A creative mental challenge is possible at the start of your week, Aries. You may have a divinely-inspired idea that you are striving to make perfect, but this is earth, not heaven yet! A little persistence, a touch of genius, and a love of what you are doing are enough to help you unravel red tape, argue your case, or find the ways and means to do what you want to do. Some Rams may be surprised by a desire to become a parent or have a pet, despite the restrictions and work being responsible for a child or animal may bring. When you tap into your hidden desires, they can reshape your life and redefine who you are. The new moon in your 5th house of creativity, children, and pets amplifies the creative yearning you already feel and signals a green light - GO! Values and self-definition shift or expand as a result.
Here is a special video for you, Taurus. When I looked at your chart for the week, "Oh What a Beautiful Mornin'!" is what I heard - orchestra and all! If there is one energy you need this week, it is the kind of feeling this song imparts. The moon lines you up with a new personal cycle at the start of the week. Commit to a new and improved attitude and decide that everything really is going your way. You may have to negotiate, sell to, or be firm with faceless organizations that oppose you. Don't waste a moment on negative thoughts of other people or entities over which you have no control. Direct your energy toward loving and feeling wonderful about yourself and all the good you see around you and you will be able to sing, "Everything's going my way!" The new moon in your 4th house of home, family, and psychological foundations begins a new cycle of home improvement or a positive, action-oriented attitude. Put that Leo crown on your head and start ordaining and decreeing good things.
If someone says you can't do something the way you would like to do it, you will find an alternative, better way, Gemini. Some of your best ideas come to you when conventional doors close. The new moon in your 3rd house of formative ideas, mental creativity, local transportation, and communication stimulates a great deal of errand running, local socializing, and networking. One of your brilliant ideas this week could become a viable product or business that becomes popular and profitable faster than you could have expected. Look at every limitation as an opportunity for experimentation, exploration, and inevitable success. Write, speak, and spark new friendships.
Personal transformation work early in the week, such as clearing and releasing, helps you enter the new moon weekend with a strong foundation, Cancer. For many Crabs, this is a week of realignment. You may look closely at your relationships now to see if they are still a good fit. The new moon occurs in your 2nd house of money, personal income, and personal values. Your priorities may shift in work or relationships if you feel you cannot express your own individuality or your needs are not being met. If you are self-employed, you may push harder at sales and self-promotion now or raise your rates. If you work for a company, you may enter or create a new position that gives you greater income and satisfaction. When you decide to ask for what you feel you are worth, opportunities appear for you to expand and grow.
How you spend your time and how you see yourself come under scrutiny this week, Leo. You are poised on the brink of a new personal cycle as the new moon approaches your 1st house of self, where it will join Venus and the sun, also in Leo. What could be better for self-improvement and launching new plans? You will also be more magnetic and in-demand. People want to be WITH you or be LIKE you even more than they want your skills or services, which is an important nuance you can add to your work or business plans. After a brief period of contemplation where you identify the image you wish to project and the lifestyle you wish to have, you emerge with a solid plan for creating both. Look out, world! The Lion is not sleeping now!
A longing for your partner or future partner is possible at the beginning of the week, Virgo. If you already have a partner, you may feel miles apart or you may be in different locations, missing each other. If you are single, you may be believing that you are not in the right place to meet your mate. This is just a passing phase that could be followed immediately by a reunion or sudden new union or a sign from the Universe that there is a special person for you. The new moon in your 12th house of the subconscious brings creativity and courage to your dreaming. Now is the time to paint colorful, dramatic images of your future in your quiet time before the planets cycle into your own sign to help you manifest them in the near future. Career and friends keep you happily distracted the rest of your week.
Don't take a "no" to your business plan or criticism of your business as a negative thing at the beginning of the week, Libra. The new moon in your 11th house of friends, groups, organizations, and wish fulfillment indicates you may get what you want or something even better, anyway. The opposition you experience initially may be just what you need to polish up a presentation, get more information, or become more assertive. If you can effectively express the love and passion that you feel for what you do, you will influence people to buy or invest in you. Your romantic relationship benefits from play, experimentation, and adventure. If you are single, you may meet a potential partner unexpectedly at a group event or through a friendly introduction.
The planets warn against mixing work with romance at the start of your week, Scorpio. It could be something as complicated as a workplace affair you are contemplating or as simple as a partner who interrupts your work time with too many personal calls. I know this won't be a big issue, though, because your work and creativity are becoming increasingly important to you this week. The new moon in your 10th house of career inspires you to new creative heights or makes you driven to be seen and recognized for a special talent. Expect some jealousy or criticism, especially if you are an artist, and remember that you don't create to make everyone happy; you must create to express what you feel.
The new moon in your 9th house of philosophy, foreign travel, and higher education may prompt you to grow in new and creative ways, Sagittarius. The 9th house rules so many aspects of travel or communication that it is difficult for me to see exactly what you will experience now without looking at your individual natal chart, but I can predict it will be adventurous, fun, or crazily unique. Some Sagittarians may look for the means to finance a dream trip, a return to school, a relocation, or home improvements. Whichever way you direct the creative energy and joy of this new moon, you can expect a few surprises or innovations along the way. A partner encourages or joins you, but work, an employer, or customers may feel like they are left hanging or are critical or skeptical when you change methods or seem to have your mind elsewhere. If you want your balloon to rise, you have to get rid of excess baggage. Smile and say thank you as you lift off and wave goodbye.
Business, property, or investment changes are possible this week, Capricorn. The new moon highlights your 8th house of sex, death, taxes, metaphysics, investments, inheritance, and business partnership. You can make a push now for a big plan or dream that could be extremely lucrative in the future. There could be risk involved, but the risk has more to do with your emotions than actual finances. What you stand to lose are doubts, fears, and limitations. A deeper look at 8th house mysteries and your feelings about intimacy, commitment, and even death can help you decide what risks are worth taking to live a more powerful and authentic life. You may become aware of the passage of time in a new way that makes you choose to live boldly as opposed to traditionally or securely.
The new moon in your 7th house of relationship and the hidden self is joined by the sun and Venus, making the whole arena of relationships a hot topic for you, Aquarius. Many of you will come to the realization that you have found your match, while others finally understand that they are their own best partner no matter who they happen to be with. The age-old adage that you can't love someone else until you love yourself holds true now. The sun and Venus will be warming your heart and you may be more demonstrative in your affections or willing to make commitments of loyalty now. There is still a small whisper of fear that may tell you not to lose yourself to another. You cannot lose yourself if you accept and love yourself fully - you will only become more by sharing the fullness of you. Also, remember that if you alter yourself for someone, you are cheating them by withholding all that you are.
Pisces, it will be extremely difficult for you to slow down and take things easily this week. Planets in the element of fire have your watery nature bubbling and steaming all over the place. I saw an image of pots boiling over on a six-burner stove in a steamed-up kitchen. A gourmet meal might make it to the table, but the cook could have a nervous breakdown in the process. I see a few dangers lurking behind the overflow of creativity and active energy the new moon brings to your 6th house of work, service, habits, and health. All that eager fire sends flames licking at your 2nd house of money. Extra work may bring a surprising windfall, but I also see that you may spend money on your work or health suddenly without giving it enough thought. Do you have time for that gym membership? Will that new techie device really make your work easier or more profitable? You might think a cautious partner is being a wet blanket when they question your motives or methods, but consider that they may also be the voice of reason. You could be thanking them later for their concern or advice.
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