Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Shamanism and Recovery
Shamanism offers several tiers for engagement for anyone committed to the process of their own recovery. Shamanism is first the working relationship with spirit. At its root, shamanism offers the skills for you to create your own relationship with your helping spirits. This opens a world of healing opportunities, both individual and social, in ordinary and non-ordinary reality that support the ebb and flow that is the nature of a recovery process. Shamanism is the shaman. The shaman as healer offers both a way to get at the aspects of self who remain out of reach and a way to clear and release invasive and provocative energies that often coalesce around the addict. Shamanism is also a way of living a spirit engaged life. Shamanism offers a way for the individual to repair his or her spiritual life on his or her own terms, based on personal experiences and practical teachings that have supported the cultivation of well-being for thousands of years. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores the multiple levels a person in recovery can access through shamanism to restore their relationship with everyday spirit help, mend their battered and abandoned relationship with their soul, and engage in a dynamic, ever-growing relationship with life and the courage to live it with an open heart.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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Awakenings with Michele Meiche
Living a Life of Soul Expression with Artist Leigh McCloskey
12pm PST: One on One with Michele --MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly 2012 & beyond update, answers your questions, and does channeled readings---12:45pm PST---Welcome our Awakened Guest: Leigh McCloskey - In many ways Leigh J McCloskey is a modern renaissance man. He is an artist, author, actor and visual philosopher. He has deeply explored the archetypal and hidden aspects of the psyche through his art and experiences as a professional actor for many years. He combines a thorough knowledge of hermetic wisdom, depth psychology and mythic imagination. He’s written seven books and numerous essays. He has hosted twice-weekly philosophical discussion groups in his home, Olandar, for over 30 yrs and is the founder of Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance (OFFER). Leigh’s art was recently featured with the Rolling Stones on the Bigger Bang Tour. Artwork from his illuminated books the Codex Tor were used for the highly acclaimed album, Cosmogramma by Flying Lotus. Leigh is also an accomplished actor whose professional career has spanned four decades. His life and works reveal remarkable artistry, vision and discipline and are a reminder that we are far more interesting than we have lead ourselves to believe. He founded (OFFER) as a seed idea meant to awaken our deepest knowing and nurture the creative energies of emerging renaissance. Events: 3 day seminar Pacifica Graduate Institute presents “Psyche & Soul: Psychodynamic Diagnosis of Personality Disorder with Dr. Matthew Bennett & Leigh McCloskey. July 29th-31st at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Ladera Campus, Montecito CA - Books by Leigh: Tarot ReVisioned, In the Splendor, Adam Reborn & Eve Restored: A Romance in Two Parts, Vol.1 Codex Tor: Winter Solstice, Vol.2 Codex Tor Summer Solstice, Vol.3 Codex Tor Equinox, Grimoire: Book of Magickal Spells by Leigh J McCloskey., Facebook - Leigh McCloskey & Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance
Wed, Jun 29, 2011 03:00PM ET
Just Energy Radio
The Yuga Cycles & 2012 & Earth Changes
Joseph Selbie
The Yuga Cycles & Changes In Counsciousness
Joseph is the co-author of The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Our Hidden Past, Emerging Energy Age, and Enlightened Future. Each yuga changes the consciousness and abilities of mankind. As mankind's consciousness changes, so do civilization and human development. The yugas provide solutions to many ancient mysteries and offer us a profound key to understanding our modern era – the energy age.
Bente Hansen
Inner Transformation, 2012 & Earth Changes
Bente is an energy healer, medical intuitive, channeler, spiritual counselor and author. In early 2000 Australian, Bente Hansen, was approached by a group of non-physical beings while she was working in her healing room. They offered to be her teachers, and she accepted. Since then her skills in working with, and understanding, energy have become expansive. It took a leap of faith to accept that learning could come totally from non-physical beings.
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Fri, Jul 1, 2011 03:00PM ET/02:00PM CT
Awake: Now What?
Elvin Dowling, Speaker, Mentor, Author, Architect of Change
Elvin Dowling is an internationally-acclaimed public speaker, mentor, author, and America’s leading advocate for achieving greatness by embracing change.
What’s unique about Elvin Dowling?
He brings deep personal experience to his message and audience at every level.
Having worked in a homeless shelter, in corporate America, on Capitol Hill, and as an entrepreneur, Elvin possesses the capacity to effectively serve individuals, corporations, organizations and communities.
Elvin was born into poverty to an unwed, teenage mother. By age 19, he had lost two brothers and most of his cousins to gang and drug-related violence.
The great tennis player, the late Arthur Ashe once said… “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” And in the face of devastating change, Elvin did just that.
He began his speaking career under the sprawling shadows of an old oak tree in the hard knock area of West Palm Beach, Florida, where he ministered to the outcast members of society.
At age 16, he was licensed to teach discipleship and went on to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Science, with a minor in Government and Politics and has completed graduate work in a Master of Professional Studies program at the New York Theological Seminary.
As Chief of Staff for the National Urban League, he served as a liaison to some of the top executives of nearly 500 corporations and organizations in the United States and around the world.
As an insider, he learned the language of the corporate environment. More importantly, however, as The Architect of Change™, he effectively speaks to the needs of others in a way that penetrates the mind, pierces the heart and inspires the individual to step into their greatness.
For more information go to
Sun, Jul 3, 2011 06:00PM ET
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