Scientology SUCKS | Ft. Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, and Jon AtackWe’re back with another greatest hits mashup this week, pulled together from the Little Bit Culty archives for your late listening pleasure because…well…we can’t quit you - not even for a short late summer, early fall hiatus. Can you believe some shows go on hiatus? LAMMMMMME! Not us. Breaks are for babies.
For real though, while we’re working on fresh batches of cult-busting brand new episodes, we wanted to stir that proverbial pot a little more by revisiting one of our favorite culty topics….Scientology.
AKA, the brainchild of L. Ron.
You know it, you loathe it, or…maybe you just mock it. To be fair, unless you’re a Scientologist, they think you’re pretty silly too. So it’s all even-stevens We are diving deep into the Danger Zone in this episode – featuring 3 top guns who have taken on the Impossible Mission of exposing Scientology – which we all know can be Risky Business. Ok, enough Tom Cruise puns – let’s introduce A Few Good Men – and a super badass woman – who you’ll hear from on today’s show. First up is the patron saint of cult-busting, Leah Remini, who’s book Troublemaker chronicles her remarkable journey toward emotional and spiritual freedom from Scientology, both for herself and for her family. Next is Mike RInder. Having spent his youth doing things like, for example, swabbing the decks of L. Ron Hubbard’s yacht, Rinder eventually made it into the elite sect of Scientology known as the Sea Organization, eventually becoming Scientology’s International Spokesperson and the head of its Office of Special Affairs. Then, he escaped and became a fearless and outspoken ex-member. Last is Jon Atack – one of the only court-appointed expert witnesses on Scientology, and his book: Let’s Sell These People a Piece of Blue Sky, about the early history of the church, is cited by academics all over the world. Jon was a ‘public’ Scientologist for nine years, trained as a counselor, and even did the secret ‘OT’ levels, but ditched it when he discovered appalling, aggressive behavior towards members. In addition to his work podcasting as a Scientology mythbuster and using his Instagram account to help educate people on overcoming things like manipulation, destructive cults, and abusive relationships, he’s written several novels, including Voodoo Child (Slight Return), inspired by the life and downfall of Jimi Hendrix.
Without further ado…please enjoy this Scientology Sucks, Sorry Not Sorry, A Little Bit Culty Medley.
Interviews on Herbal Radio with Thomas Dick | Featuring Tree Knowlton (Rerelease)Accessible herbal education, community outreach, and learning how can we better share herbal medicine are core values of ours at Mountain Rose Herbs. Discussing these topics led us to our guest this week, Tree Knowlton. Tree is one of the coordinators of Herbalists Without Borders Eugene chapter, graduate of Columbines School of Botanical Studies, master medicine maker, urban homesteader, and adored community member. Listen as we delve into the magic of one of Tree’s beloved elixirs, the paths she took to be where she is at today, and the ways in which Herbalists Without Borders Eugene operates within our local community.
Tree Knowlton is an herbalist, urban homesteader, sustainable landscape architect, and coordinator of the regional grassroots chapter of Herbalists Without Borders International, Herbalists Without Borders Eugene. A longtime resident of Eugene, Tree dedicates much of her time to community-based activism and recently, her adorable and playful puppy.
Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani
I Survived Hollywood Mega Producer Scott RudinA former employee of Oscar-winning producer Scott Rudin breaks his silence and reveals what it was really like to work for the man The New York Post called “Hollywood’s Biggest A-hole”.
Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts
Circle Sanctuary's Circle Talk - Debra DeAngelo
Join us on Circle Talk as we explore massage therapy through the lens of magic and ritual. Debra DeAngelo will be discussing her new book, “Sacred Massage and Ritual of Soothing Touch-Harness the Healing Power of Touch through Spiritual Bodywork”.
Tue, September 5, 2023 08:00 pm [Eastern]
Proud Pagan
Proud Pagan. Standing up for the right to be Pagan and free during Pagan Pride month. Featuring music by Gwydion Pendderwen, Krista Chapman Green, Charlie Murphy, etc.
Fri, September 8, 2023 08:00 pm [Eastern]
PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Mes de la Diosa (1ra. parte)
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Septiembre, mes de la Diosa. Para celebrarla recibimos a Sebastián Hidalgo Falconí, Sacerdote de la Diosa, creador del Templo de la Diosa de Ecuador y de la Sagrada Rueda de Pacarina
Sat, September 9, 2023 07:00 pm [Eastern]
Lunatic Mondays ~ Charlotte Wilde ~ Author
Why should Fridays have all the fun?
Go crazy on Mondays with Laura González on 'Lunatic Mondays'..... Anything can happen!!!
On this episode author, Charlotte Wilde will be chatting with Laura González about her book “Eclectic Witchcraft: Old Ways for Modern Magick”
Mon, September 11, 2023 08:00 pm [Eastern]
Real Astrology & Feng Shui & How It Can Help Achieve Your Dreams w/Dianne Lawson
Real Feng Shui? Real Astrology? What makes it real or unreal? Those ideas might certainly raise some eyebrows and pique some curiosity but according to Dianne Lawson, who has been an astrologer for 50 years, taught hundreds of classes, had many, many clients, there's a method to using these alternative modalities to actually create the lives we want that goes beyond reading your astrology every morning or getting your chart done every year or making sure your bed faces the right direction. And I won't let her get away before she gives us some important forecasts for 2023 and hopefully beyond to the 2024 election and some pending political situations that have so many captivated.
Wed, December 6, 2023 02:00 pm [Eastern]
The 4:15 - September 7th, 2023
Join Star Bustamonte (News Editor - The Wild Hunt) and Raina Starr (Host/Producer - Desperate House Witches) for this month's news of interest!
Please note, the opinions expressed on this show belong to the hosts, and do not represent the opinions of the Wild Hunt or any of its subsidiaries.
Thu, September 7, 2023 04:00 pm [Eastern]
Occultist, Agori, Musician, Hecate devotee and Asterian Astrologer, Jade Sol Luna is one of the first Westerners ever to reconstruct the Javanajataka into a Greco-Roman format. Jade Luna has traveled extensively around the planet, lecturing and conducting workshops on the shadow aspects of Ancient Roman-Greco mysticism. Jade has traveled to India more than 30 times and spent a great deal of time with various teachers, Saints and Sadhu's in Asia. He has previously presented seminars at various locations world wide. During and after Luna's formal spiritual training, Bhau Kalchuri (disciple of Meher Baba) and Kal Babaji (Khajuraho India), tutored him in advanced mysticism and other forms of classical Indian lore. Jade Luna has now transformed his Indian studies into a Greco-Roman practice, showing the spiritual connection that the Ancient Mediterranean had with India. Jade Luna is the author of Hecate: Death, Transition and Spiritual Mastery, Hecate II: The Awakening of Hydra, Asterian Astrology and 27 Stars. Spiritually, Jade Luna is an Aghori. The Aghori (Sanskrit aghora) are worshippers of the Dark God or Goddess. The Aghori are known to engage in post-mortem rituals. They often dwell in charnel grounds, have been witnessed smearing cremation ashes on their bodies, and have been known to use bones for crafting kapalas which Kali and other Hindu deities are often iconically depicted holding or using) and jewelry. Because of their practices that are contradictory to orthodox Hinduism, they are generally opposed by other Hindus.Many Aghori gurus command great reverence from rural populations as they are supposed to possess healing powers gained through their intensely eremitic rites and practices of renunciation and tápasya.
Fri, September 8, 2023 04:30 pm [Eastern]
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