Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Pour Your Heart Out in Prayer - The Spirits as Teachers
"The spirits want you to be a human being, in right relationship with all persons, both human and other-then-human," explains our guest, Stephan Beyer, professor, peacemaker, and author of Singing to the Plants: A Guide to Mestizo Shamanism in the Upper Amazon. "Whether ayahuasca lends solidity to imagination, or opens the door to the spirit realms, or transports the user to distant dimensions, it is still the quality of our meeting that matters, what we are willing to learn, whether we are willing to be taught by what we encounter, whether we will take our chances in the epistemic murk of a transformed world." Join host Christina Pratt and Stephan Beyer as they explore the reciprocal obligation inherent in a working relationship with spirit. There are things the spirits want from us and their messages are made clear by our willingness to deliver our honesty and heart. The spirits are not simply another resource in this exquisite world to be used, consumed, or squandered. They are not here to do our bidding, but to teach us who we are, why we are here, and what it means to be truly and fully human. The art of shamanism is the art of relationship with all things, physical and non-physical and the helping spirits are the Masters.
This week's guest:
Stephan Beyer
Professor and author, Stephan Beyer, brings us a beautiful guide to mestizo shamanism in the Upper Amazon and the use of the sacred, plant medicine ayahuasca in his new book Singing to the Plants. Stephan holds doctorates in both religious studies and psychology, was a lawyer and a litigator as well as a wilderness guide, peacemaker, community builder. He has worked with ayahuasca and other sacred plants in the Amazon, peyote in ceremonies of the Native American Church, and huachuma in Peruvian mesa rituals; undertaken numerous four-day and four-night solo vision fasts in Death Valley, the Pecos Wilderness, and the Gila Wilderness of New Mexico; and lived in a Tibetan monastery. From these experiences have come books on Buddhism, Tibetan language and religion, and now, mestizo shamanism.
Stephan has long had an interest in wilderness survival in a variety of terrains, especially jungle survival. He explains that "as I learned more and more about the ways in which indigenous people survive - indeed, flourish - in the wilderness, it became increasingly clear to me that wilderness survival included a significant spiritual component - the maintenance of right relationships both with human persons and with the other-than-human persons who fill the indigenous world. Thus I began to explore wilderness spirituality, to learn ways to live in harmony with the natural world, striving, like indigenous people, to be in right relationship with the plant and animal spirits of the wilderness." In addition to studying how indigenous peoples of North and South America survive and thrive, Stephen studies sacred plant medicine with traditional herbalists in North America and curanderos in the Upper Amazon, where Stephan has received coronaciĆ³n by banco ayahuasquero don Roberto Acho Jurama.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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Awakenings with Michele Meiche
Healing with Sound & Tone to Allow Coherence with 33 bowls
12pm PST --- One on One with Michele ----MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly 2012 & beyond update, answers your questions, and does channeled readings--- 12:45pm PST --- Welcome our Awakened Guest: Hans 33 Bowls is a "one man band" standing on the shoulders of giants that produces high resolution Tibetan (also known as Himalayan or Nepalese) Singing Bowl recordings for mindfulness, relaxation, meditation, yoga, massage, holotropic states, natural endorphins, and performs trance concerts with a collection of pitch matched Singing Bowls spanning five centuries in Age.?As we, through our ancestors, have heard these sounds for Centuries, there is something innately familiar, even sacred, about the sound of antique musical instruments. ?Complex harmonies and particularly sub-harmonic "beats" both match and induce deep, meditative states in the brain and mind. ?Rather than communicating specific stories, 33 Bowls is Contemplative Music to "hold the space" for emergent experiences. ?100% organic heavy metal. For more about the novel idea of natural, unprocessed recordings of Antique Singing Bowls, visit Gratitude to countless generations of Artisans who listened to the Grand Muse; who practiced, even mastered the Art of expressing the resonance and coherence of the Universal Aum; ?who crafted these and other Singing Bowls.?Your memory lives on.
Wed, Jun 15, 2011 3:00PM ET
Just Energy Radio
Bruce Lipton & Colette Baron-Reid
Bruce Lipton
Spontaneous Evolution
Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit. His research showed that environmental forces outside the cell control its behavior and physiology, turning genes on and off. This idea opened the door to a new and important field, the science of epigenetics. His groundbreaking research revealed the biochemical pathways connecting the mind and body which provides insights into the molecular basis of consciousness and the future of human evolution.
Colette Baron-Reid
Finding The Magic In Your Life
Colette Baron-Reid is a popular intuitive counselor, psychic medium, seminar leader, radio personality, motivational speaker, best-selling author, and musical recording artist (with a top-selling meditation CD, Journey Through the Chakras ). She has shared the stage with authors Dr. Wayne Dyer; Brian Weiss, M.D.; John Holland; Sylvia Browne; and many others.
Fri, Jun 17, 2011 3:00PM ET/2:00PM CT
Awake: Now What?
Jennifer Hoffman, Intuitive, Channel for Uriel and Energy Re
Jennifer Hoffman is a life-long intuitive whose unique gifts include an amazing ability to read clients’ energetic fields, view their soul purpose, karmic wounds and lessons and bring their energetic vibrations into alignment with their soul’s desire for healing and wholeness in body, mind and spirit.
She works with the Archangel Uriel, along with her guides and angels, those of the client and departed loves ones who wish to participate, providing accurate and focused guidance to raise energetic vibrations and create a clear path to a joyful, fulfilling life.
Jennifer’s unique life history has been an inspiration to her clients as she has had two near death experiences that occurred during life-changing incidents. As a young child she had a paralyzing illness and was unable to walk for several years. Then as a young teen she was hit by a car and walked away from the accident. Jennifer was told that she had a mission here which would be revealed to her at the right time. After graduating from college Jennifer began a career in technology during which, in her words ‘all I wanted to do was be a corporate vice president.’ But the Universe had other plans and after experiencing six layoffs in less than seven years, Jennifer decided to focus on using her spiritual gifts as she was guided to.
Jennifer created the Uriel Heals website and weekly newsletter in 2003, after receiving a visit from the Archangel Uriel when she was asked to begin channeling messages and since that time it has grown to a large global audience and is translated into dozens of languages.
For more information go to
Sun, Jun 19, 2011 6:00PM ET
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