Nov 27, 2012


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Wisdom of the Healer in Changing Times

The Healer speaks to us of death and rebirth and asks, "What needs to die?" In this time of ending and new beginnings, you must be able to fit through the doors of opportunity that will open for you if you are to find your true place in the New World. Your False Self is just baggage and it's in your way. Our ability to intentionally kill off aspects of our familiar self-to release, surrender, and grow simple-so that we are able to fit through the openings we encounter and plunge ahead in a new way is mastery of The Healer. We must know what to kill off and how. We must allow our faith in the status quo to be broken so that we strengthen our faith that which has heart and meaning and power in an interconnected world. And we must ask for help skillfully, knowing who to go to and how so that we are not consulting the unresolved dead or our own frightened ego. Our ability to move with intention through December 21, 2012 and birth a world truly different than this one depends on the Wisdom of the Healer. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, this week as she explores how to engage the wisdom on the Healer in these changing times.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Awakenings with Michele Meiche

Mayan Insights about 12-21-12 with Shaman ThunderBeat

12pm PST --- Host MICHELE MEICHE does psychic readings from 12-12:50pm. Call in 347-539-5122 or Email your questions to be covered on air at Michele shares her insight on Soul Purpose & Insights. Tools on how to get aligned for the new shift, new energy, and for the new you. Part of the awakening is awakening to your own uniqueness, and yet know we are the of the same substance as everyone else. How to actualize your Soul's Pattern, your calling - how to reach the core of who you are. Listen to your heart and follow with an inner knowingness. Michele is the author of the DailyOM course to Learn how to align to your Soul's Purpose and create from your Soul Blueprint 2012: Navigate Through Your Greatest Soul Shift This week’s conversation is with ThunderBeat who is a Native American of Choctaw and Shawnee heritage and has been traveling since the early 1990’s to the Mayan lands speaking with numerous Mayan Shamans and Elders. She has received knowledge that is not in any books. ThunderBeat a multi –award winning composer, author and teacher and a pioneer in sound healing. Her drumming is revered by Shamans all over the world. In 2005 she won a Beacon of Light Award for her inspiration, creativity, wisdom, compassion and service to the community and the world. She has been nominated for five Native American Music Awards and winner of 2 Native American LA and PX music awards. She is also a healer and intuitive whose gifts have been used to solve major criminal cases. As a pioneer in sound healing She has recorded numerous CDs, Dvds and Books internationally for ThunderVision Records.

Wed, November 28, 2012 03:00PM ET

Just Energy Radio

Walking in a World of Chaos & Life From A Psychic Point Of View

Thomas J. Nolan III
Walking in a World of Chaos
Dr. Nolan has an unique educational background includes a Ph.D. in Social Psychology of Health; an MS in Chemistry, and a Trainer’s Certification in Behavior Modification and Goal-Setting. He has studied a wide range of topics, including Egyptology, Astrology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Silva Mind Control. Dr. Nolan has also studied with several schools, including the Rosicrucians, School of Metaphysics, and the Gurdjieffian Movement. More ...

John Cappello
Life From A Psychic Point Of View
John Cappello is a Psychic, Medium, and Visionary. While he has been working professionally in metaphysics since 1997, John has been interested in psychic ability and the study of existence "beyond the physical" since he was a child. Through the use of his Psychic abilities, John can provide a detailed description of past, present, and potential future situations and events. As a Medium, he is also able to bring forth loved ones who have crossed over. More ...

Friday From 2-4pm CST ~ 11/30/12

Awake: Now What?

Jill Renee Feeler, Spiritual Teacher, Channeler, Healer

Jill is a spiritual teacher, channel, healer, author and inspirational figure for many seeking to access their God-self in their current journey. Her awakening process in 2009 amidst the higher frequencies and her soul blueprint offered her ready access to many of her spiritual abilities, sharing them professionally since 2010. Although she awakened recently, her energy was well connected with the higher realms throughout her journey, albeit subconsciously. Her spiritual support team is still in the process of sharing with her who she is as a Soul.

Jill is aware of several aspects of her Mastery as well as her role as a Spirit Guide. She is a gateway for bringing in the highest frequencies to Earth and she feels this is a key part of her purpose for being here at this time. She delights in assisting others in re-membering how to "be" in the higher frequencies. She is an example for others in how to bring the New Earth into their personal reality; right here, right now. She is passionate about helping others see themselves from a multidimensional perspective.

Jill is a motivator like no other. Her access to the higher realms is continuously expanding and her passion is sharing each new aspect of wisdom with others. She shares that her spiritual support team is displayed to her like a sports stadium filled with Ascended Masters, Angelic Ambassadors, Master Teachers and Guides as well as many Ambassadors from various Star systems. To Jill, they feel like family. The wisdom she accesses most often feels like a highest realm of unity consciousness. In addition, individuated souls also participate in her work including the Souls we know as Mother Mary, Jesus, Thoth, Buddha and Quan Yin.

For more information go to

Sun, December 2, 2012 06:00PM ET

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