A personal revolution may be taking place for you at an unconscious level, Aries. Whether you have a co-pilot or fly solo, you are reaching out to share your passions with both individual people and the world. Perhaps you have an unusual skill or healing talent that can be of benefit to others if you open up and share it. The full Moon facilitates self awareness and the opportunity to release fears and inhibitions that may be holding you back in personal or business relationships. Union with your Higher Self or a partner may bring rock solid support that helps you launch your own endeavor. Possible interests for you now may be metaphysical, paranormal, or sexual in nature while the planets are helping you enjoy mystery, intrigue, and intimacy. This week marks the beginning of a new lifestyle cycle for you, so choose what you wish to begin wisely.
Romance and creativity are still happy areas of life for you, Taurus. If you are single and looking, I suggest you take a class on an art or hobby interest to meet a potential mate. Established couples may also benefit from taking or teaching a class together. What begins as a shared interest may blossom into a shared profession. What could be better than living and working with your mate? Potential difficulty or awkwardness with a friend, group, or organization may present itself this week. The planets indicate there may be a temporary misalignment of energy. The full Moon gives you time to absorb the nuances of the situation and reflect upon them before taking action. Ultimately, you will not allow your personal values to be compromised, but first you must determine what is truth and what is hearsay or exaggeration.
Are you a self-employed Gemini or have you been working extremely hard at advancing your career? The road to your success is more like a network of winding paths that crisscross each other lately. Never the most patient soul of the zodiac, you may be stretched to your limits of endurance by the energy of the full Moon this week. You want signs of success and career growth, as in, yesterday. You can feel it, but you might not see it yet. It may be difficult to not look at what you don’t have. Instead, look at ways you can continue moving ahead toward what you want. When you are busy looking at something else, the success you’ve been courting may draw closer.
Do you have a writing talent, Cancer? Now would be the time to submit a manuscript if you would like to be published. Even better, all the planetary placements and aspects tell me that you could be writing the next Twilight series. Romance, passion, the supernatural, travel, writing, communication are all the bright threads woven together in your week. If you can take time or money to live out your own romantic supernatural tale, grab your mate and head to a place like New Orleans where you can soak up the atmosphere of mystery and passion and make your own voodoo magic. It is virtually impossible for you to avoid being bitten by a travel bug this week.
How the energy of your week plays out, Leo, has to do with where you are right now in terms of relationship. Single Lions who have been looking for love may reach a culmination point. The “now or never” energy the full Moon brings may magnetize a partner to you finally through sheer force of will and desire. Lions with mates and families may be examining the family budget and looking at the long term, resulting in sweeping changes of the household finances. Business partnerships may also come under scrutiny and revision. If you have been doing the lion’s share of the work, you may decide that sole proprietorship is the best way for you to do business in the immediate future, unless a new work agreement is reached.
Relationship and intimacy are areas of interest and possible change for you, Virgo. You are more social and communicative than usual now, exploring and enjoying your neighborhood. Joining a book discussion group or creative writing class may be a great way to meet new friends or a partner who thinks like you. Investigating self improvement, diet, and health information and applying what you learn so that you can be your personal best is important to you now. If you are already in partnership, it may be important for you that your mate be willing to follow the same path of personal development with you. Changes in your own vibratory rate can release or repel people who do not resonate to your frequency. Asserting yourself will magnetize people to you who are in alignment with your path and principles.
A reality check is in store for you this week, Libra. You are beginning a new cycle of responsibility and personal accountability. Suddenly, you are serious about the first impression you make when meeting others. Your decision-making skills improve and you are able to see any unrequited or impractical love attractions for what they really are. After your recent Lost in Space escapades, you may surprise people with your new sober-sided take on life. When interacting with people on the job, remember that true power radiates from calm assurance and being kind to others, not from strong speech or a hard-nosed attitude. The planets are sending some money-attracting energy your way. Even though love aspects abound this week for everyone, you may be more inclined to turn your passion and creativity into making dollars at work than spending your dollars on pleasure. Caring for yourself and being clear about what you need in a partner can restructure a relationship or find you preferring the single life for a while.
Reticence, shyness, insecurity, and a distorted perception of yourself may threaten to undermine all the amazing things you’ve begun recently. Whether it be a new romance, a creative endeavor, or new employment you’ve manifested from your desires, the planets are sending you some “prove it” energy. Just how badly do you want what you’ve got? If you’ve recently moved up your personal energy wattage and life has brought you some great opportunities as a result, now is the time to keep your energy and faith in yourself high so things don’t fall apart. You may be feeling you don’t deserve something wonderful or it won’t last forever. Listen up – you are the only one putting those thoughts in your head, so get them out ASAP. Police your thoughts and use your formidable willpower to straighten out your thinking. Looking with gratitude at everything wonderful about you and your life will keep the good stuff flowing.
A wish to move somewhere new may be granted this week, Sagittarius. It may be a place near water that is calling your name or you may decide to design your own home. Perhaps you plan to begin a family and an extra bedroom is needed. It appears your career and reputation are impressive enough to give you some leverage when negotiating with lending institutions if you need a loan to make the dream happen. I know not every Sagittarian is off to build or buy a house this week. Some of you may decide to drop out of the mainstream world for a while and join an ashram, monastery, or intentional community and others may be free enough to begin an RV odyssey or sail around the world. Each of you in your own unique way will begin a new creative phase in your life that expresses a hidden desire now made manifest.
Capricorn, you are able to endure more work and sacrifice than most people when money, position, or title are the reward. You may have been spending a lot of money promoting yourself lately, taking on long hours, or traveling for the job. This full Moon will highlight family, home, friends, and organizations. Whether you are the big boss, manager of a company, or self-employed, you realize that your focus on financial success or personal recognition in your field has become so all-consuming that there has been little time for personal enjoyment or relationships that are not related to business. The full Moon can help you reconnect with home and family and reconsider work as an opportunity to enjoy the people, not just the profits. Teamwork and collaborative ventures can relieve you of excessive hours spent working alone. A good boss or manager knows how to delegate tasks and direct others.
Communication or transportation are key areas for you this week, Aquarius. Some Water Bearers may receive news they’ve been waiting to hear. Others may be planning trips, considering relocation or a return to school. Gathering information, reading, writing, spending time on the phone or Internet may fill your hours as the week flies past. The full Moon energy can have your thoughts racing and there are several worry aspects for you, as well. The best way to handle the intensity is through distraction and diversion. Read a good book or express your own creative voice through writing. Have you considered writing your own biography? Now is a good time to start. Set the first chapter a year from this week and write as though the future you desire has already passed.
Marriage and divorce are the two sides of the relationship coin, Pisces. Both are serious life-altering decisions. The planets have been pouring major life-changing energy into you lately and into your relationships. The full Moon energy may help you to make a pivotal choice concerning relationship. I mention the extremes of marriage or divorce because there is a new seriousness to the planets, indicating the possible involvement of legal paperwork, lawyer, or justice of the peace that either one entails. Some of this energy can also play out as business partnership, investment, or inheritance paperwork and legalities. Obviously, not every Pisces will be dealing with marriage or divorce this week. Your own personal growth, change in life focus, shared values and resources are the predominating themes. A friend who is concerned about you may be a bit too controlling or opinionated this week, causing you to pull away and seek some personal space.
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