

Jan 19, 2017

Her Philia?

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.


Comment overflow: Page 1, Page 2

In a recent blog post, Teal Bosworth Scott Swan leveled some pretty serious allegations against the "hate group" conspiring to shut down her new retreat center.

To add to it all, the collective hate group which is so vehemently opposed to my career as well as me as a person has been dedicating themselves wholeheartedly to trying to destroy this retreat center. Essentially, the minute that we announced this retreat center, they began planning how to shut it down. This began with them collectively turning me into the FBI and the local police. Now their efforts are aimed at planning to attend so as to sabotage what we are doing here from the inside. They have been targeting both attendees and teachers of the retreat. And they have been doing a damn good job if I don’t say so myself. We had one teacher not only resign from doing a retreat here because of the amount of Anti-Teal 'Danger' propaganda sent to her when she announced that she was working with me... but also turn directly against me and refuse to talk to any one of us to resolve the situation. The teacher of the current retreat and many of the prospective attendees have confessed that they too felt deeply insecure coming here because of it. Essentially, the principal strategy of my haters is to “befriend” people associated with me and then turn them against me.

Lately it has been a real frustration being told by some that I should just ignore it all (which can’t happen if they are taking tangible steps to sabotage me as opposed to just slandering me). And on the other hand being told by others that they need my help and response in order to feel less terrified of me and my whole movement. These hate groups have managed to make people who were dedicated and enthusiastic pull away from me and everything associated with me just to avoid the conflict and pressure of the controversy that surrounds me.

This dynamic has made my career MUCH less enjoyable this year. When I used to meet people, the overwhelming majority looked at me with this look like I was a gift sent straight from the divine universe into their lives. Now, the overwhelming majority looks at me like I am a dragon... Something both wonderful and terrifying. They look at me like they feel the overwhelming benefits of what I have brought to their lives, but that because of all of the fear propaganda they’ve been fed this year, they are not sure if I’m going to suddenly turn onto a fire-breathing monster. This hate group has the exact same energy and dedication as the anti-abortion protestors who stand outside abortion clinics.

See? She was divinely sent, but now she's "wonderful and terrifying." She dug deep for a negative way to describe herself and came up with more vanity.

Seeing as I'm probably a charter member of teal's imaginary "hate group," I think it behooves me to address these assertions. (I say imaginary because I keep checking the Southern Poverty Law Center listings for anti-teal hate groups and finding nothing.) For a start, please note that she provides no evidence for any of her claims. She doesn't identify this teacher who resigned, provide any quotes, or anything that could be verified. You'd just have to take her word for it. My own investigation of cancelled events at Philia came out a little differently. And I have screenshots, aka., evidence. In fact, much of her Philia narrative does not withstand scrutiny, starting with her purchase of the new facility.

On November 29, 2016, teal announced that she had purchased a retreat center in Costa Rica, in an Instagram video.

philia announcement video

She explained in greater depth the next day on her blog.

Last month when I came to Costa Rica, I was not simply looking for a site to hold retreats when I came here. I was looking to actually purchase a property that I could turn into a retreat center. I had been waiting for guidance for over a year. Then, at 3:00 am six months ago, I began to get the message “Costa Rica is the place”. I had never been to Costa Rica. I have very little pull to the Latin culture or the Latin language, so it was a real surprise that I was guided to this place. But stronger and stronger, the guidance came until I was so convinced that I got on a plane and flew here. On one of our scouting endeavors, I drove into a little town called Atenas about 30 minutes away from San Jose, high up in the mountains. The minute I drove into the center of the town, I was hit by a feeling of being at home. With that ‘confirmation’ I contacted a Real Estate Professional to see if there was anything for sale in Atenas. Sure enough, there was. A little hotel called El Cafetal.

We drove in and met one of the owners. The minute I saw him, it was like I had found someone from my own family again. As he was guiding me through the property that they had built in response to a vision years ago, he kept calling it “your home” (referring to me). He knew I was going to be there. The contract was done between myself and this place far before it was done physically. The two owners were very spiritual people who had been praying that someone would come who would want to use this place for spirituality and healing instead of tourism. I walked through the main foyer and out onto the back deck and immediately knew this was the place. I turned around and without seeing anything else, told the real estate agent to write an offer. In a flood, visions of my community laughing and myself writing books here came through. I saw people healing here. I saw them meditating in the little meditation areas all over the property and doing yoga on the yoga platform in the morning and swimming in the pool. I saw them eating fresh foods grown locally here. I saw everything I had been envisioning for years.

Long story short, I bought a retreat center. It is the new development in my own mission. I have taken the next step. I officially have a healing center now. This will not only be a place that I, myself host retreats at; it will also be a center for other teachers to hold retreats so that their knowledge can reach more people. Our first retreat is scheduled to start on December 31st. The possibilities are limitless for what people can learn about here and the healing they can experience here. Eventually, we will be creating permaculture here as well. I already have an amazing and competent staff ready and eager to do this work with me.

So what have we learned, apart from the surprising news that they speak Latin in Costa Rica, a language most of the world thinks is dead? We've learned that teal was divinely guided to the perfect property to buy and embark on her grand vision.

Back here on Earth, I learned that Hotel El Cafetal has a Facebook page, where they did indeed announce that they were selling the hotel at a steep reduction. (The original list price was $2M.) That announcement is still on their page, without amendment.


But buried in the visitor comments, they did provide a little update on the status of the hotel.

rented with option to buy

So on November 29, teal announced her purchase of a retreat center. But as of December 10, the hotel owner she claims to have bought it from said that they'd rented it, with an option to buy. We have an apparent discrepancy.

To some that might seem like a small point. Who cares if she rented the property or bought it? Indeed it is a small point, so small that there's no logical reason for her to have been anything but honest about it. But it looks like the leader of the authenticity movement is fudging a little on the details.

When teal announced her new center and posted the web site, I poked around a bit and looked at the retreat offerings. I had some concerns about what I saw. The pricing structure was vague and confusing. The first event, a singles retreat, had a page that looked more like an ad for Russian brides, with pictures of many pretty women,  but no pictures of the men whom they claimed had registered.


They asked applicants to list their sexual orientation, but the retreat called for 8 men and 8 women. So it seemed more like a mixer for straight singles, in which case, it would be more honest to simply say so.

The pricing structure makes no sense at all. The rates are bundled, making it unclear what is the cost for room and board and what is the cost of the instructed events. And the prices vary, which only adds to the confusion. Some of the things that gave me pause were examples like this.

vegan food retreat 120416
breatharian food retreat 120416

The breatharianism retreat – yes, you heard me, there's a breatharianism retreat – is substantially more expensive than the vegan food retreat, more expensive than all the other retreats, actually. Yes, it's two weeks, as opposed to one week. But it's roughly three times the cost. Each rate is double that of the vegan retreat, plus a grand. And we know it's not to cover food costs. One hopes it's to cover a medical staff on standby, but it doesn't say anything about that. There doesn't even appear to be a health questionnaire for this thing, which is terrifying.

Stranger still, I observed at the time that the pricing structure for the singles retreat was quite different. There were no bungalows and a single room was nearly the same rate as the single bungalow for the other events. (???)


That was then. This is now. And ALL the bungalows have disappeared and been replaced with higher priced single rooms.


And now a new question arises. Retreats are indeed disappearing. According to teal a single instructor was corrupted by those diabolical "haters" and turned against her. Which teacher might that be? When I originally perused the Philia website, I noted four retreats that as of a few days ago did not appear on her retreat page. There was a juice retreat (1/21-28), a family dance and music workshop (2/18-25), a creative journey retreat (2/25-3/4), and a yoga retreat (3/4-11)

I took some screenshots when I became aware of this on 1/14. You can see in this one that the juice retreat, which was slated to start this coming weekend, is not on the schedule. The womb healing retreat, to my knowledge, started on schedule and was removed from the roster when it began.


