Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
True Transformation vs. Remodeling the Self
What does "transformation" really mean and why should we bother? "In the simplest sense true transformation is an internal change," explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt, "that occurs on a foundational level such that there is no going back. We are not just remodeling the self." There are three dynamics of internal movement, that when taken together result in true transformation. Change in any one or two of these; however, leaves us, as Ken Wilbur says, "refining our status quo." Why should you bother to transform anyway? A refined status quo is still status quo and will result in a new version of exactly the same life. We choose to truly transform because it is the only path to why we are here. We are all an expressions of the One, but the One shows up uniquely in every sentient being. That uniqueness-to find and express that unique manifestation of the One-is why you are here. All true transformation matters because it serves the full expression of your Unique Self.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 2PM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Voice America, 7th Wave Network
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
KarmaCaffe Spiritual Hour
Swami Ramananda Maharaj
Dr. Swami Ramananda Giri Maharaj is the author of BLISS NOW and FROM INDIA WITH LOVE He is also the beautiful voice on WINGS OF THE DAWN, WORLD PEACE CONCERT, and BHAKTI. He had dreams of his guru, SRI ANANDAMAYI MA, since he was a boy of 9 years old. When he went to India in the late 1960s as a teenager, he was picked up by Anandamayi Ma's car in the jungles near Rajport, Himalayas. They developed an inseperable relationship which lasted through Her mahasamadhi in 1987 and still very much today. Swamiji is the youngest Swami and only western swami in direct intiation. He has traveled to India 17 times in service to MA.
Please join us on Wednesday 3/3/2010
5:00PM EST/2:00PM PST
Awakenings with Michele Meiche
Carolyn Coleridge -- Intuitive Soul Healing 3/3/2010 3:00 PM (ET) "When You Spirit is Honored, Your Soul Shines" ~ Do you feel disconnected, purposeless or stuck? Feeling depressed, anxious or lost? Are you a spiritual being, but don't know how to connect on a deeper level? Intuitive Soul Healing, helps you to honor the different aspects of your spirit, and provide you with the clearest answers. I can help you remove blocks that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.
News for the Soul
March 7, 2010 at 2pm pst - NEW CALL IN SHOW -- TAO NOW / OPEN LINES - The Healing Tao Society offers classes, training, and certification programs in Taoist healing methods, as well as International certification in Chi Nei Tsang and ongoing Chi Nei Tsang certification in the Northeast. Find out more at … Tao Healing and Karin Sorvik also offers on-line self-diagnosis and herbal formulas by renowned Taoist Master and Chinese Physician Dr. Stephen Chang on
March 8, 2010 at 11am pst - PASSION FOR LIFE WITH GEOFF AYI-BONTE! Start your Mondays with Geoff (open lines and positive talk to start our week together!) - Geoff Ayi-Bonte is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. He also helps govern hundreds of psychotherapists in British Columbia, Canada, as a delegate counsel member of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. Geoff lives out-loud and is passionate for life. It is his heartfelt desire and his mission in life to bring Passion-4-Life to others in their life and their work, through his office and through his day-to-day life. The “Passion-4-Life” program 2010© was developed by Geoff Ayi-Bonte as a systemic approach to achieving fulfillment in an array of life venues including personal relationships, families, work/career, spirituality, belief in self and others, assertiveness and finding the key to being motivated, enlightened and connected…to mention a few. Although life times are limited, “Passion-4-Life” helps people to tap into unlimited, life-changing, attainable and sustainable resources. It uses a unique system called T.I.M.E. {2010© Geoff Ayi-Bonte} that provides people with the knowledge and tools to move beyond life challenges, minimize the odds of future challenges and actualize life’s potential as it relates to feeling fulfilled and connected. It is designed to enable people to learn quickly, retain knowledge and apply their skills across their life. They say the we should make the most out of life…”Passion-4-Life” makes that possible.
March 8, 2010 at 11am pst - Mass energy healing with Jo Dunning - JO DUNNING LIVE - Jo Dunning is described as "an unusual spiritual teacher and healer" with wisdom, insight, humour and compassion. It is said that her greatest gift, is the ability to expand consciousness and dramatically accelerate spiritual growth. After working with Jo, many people have reported experiences of profound physical healing. Others find that they are finally free from the painful emotions of past traumas and abuse.
March 9, 2010 at 11am pst - Join us on News for the Soul with author Lauren Benatar as we explorer what 'being in the flow' really means. How do we dismantle and step beyond conditioning and mass-consciousness belief systems and really move from feeling stuck and filled with self-doubt to inner peace and joy. We'll cover the importance of self-worth, self-trust and the need to finally be done with emotional blockages. We'll also talk about letting go of the need to control life, and letting go of your attachment to your identity, so that your True Self can emerge. In this natural state of balance you attract the relationships, work and abundance that reflect your wholeness and not your lack.
CALL IN: (646) 595-4274
Listen right after the show ends or anytime thereafter:
PLUS The Broadcast Version will be archived on News for the Soul (dot com) next week!
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