Holy Hell: Will Allen on Unmasking Buddhafield (Part 1)Sarah and Nippy watched Holy Hell closely when they were exiting NXIVM back in 2016. It hit close to home: The documentary is an intimate look at the implosion of Buddhafield, a mysterious self-help cult formed by a charismatic character with an iffy backstory. In this episode, Sarah and Nippy welcome the film’s director Will Allen to talk about what it was like to shine a light on Jaime Gomez, the so-called spiritual guru at the twisted heart of the group. Will didn’t just film it all: he lived it. After joining Buddhafield as a freshly-minted film school grad, it consumed his world for twenty odd years with life-altering consequences. He was looking for a sense of community and purpose, but after the love bombing phase it was far from the blissed-out communal dream it was cracked up to be.
Five years after the film’s release, Will chats with Sarah and Nippy about how he’s doing now; his journey from unofficial in-house cult documentarian to whistleblower; and what it takes to disrupt patterns of abuse and coercive control in new agey circles. And be warned, dear listener, that this conversation delves into the same potentially triggering content that gave rise to Holy Hell’s apt title. As told in the film via multiple victims’ accounts, Gomez used weekly hypnotherapy sessions to sexually abuse and exploit young male devotees, Will among them. Please listen safely, and seek help if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted.
Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts
Circle Sanctuary's Circle Talk - Arthur Hinds
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Arthur Hinds , who is a featured musician at this year’s PSG. Blending stories from Celtic myth and legend with songs drawn not only from Celtic and American folk traditions but from his own inspiration, Arthur takes his listeners along on a spell-binding journey to other times and places and also into the universal human spirit.
Tue, June 7, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]
Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox - Herbs Foods and Flowers of Summer Solstice
Lore and ritual uses of Mugwort, St. John's Wort, Yarrow, Strawberries, and other plants as part of Summer Solstice rituals.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from June 9, 2021
Wed, June 8, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]
Nature Mystic with Selena Fox - Sacred Sun Rituals
Some ways of attuning to and communing with the Sacred Sun with rituals, chants, and meditations.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from August 4, 2021
Sun, June 12, 2022 07:00 pm [Eastern]
Author Whiskey Stevens - "Rise Of The Witch"
Author Whiskey Stevens joins me to discuss her book, "Rise of the Witch: Making Magick Happen Your Way".
About the author:
Whiskey Stevens (Ontario, Canada) is actively involved in many witchcraft communities, including DIY Witches, Witches of Ontario, Spells, Herbs, Oils: Witchcraft 101, and Tarot Professionals Group. Her writing has been featured in Witch Way, The Witch, and Witchology. She is also a death doula and runs a popular YouTube channel.
For more about Whiskey Stevens, please visit her website: https://www.whiskeystevens.ca/
Fri, June 10, 2022 06:00 pm [Eastern]
Jaymi Elford - Author and Tarot Creator
Jaymi Elford views tarot as a tool to create meaning and explore the world we live in. She’s been slinging cards since she was young— a deck is always close. Beyond authoring numerous books and decks, she teaches and discusses innovative divination techniques at conferences across North America, and online on popular podcasts. She lives in Portland, Oregon and would love for you to visit her at Inner Compass Tarot Coaching.
For more, please also visit - https://www.tarotinspiredlife.com/about-jaymi-elford/
Sat, June 11, 2022 02:00 pm [Eastern]
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