Here you can see the gap in the schedule, where the other three events had been listed.


As of this writing, the direct links I've provided above still work. The pages still come up, except for one. The page for the creativity workshop is entirely gone. That would be this one:


That retreat has not only disappeared from the retreat listing. It was kicked down the memory hole, which would seem to indicate that there was some sort of conflict. So was this the teacher who was turned against teal by those obsessed "haters?"

It appears not.

Eva Cendors will not work for free

That comment was posted in Teal Tribe and in some other teal-related groups, I believe. So the issue in that case appears to have been, not so much teal's "haters," as it was that teal doesn't want to pay her instructors. Her certified Completion Process practitioners are also being called upon to volunteer their services at these retreats.

Look at the price tag on those retreats one more time. Scroll up and look at the kinds of rates the same hotel was previously charging for rooms. Or see here what they were charging for extended stays.

extended stay at cafetal

Even allowing for additional food costs, the lion's share of the rate is for the instructed events. Shouldn't those instructors be paid?

And the plot thickens. Yesterday teal dropped this bomb.

 photo tealdropsabomb_zpsglulg3x9.png

What she does not say in this post is that still more retreats have been removed from her original lineup. There were three events scheduled for April, after the breatherianism retreat: find your creativity (4/8-15) art therapy (4/15-22), and dance your heart out (4/22-29). Of those three, only the last has had the entire page removed. What follows are more of the screenshots of the Philia retreat listing that I'd grabbed on 1/14.

 photo creativityonroster_zpshncfysnb.png

 photo artndanceonroster_zpslokg16wa.png

As of today, the retreat listing ends with the breatharianism retreat. Who the "big guys" are that will be added for April, or what the new prices will be, we do not know. We also do not know if she will be paying them. Perhaps it's only the "little people" who don't get paid. We do know that seven previously scheduled events have disappeared from the retreat listing without explanation.

We also know that teal is working hard to upmarket herself. She has launched a new premium membership site, and the events come with much higher price tags. Price resistance was immediate. An announcement on the spiritual catalyst Facebook page and Blake was pressed into service to smooth ruffled feathers.

 photo successshop_zpsmzt9fznd.png

 photo ificouldaffordthat_zpshfydbgyu.png

 photo maybeatypo_zps0vphvxx6.png

And then it was off to Teal Tribe to spin like a top and lecture everyone about politics.

 photo blakeonpoliticsandpricepoints_zpsxymc9v7v.png

Pro tip: If someone assures you of some awful thing they are definitely not doing, that's probably exactly what they are doing.

What is this "pressure" that teal is under? If the way to relieve that pressure is raising rates and developing big ticket events, the obvious conclusion would be financial. There's a whole world she's got to fix, people! How is she ever going to buy countries if she can't even buy a hotel?

I'm having a hard time making sense of her cancelling all those retreats, when they clearly need the income. It seems to me the logical thing would be to promote the heck out of those events, instead of slashing the schedule. Why not bring in her A-listers in May? This leads me to the conclusion that there's a whole lot more going on behind the scenes than teal is letting on.

One of the selling points of teal's workshops is a very limited amount of face-time with the luminary herself. For some, not all, of the retreats, teal is making herself available for a Q&A. After the singles retreat, Ale uploaded a very low tech video of this workshop-like gathering. It no longer appears to be publicly available, but copies are still floating around. I've put together an edited version of what we'll call the worst moments. I have also obscured the identities of the participants for reasons that should be readily apparent. It is simply one of the worst things I've ever heard.

One of the men at the retreat, who seemed like a nice enough fellow, was just really out of place. He was obviously a good bit older than what looked to be mostly twenty-somethings. It went badly for him. After what was obviously a week of rejection, teal piled on and informed him that his "shadow" was the problem, because it gave him the "vibration of a creep." She proceeded to inform hm that despite being oblivious to this glaring character flaw, he's really very manipulative. She then proceeded to describe to him areas of improvement, that only sound to my ear, like instruction in how to be more manipulative and boundaryless. After reducing him to tears and having all the women at the retreat let him know how uncomfortable he made them, she informed him that when he cries it's also inauthentic and manipulative and a real turn-off. Really like watching someone tear the wings off a butterfly, incredibly cruel. The gentleman took this whole thing with great aplomb and in the spirit of self-improvement. Good for him. But it turned my stomach.

I also found it very interesting that she described her upcoming workshop as "getting drilled" by her for three days. I wonder what names she'll be calling people at that one.

One of the things I've wondered about, since she announced this venture, is whether she would be exclusively holding retreats, or if the facility would continue to operate as a hotel. Visions of really dark Fawlty Towersesque comedy have danced in my head. But, alas, it is not to be.

In replies to her post about the pending price change, one of teal's staff members stepped up to address the inevitable backlash.

 photo gajibasplaining_zpspiib8u7j.png

 photo wehavevolunteers_zps2swkwf5x.png

 photo thisisnotahotel_zps8cdsycnz.png

So, no, teal is not going to be an hotelier. That seems a little foolish to me, as they are currently looking at weeks on end with no events and no bookings. And for all Gabija's complaints about costs, El Cafetal seemed to be meeting their costs renting double rooms for $50 a night and rates as low as $500 a month. And I doubt they had a staff of volunteers.

Of course, the volunteers, in this case, appear to be teal's expanding "intentional family." And this is where alarm bells should be going off.

If this marriage proposal doesn't scream cult to you, I don't know what to tell you. Would you, Lynn, take all these people as your lawfully wedded family? Oh, and Blake. You'd be marrying Blake as well.

Meanwhile, teal would like her critics to stfu. This private message was sent from her Facebook account. One hopes she did not write it, because talking about yourself in the third person that much is not a good sign.

 photo shutdowntruthtribe_zpsmzpng9v4.png

It would appear, though, that teal's passion for free expression has waned since she wrote this. She is, indeed, attempting to censor people on their own "turf," as she calls it. This is why she must reframe all criticism as "hate" and attribute a host of nefarious schemes to anyone who speaks against what she's doing.

So are the denizens of Truth Tribe plotting to infiltrate and disrupt her retreat center? Oh, absolutely! Here you can see them plotting and scheming to turn the singles retreat into God only knows what.

 photo truthtribeconspiracy_zpsrltzvgkm.png

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together could see that this was a joke, not a serious plan to disrupt an event. But who knows. Perhaps teal is aware of an actual plan hatched out of Truth Tribe, that I am not. Then I'm sure she can show the world those screenshots.

Are "haters" working overtime to persuade anyone who wants to donate their time to teach classes at Philia? Are they working their charms on anyone who wants to spend upwards of a grand to attend a retreat there? Not that I'm aware of and I'm pretty dialed into the "hater network."

Food for thought: Perhaps potential attendees took the time to read the terms and the waiver they'd have to sign and begged off at that point. My favorite of the terms is number 5: "You agree that you will not speak ask [sic] Teal Swan personal questions." (She, however, reserves the right to call you a creep at any time for any reason.)

It's the waiver, though, that would put me right off. If you are harmed or killed due to their negligence, they are relieved of any and all responsibility.

I acknowledge that this Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form will be used by the event holders, sponsors, and organizers of the activity in which I may participate, and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities at said activity. In consideration of my application and permitting me to participate in this activity, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns as follows:
(A) I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me including my traveling to and from this activity, THE FOLLOWING ENTITIES OR PERSONS: Philia Sociedad Anónima (PSA) and/or their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, and agents, and the activity holders, sponsors, and volunteers;

(B) INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND PROMISE NOT TO SUE the entities or persons mentioned in this paragraph from any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of participation in this activity, whether caused by the negligence of release or otherwise.

