May 1, 2012


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Becoming a Shaman

We all have the ability to create art, make love, and offer healing. And some people have the gift. Part of the art of life is to find your gifts and infuse them with your passion so that you do what you have come here to do. How do you tell the difference between the feeling of "coming home" when you are introduced to shamanic practices and the actual call to give your life over to the work of being a shaman? How do you know that you have that gift? Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt and she explores the confusing terrain of becoming a shaman in the contemporary world. The greatest challenge is truly understanding how deeply nourishing and healing it is to come into shamanism as a way of life. And to fully understand that the inner peace, blessings, and ecstasy that comes with this way of life is meant for everyone. This is how we are meant to live in the world; it isn't the call. The call to a path is far more demanding. Once you surrender to that call you must resist the temptation to follow others on that path. For the new shaman trusting and following the path your helping spirits lay out for you is paramount. It is in the ever unfolding of that path that you find your confirmation.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Just Energy Radio

Michael Cremo & Dannion Brinkley

Michael Cremo joins Dr. Rita Louise in the first hour of Just Energy Radio where he will be discussing his finds in just how old the human race really is.

About Michael Cremo
Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few month's time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality

About Dannion Brinkley
Dannion ‘s name became a household word when his first, of two, New York Times best selling books (Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light), was published by Harper Collins, Inc. in 1994. Subsequently, the FOX Network quickly produced the highly acclaimed made-for-television movie depicting Dannion's story of being struck by lightning, and his 28 minute death experience in Heaven. The movie, also entitled, Saved by the Light aired in 1995 and became one of the highest rated TV movies in television history. Today,Dannion and his wife work ceaselessly to champion the virtues of ethical consciousness in daily life.

Fri, May 4, 2012 03:00PM ET

Awake: Now What?

LGBTQ: Empowered and Free; Taking Pride in Yourself

Empowering the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community to embrace their authentic selves and ignite the power within

At this time of year, many of us attend LGBTQ Pride Festivals and Parades. What about having pride in yourself? How would that look in your life? Do you treat yourself with respect, the way you would treat someone you love and cherish? Learn the difference between pride and arrogance. Listen in to learn techniques for taking charge of your own self-respect.

Join us!

Sat, May 5, 2012 01:00PM ET

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