Around the Web, Around the World
"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt
Nourishing Destiny
The summer solstice is a time of fullness, expression, and manifestation in the physical world. And yet, in the frenzy of summer vacations, weekend get-aways, summer lovers, and the drug-infused blaze of Burning Man we forget entirely why we are here. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, and remember. It is our habit as contemporary people to go toward excess and indulgence: to spend too much, out reach our grasp, and start off where we have not yet begun. This is the misunderstanding of the great, warm wealth of summer, the waste of our true yang resources. We must learn to invest well in the seeds of our authentic true nature offered up by our Dreamer Manifestor and planted in the earth ritual at the spring equinox. Summer is the time of the Heart, of full sun, and of the god/goddess united at the Solstice. Before you light the traditional Solstice fire to dance, rejoice, and celebrate life with your community, consider the plants of purpose you are tending. What do you love enough to bring to life? It is time to nourish your destiny with the deep songs, longings, and visions of your heart and your own inner reflection of Divine Unity.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific
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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938
All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.
Awakenings with Michele Meiche
Self Empowerment Through Balancing The Chakras - Het-Heru
12pm PDT --- Host MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly Soul Insights, Meditations, Healing, Activation and Acceleration work for Soul Alignment. What is your Soul's Purpose & how can you actualize this? What is your role, your path, and what are the signs in your life and in the world telling you? Call in for channeled guidance readings, and psychic mediumship readings. Michele is the author author of the DailyOM course to Learn how to align to your Soul's Purpose and create from your Soul Blueprint 2012: Navigate Through Your Greatest Soul Shift http://bit.ly/izvzS1Call in and share your path of awakening and Soul Alignment. You may also email your questions to be covered on air at awakenings@selfinlight.com. The second portion of the show is Conversations with Awakened Guests. Michele dialogues with spiritual teachers, healers, conscious experts, visionaries, awakened leaders, authors, conscious beings and people of all walks of life that are focused on living consciously. This week’s conversation is with Founder of Het-Heru's Chamber, Het-Heru Maatkeru has taught different aspects of Yoga since 1969. In 1974 she opened the highly successful Harriman Studio of Yoga in west LA, CA which was a haven for Yoga enthusiasts for 15 years. In 1992, Het-Heru began teaching 'Ari Ankh Ka' aka Khamitic Yoga (aka Egyptian Yoga) which is based in the cultural and spiritual teachings of ancient Egypt and believed to be the origin of today's popular Hatha Yoga. It was during this time Het-Heru, also a spiritual intuitive, began using her clairaudient abilities to connect with her spiritual guides whom she calls the 'Ancestors'. Ten years later she began channeling the sacred products which make up Het-Heru's Chamber. www.het-heru.com
Wed, June 13, 2012 03:00PM ET
Just Energy Radio
Ken Hudnall: UFOs, Secret Societies, and Ancient Gods
Military veteran Ken Hudnall will be joining Dr. Rita Louise on Just Energy Radio where he will be discussing conspiracy theories including UFO's, secret societies and the gods of old.
About Ken Hudnall
Military veteran, Captain Ken Hudnall, was an instructor in urban warfare at the United States Army Infantry School and is the author of 40 plus books, including the award winning Manhattan Conspiracy series. The first in the series was written in 1992, but was a chillingly accurate portrait of the terrorist attacks on New York City in both 1993 and 2001. He has appeared on CNN, FOX News, Coast to Coast AM and other major networks as a special consultant in urban warfare
Fri, June 15, 2012 03:00PM ET
Awake: Now What?
LGBTQ: Empowered and Free: Overcoming Co-dependency
Empowering the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community to embrace their authentic selves and ignite the power within.
Do you place everyone’s needs ahead of your own, at the expense of your well-being and self-care? Do you know who you are, apart from your partner, children, parents or friends? Are you constantly seeking love and approval from others? Do you tend to attract narcissistic people into your life? Listen in to learn how to be interdependent, rather than codependent. Learn to shine as yourself, with your own needs, thoughts and feelings. Keep your giving in balance, as you feel strong and worthy from deep within.
Call or send email to us at lgbtwellness@gmail.com. We want to hear from you!
Join us!
You can also listen in the Friends chat room http://theawakeningcenter.com/tan/m/chat/home/ on The Awake Net.
Dr. Lisa Bufton, D.D. is a Spiritual Counselor, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, and cofounder of LGBT Wellness Conference. www.purespirithealing.com and www.lgbt-wellness.org
Courtney Long, MSW, LC, CHt, ATP® is a Guide to the Authentic, Author and Speaker. www.authenticandfree.com
Sat, June 16, 2012 01:00PM ET
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