Note to teal: I wouldn't test that. James Arthur Ray tried. It went badly. Turns out people can't actually waive their right not to be killed. (I'm looking at you, breatharian retreat.)

So is a "hate group" to blame for the failings at Philia? Mysteriously cancelled events, inscrutable pricing structure, sudden price hikes, expecting people to waive away basic health and safety requirements... At best this is amateur hour. At worst, there are serious ethical lapses occurring. Either way, teal has no one to blame but teal for the problems she's having getting her rickety plane off the ground.

Are all her detractors "collectively" turning her in to law enforcement and state agencies? I like the way she put that, "turning me into the FBI." Poof! You're the FBI! Typos aside, it makes her sound guilty. They didn't report her,  they turned her in to the authorities. I believe some people have contacted various law enforcement agencies, and I don't think that's a bad idea at all. But I, for one, have not done so – not yet, anyway.

Do teal's "haters" have Svengali-like abilities to turn her "fans" against her? Or do some of her followers become uneasy about her manner and behavior and start searching for explanations? Do they find blogs like mine and those of her former followers, friends, housemates, and ex-husband, and have their instincts and concerns validated? Do they seek support through their shock, disillusionment, and grief, on these pages and in Facebook groups like Truth Tribe? In my experience, that's exactly what happens.

Comment overflow: Page 1, Page 2


  1. if i was wearing a hat i would tip it to this article and the author's thorough research and fact checking.

    i've listened to the first 10 minutes of the scapegoating video.

    it's brutal. teal's 'high vibration' is an utter lie.

    1. I am just 4 min into it and thought Teal is describing herself whilst talking about this man.

    2. yep. she probably skipped some of the chapters in the shadow work book she pilfered from the ashakic records.

    3. Noticed that did you? It's pure projection. It's positively spooky.

    4. Exactly, Gaby. It's more of her shadow projection masquerading as shadow work.

      The whole thing is horrible and not just how she spoke to this guy, but how she then forced the other gal to confront him, when she was clearly very uncomfortable. Zero respect for boundaries. At least the man asked if she was comfortable having that conversation. But teal didn't care. She delighted in the woman's discomfort and forced her to violate her own boundaries. It's horrible. Just horrible.

    5. The other "funny" thing: did she herself not state that she will pick the girlies and the boys herself based on her unique, vibrational, super google eye sight of magical lines dancing around the spherical bodies of her candidates? :D So she picked him as well - to play with or were her googles broken that day or did he has a big bank account? The bank account would make sense, she destroys his identity and builds him up again according to her own mood. I saw that somewhere before....

    6. I am amazed that you got your hands on this recording which is proof that she managed in 16 min to mess up 2 minds big time.

      As many already noticed: she is actually describing herself and her tactics. And here is a comment she made in this video which explains why the heck this woman can actually still sleep.

      Manipulation according to Teal

      “…as we know I can’t ask for my needs to be met directly I have to do it indirectly.”

    7. For me it's taken a little while for it to sink in just how brutal this set up is. Because there's so much camouflage and misdirection of this being "therapeutic work". Also the drip drip effect of listening to Teal Swan for a long time blunts my moral reasoning skill.

      This edit audio should make it plain where the biggest shadow and manipulator in the group actually is.

    8. Oh, well done, Mr. Beard. Yup, those are the money quotes. And I like that he got in a little of Ale's laugh. It's horrible. His voice is arguably more grating than teal's and that is saying something. They really are well-matched.

  2. Thanks for your research, clarity, gentleness and humour which flows into your articles. They were, are and will be very important for people of all kinds aka the spell-bounded, the sceptics, the reality-strucked and those who are currently realising that her belief system was messed with by TS and try to break loose. I believe that the energy you put in to track, record and observe this person and to put your thoughts on paper is crucial. Thanks for that. I don't see any malicious intentions in you but a great sense for fairness, truth and carrying about peoples well being. You never saw a dime for all this work. You never called her a cow (but I did) but you look at the play and point out the obvious and the subtle manipulation of TS spiel. I can put myself into the mind set of a tealer and see how they would easily follow the "hate perspective" which Teal is trying to bath you and all the commenters here and there and there in. But any person (spell free) can see that what you are doing is "barking the cat". "Barking the cat" - fuck that - "barking the charlatan". Let's call it what it is.

    And hopefully it will inspire people to dive into the web and actually do their own research after each grandiose announcement of TCS (Teal Charlatan Swan) which I am sure will follow plentiful. I have to think about the alchemy symbol on her arm. Does alchemy also stand for "turning shite into gold with words and words only"?

    The Alchemy of a Charlatan

    What a great headline this would be. It certainly takes skills - maybe this would be a great idea for one of the upcoming workshops with A-lister teachers (hahahaha). I mean, Teal is one of them, isn't she? ( ;

    (Teal, all these people thinking with their own heads and aren't ignoring results of their research. they will not stop putting their observations out there in regards to you. They are not haters (as you know). Most of them were interested in you at a certain point in time and your authenticity idea until they realised that you are made out of lies by turning your own shite into gold with the tool of worlds and the gold of others you turn into shite. They share their observations with the public. This is not the definition of a hater. And you missus - by telling the public that you don't like pepper; that you have a sex/love addiction; that you want to be famous; that you didn't fancy gecko on first site etc. doesn't make you fucking "authentic". You HAVE to share this with the public cause you know that you can't cover it up. So please stop selling this as a indication that you are authentic my dear. Always wishing you the best but stop messing with people's heads & hearts)

    *rolling eyes* & *End of story*

  3. Wow gee look at that. All the spiritually enlightened people called the only old guy a fucking creep. Instead of still trying to accept him and talk to him. Yeah cause Mark, Blake, and Ale aren't ugly dudes. They'd get rejected by endless amounts of women. Damn that made me so mad I had to turn it off. Some bs photos from dudes you used makes you a model? I saw a comment of someone saying use your tax return to go to a retreat. How about pay of bills, loans, or a car? No go and be called names cause you aren't on of the attractive ones. They all look like sweaty hippies. LV, this is the most idiot proof one you've done yet true be told. If they can't see through this then idk anymore. Great job again. Thanks.

  4. Another thing that proves she's dumb. Why didn't she just buy a large in the states for a lot cheaper than 2 million? I mean that shows how silly their business is. You have to rip not only the customer off but the ones giving the lectures too?

    1. I don't think she'd find a cheaper property of the type in the US. I think 1M (new price) for a hotel is very good deal. Honestly, renting it first is one of the smarter things she's done, but she won't admit to it. I think the larger problem is that she does everything on the cheap and she's cheap with everyone around her. She supposedly just married a millionaire who promised to deliver two national monuments to her front lawn. So if this is really about tight funds, that's very interesting isn't it.

  5. Please please please people who got or are sceptical of Teal and Tealers who are secretly reading this blog here: watch the last episode of season 1 called " Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath S01E08 - Ask Me Anything Part 2" online (you will find it somewhere). .... the algorithm seems to be the same. All the mechanism and methods they describe you will find in baby form in Teal's approach to gather a group of people around her to do x, pay x, dedicate x towards HER. Please recognise it.

