Jul 27, 2021


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Wisdom of the Healer in Changing Times

The Healer speaks to us of death and rebirth and asks, “What needs to die?” In this time of ending and new beginnings, you must be able to fit through the doors of opportunity that will open for you if you are to find your true place in the New World. Your False Self is just baggage and it’s in your way. Our ability to intentionally kill off aspects of our familiar self—to release, surrender, and grow simple—so that we are able to fit through the openings we encounter and plunge ahead in a new way is mastery of The Healer. We must know what to kill off and how. We must allow our faith in the status quo to be broken so that we strengthen our faith that which has heart and meaning and power in an interconnected world. And we must ask for help skillfully, knowing who to go to and how so that we are not consulting the unresolved dead or our own frightened ego. Our ability to move with intention through December 21, 2012 and birth a world truly different than this one depends on the Wisdom of the Healer. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, this week as she explores how to engage the wisdom on the Healer in these changing times.

**This show originally aired November 2012.**

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Listen live on Tuesdays at 11 AM Pacific For over 500+ podcasts go to: whyshamanismnow.com... Subscribe to the iTunes Podcast Library

Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts

Nature Mystic with Selena Fox - Lughnasadh & Lammastide Traditions

Some ancient and contemporary lore and ways of celebrating the Celtic Fire Festival of Lughnasadh also known as Lammas.

Wed, July 28, 2021 at 2:00 pm Eastern


Awakenings with Michele Meiche

The Great Transfiguration of 2021 -Phases 2 & 3 with Astrologer Robert Wilkinson

Robert Wilkinson. He has been an internationally known futurist, metaphysician, and spiritual astrologer, spiritual counselor, and strategic analyst for over 45 years.Using Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will. He has one of the largest astrological/metaphysical blogs in the world with visitors from over 130 countries and 13 million page views in 15 years. www.aquariuspapers.com

Wed, July 28, 2021 at 12:00 pm Pacific


Desperate House Witches

Author of Witchcraft Cocktails - Julia Halina Hadas Returns!

Author of Witchcraft Cocktails - Julia Halina Hadas Returns! For more about today's guest, please visit:


Fri, July 30, 2021 at 7:00 pm Eastern


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