Crossposted from Reflections Journal.
The magazine is out. What magazine, you ask? Why only the long-awaited publication from Ethics and the Modern Guru, about Teal Bosworth Scott Swan and containing an interview with her alleged Mormon Satanist abuser. It is available now in soft-cover on Amazon with a kindle edition to be released soon. It can also be purchased directly from CreateSpace here.
Addendum: The Kindle edition is now available. Details can be found here.
Hi LaVaughn, do you happen to know when the kindle version will be released?
ReplyDeleteHello, Openeyes. I'm told the kindle edition will be out in the next couple of days.
ReplyDeleteI must ask. Are you the Openeyes who left all those smashing comments on Gabe's blog post?
Ok great! I look forward to it, thank you. Yes, I am the same commenter from Gabe's blog. I had hoped for more of a logical and open discussion (which I thought he was trying to initiate in the first place). In his post he mentioned not wanting to support anything like that if it turned out to be true that she is a liar or fraud, but then he refused to consider anything other than how unlikely it is that she could pull that off, despite how "unlikely" her claims actually are. Frustrating, but that's for him to sort out in his own way I suppose.
ReplyDeleteWell, I thought your comments were great. I'm glad he didn't get censorious, at least. He did remove his FB post entirely. I don't think he was expecting that much pushback.
ReplyDeleteOh. I should probably post a link to the relevant post. I just realized how weird this conversation would look to a reader who didn't know what we were talking about.
Why thank you! I have followed this story for some time and felt compelled to comment about it for the first time on his blog because the comments were thoughtful and not the typical echo chamber which was refreshing. I'm glad he left it up too.
DeleteLately I have noticed more people being skeptical or at least reasonably cautious, largely thanks to the work you and others have done in getting the information organized and out there (and screen shots of all the things, haha). I think its a snowball now and its only a matter of time for her.
People on are even starting to wake up. Some people who had her on a pedestal are asking good questions. This lady's 15 min are about to be up soon.
ReplyDeleteShe was pretty open in her last blog. She took a jab at her ex, admitted to flirting with a married man (look him up on LinkedIn.. he has a lot of money as the CEO of a company), and is complaining that the soon-to-be ex wife is upset about her?
Also, will "Doc" file a lawsuit against Teal?
I feel bad for Teal's family... how did their daughter turn out like this?
She took a few jabs. The most shocking was the picture of the of the man hiding in a swan tent. That post... I will have more to say on that. Very revealing in ways I don't think the grande dame of transparency intended.
DeleteMy understanding is that "Doc" is weighing his options.
Haha, I noticed that too! I actually laughed out loud.It fit great with the wizard of oz picture. I cant even tell what shes going for anymore.
DeleteNow that I look back on it, I realize the series of pictures are the most "transparent" thing. They basically tell the story of teal falling in "love" over and over again with prince charming(s), then the scary imposter in the swan suit is shown before she reveals "everyone" has secrets, then there is the horrified expression and a person put into(or hiding in) a box. Lastly, "Its not just a catch phrase".
DeleteNo, its not, its her excuse for publicly chastising anyone who gets in her way or upset her. The words in between the pictures were just full of the rationalizations she uses in order to mask her behavior as progressive or enlightened. What a sick weirdo, she has more than a mental gymnast, she is a full blown mental contortionist.
Interesting read. One of the things I find interesting is that the Snow White pic has the same composition as the pic of her with Blake and Mark... except that Blake is the tree.
DeleteEverything teal does is so self-referential. It's all one long lesson in how to meet her needs properly. Whatever she's teaching in her Ask Teal, or whatever, telegraphs her current discontent with someone or other who's not keeping her happy.
Btw what's the link to gabriel's blog? I'd like to read what he wrote.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was being lazy. The link I posted above is to Cameron's rebuttal, which has the link to his post. But, here's the direct link:
DeleteTaking jabs at Sarbdeep and Ale's soon-to-be-ex was not done from a place of love. It was done from a place of spite. This will certainly come back to bite her in the ass. Ale's ex can present this blog, as well as the previous one where Teal admits that she met Ale when they were both married to other people and Ale will stand to lose a lot. Getting involved with Teal will spell disaster for him. He's a professional who has his own company! (Teal is after his money, of course.) His relationship with Teal will certainly damage his reputation and credibility - especially among the Silicon Valley types, where he works. His ex will (rightfully) win custody of the children and get a large chunk of his fortune plus alimony because any judge will see that what Ale did was basically adultery. He left his wife for Teal.