    - HER breaking down of people's self perception in front of group
    - HER very expensive "Premium" content & retreats
    - HER hunger for free volunteer services constantly
    - HER establishing a centre (p philia)
    - HER overwriting peoples intuition & boundaries
    - HER shaming people publicly (hello Fallon, Sarbdeep, etc
    - HER monatizing on peoples vulnerable state of minds by selling them an authority concept based on super skills (never demonstrated-scify)
    - HER labelling people as haters who can see her shite and HER actively asking for actions x by her followers
    - HER using the wedding of her business and ex bed partner Blake to agreeing verbally to dedicate herself (new wife) to the community
    - HER isolating followers from their friends and family by blaming the parents for everything etc..
    - HER turning rejection by public and media into success lies
    - HER using her looks to flash, flirt and turn on people (very consciously)
    - HER wanting to save people and teach her solutions so she can get rich & famous on the way - ego hick up
    - HER introducing "shunning" without calling it shunning. (talk to the girl friend of her ex business partner in Prague - one example)
    - HER suggesting suicide to TWO people of her community considering that she is perceived as their authority figure of choice and tries everything to establish this belief in EVERYBODY
    - HER rewarding people who behave well, accept her authority , doing tons of voluntary work, being useful in some regards to further her in business... those people you will find are in the closest circle around her, by allowing intimacy with her and giving them the status of a highly praised community member (reward pointing system might be on the way)
    - HER introducing a paid member ship model (member of what? a cult?)
    - HER recruiting people of the public by offering a highly addictive youtube series (human creature of habit) which is based on common knowledge of all religions and philosophies, developed healing methods by others, sometimes summarising it really good but misleading the engaged listener with verbal tactics, visual distractions (squeezing yes, half naked, whispering voice blabla, spreading her legs, flashing audience members - you name it, she did it all) and mind fuck content (called shite ideas of her own making which confused the clean concept and makes it un useable)
    - HER using very obvious the marriage model to further herself in life & business (first the house, then the website & community, then the brand name, now big bugs) but selling it as always sad ending love stories & love addiction
    - HER installing in people the hope and idea that they could really heal people with her stolen completion process . These people spend tones of money on learning this shite and then they truly believe that they could help somebody in complex psychological issues. Guys you are all babies yourself. Don’t do it. It is too big. She is an asshole for suggesting that her shite which she teaches you infer days can help,heal highly traumatised people. Please stop. It is DANGEROUS what you are doing. Your beautiful intentions don’t matter in this regard cause it will cause a lot of problems for you and the person you think you can help <3 <3 <3

  6. Part I
    Please please please people who got or are sceptical of Teal and Tealers who are secretly reading this blog here: watch the last episode of season 1 called " Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath S01E08 - Ask Me Anything Part 2" online (you will find it somewhere). .... the algorithm seems to be the same. All the mechanism and methods they describe you will find in baby form in Teal's approach to gather a group of people around her to do x, pay x, dedicate x towards HER. Please recognise it.

    - HER breaking down of people's self perception in front of group
    - HER very expensive "Premium" content & retreats
    - HER hunger for free volunteer services constantly
    - HER establishing a centre (p philia)
    - HER overwriting peoples intuition & boundaries
    - HER shaming people publicly (hello Fallon, Sarbdeep, etc
    - HER monatizing on peoples vulnerable state of minds by selling them an authority concept based on super skills (never demonstrated-scify)
    - HER labelling people as haters who can see her shite and HER actively asking for actions x by her followers /react-text
    - HER using the wedding of her business and ex bed partner Blake to agreeing verbally to dedicate herself (new wife) to the community
    - HER isolating followers from their friends and family by blaming the parents for everything etc..
    - HER turning rejection by public and media into success lies
    - HER using her looks to flash, flirt and turn on people (very consciously)
    - HER wanting to save people and teach her solutions so she can get rich & famous on the way - ego hick up
    - HER introducing "shunning" without calling it shunning. (talk to the girl friend of her ex business partner in Prague - one example)

  7. Part II
    - HER suggesting suicide to TWO people of her community considering that she is perceived as their authority figure of choice and tries everything to establish this belief in EVERYBODY
    - HER rewarding people who behave well, accept her authority , doing tons of voluntary work, being useful in some regards to further her in business... those people you will find are in the closest circle around her, by allowing intimacy with her and giving them the status of a highly praised community member (reward pointing system might be on the way)
    - HER introducing a paid member ship model (member of what? a cult?)
    - HER recruiting people of the public by offering a highly addictive youtube series (human creature of habit) which is based on common knowledge of all religions and philosophies, developed healing methods by others, sometimes summarising it really good but misleading the engaged listener with verbal tactics, visual distractions (squeezing yes, half naked, whispering voice blabla, spreading her legs, flashing audience members - you name it, she did it all) and mind fuck content (called shite ideas of her own making which confused the clean concept and makes it un useable)
    - HER using very obvious the marriage model to further herself in life & business (first the house, then the website & community, then the brand name, now big bugs) but selling it as always sad ending love stories & love addiction
    - HER installing in people the hope and idea that they could really heal people with her stolen completion process . These people spend tones of money on learning this shite and then they truly believe that they could help somebody in complex psychological issues. Guys you are all babies yourself. Don’t do it. It is too big. She is an asshole for suggesting that her shite which she teaches you infer days can help,heal highly traumatised people. Please stop. It is DANGEROUS what you are doing. Your beautiful intentions don’t matter in this regard cause it will cause a lot of problems for you and the person you think you can help


  8. Part III

    Think about it. Recognise it and get out of this dangerous dynamic she is creating. You are “used to her” by now - break the cycle. She will all take you down with her on day x. Your brain is already highly confused but you cannot see it right now cause you are high. <3

    Teal you need help. The side of you who messes around with people - CONSCIOUSLY - is so fucked up. The side of you which is hurting - I am sorry but please find help. You are in no position of leading anybody. The personality aspect of yours which does care for people you love is lovely but probably only applies to you, Graciela, Blake and a handful of your most dedicated volunteers who further you in your game.

  9. Rikitikitavi is having a little problem getting her comment to display properly. Pt 1 was lost, so I am reposting below:

    Part I
    Please please please people who got or are sceptical of Teal and Tealers who are secretly reading this blog here: watch the last episode of season 1 called " Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath S01E08 - Ask Me Anything Part 2" online (you will find it somewhere). .... the algorithm seems to be the same. All the mechanism and methods they describe you will find in baby form in Teal's approach to gather a group of people around her to do x, pay x, dedicate x towards HER. Please recognise it.

    - HER breaking down of people's self perception in front of group
    - HER very expensive "Premium" content & retreats
    - HER hunger for free volunteer services constantly
    - HER establishing a centre (p philia)
    - HER overwriting peoples intuition & boundaries
    - HER shaming people publicly (hello Fallon, Sarbdeep, etc
    - HER monatizing on peoples vulnerable state of minds by selling them an authority concept based on super skills (never demonstrated-scify)
    - HER labelling people as haters who can see her shite and HER actively asking for actions x by her followers /react-text
    - HER using the wedding of her business and ex bed partner Blake to agreeing verbally to dedicate herself (new wife) to the community
    - HER isolating followers from their friends and family by blaming the parents for everything etc..
    - HER turning rejection by public and media into success lies
    - HER using her looks to flash, flirt and turn on people (very consciously)
    - HER wanting to save people and teach her solutions so she can get rich & famous on the way - ego hick up
    - HER introducing "shunning" without calling it shunning. (talk to the girl friend of her ex business partner in Prague - one example)

  10. And I second riki's recommendation of Leah Remini's Scientology series. It's excellent and that episode is must-see. She interviewed Steven Hassan, cult expert and former moonie, whom I've referenced on numerous occasions. There is a universality to the patterns and influence methods of mind control cults. Documentaries like this one, like Holy Hell, like a number of good docos coming out right now, really highlight those patterns. It's hard NOT to see the correlations.

  11. Thanks LV

    Not sure what happened to Omni Eros account. Here are the new links for :D

    MK7.2 New age hack Teal Swan claims society should accept and embrace suicide!

