowd.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)
Your boundaries in relationship may be unclear now, Sagittarius. Part of the problem may be that you are unsure of who you are, what you want, what direction you want to take, or if you can live up to what might be expected of you. If any relationship is expecting a lot from you or demanding full fledged social involvement as a visible couple, you might have to say, “Let’s just be friends.” Some rolling stone energy mixes with the hermit in your soul now. No place may feel like a place you are prepared to stay in for long. If you are in a committed long-term relationship and live with a partner, love and romance can certainly be there for you, but you have a need for privacy, space of your own, and an occasional solo vision quest. You are on the brink of expressing some deep things that are brewing now. They may flow through the written word as a fictional tale, but it will be your tale.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
Are you ready to drop a bomb at work, such as quitting, Capricorn? The planets indicate you might be walking out the door or bringing some aspect of your career or a project to a close. They also indicate that the next step, which you could have been waiting on, is ready to slide into place. Strategy and a support network of people are moving you to a new level. You are perpetually raising the bar of your own performance level and you are craving your next challenge. Working within a cooperative group or organization rather than in an isolated position is possible. If you are a Capricorn in love, you appreciate the emotional support and friendship your partner offers. If you are a single Capricorn, you can find a likely lover in social settings where people gather. Dress as a famous lover or sex symbol on Halloween to signal your intent and invite flirtatious conversation.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
Work, money, creativity, career, and self empowerment are your strongest areas of activity, Aquarius. You are relentless now in your search for ways to improve your cash flow and be more successful at what you do. Your sign is fixed air and right now the sun is in fixed water, influencing your work life. Remember how strong these seemingly invisible elements can be. Both wind and water carve and shape landscape and can literally move mountains. You may be feeling the weight of mortality and the pressure of passing time, which is why you feel a sense of urgency to get things done quickly. Realize that there is only an endless line of finish lines you create in your life. Slow down a bit and watch the scenery go by as you run the race. Midweek may bring a lucky break, a windfall, or a creative money-making offer. Some romantic opportunities are cropping up now, too. Yes, being in a relationship may require work, but two can make a workload lighter. If you have a partner, don’t be afraid to ask for help with the daily chores. Time you free up can be time spent together. He or she may have a desire for you both to dress as a famous couple this Halloween.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
Heart, soul, thoughts, emotions are the sea you swim in now, Pisces. A new love may blossom this week that springs from an open heart of friendship. The new blossom could also be a child conceived or a work of art birthed. An intellectual evaluation of past painful emotions and the accompanying restrictions they produced in your body gives way to a healing on the physical level. You are able to let go of old fears and limitations and move forward in new directions, especially in your personal relationships. Family can be a blessing now or you bring something wonderful to your home or family. If a Halloween party is on your calendar, there had better be music and dancing or you won’t want to linger long. Monster Mash?

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