ReplyDeleteTeal is so selfish that she doesn't see this. She makes herself the victim. If I were going through a divorce with a guy who left me for Teal, I would do the same thing! Protect my family from a cult leader known for lying and telling tall tales - especially slandering another individual ("Doc") about being involved in ritualistic murders and cult abuse.
Man, oh man. They say that when you lie enough, you begin to believe your own lies. I really think that she believes all the lies she tells from being abused / tortured as a child all the way to being an Alien from whatever star cluster. She is beyond deluded.
This will not end well for her and for those around her. I feel awful for her son. I wonder if the state or one of her relatives will take custody of him, eventually?
"If I were going through a divorce with a guy who left me for Teal, I would do the same thing! Protect my family from a cult leader known for lying and telling tall tales..."
DeleteMore to the point, I'd want to protect my family from a woman who children just shouldn't be exposed to for their own safety. We're talking about a woman who thinks all laws and rules designed to protect children from injury should be abolished. Of course children should be able to dive in the shallow end of the pool, says teal. Sure some might die or become paralyzed, but it's a small price to pay so that other children might learn through the law of attraction that diving in the shallow end is a bad idea. Running by the pool, climbing all over shopping carts... this is just what kids do. Let 'em do it. How else will they learn what not to do through the hard experience of getting themselves killed? That's teal logic. In Alina's place, I'd want my children far, far away from such a woman. (See Noncast "Idiocracy" here.)
Another thing I'd like to know is how in the world does Mark support her in all this? Something just doesn't add up. He has to know that she's full of shit. Remember how he refused to be on her Shadowhouse show and would duck away from the camera? There's more to it that what Teal is sharing on her latest blog post.
ReplyDeleteHave you bought the book / magazine on GuruEthics, by the way? I am curious to know your thoughts. Will you do a blog on this?
Yeah, Mark is the quiet man. Who knows what's going on in that noodle. It's just the weirdest arrangement I've ever heard of, living in house full of exes and your SON. How that child could possibly develop a healthy idea about relationships and intimacy I do not know.
DeleteI did buy a copy of the magazine and I will definitely be blogging on the issues raised.
Thanks, Deb.
ReplyDeleteOf course the tealers are starting in on you. They'll be out in force, no doubt.
I'm glad this information is finally out there. At the same time, I think it's important to correct the large number of errors and misrepresentations of my and others' words that were published in the magazine. I have done this at:
ReplyDeleteCameron, I am glad I read your response to the Kindle book that was put out by Guruethics. Guruethics, I commend you for putting this out, too.
DeleteCameron, I hope that all of this garbage doesn't affect your life personally or professionally. The last thing you want is this popping up if a potential employer googles your name. Put Teal and all of this behind you. She is not worth your time and energy. She isn't even 1/10th the woman you are. "Doc" said it himself... she's just dumb and not very well educated. It's amazing that she finished HS - even in 3 years.
What happened to Flavia and the other members of the house (other than Graciella). Are they all still under the Teal spell or have they all been able to see Teal for what she really is?
ReplyDeleteHomewrecker. Ale is leaving this to f*** a nasty, dirty cult leader
Cameron, I read your blog just now. One thing Doc said really stood out and it totally confirmed my suspisions:
ReplyDelete"DOC: Well, I tried to tell her parents what the problem was. They didn't like it, because I basically kind of put some of the responsibility on them, and so they kind of broke off our friendship, when I finally said what I thought was the problem."
I figured she was all sorts of f***ed up because of her upbringing. Whatever happened to good old-fashioned discipline? Teal needed that when she was a child. She needed the belt, too. Her parents should have sent her to military school. They should have taken responsibility for her actions as their child. Big-time fail right there.
Here is the newest post with the COMPLETE interview with Teal's alleged abuser "Doc." It's explosive---
ReplyDeleteThe links posted by Cameron are a violation of Copyrighted material, please remove them or I will be forced to report this page for copyright infringement.
ReplyDelete"**NOTE: COPYRIGHT is retained by each individual writer/speaker. It has been claimed that this post violates the copyright of the magazine in which it was originally published. However, the editor-in-chief explicitly agreed that the contributors to the magazine would retain copyright to their work, in case they wanted to republish their work. She also promised to put a copyright notice, to this effect, in the magazine itself, but failed to do so. Debra Van Neste's statements are included under fair use, for the purpose of criticism." ~ from here