    MK8.1Teal Swan uses her magic powers to cure her maid of negativity

    Teal Swan - Omni Eros Magick Kool-Aid Clip

  12. Here "Aurora" (which I assume is Rebecca) gets some abuse by the Teal lovers. It's hammering screenshots. Lovely little lovers.


  13. And here we have a nice summery of Teal by Avery Graham Hayden. Thanks for that.

  14. i just hope teal doesn't label jesus christ a hater, a member of truth tribe, and out to destroy her career, in her next blog. although to be fair it wouldn't be that outrageous compared to some of her statements.

  15. [From the article]> "One hopes she did not write it, because talking about yourself in the third person that much is not a good sign."

    kind of like this?

    1. Just so wrong on so many levels. Look at her, damn you! Don't turn away! Take this in! The universe's mouthpiece is talking to you!

    2. I actually found the clip kind of encouraging - it's like if the body isn't being held in place by the mind/social convention/politeness it naturally turns away from a negative influence. like when your hand instantaneously recoils from heat. except in this case its the wicked witch of the west.

    3. "The universe's mouthpiece is talking to you!"

      But strangely when you go to philia you can't ask the universe's mouthpiece any questions. Guess the universe has a top down monopoly on information flow.

    4. Well, obviously! It goes from God to teal, to you, to the cleaners, right Kent?

  16. I know technically it's written in english, but I can't understand Swan's latest blog.

    Either she's going crazy in Costa Rica. Or the bullshitting has got so multi-layered and convoluted its abandoned a basic function of written prose to communicate meaning. Or its meant as a 5000 word rorschach test. Or I need to be on drugs or a shaman.

    or a tealer.

    so that's me out.

    1. It's ALL a Rorschach blot. Everything she writes and says is lot of word salad, so that you'll cherry-pick and project your way into thinking she's a bloody genius. That's her method.

      All I know is that she's previously called Ayahuasca a "crutch" and claimed that she'd released all the dmt in her brain on her own and that she naturally saw the world like she was on aya. Now, all of a sudden, she's willing to let Mother Ayahuasca take her to the woodshed and tell her that she's really not very nice. Sounds to me like she's realized that people are noticing that she never apologizes and is never accountable for anything. So now she's willing to give that a whirl, see it'll stop her hemorrhaging followers.

    2. this is like a paragraph salad on top of a word salad too. i get that you could write allegorically, ambiguously, provocatively, or using yourself as emblematic of a whole social group/problem, or pose questions without answers, or flip meanings, reverse accepted wisdom/logic, use your own set of symbols as shorthand for complicated ideas, mix fact with fiction, but this is just... an impenetrable, incoherent rambling mess. like the spewing out of random conflicting observations and self-help catchphrases barely tied together by the narrative of a drug trip.

      she said she was already on ayachuasca all the time, and that the completion process worked a lot of her problems out, she already took the frog medicine before, so how is a previous reader expected to take this as a necessary or useful journey into... well anything?

      Unless as you suggest its a vehicle for appearing to accept criticism so she can keep people on board long enough to fu*k with them all over again. But even as that it is all over the map.

    3. i get the feeling one day there will be a blog where teal writes "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy" 100 times like jack nicholson in the film the shining.

      and the comments section will be full of tealers writing things like [["Wow Teal this blog really touched my heart. Time and and again you have the ability to put into words just what is appearing for me. 'Jack is a dull boy' is so right, so true, if only your words could reach the ears of all the lost and frightened souls on this planet. By the way when are you coming to Rotterdam? Love Angelwings27]]

      And then the madness will be total.

    4. Here is one example someone dug up of her saying that Ayahuasca is a "crutch."

    5. Another:

  17. Sounds rather like a “software program” for Tealers she invented so that all the things other people call her out on…(and here it comes) … are actually their own fucking problems. From a certain perspective that can be true if you focus on the idea that there is only one and everybody and everything is just a reflexion of yourself. However, focusing actually on the dynamics of “things and people” turning up in front of you and “doing things”, there is a certain level of response-morality, a need for action and re-action one needs to apply whilst being interactive in this game of life. These two perspective shall not be confused with each other because the second one applies to the rule judgment of your reality which is a necessary survival mechanism in this reflection universe. Although Miss Teal is an aspect of myself (spoken from a certain awareness perspective), there is a need to act, react to the interaction with this “aspect called Teal”. This confusing aspect is dearly loved by people who symbolise the corrupt and used against these who see, recognise and act upon it. To this day I see Teal as a very professional software programer and although this blog appears to be a display of her vulnerability, you can be always sure that they are used as a reaction of damage control and also include actions of a freshly written sub-programs by Teal for Tealers whilst facing more and more obstacles for her chess games by the public.

    Let’s see how she wrote the code this time and pick some examples. For those who don’t have a clue what I am talking about at the top of this post, just ignore what is to come. It will not make sense at all :D See my translations and comments in brackets)

  18. Sub-program 1:
    “The insight voice came in and handed me a spiritual truth… (—verifying something again there Teal as the self proclaimed voice of truth?—)
    Anything you say about another person, you say about yourself.  Anything you say to another person, you say to yourself.  This is on top of the abusive things you say to yourself already. “
    (— Translation: Listen Tealers, all the shite that people say about me is actually their own shite. All the blogs out there are actually written by people with a very abusive self talk about themselves. They are NOT looking behind the vail I am putting over your eyes with all my strategies. Nope——)

    Sub-Program 2:
    “I decided with complete conviction that I do not want to say anything to someone that I do not want to have be true for myself.  If I say, “She’s totally beyond help”, I’m saying that about myself.  I’m condemning myself and the world to non-healing.”
    (— Translation: all the people who claim that there is “no help for me out there” are just talking about themselves. I also understand that suggestion suicide to sb maybe wasn’t the best thing cause I condemned them to feel that nobody can help them. I’ll give you that much. I shall stop with that. Whenever you read a negative thingy about me, in reality the person describes his or herself. So forget about it.——)

    Sub-Program 3:
    I saw a stream of people in my life.  
    One crying because I reject and judge her so much.   
    Hurting another with my unnecessary honesty.  (so all cruel actions and comments are based on her HONESTY claims the liar)
    I saw another shut down as a result of it.  (because I am soooo fecking awesome honest (NOT), poor people suffer)
    I saw that I am surrounded by people who come to me so I can tell them what is wrong about them.  (no they don’t, claims of a liar)
    I saw myself telling people what they need to fix about themselves. (you don’t suggest fixing, you lead them into pain my dear and leave them there)
    I saw that I weave reality with my voice. (claim to superpower or a true realisation this time?)

  19. Sub-Program 4:
    “  I AM DESPERATE FOR SOMEONE TO RESCUE ME OUT OF MY PAIN.For that to happen, people have to see my pain. 
    Now I realize why I feel such suicidal despair when people don’t see my pain.  I felt my entire pain body at that moment.  I am in a tug-o-war with it.  I am in physical, emotional and mental pain all the time. ”

    (—Translation: Hey Prince Hollywood Bank account, damn it RESCUE ME NOW. S e e m y p a i n. I know you read my blogs and look out for signs.I wrote this hidden message in my blog for YOU)

    (Note: A very successful way to harvest men - married or single. Men have a program in them which usually responds with the deep desire to protect the unprotected. Once this program is active in a man, triggered by a female real life actress, it can overwrite moral values and results in madness and obsession to provide security)

    Sub-Program 5

    I HATE my pain because when people don’t know how to deal with it, they isolate me.  Friends end friendships, men break up the relationship because they are not able to make me happy. 

    (Diggy Dig at Sarb ( : )

    (—Translation to Tealers: Hey guys listen, Sarb was just overwhelmed with my pain, isolated me and broke up with me. That’s all. He didn’t leave because he realised that I am a liar and a fraud, he left me because I was too much for him to handle)

    Sub Program 6
    I am left alone with my tormentor… my abuser… my pain.  I cannot forgive the pain they cause me and how they add to my pain by leaving me alone in my pain (which is what they do when they leave me alone). 

