Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Spirit Teachers and Better Humans
"The spirits are teachers, not therapists. They are here to teach us to be better humans," explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt. The helping spirits are here to help us sort out how to live well in our time. Even Death and the Trickster along with plants, animals, and the elements are part of this cast of compassionate characters who are tirelessly committed to teaching us to be better humans. The spirits do not come to assist us for self-help or enlightenment; they come to assist us in doing the precious, unique thing we have come here to do in a way that is good for all living things. The idea that first contact peoples were a barbaric lot who were civilized by their colonizers has thankfully been dispelled, especially now that we see all around the globe the greed, toxic hazards, and ignorance at the heart of the colonizer's unsustainable plans. It was the spirits who brought the ways to live morally and ethically together, rescuing humanity from its most base nature and teaching us the enlightened self-interest inherent in truly living as One with all things. Join us this week as we explore why we need the dark, inscrutable, and luminous world of spirit to be truly human and why we should bother to be better.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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Awakenings with Michele Meiche
"Countdown to Coherence" - Hazel Courteney: Author, Journalist, and much more
12pm PST --- One on One with Michele ----MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly 2012 & beyond update, answers your questions, and does channeled readings--- 12:45pm PST --- Welcome our Awakened Guest: Hazel Courteney, Journalist, Author of Six amazing "Alternative' Books, TV Show Host, International Speaker. Hazel suffered many challenges of lifetime illnesses which she healed by alternative means. Inspired to become a journalist because of these challenges in 1993, by 1994 became the UK's first Alternative Health Agony Aunt in the national press, with her column What's The Alternative in the Daily Mail. In 1995 she wrote her first book of the same title. In 1997 Hazel was invited to join The Sunday Times, with her weekly column, later that year was voted Health Journalist of the Year. After answering almost 50,000 readers’ letters during the five years as a weekly columnist she went on to write three further health and cookery books. In 1998 Hazel underwent a near death experience, which caused her to leave her weekly column. The book Divine Intervention tells this incredible story. The sequel to this book The Evidence for the Sixth Sense was published in March 2005. Currently promoting her new spiritual science book Countdown to Coherence. Hazel gives regular lectures on health and spiritual issues, and contributes to local and national radio. Started a TV program, ‘The Highly Alternative Show’ was featured on Channel Health in the UK, Europe and Canada. Her best selling book the 500 Most Important Health Tips You’ll Ever Need (Cico Books) has been completely revised, and was published in January 2011. She also has written 500 of the Most Important Ways to Stay Younger Longer in March 2003 (Cico Books). Hazel continues to write occasional features for national newspapers and magazines. To date her books have been published in Holland, China, South Africa, France and Lithuania, Australia and America.
Wed, Apr 13, 2011 3:00PM ET
Just Energy Radio
James Twyman: Your Divine Purpose & Jesse Ventura: What The Government Doesn't Want You To Know
James Twyman
Awaken To Your Divine Purpose
James Twyman is an internationally renowned, best-selling author, filmmaker and musician who has a reputation for traveling to some of the world's greatest areas of conflict, sharing his message of peace. He has been called "The Peace Troubadour" and has performed his peace concert in countries like Iraq, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Bosnia and Serbia, drawing millions of people together in prayer to influence events of world crisis.
Jesse Ventura
What The Government Doesn't Want You To Know
After high school, Jesse Ventura enlisted in the U.S. Navy, where he joined the Special Forces and served as a UDT/SEAL. After being honorably discharged from the Navy, he began his successful professional wrestling career, Jesse Ventura starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in the hit film Predator. Ventura also served as the Mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minn., and as the Governor of Minnesota. He is a New York Times best-selling author of five books and currently hosts the Tru-TV reality show Conspiracy Theory.
Fri, Apr 15, 2011 3:00PM EST/2:00PM CST
Awake: Now What?
Meet Jeanne Ainslie, Author, Editor
Jeanne Ainslie (B.Sc. Hons, M.Sc.) is a published author and experienced editor. Her first novel Angela, published by Dell in 1975, sold over 61,000 copies. A Country Girl, published by Blue Moon in 2005 is the sequel to Angela and sold out its printing in less than six months. To bring A Country Girl back into print, she has published with Xlibris. Jeanne lives by the sea on the West Coast, where she writes and edits books and articles. For more information go to
Sun, Apr 17, 2011 6:00PM ET
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