Here's another reason to be glad I don't live in Romania. Leaving aside for the moment how they're defining witchcraft and how on earth a religion can be a profession, the latest wrinkle in the ongoing saga of Romanian witches is just, plain dumb. Apparently, they're equating the fortune-telling with being a witch (???). Obviously, there is a whole cultural context here about which I'm woefully ignorant. But making anyone who does psychic readings legally responsible for their accuracy is ludicrous. I don't mean that people shouldn't be held responsible for the quality of their work, I just mean that accuracy of predictions is a poor measure of the quality of a reading. I know this sets me apart from a lot of people in my field, many of whom are very invested in "accuracy." But -- and I truly tire of pointing out this various obvious fact -- if the future were unchangeable what would be the point of having a psychic reading? So you could know what was coming, good or bad, and sit passively and powerlessly until it occurs? The whole point of getting any prediction is to get a heads up on your direction and make whatever changes are necessary to avoid or minimize potential problems. In the case of positive outcomes, it is the very unusual case where all that's required of a person is that they sit on their hands and wait. There is usually some action required to manifest any potential outcome.
Tarot expert Rachel Pollack makes the point in one of her books, I can never remember which one, that from the moment a tarot spread is laid out, it's already at least a little wrong. That's because the observer of those cards now has information they didn't have before. As a result their actions will invariably change at least slightly. This is the entire point of getting any form of psychic reading. Apparently, Romanian politicians don't understand this... not that this puts them in the minority. Under Soviet rule, it was illegal to practice witchcraft or any other religion. Now to practice the craft of psychic divination means witches could go to jail for simply doing their jobs.
Witches in Romania could receive a spell in jail or a fine if they make incorrect fortune telling predictions.
Politicians are debating a draft bill which will require witches to apply for a permit and be judged on their accuracy.
They will also be required to provide receipts for their customers and will be prevented from carrying out their work near churches and schools.
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