    (——Translation: Tealers if you experience me in pain, if you experience that I am unfair to you because of my pain, don’t leave the group, stay with me… I was just so mean because I am in pain.)

    Sub Program 7
    We need to make more of a daily practice out of non attachment.  We need to not engage with or become involved with (don’t touch them) any thought or feeling that arises out of the quantum field that we are perceiving.  When you don’t give energy to creating thoughts, you experience energy as just energy.  The clay that makes thought and creates emotion.

    (nice program Teal, nice one … the moral of the story or shall we call it the main-software instalment in Tealers)

    (—Translation: DO NOT ENGAGE or BECOME INVOLVED with “my haters” and their thought forms. JUST FECKING IGNORE THEM and put the money to the side to my next super expensive but premium workshop in CR)


    ok if we take all installed sub programs into consideration we end up with a main software. The core message is to the Tealers and the aim is to pull them back to her, to ignore all the stuff they read on other sides (which are getting louder and louder) and to discredit all people who spoke out about Teal. “They actually just talk about themselves”. Use this sentence and realisation to overwrite your intuition that something is not right with Teal and come to CR

    The sad thing is: for a minute or two I actually thought she is really writing truth without an agenda until I run against the wall of her first program. Ciao, this woman represents a never ending chess game of mind. She is the embodiment in your dream of an ever expanding spiral of screwing over, of cleverness and cunning intentions. She entertains and symbolises neurotic aspects of life and thought dynamic. I guess there is a time and place for that in life to be.

    1. wow. respect for unpicking this and drawing out the a lot of the plays.

    2. Here is rikitikitavi's first comment on the topic, which did not post properly.

      rikitikitavi1 at January 27, 2017 at 5:49 PM

      Sounds rather like a “software program” for Tealers she invented so that all the things other people call her out on…(and here it comes) … are actually their own fucking problems. From a certain perspective that can be true if you focus on the idea that there is only one and everybody and everything is just a reflexion of yourself. However, focusing actually on the dynamics of “things and people” turning up in front of you and “doing things”, there is a certain level of response-morality, a need for action and re-action one needs to apply whilst being interactive in this game of life. These two perspective shall not be confused with each other because the second one applies to the rule judgment of your reality which is a necessary survival mechanism in this reflection universe. Although Miss Teal is an aspect of myself (spoken from a certain awareness perspective), there is a need to act, react to the interaction with this “aspect called Teal”. This confusing aspect is dearly loved by people who symbolise the corrupt and used against these who see, recognise and act upon it. To this day I see Teal as a very professional software programer and although this blog appears to be a display of her vulnerability, you can be always sure that they are used as a reaction of damage control and also include actions of a freshly written sub-programs by Teal for Tealers whilst facing more and more obstacles for her chess games by the public.

      Let’s see how she wrote the code this time and pick some examples. For those who don’t have a clue what I am talking about at the top of this post, just ignore what is to come. It will not make sense at all :D See my translations and comments in brackets)

  20. This was meant to appear before my last two comments but blogger was eating it again:

    Sounds rather like a “software program” for Tealers she invented so that all the things other people call her out on…(and here it comes) … are actually their own fucking problems. From a certain perspective that can be true if you focus on the idea that there is only one and everybody and everything is just a reflexion of yourself. However, focusing actually on the dynamics of “things and people” turning up in front of you and “doing things”, there is a certain level of response-morality, a need for action and re-action one needs to apply whilst being interactive in this game of life. These two perspective shall not be confused with each other because the second one applies to the rule judgment of your reality which is a necessary survival mechanism in this reflection universe. Although Miss Teal is an aspect of myself (spoken from a certain awareness perspective), there is a need to act, react to the interaction with this “aspect called Teal”. This confusing aspect is dearly loved by people who symbolise the corrupt and used against these who see, recognise and act upon it. To this day I see Teal as a very professional software programer and although this blog appears to be a display of her vulnerability, you can be always sure that they are used as a reaction of damage control and also include actions of a freshly written sub-programs by Teal for Tealers whilst facing more and more obstacles for her chess games by the public.

    Let’s see how she wrote the code this time and pick some examples. For those who don’t have a clue what I am talking about at the top of this post, just ignore what is to come. It will not make sense at all :D See my translations and comments in brackets)

  21. When she said that she wants someone to rescue her out of her pain, it's so obvious that it's not Ale. This blog, aside from the fact that it is clear as day that she was tripping on Ayahuasca while writing it, basically tells the world that she admits she's a manipulative bitch.
    Sorry, the term "cuckold" does bother me but it CLEARLY defines Ale. He walked out on his wife and kids to be with a woman who is clearly using him for his money (because we all know he's not exactly Brad Pitt) and at times, she is even repulsed by him (his creepiness, his clingyness, his everything except for his money). She is probably cheating on him all over the place, he knows it, but he dares not say anything for fear of her.
    We've all seen this movie and how it ends with her past couple relationships. Fast forward to the end already... I want to see what happens to Philia and whether she will be held accountable for her tall tales. I really hope Philia doesn't end up as the next James Arthur Ray retreat.

  22. This video is one new level. Let's write the translation script.

    For those who feel repulsive towards the distinct body language of someone who's ego is close to explode into the state of a super ego, please read the text. It is very obvious that she is trying to do damage control in regards to the obvious display of her character flaws. As usual, Miss Teal uses a good portion of truth mumbled up with her promotional software coding of her followers. We have Windows, Mac OS, Linux and now we have Tealos. Only problem:They all have their hick ups but the last one is full with bugs which leads to a crash. Be mindful you loving computers. :D Know & recognise when you receive an download which wrecks your system.

    1. i'm gonna stand aside and let someone else decode every line, but just want to flag up the blankness, disorganized structure, the flashes of temper, the wink, the finger clicks, and just the general air of a crazy cult leader talking almost to themselves. yet most of the comments on youtube seem to be default worship. one person did write 'teal looks fucked up' and got the reply 'take your negativity elsewhere'. kind of undermining the whole subject of the video. *sigh*

      creepy times.

    2. This is insufferable. My God she's angry.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Nyah. Even darker than Sweeney Todd.

    5. I think they also wanted a documentary so as not to treat Teal's story as a comedy.

  23. I think Teal checks all the boxes of "malignant narcissism"

  24. Very very strange vibe, nice music though

    Philia Centre Ad for Single Retreats.

    1. the music sounds like the music from the exorcist.

      wow all they need is a picture of jim jones on the wall and this-is-a-cult writ-large-vibe would be complete.

  25. Looks like things in Philia are going swimmingly. The vegan workshop is coming up next weekend and they're giving it away at bargain basement prices. Way to upmarket yourself, teal. From the newsletter, buy one registration, get the second for half price.

    1. wait a sec. you're not going to mention THAT trailer!!

    2. You mean the one that WAS titled as a singles retreat trailer but no longer is. Maybe because they realized that a lot of people crying wasn't exactly, um, sexy? Horrible.

    3. i mean the one where it looks like they are drinking kool aid and it looks like there's a vulture circling and the music sounds like impending doom. they never should have let blake /sundyer start making those comedy videos, it's spilling over into his day job.

    4. ROTFLMAO!!!

      I honestly couldn't take it. I watched a little and then just skimmed. Intolerable. And teal wasn't even talking in it. It STILL managed to be intolerable. Costa Rica looks pretty, though.

