Feb 8, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Taking Right Action

The right use of power requires that you are willing to do whatever it takes. The person of mature spirituality understands that this will mean drawing on discernment, flexibility, and adaptability. One must discern when to act with insight on the past and far-sighted perspective on the future or when to act with trust in invisible allies and intuition in the face of the Unknown. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores what it means to take right action in a world that has normalized a diverse array of the abuses of power. Taking right action always requires facing our fears. Only then can we act with discernment. And we must act if we are to engage in the right use of power. The mature spiritual warrior knows that she must "do whatever it takes" while steering clear of "doing it at all costs." To act at all costs is the desperate act of the child and often results in soul loss and giving away our gifts and power. This lays down the pattern for life draining co-dependant relationships and/or unexplained autoimmune disorders that drain us of lifeforce. We have all acted at all cost as children and we need to go back, heal and reclaim ourselves from those moments. Join us this week as we explore the warriorship of self-reclamation and the art of doing whatever it takes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Awakenings with Michele Meiche


12pm PST --- One on One with Michele ----MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly 2012 & beyond update, answers your questions, and does channeled readings--- 12:45pm PST --- Welcome our Awakened Guest: DAVID ATWELL--- David Atwell is the producer, musician, and artist behind the project of Conscious Mind. Conscious Mind is the musical and artistic avenue in which the evolution of spiritual, environmental, and social ideologies are explored, expressed, and brought into awareness. Conscious Mind fuses classical, jazz, ambient, and rock into a unique sound that is both cinematic and ethereal. As a composer, singer, and songwriter his music is a collection of transcendental instrumental compositions as well as songs with mystical lyrics. While studying Architecture in college David composed and produced his first instrumental CD entitled "One.” His second project “The Source” was released several years later including a double CD with twelve songs and twelve instrumental compositions, which has given definition to the sound and musical style of Conscious Mind. As a musician David blends acoustic and electronic mediums to create his unique sound and compositions. Likewise as an artist David blends traditional drawing and painting techniques with modern graphic art methodologies creating his own album cover designs and artwork. www.consciousmind.com

2/9/2011 3:00PM ET


Just Energy Radio

Amit Goswami: Quantum Activism & Diane M. Raab: Journaling: Healing With Words

First Hour Guest
Amit Goswami
Quantum Activism
Amit Goswami is the author of the highly successful textbook Quantum Mechanics. His two volume textbook for nonscientists The Physicist's View of Nature traces the decline and rediscovery of the concept of God within science. Goswami has also written eight popular books based on his research on quantum physics and consciousness. In his seminal book, The Self-Aware Universe, he solved the quantum measurement problem elucidating the famous observer effect while paving the path to a new paradigm of science based on the primacy of consciousness.

Second Hour Guest
Diane M. Raab
Journaling: Healing With Words
Diana M. Raab, MFA, RN received her undergraduate degree in Health Administration and Journalism in 1976. A few years later she received her RN degree. After 25 years as a medical and self-help writer, she's directed her creative energy towards nonfiction and memoir writing.She is the author of eight books. Her most recent release, Healing With Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey.

Friday 2/11/2011 3:00PM EST/2:00PM CST


Awake: Now What?

Meet Barbara Hofmeister, Life Coach, Author, Speaker

Barbara is a passionate advocate of helping people live their dreams. She is the person you would want to go to to clarify your dreams and live a life of joy and passion Barbara is a refugee from Communist Germany and knows first hand what it is like to be living in adverse circumstances. Severely abused and with low self-esteem she set out to live her personal dream traveling the world sharing what she learned from the “University of Hard Knocks” with a wide audience. Barbara became involved in her own personal development in 1978 when a friend gave her a book by Dr. Wayne Dyer and she has not stopped since to further her knowledge on the topic. Her never ending enthusiasm and passion for her work shine through every presentation she gives. You will not be able to stay untouched as Barbara has a way reaching deep inside of you so that you can rediscover your hidden dreams and – if you so choose to live your life’s true purpose. Barbara uses a practical step by step approach that allows ANYBODY to move toward their dream life. For more information go to http://barbarahofmeister.com/blog/ The ASIN number for her TO BE book is 3941164023

2/13/2011 6:00PM ET


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