Apr 19, 2022


Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts

Circle Sanctuary's Circle Talk - Madam Pamita

Madam Pamita- Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft-

From the Deep, Dark Woods comes Real Old World Magic. On Circle Talk, we will be talking with Madam Pamita about ancient and modern Slavic magical practices, from magickal poppets to using Ukrainian folk embroidery motifs as protective charms.

Tue, April 19, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox - Earth Day Rituals

Earth Day Rituals

Some ideas for creating and facilitating personal, household, and community ceremonies for Earth Day celebrations.

Wed, April 20, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]

Nature Mystic with Selena Fox - Greenwood Magic

Some old and new ways of connecting and working with Forests in the Springtime.

Encore of Nature Spirituality from May 5, 2021

Sun, April 24, 2022 07:00 pm [Eastern]


Desperate House Witches

Author Terence P. Ward - "Empty Cauldrons" 04/21/22

Author/Journalist Terence P. Ward joins me for the hour to discuss his book, "Empty Cauldrons - Navigating Depression through Magic and Ritual".

From the publisher's site:

Whether is it impacting you or a loved one, depression can be difficult to discuss or even acknowledge. Empty Cauldrons explores the isolating influence it can have and why many people resist professional help. With contributions from Pagan clergy, depression sufferers, and therapists, author Terence P Ward creates a picture of depression that draws upon both science and religion. He also shares his own experiences with this common affliction and the spiritual methods he has used for relief.

Discover how to draw off miasma, appeal to the gods of the wind, purify yourself with sound, and host a traditional Hellenic ancestor feast. Learn about conduct-ing shadow work, tending a depression shrine, keeping a dream journal, and much more. Throughout the book, Ward compassionately presents dozens of simple strategies for developing a polytheistic relationship with depression, seeking comfort, and rekindling.

Includes a foreword by by M. Macha Nightmare, priestess, witch, and cofounder of the reclaiming collective

Terence P Ward (Mid-Hudson Valley, NY) is a journalist and practicing Pagan for more than thirty years. He has been bound to a Wiccan coven, communed with the Earth as a backpacking Pagan (aka Gaiaped), and been tapped by the Olympian gods. He manages his depression through his work as a priest to Poseidon, and he's a minister ordained through the Church of the Sacred Earth: a Union of Pagan Congregations in Vermont. Ward is also a member of the order of the occult hand.

Thu, April 21, 2022 04:30 pm [Eastern]

Author Patti Wigington - Candle Magic Journal and Handbook

Author Patti Wigington visits to discuss her latest book, "Candle Magic Journal and Handbook; A Guide to Performing Spells, Setting Intentions, and Recording Your Magical Practice".

From the author's website - pattiwigington.com:

I began writing when I was seven. Since then, I’ve grown up (a little) and published a few books, a whole bunch of columns, and a few short stories. I can’t imagine Not Writing, and even when I’m bogged down with my full-time job (yes, I have one, and it’s not writing), I still need to spew words out onto the screen. I have to – if I don’t, I get cranky, and the voices in my head get louder.

I’ve been practicing as a witch and a Pagan since about 1987ish, and in that time I’ve learned a lot. I’m the founder and high priestess of a local coven, I read Tarot for funsies, and am a licensed minister in my home state of Ohio. In addition to having a Real Grownup Job (with the world’s most patient boss), I spent thirteen years, from 2007 to 2020, as the host of the Paganism & Wicca pages on About.com, which later became ThoughtCo and then LearnReligions. That led to a lot of opportunities, including speaking engagements and the chance to teach workshops, as well as the ability to write a few really cool books on witchy stuff.

I’ve raised three children who are remarkably well-adjusted adults, despite their mother’s best efforts to turn them into very strange people, and I sometimes Tweet random things on Twitter. Come along and Stalk Me on Facebook, too!

Fri, April 22, 2022 06:00 pm [Eastern]


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