    5. I mean, there are worse places to drink cyanide-laced flavor aid, if you're into that sorta thing.

  26. FANTASTIC body language analysis of Teal during her interview with the news channel in regards to her abuse story. EVERY TEALER NEEDS TO WATCH THIS. Oh T you underestimated your body (never thought I would ever say that :DDDDD

    1. Share this video on all kinds of blogs, comments, truth tribe etc. (LV would you consider to give it even an own heading so that people can easily link to it?!)This video is the biggest prove so far that she is using the suffering from other people to pitch her brand on the world wide market. Everything this body language reader said can be researched and will be proven right. Teal forgot her body language. And in most recent silly "weekly mindfuck" episodes even a blind person can spot the arrogance and her cunning play in her body language.

      Tealers what exactly are you addicted to to ignore such big fat juicy signs of truth. Do you enjoy being lied at? Do you need sb who tells you how the world works?

      And her little brother Bentattootoo Masarchoto or whatever his name on the same level.

      E X P E R T S I N M I N D F U C K S

  27. So remember when teal jettisoned her April schedule to make way for the "big guys" and high ticket events? The only thing that's been added is an event at the same price as the events that were cancelled, led by someone else you've probably never heard of. So ummm...

    1. swan said she was born on the day of the capitalist and was a natural at business. this all seems very thrown together at the last minute with a mish mash of events and prices and weird ads from blake that seem to be pitching the place half way between a retreat venue and a chance to marry into the teal intentional community (cough~cult) where everyone stares blankly, cries or make their face and voice into funny animals via computer. I just can't see Teal Eye entering the list of fortune 500 companies any time soon like this. If she came to this planet to be a revolutionary on the world stage and be able to buy countries Swan is taking the long way round. or else, you know, she's full of shit.

    2. "I may not be able to do math worth a damn, but I have a brilliant mind for finance."

  28. Okay, we have our second "big guy" added to the April schedule. Her retreat is also scheduled at the same rate as the other retreats. She's certified in the Completion Process and, unless someone else has more luck running down Empowered Living, LLC than I have, I'll assume she's self-published.

    1. i'm not knocking any of these people but teal told me a while back she was on the phone with her old pal eckhart tolle, the two of them going back and forth for ages about whether Teal should release the completion process into the hands of humanity. so when she said she was changing up the roster and that this would be the last time to get a retreat at these low, low, prices i thought this isn't just some cheap sales gimmick to get sign ups. i thought she's gonna bring out the biggest of the big guns. Tolle. The Godfather. With his blessing Philia would become an untouchable spiritual mecca. Even LaVaughn would have to concede this set to the other side. But alas I am beginning to suspect the only place Teal Swan is friends with Eckhart Tolle is in her twisted delusional mind.

    2. What a fabulist. If there is one person who represents the precise opposite of Eckhart Tolle's teaching it is Teal Bosworth Scott Swan Gicqueaux etc.

  29. o.k. i'm going to try to do what rikitikitavi1 is able to do so well, which is decode parts of the latest teal blog. bear with me as this is the first time i've done this so i might be using quite broad strokes at first.

    "It is no mistake given the intensity of its nature that it fell into my hands."

    "..they steal a part of your soul and they wont let go"

    "It has felt like once there was one stone that cracked into a thousand pieces and those pieces were scattered across different countries around the world. Slowly (being one of these pieces that was divided from the main stone), I have been finding the other pieces of that stone and bringing them together with one another. But now with Philia, I have a place for all of them to come together in one place. Like the stone is uniting once again. All my lost family in one place at one time."

    The self-help and the spiritual field is littered with this pollution called “coping”.

    "Every minute of our lives is spent clambering to feel better."

    "The blessing of people like myself who were born incapable of coping with the current world is that we have only one decision to make... Willingly die to leave the world or willingly alter the world."

    People like me are the barometers for humanity... If we would follow the lead of these ‘barometer people’,

    I walk through the hallway and I can see that on each bed, in each room is a frequency-painting duvet.

  30. Very detailed - couldn't have done it any better. Currently I guess we have a very happy psychopath running through CR...counting her blessings.
    One day Teal will come across Auroville and will copy it. Only difference: she has to charge each and everyone of them cause she obvisouly needs to buy another retreat centre. Ye know: retreat centres are expensive guys. A visit at the first one will break you, the second one put you together and make a nice Tealer out of you who sleeps in frequency blankets, runs around in frequency clothing with frequency pendants around the neck, being asked to ask the frequency oracle daily, oh and we forgot the premium member ship on top of it, aaaand the retreat fee for food and expensive bedding, aaaand aaaand aaaand. Poor Tealers.

    1. Well if they are still alive at that point...

    2. Gaby... no words... I... I... I... uh...

    3. Buy another retreat center? She'll need to buy the first one before she can buy a second. #behindthecurve

  31. LaVaughn it doesn't stop there unfortunately.

  32. Nice description of Teal Swan Cult

    "Spiritual Teacher or Cult Leader? How do you know your Guru didn't brainwash you?" by Ma Nithya Swarupapriyananda

  33. Is this group related to truth tribe? (I'm not on facebook so I'm in the dark)

  34. Ale- that's right- ALE is leading the next singles retreat this coming July.

    What business does that selfish, reckless, self-serving asshole have teaching others how to "manifest" their perfect relationship? Seriously, though. What is he gonna tell the attendees- that it's okay to completely abandon their children for "love"? To do whatever is "self-loving" and feels good, like writing love letters to another person despite the fact that you're married? Argh. These fucking people.


      Seriously?! So that's one of the "big guys" teal promised?

      And it's that same price. Where are all these high ticket events that she bumped all the other instructors for? She cleared the path for a man who abandoned his family and threw his kids under a bus to pose a relationship expert. Christ. On. A. Crutch.

    2. The description of Teacher Ale is hilarious. I think they are bad in math - at least when it comes to counting the month of the begin of love letters and adoration in regards to his current relationship status. They also forgot to mention that he was fine with abandoning his kids because he is so obsessed with Teal. At least it states "most of the time in monogamous relationships...". He forgot to mention all the betrays of his ex wife by having different women on the side (public knowledge since Teal). On a side note: Is Ale's job in danger because of his irrational decisions since obsessing about this lying alien? He probably is not only Teal's newest husband and sugar daddy but also her newest employee. Did they not invite you to Monaco again? Seriously - people who book this workshop knowing that Gecko is leading it, are out of their minds. In his heart he might means well for others as their is also some gentleness about him - but his cult past and his obsessive blank stare and now his graduation to "big fish teacher" are beyond worrying. Oh god, Graciela will lead a workshop soon too, and Blake of course.....

      "Ale was born in France, the country of Love. He started his spiritual journey when he was 19 after experiencing a full body mystical state of consciousness that made him realize that there there was much more to life than the reality visible to the open eye.

      His spiritual quest brought him to the USA when he was 22. He settled in Silicon Valley where he worked for 20 years as a successful entrepreneur in the software industry. He has spent most of his adult life in committed monogamous relationships. Six months after ending his 15 year marriage, he attracted into his life the woman of his dreams: Teal Swan and it has been an exhilarating rollercoaster since."

    3. but you know what: I am more relaxed about those who are being played with by Teal in her chess games. After watching season 3 of "the 100" which portrayed so beautifully the dynamic of cultish, controlled brains (be it by a chip or by an alien story & a fabricated persona Teal Mary Bosworth), I realise that they are not stupid people but people who try to solve their pain. The method they chose with Teal is beyond dangerous and there seems to be a total lack of self awareness about this fact. However - one day they wake up and they will wonder. Live your life people. The corrupted profil called Teal Swan was exposed in thousand ways. The City of Light - or shall i call it "the City of Teal" is a wonderful illusion in so many ways. You've been warned. Free will for all. I accept this now.

      Land in the most gentle way I hope or keep flying with black swan.


