Perfect Prey: Dr. Christine Cocchiola on Coercive ControlThe Latin root for the word “coercive” literally means to surround, encompass, restrain, confine, and so on. So what does “coercive control” look like in real life, you ask? Well, it could involve isolating someone away from friends and family, depriving them of basic human needs (food, water, etc.), humiliating them, managing someone else’s finances, and the like. If it’s a shitty way of controlling another human, like having an invisible chain wrapped around their ankles, it’s coercive control. If you want a pop culture reference, look no further than Britney Spears’ “Toxic” family usurping her finances and personal agency for her nearly 14-year conservatorship.
But does it still feel abstract? Then you need to listen to today’s episode, complete with special guest Dr. Christine Cocchiola, a coercive control advocate, researcher, educator, and survivor, (meaning she’s able to speak on the subject from both personal and scholarly levels). During our talk, she breaks down how narcissism, shame, egos, and “perfect preys” play out with everyone from romantic partners to people in power, such as cult leaders.
Are you perhaps being controlled by someone without even realizing it? Maybe! Could that be detrimental to your life! Absolutely! So tune in to find out.
Interviews on Herbal Radio with Thomas Dick | Featuring Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.,R.H.This week, Thomas interviews our inspiring friend Dr. Tieraona Low Dog. Thomas talks to Tieraona about her upbringing, her love of the outdoors, coping with life’s challenges and acknowledging that they inherently bring gifts, and attending taekwondo school early in life. A true holistic healer dedicated to enhancing empowered wellbeing, Tieraona speaks about the sage advice she received from her grandmother, being a community herbalist, and her journey in becoming a doctor. We hope you enjoy this honest, grounded, and truly beautiful episode.
Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., R.H., began exploring the natural world more than 35 years ago as she studied midwifery, herbalism, massage therapy, and martial arts, before earning her medical degree from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. An internationally recognized expert in the fields of integrative medicine, dietary supplements, and women’s health, Dr. Low Dog was appointed by President Bill Clinton to the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy, served as the elected Chair of the US Pharmacopeia Dietary Supplements and Botanicals Expert Information Panel, and was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Council for the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Dr. Low Dog shares her loves of plants and natural healing with students who come from all over the world to study with her at her ranch in Pecos, New Mexico and online at MedicineLodgeRanch.com.
Navigating Narcissism with Dr. Ramani
Why Didn’t They Believe Me w/ Dr. Ingrid Clayton - Part 2Dr. Ingrid Clayton's stepfather lacked empathy and would occasionally manipulate Ingrid with gifts. Brutal realizations come to light as her stepfather reveals his true feelings for her. Ingrid's toxic upbringing led her to having relationships with toxic men. Listen to part 2 of Ingrid's story and hear how she started taking steps on turning her life around, getting a PhD, writing a book, defending herself and saying no to every request from her parents.
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Guest Bio:
Ingrid Clayton, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and author. Her recent memoir is Believing Me: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse and Complex Trauma. She is a contributor to Psychology Today where her article, “What is Self-Gaslighting?” is considered an Essential Read. Ingrid has been interviewed for countless publications and podcasts including Women’s Health Magazine and The Healing Trauma Podcast.
Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts
Blue Marble: Unbinding Gaia From Her Plastic Prison
From the trillion dollar industry to develop plastic alternatives you can use daily to scientific races to clean up plastic pollution to grass roots activism in many countries to stop plastic production at its source, Rev. Char Bear offers a spirited overview of what's up and what you can do in your home and how you can participate in this global call to action.
Fri, December 16, 2022 08:00 pm [Eastern]
Modern Witchcraft with the Greek Gods - Astrea Taylor and Jason Mankey
Author/Artist Astrea Taylor and Author Jason Mankey return to discuss their latest release, Modern Witchcraft with the Greek Gods.
From Llewellyn:
A Witch's 21-Century Guide to Making Magick with the Greek Gods
The ancient Greek gods surround us even now in our modern world. From Aphrodite to Zeus, this book reveals the origins of more than sixty deities and other mythological figures, including the Olympians, Titans, and Primordial Forces. Explore how they've been worshipped across the centuries and how you can work with them in your own practice.
You'll meet the gods one by one, exploring their history, unique correspondences, and personal insights from contributing authors who work with them magickally. This book also provides rituals and spells to connect with each deity. Draw down the moon with Selene, cast a courage spell with Ares, and reclaim lost parts of yourself with a ritual for Persephone. By inviting these divine beings into your practice, you can cultivate a magickal life that satisfies your soul to its very core.
Astrea Taylor is an eclectic pagan witch. Find her on Instagram @astreataylor, on Facebook at Astrea Taylor, Author, and on Twitter @AstreaWrites. https://www.astreataylor.com
Jason Mankey is a third-degree Gardnerian High Priest and helps run two Witchcraft covens in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife, Ari. Check out his website https://www.panmankey.com
Fri, December 16, 2022 04:00 pm [Eastern]
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