Apr 12, 2010
It's Elemental
Welcome to the second installment of my Astrology of Relationship series. Although this section may be brief, it is to the point and, when it comes to looking at how people get along with each other, deeply profound.
Repeat after me: The cornerstone of all relating is elemental. One of the most valuable things a student of astrology can do when desiring to understand and utilize astrology is to keep an element notebook and record images that correspond to the elements of fire, earth, air, and water. Consider how each element presents and behaves. Next, merge the elements in your mind. What happens to fire with air? What happens when air is removed from fire? What about fire and water? Fire and earth? Water and air? Water and earth? I won’t waste words on examples of each combination. Basic grade school science and life experience are all that is necessary to work these various combinations out in your mind to their conclusion.
Most chart programs and services will print a natal chart, which displays a grid that sorts the planets and the important chart angles, such as the ascendant, into their elements. A quick glance at this small grid can give enough information in many cases to learn the basic nature of an individual, what they identify with, what is comfortable and familiar to them, what they like, what they need, and what they lack. Another quick glance at the partner’s elemental makeup tells the same story. Often, the “reason” or pull to be together is purely elemental. One person may lack an element, yet have excess of another element. The person they are drawn to is heavily weighted in that lacking element. In a case like this, it is clearly an elemental relationship. Pop psychology tells us we must be whole and complete in ourselves before we can be in a healthy relationship – that no one can “complete” us. That may be true in some instances, but I must disagree with this thought based on the number of relationships I have looked at that plainly were about bringing a wholeness through union to two people who both lacked something. Nature abhors a vacuum (most likely Aristotle said this) and according to Melanie – “I’ve got a brand new pair of roller skates, you’ve got a brand new key.” If you’re too young to know the song I’m quoting from, go have a listen – it will stay in your head for days.
I believe someone else can make us feel complete if they are sharing something with us that we lack. However, if a client feels stressed over a lack of an element or unhappy with feeling they cannot be complete without someone else’s elemental energy, I suggest ways in which they can add an element to their lives. Lack earth? Walk barefoot in the sand, carry a rock in your pocket. Lack water? Get a fish tank or a fountain, and so on. By bringing images, symbols, or objects that represent an element into our awareness, we are able to know the element for ourselves without looking toward an individual to show us what the element is all about.
So, what if a glance at both elemental grids reveals neither individual has an excess or a lack of any one element? Ah, then you must look at how the elements are getting along with each other between each chart. This is what creates those aspect lines that may appear as red and blue (or green) lines in a synastry chart. What is a synastry chart? A chart that layers two natal charts together to give a side-by-side look at both on one plane. It allows the astrologer to see whose planet sits in whose house and how it aspects the other planets in the natal chart. More on synastry later.
So, an understanding of how elements mix and a look at how each individual’s elements mix with the partner’s can often give a good indication as to the nature of the relationship. Some relationships are conflictual by element and will feel so to one or both people. Often, these are relationships designed for learning. Two people whose elements are more complementary overall may enjoy a more peaceful and supportive relationship. If an individual has a natal chart which enjoys challenge, drama, and excitement, he or she may be most attracted to an individual who is elementally challenging rather than being attracted to an individual whose elements are in harmony and support of his or her own elements. It is important to understand the nature of each individual before examining the nature of the energy exchange between them, before drawing any conclusions or passing any judgment or advice about the relationship.
Originally posted to Dunnea.net
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