At 6:00 this evening, DC40 kicked off their "siege" in the US capital. Tomorrow they begin their prayer mission of "reformation" in each of the 50 states starting with Hawaii because it was the last state to join the union. From there, they'll continue through the states in reverse order. As discussed here, they're turning turning their guns directly on the goddess Columbia as they attempt to obliterate the Pagan underpinnings of the US. In response, this site, and many others, will be engaging in a counter campaign to honor the Pagan underpinnings of the US by honoring Columbia. See how that works?
When the organizers on the DC40 got wind of Pagan interest in their event they responded with a blood invocation.
The New Apostolic Reformation, a neo-Pentecostal Christian movement, hosts an event called DC40 to “lay siege” for 40 days on Washington D.C. to change the District of Columbia into the District of Christ and eliminate compromise in our government. Pagans around the country attempt to counter the event’s goal of influencing elected officials.
. . .
In their latest newsletter, DC40 sent out this response to the Pagan community:
We are well aware of the websites and blogs rallying to try and curse our effort and counter it. Always remember, You can’t curse what God has blessed! Read Psalm 2. Remember also that Jesus is the light of every man. We have read some of your accusations and false perceptions of us, and we say “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” We were once in darkness too, and we call you out of the darkness and into the light. We release the power of blood-covered light over you.
I for one don't want to be covered with "blood-covered light." It's all just too evocative of Carrie
The New Apostolic Reformation is about turning everything this country stands for on its head. That includes a, dear Goddess, Declaration of Dependence. Eek!! I much prefer the original document.
Their schedule is as follows, with the first forty days taking place in DC and another eleven days in the former capital, Philadelphia.
Hawaii (50)The Pentecost Harvest State10-03-11
Alaska (49)The Alpha and Omega State10-04-11Arizona (48)The Greenhouse State 10-05-11New Mexico (47)The Supernatural State10-06-11Oklahoma (46)The Open Heaven State10-07-11Utah (45)The Worship State10-08-11Wyoming (44)The Deliverance State10-09-11Idaho (43)The Treasure State (Isaiah 45)10-10-11Washington (42)The Whirlwind State10-11-11Montana (41)The Pure Atmosphere State10-12-11South Dakota (40)The Stronghold State10-13-11North Dakota (39)The Faith and New Wineskin State10-14-11Colorado (38)The State of Breaking the Drought10-15-11Nebraska (37)The Unique State10-16-11Nevada (36)The Transformation State10-17-11West Virginia (35)The Breakthrough State10-18-11Kansas (34)The Revival State10-19-11Oregon (33)The State to Throw Jezebel From the Wall10-20-11Minnesota (32)The Threshing Floor State10-21-11California (31)The Crossing Over State10-22-11Wisconsin (30)The River State10-23-11Iowa (29)The Corn State –Supply and Release10-24-11Texas (28)The Prophetic State10-25-11Florida (27)First for Revival; the Forerunner State10-26-11Michigan (26)A State With a Restored Voice10-27-11Arkansas (25)The State of Exposing & Dislodging the Serpent10-28-11Missouri (24)The “Show Me Your Glory” State10-29-11Maine (23)The East Gate for the King10-30-11Alabama (22)The Reformer and Justice State10-31-11Illinois (21)The Apostolic State11-01-11Mississippi (20)The State in the Valley of Decision11-02-11Indiana (19)The First – Strike State11-03-11Louisiana (18)The Governmental Mantle State11-04-11Ohio (17)The State That Swings the Sword11-05-11Tennessee (16)A State Receiving God’s Covenant Blessing11-06-11Kentucky (15)The Trumpet Has Sounded –11-07-11It’s Time to Run With the Horses!Vermont (14)The Passover State & The Sleeping Beauty State11-08-11Rhode Island (13)The Miracle State11-09-11North Carolina (12)Shifting Into a Release of Wealth11-10-11District of Christ (DC) The Ruler or Seat of Authority11-11-11New York (11)His Kingdom State11-12-11Virginia (10)The Covenant Root State11-13-11New Hampshire (9)The State of Freedom11-14-11South Carolina (8)The State That Reversed the Curse11-15-11Maryland (7)“I will awaken the seed”11-16-11Massachusetts (6)The Mother of Our Nation11-17-11Connecticut (5)The State of Favor11-18-11Georgia (4)A Governmental Gate11-19-11New Jersey (3)The Watchman State11-20-11Pennsylvania (2)The First Shall Be Last -11-21-11A Governmental Shift StateDelaware (1)Releasing the Firstfruit of a Nation11-22-11
Meanwhile, Pagans, Wiccans, and other non-traditional types, will be responding with observances of the land of liberty. Sosanna has started a Facebook page and has kicked off her own campaign today.
Today I'd like to reach out to the great state of Hawaii. The prayer attack is starting up and they have decided to start with the last state and work their way backwards. In show support for these states and to launch a state of protection, I will will be highlighting each state for the next 51 days. Offering facts, blessings and protection for them. If you'd like to join in I welcome to you to post your comments of support here or join the group on facebook called "What Makes Your State Great".
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