Jun 20, 2011

Horoscope for June 20-26

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Some of the biggest advancements in your career and earning potential are possible this week, Aries. A change in your location may result or a change in your perception of yourself, the image you project, or the foundational beliefs you live by. An extremely potent power and big money aspect occurs between your 2nd house of money and your 10th house of career and recognition. It will be with you for approximately one month. If you have been waiting for the right time to change, launch something new, or push harder for something, now is the time. You also have a guardian angel whispering in your ear now - take time to quietly listen.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
The more you like yourself and appreciate your own special talents, the more attention, friends, and opportunities come your way, Taurus. The Universe may test your capacity for self-love by sending you some detractors or people who are jealous of your success or feel inadequate when they stand in your light. You have the wisdom to see what motivates people - especially when they show their shadow side - and you have the compassion to reach out to them or forgive them. Living a juicy, joyful, abundant, and creative life is the best thing you can do for yourself and for others. When you are more and have more, you share more and you demonstrate right living by example.

Gemini (May 21st - June 21st)
You don't just want a job or your own business now, Gemini; you want to have an empire. Like Queen Elizabeth I or Darth Vader, you are plotting, planning, and investing in gobbling up more land and staking territorial claims. If you are in a business that needs a roof or stock, you will be looking for ways to expand one or both. If you are in business online or in the communication field, more web space, content, or cooperative marketing could be your plan. Communication is key. You may suddenly get a reputation for one unusual talent, product, or superiority of service.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)
There are lessons of all kinds in your relationships this week, Cancer, especially if you have been projecting your power outside of yourself instead of owning it. Are you annoyed with certain people? Is someone making your life difficult by pushing your buttons? The mirror is being activated. Whatever you are experiencing that you really don't like is probably an expression of a quality you are not acknowledging within yourself. Or, if you keep saying and doing things in a habitual way without questioning the need for it, you are likely to have some scenarios arise to show you how senseless or unconscious you may be. What fun! The more you relate to others and examine yourself honestly, the more empowered you become. This is like a distillation process of your true essence.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)
Let go of the past, Leo. If you have any residual stuff from an old relationship, give it a final goodbye. It no longer shadows your present or future after this week. You may still think of it, but it doesn't define you anymore, nor does it act as a measure for any other relationship. An ideal relationship, perfect for you, is finally recognized for what it is - heaven-sent - or you are now ready to meet that perfect partner. Career and work can become bigger and more lucrative than you ever imagined. How profitable your work can be depends on your acceptance of abundance. What if you were an incredibly wealthy business owner? How would life look then? What would change?

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)
You know those chick flick storylines where the guy and the girl hate each other at first sight or mix like oil and vinegar? That storyline may show up in your life now. A new acquaintance who antagonizes you and upsets your complacency could become unforgettable. If you are already matched, this could be an energy that plays out between you and your mate as clashes of will that result in kissing and making up. Some Virgos may use their discernment and communication skills to play matchmaker for someone else. You may suddenly get the urge to teach about a passion of yours or join a class or group to share or learn more about your interest.

Libra (September 23rd - October 23rd)
You could be holding onto someone or something that isn't good for you, Libra, but you may not see this clearly because you want to see what you would like to believe. You could have time or money already invested in it and are afraid to lose what you have already put in. This could be a case of misplaced loyalty or just expecting too much. Open your mind to other possibilities. Don't judge yourself harshly if you are not happy with the situation - just consider other options and give something else a try. Your intuition makes you intrepid in business now. Investments and real estate can be very profitable in the month to come. Don't be afraid to think big or expand into an area that is new to you.

Scorpio (October 24th - November 21st)
What if everything you thought about happened or appeared immediately, Scorpio? I advise you to be extremely careful with your thoughts and emotions this week because the planets are making them powerfully magnetic. There are also good luck indicators that should protect you from manifesting anything difficult or ugly, but energy is energy. If you are a negative thinker in general, or allow yourself to stay in a low vibration too long, you will get an obvious lesson in negative manifestation. For most Scorpios, the mental power this week flows toward creating fun, happy love, unusual work, and good health. If you have a partner, you may be dealing with a mild jealousy issue. Someone could be wanting the happiness you have and coming on too strong around your mate. If you are single, beware of falling for someone who is either unavailable or too indifferent. Love shouldn't be hidden, painful, or a struggle. By the weekend, you will have an understanding of what love means to you and how you can find it or keep it.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)
As you move through your week, Sagittarius, think this thought as you look at things, touch things, or have an exchange with anyone: "I value you." If it's an object, you may say, "I value this." You will have a very busy week with local errands, communication, family, friends, and work. But a program of worth and value is running in the background. If you can become aware of the value of everything and everyone, even in a negative situation, you will become a master of energy and your life will be transformed in significant ways. For the next month, your income at work can increase significantly or your material needs will be met easily. Keep up the valuing habit and you may receive more than you thought possible.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)
I have to laugh, Capricorn. Your sign is known for conformity. Capricorn IS establishment, heredity, structure, order, emotional reserve, and a stiff upper lip. At the beginning of this week, you are so not any of the things you are best known for. You may upset work, family, your partner, and even yourself with crazy ideas or an outpouring of emotions. Don't worry too much - it's just planetary and you will calm down some by the middle of the week. Capricorn has excellent taste when it comes to material things. Quality and understated wealth are your forte. You can be so cool about it that no one notices you have the heart of an elitist consumer. For the next month, you will become an exhibitionist hedonist, throwing yourself passionately and colorfully into artistic expression and the pursuit of earthly delights. What better time for you to defrost than summer? You may surprise your mate or a potential lover with your romantic words and gestures this weekend.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)
You are always willing to try something new, Aquarius, if it has an effective purpose. You may be exploring some heavy psychological or metaphysical concepts or systems in an attempt to master matter and energy. In all seriousness, you are weary with the same old same old and there are things you want to transform for good - literally. If your body and soul was a car, you would be dropping a new engine in because you are tired of the tinkering that only gives you a partial or temporary power surge. Your seeking may lead to a mind-opening, soul-transforming event. On the mundane level, you are busy with communication, chores, errands, work, and caring for your home and family, but on the soul level, you are integrating volcanoes and lightning.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)
You may want to do it all yourself, Pisces, just to make a point. The wiser thing would be to ask for help or allow the friend, group, or organization that believes in you to be strong and support you. You have a powerful stage presence now and several other classic "actor" aspects are in place by transit within your chart. Whether you are a teacher, actor, salesperson, or just an anybody, you are able to influence people emotionally and project an image, idea, or product that is eager-accepted. "Bravo" and applause come easily, but despite your current magnetism, the money may be elusive. You could be so busy emoting or teaching that you are giving all your talent away for free and forgetting to ask for the money. Set your material and financial requirements on paper first-thing each day and keep track of the due dates on your bills to help you stay in the material world or you will get too carried away making sandcastles with your friends and letting them "borrow" all your toys.

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