Apr 3, 2018


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Winds of Spirit with Renee Baribeau

Wind is an invisible force of nature that leaves an indelible mark on time and space. In ancient times the winds influenced our lives and showed us the path to success and happiness. The spirit of Wind has a rich mythology and diverse cultural significance that has been lost in modern times. This week Renee Baribeau, a long time desert resident, a practical shaman, and coach joins us to talk about her new book titled “Winds of Spirit, Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divine.” Join Renee and host, Christina Pratt, as they explore ancient shamanic secrets of the wind. Learn how the wind can be used to navigate the pathways of life, to connect with your true inner self (the spiritual magnetic north), and use your body to restore harmony and balance, heal the body, and inspire creativity.

This week's guest:
Renee Baribeau

Renee Baribeau is a Hay House author of Winds of Spirit: Ancient Wisdom Tools for Navigating Relationships, Health, and the Divine. She is a wind whistler, soul coach, inspirational speaker, and workshop leader, known and respected for her down-to-earth approach.

As a writer, Renee is a featured contributing blogger for Elephant Journal. Renee has also contributed chapters to the anthologies Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now (Hierophant Publishing, 2012) and The Five Principles of Everything (Five Birds Publishing, 2012). She makes her home in the California Desert and Whidbey Island.

Renee, a former chef, opened Brown Bagger’s, the first farm-to-table restaurant in Central New York in 1987. In 2005, she established the Desert Holistic Network in Palm Desert, California, an online regional resource directory. Renee served as the Resident Shaman at We Care Spa in Desert Hot Springs. Since 2013, she has worked for Foundations Recovery Network, a national system of residential treatment facilities.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Awakenings with Michele Meiche

Listening To Your Belly with Healer & Massage Practitioner - Susan De Muynck

Just listening and feeling the sensations in our Abdomen/ Belly makes us more conscious and aware. We hold so much in our Belly so that it can become rock hard and like an onion it requires peeling the never ending layers. I have found that my way of communicating and helping others is by offering Abdominal Massage it can help others become aware and listen to the still small voice inside.

I have been a massage practitioner for 20 years, and specialise in Abdominal-Sacral massage. The abdomen is so often ignored and is an area that is least touched. Now Scientists call the guts “the second brain”! With more neurone endings than the brain. The massage works on both the sacral area and your abdomen from just under your ribs down towards your pubic bone. Although it is a great massage for both men and women, for women it has the added bonus of releasing any muscular/fascial restrictions in the abdomen that maybe affecting your uterus and ovaries. It is a great way to get in touch with your belly!!"

Wed, April 4, 2018 at 12:00 pm Pacific


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