Aug 20, 2019


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Escaping the Bully Victim Pattern

A bully victim pattern is surfacing publicly as we begin to confront the reality of internalized and unconscious patterns of marginalization. When we are unconscious of our own deeply internalized patterns of sexism or racism, for example, we often bully others unintentionally. Then, when our behavior is addressed openly we feel unjustly accused and collapse into victimization. However, if we are to heal personally and create social change, we must move out of this looping pattern. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she shares recent discoveries in how to create lasting transformation of the bully victim pattern through supported shadow transformation, ancestral healing, and precise, proactive soul retrieval healing. This practice moves us from healing to feel better into healing to make medicine for the community and the future.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

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