Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
The Medicine of the Wild Feminine with Tami Kent
The wisdom in the Wild Feminine, by our guest and author Tami Kent, is the medicine we need to reclaim and embody the power and pleasure that is the birthright of every woman. Given that three out of four women in America have experienced some form of sexual trauma, it is long overdue time for women to activate the energy of their bodies, reclaim the wild at the core, and understand that the creative essence within your own actual center is the key for giving life to your dreams. Tami is a women's health physical therapist and she joins host and shaman, Christina Pratt, to explain how attending to the physical and energetic alignment in the pelvic bowl, a woman can clarify and expand her creative potential so that this vibrant energy flows more freely in her body and all areas of her life. Tami is our next guest for the Society of Shamanic Practitioners sponsored interview series. In this series we explore how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenges of their world. Tami's work offers work offers a complimentary path for deep clearing and reclamation following soul retrieval and other healing practices.
This week's guest:
Tami Kent
Tami Kent, MSPT is a women's health physical therapist, founder of Holistic Pelvic Care for women, and author of Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body. She is passionate about cultivating the creative energy, beauty, and wildness that is meant to run through all aspects of a woman's life. With a master's degree in physical therapy and the ability to read energetic patterns of the body, Tami provides a bridge between the realms of modern medicine and traditional women's wisdom. Her work offers a path for deep clearing and reclamation following soul retrieval and shamanic healing.
Tami has advanced training in multiple bodywork techniques, including certification in Maya Abdominal Massage and Infant Body Psychotherapy/Birth Trauma Resolution. She received her Masters from Pacific University and her Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of California at Berkeley. Tami lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and three sons.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Suzanne Toro
BeSimply...LoveSelf {Sacral Healing}
Join 'She' for 54 minutes to work on the Inner Self.
During this segment:
The sacral region. Healing and Sexual Violation...What it is and how we can stop participating. The path to healing...How to learn to stand in your own truth and avoid being manipulated and/or manipulate others. The need to control or be controled is rooted in a base fear. We will explore fears, manipulations, and the practice to release the cycle or manipulation within the sexual violation cycle.
Explore and Align with 'Self', How to reconnect to Self?
Please send in your questions to s@suzannetoro.com or call in during the episode.
Fri, September 21, 2012 12:00AM ET
Just Energy Radio
Robert M. Schoch: Göbekli Tepe: The End Of A Civilization
Dr. Robert Schoch will join Dr. Rita Louise this week on Just Energy Radio where he will discuss the mysterious site of Göbekli Tepe.
Robert M. Schoch
Göbekli Tepe: The End Of A Civilization
Dr. Robert M. Schoch, a full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies at Boston University since 1984, earned his Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics at Yale University. Dr. Schoch has been quoted extensively in the media for his pioneering research recasting the date of the Great Sphinx of Egypt using geological analyses, as well as for his work on ancient cultures and monuments in such diverse countries as Peru, Bosnia, and Japan.
Fri, September 21, 2012 03:00PM ET
Awake: Now What?
Welcome back Shelly Dressel, Channel, Teacher, Reiki Master
My conscious opening to spirituality began in the early ‘90's. During this time I was very drawn to the angels. I was also drawn to and read stories about near death experiences or people with heavenly encounters. From here, I began to explore the many avenues of spirituality. I'll begin by saying that spirituality to me is finding my truth about who I AM and what my connection is to the God/Goddess/All That Is. My life has been the journey of seeking what is truth for me. By 1994 I was curious about channeling. I was always seeking a greater connection and I thought, wow, this is truly a direct link and communication. I began with automatic writing, meaning I opened my mind (consciousness) to the higher planes and began writing down what information came into my head. A pivotal time for me was when I began working with Divine Will through Sanaya Roman. This is a powerful program with meditations and steps you can take to be able to blend more fully your soul and personality (ego). Then in 2001, a friend introduced me to some information about the Goddess of Creation. I felt such a strong resonance! One weekend in June of that year, I had a couple friends come to visit. While we were working with energy healing that weekend a friend and I both become infused with the energy of the Goddess of Creation. The Goddess created in us an alignment with her. My friend was on the table, lying on her stomach. I was at her head, when suddenly an intense white light came through a corner of the ceiling and infused my friend through the back of her head and me in my heart, throat, head centers and my third eye. We both felt an immense expansion and we began trying to speak in the language of creation. The words came out garbled, but we knew we would be working with them more! Less than two months after that I began to channel the Goddess verbally and have been doing so ever since.
For more information go to http://www.goddesslight.net
Sun, September 23, 2012 06:00PM ET
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