Apr 3, 2012


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Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

What is a Power Animal?

What are power animals and why do they help us? Power animals are one of the many ways that shamanic peoples, ancient and contemporary alike conceive of the help that reaches out to humans from The Source. Humans have never dealt well with direct communication with The Source. They tend think that a visit from God will solve everything and then when the visit comes they are overwhelmed in such a way that the message is lost. Humans prefer mediation from burning bushes and angels and things that have faces they can talk to. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores the vast realm of shamanic helping spirits and why they tend to help us, in spite of our selves. Helping Spirits come to us in dreams, journeys, meditations, and altered states in the forms of animals, plants, fungi, some insects, fish, mythical beasts and beings, ancestors, deities, elementals, and features of the local geography, like mountains or lakes. All true helping spirits are protective, though they may specialize in their guidance and teaching. All true helping spirits are a voice of The Source. Shamanic skills help us to answer the questions who do you communicate with and how? And, more importantly, how do you know whom to ignore?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
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All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Awakenings with Michele Meiche

Freedom in the Chaos with Tony Samara

12pm PST --- Host MICHELE MEICHE shares her weekly Soul Insights, Meditations, Healing, Activation and Acceleration work for Soul Alignment. What is your Soul's Purpose & how can you actualize this? What is your role, your path, and what are the signs in your life and in the world telling you? Call in for channeled guidance readings, and psychic mediumship readings. Michele is the author author of the DailyOM course to Learn how to align to your Soul's Purpose and create from your Soul Blueprint 2012: Navigate Through Your Greatest Soul Shift http://bit.ly/izvzS1Call in and share your path of awakening and Soul Alignment. You may also email your questions to be covered on air at awakenings@selfinlight.com. The second portion of the show is Conversations with Awakened Guests. Michele dialogues with spiritual teachers, healers, conscious experts, visionaries, awakened leaders, authors, conscious beings and people of all walks of life that are focused on living consciously. This week’s conversation is with Tony Samara, author of ‘Shaman’s Wisdom,’ ‘From the Heart,’ ‘Different Yet the Same,’ and ‘Deeper than Words’ was born in England, grew up in Egypt and also in Norway where he discovered the “Zen Buddhist philosophy”. This discovery led him to the “Mount Baldy Zen Center in CA” where he learned the spiritual teachings of “Kyozan Joshu Sasaki.” He went to live and learn with shamanic communities around the globe including a period of time spent with some highly influential shamans in the Amazon River region and the Andes Mountains.www.tonysamara.org

Wed, Apr 4, 2012 03:00PM ET


Just Energy Radio

Thomas Fusco & Eldon Taylor

Dr. Rita Louise is joined by two guests this week on Just Energy Radio. In the first hour she will be speaking with Thomas Fusco about a new vision of reality. In the second hour she will be talking to Eldon Taylor about how what you believe matters!

Thomas P. Fusco
Thomas P. Fusco is an independent researcher who has devoted nearly three decades investigating the relationship between mind, physics, spirituality, parapsychology, scientific anomalies and paranormal phenomena with the goal of uncovering the unifying cosmological framework that has eluded mankind for generations. He has been invited to speak as a guest on numerous radio programs.

Eldon Taylor
Eldon Taylor is the host of the popular radio show, Provocative Enlightenment. He is an award winning, New York Times best selling author of over 300 books, and audio and video programs. He is the inventor of the patented InnerTalk technology and the founder and President of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc. He has been called a ³master of the mind² and has appeared as an expert witness on both hypnosis and subliminal communication. Eldon's latest book is I Believe: When What You Believe Matters.

Fri, Apr 6, 2012 03:00PM ET


Awake: Now What?

Chat with Jill Renee Feeler, Spiritual Teacher, Channel

Jill is a spiritual teacher, channeler, healer, writer and inspirational figure for many seeking to access their God-self in their current journey. Her awakening process in 2009 amidst the higher frequencies and her soul blueprint offered her ready access to many of her spiritual abilities, sharing them professionally since 2010. Although she awakened recently, her energy was well connected with the higher realms throughout her journey, albeit subconsciously. Her spiritual support team is still in the process of sharing with her who she is as a Soul.

At this time Jill is aware of several aspects of her Mastery as well as her roles as a Spirit Guide. She is a gateway for bringing in the highest frequencies to Earth and she feels this is a key part of her purpose for being here at this time. She delights in assisting others in re-membering how to "be" in the higher frequencies. She is an example for others in how to bring the New Earth into their personal reality; right here, right now. She sees the highest potential in others, utilizing her access to their Soul's blueprint and insights from their Higher Selves. She is passionate about helping others see themselves from this multidimensional perspective, helping them see solutions to challenges, expand how they view themselves in their journey and the limitless possibilities available to them at this time.

Jill is a motivator like no other. Her access to the higher realms is continuously expanding and her passion is sharing each new aspect of wisdom with others.

For more information go to http://www.beaconforlightworkers.com

Sun, Apr 8, 2012 06:00PM ET


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