  35. Thanks Mr. James Beard for portraying the aspect of A.L.I.E. of "the 100" longterm present in T.E.A.L. hahahaha cheers for that. The letters OMG

  36. We have our first true "big guy" scheduled at Philia. So far, since she quietly canceled about half the scheduled retreats and loudly announced that she would only be having "big guys" at a much higher price point, the schedule has been slowly refilling with more of the same, same types of events and teachers, same pricing structure. But here comes the first "big guy" and it's HERSELF.

    Note the use of the "eye of god" as the thumbnail image. Subtle.

    The biggest price jump is actually for the shared rooms, btw. There's been some variation in pricing thus far, but most of the events are:

    Private Room (Single) – $1,785.00
    Shared Room – $1,050.00

    The price for hers:

    Private Room (Single) – $5,000.00
    Shared Room – $4,200.00

    So the price for a single room nearly tripled. The price for a shared room quadrupled. So that makes sense.

    Also please note that this will be just like one of her "workshops," except smaller and much more expensive.

    "In this extraordinary workshop, you will be going into it completely blind and so will she. As an extrasensory, Teal Swan, the internationally recognized spiritual leader will show up completely unprepared. She will observe the group and based on her observations, she will custom design the workshop to the specific attendees that stand before her."

    1. "It will not be possible to attend a curveball workshop and for your life to continue along its current course. The question is: Are you ready for it?"

      no, the question is: are you ready to have your bank account emptied out in exchange for becoming a psychopath's toy for a week.

  37. Here is the new pitch for Teal Swan Premium. She's worth the big money because she's the real-life Lucy. Uh huh. Yup.

    Extra points if you can find a link to this page from anywhere within the premium site. It's posted on FB, but within the site, it's an orphaned page. Why that would be I have no idea.

    Also adorable, nowhere on this page does it explain who Lucy is, so if you were wondering why her being Lucy Ricardo was a selling point, you're not alone. Maybe it's somewhere in that video interview I haven't been able to get through. But on the page, nope, just this cryptic reference to Lucy. So, if you haven't seen the movie heeeeeeere's Lucy:

    Yeah, teal's just like that.

    1. i thought it was lucy from charlie brown. the really obnoxious, bossy, bullying child who set up a psychiatric stand in her back yard and charged all the other kids 5 cents.

    2. I can totally see how you got there. All her workshops, where she holds the metaphorical football for people to kick, then pulls it away. You know, those curveballs she throws like calling people who pay her lots of money to be called creeps. Yup, I can totally see how you got there.

  38. Must have just visited on the internet.

  39. If you haven't seen this video of teal LITERALLY losing her mind on camera, you LITERALLY must!

    1. so crazy.

      i suspect she was on drugs.

    2. if you drunk a shot every time teal said 'literally' you'd be dead 20 minutes in to the interview.

    3. Yup. I said the same thing, drinking game material. You'd be at least as lit as she appears to be in that interview.

    4. host: "so i'd say to them they need to grow up a bit"

      teal: "imagine you had just said that to a tiny blind orphan who had been run over by a cement mixer, and was lying in the middle of the street in agonizing pain who then got attacked and stung by a swarm of giant killer bees because that's literally what you're doing right now."

      host: "well.. i don't think i say it like that. i mean-"

      teal: "when you watch this back you will realize every single thing you have ever said was bad and nothing i said was ever wrong"

  40. Her last blog is titled The Blue Whale. Isn't that a euphemism for suicide? I ran across this disturbing article and apparently this has been going on for years. The title of this suicidal game is called the Blue Whale.

    1. i'd put it down to coincidence.

      however, the blog is kind of about shedding your old body/skin.

      and teal transforming from a goddess into the "The magnitude, the power, the authority, the sovereignty" of the blue whale.

      She's "being called into an even larger role in the scheme of my purpose." apparently.

      modest as always.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. What video are you talking about?

    4. I thought this one:

    5. Any of them (LOL) but yes that one.

    6. Wow.. look at some of the comments in that video... "The way she speaks to the interviewer is terrible...her facial expressions, her mannerisms just smack of intolerance and impatience for a man trying very hard to understand and grow. I don't think I have ever heard a compassionate or empathetic tone from this girl. Listen to the disrespectful way she talks about her former followers/"haters" at 30:00!!!! Trivializes us former followers by equating our concern about ALL the horrendous things she has done and is doing with being "pissed off" because we didn't get direct attention from a "Celebrity" and we can't handle the shame. A "celebrity". DISGUSTING and very child-like. Pathetic to play the victim in this way. And if Teal is such a powerful empath, with a direct line to source perspective and full access to the Akashic records, why does she state,"I didn't realize it until just now....I didn't understand my haters until today...nor did I understand why I'm such a perfect match to this." For someone with such powerful gifts she seems fairly out of touch with both herself and others, to me."

  41. It's like she's deliberately upping the ante on how crazy she can be and still get away with it.

    1. really? i thought this one was relatively sane for a change. maybe i've been at this too long. scratch the maybe. i know i have.

    2. One thing's for sure... she really hates NY! I think it has more to do with her ego than anything else. In big cities, especially a metropolis like NY, it is easy to feel invisible and insignificant. Everyone is like a small fish swimming around in a large ocean. She is not as famous as she thinks. She's just another fish in the vast ocean of NYC. These people who cancelled on her clearly didn't think she was that important. Shopping at high end designer boutiques is something you see on 5th Ave (near Trump Tower lol!!) and this is just for rich tourists! New Yorkers don't shop there! Of course they would be snobs! I guess her ego was bruised that she was treated by a snobbish sales person at D&G. *eyeroll*.
      Yeah. Sorry not sorry that your ego was bruised whilst visiting NYC thinking that you were a huge celebrity when, in fact, like any good new yorker would do, you were delivered a reality check.
      wah wah waaaaah...

  42. teal swan is the 79th most influential spiritual person on the planet. *shudder*

    1. What an odd list. David Lynch is #17. Huh? But, yeah, I'd take David Lynch's spiritual guidance over teal's.

    2. I think Bob Dylan should be docked some points for that christmas album he made.

  43. Is this therapy or american idol?

    1. I counted one entire blink in that entire video. In fairness, I many have missed one, maybe two. In all seriousness, what the fuck is up with that guys eyes? He doesn't look like a glazed over cult member or anything. Nope. Not at all.

  44. 'Cause this isn't weird at all:

    HOWEVER, I couldn't help but notice how much better her eyebrows look "filled in" and normal (meaning, they begin at the bridge of her nose) as opposed to this hack-job she does on them:*&imgrc=E8ojZuliHq_GYM:

    1. Oh my GOD! So that person photoshopped a picture of teal, tried to fix her eyebrows... and failed. They're still crooked. Plus she looks like a mannequin... or realdoll... or something else horrible.

  45. Teal is a ebay catalyst too. Here is the dress


    Blessings to this boy, he means well but he is a baby himself and needs healing. And this: "I don't blink so that I look alien" creeps me out.


  46. A full day and they haven't fixed this. Maybe they never will, because it's not a "mistake." There are never pics of Ale on teal's instagram page. He's only ever in a few group photos or in the shadows. She's all over his instagram page. The dichotomy couldn't be more blatant. Now, the warmest, most relationship-like photo of "Teal Swan and Ale Gicqueau" and it's actually Blake. How embarrassing.

    And speaking of embarrassing, there are no new events added to the Philia retreats page. Nothing. Nada. As of now, there are only 4 events left on the schedule, between now and July. And at some point in early February, I can fix the date to somewhere between 2/8 and 2/10, they added a rental option to the Philia site.

    1. I don't think the tealworld sub-conscious could make it any more blatant that ale is an accessory.

  47. Notice how the caption says "Teal Swan and Ale Gicqueau at Playa Blanca in Costa Rica #tealswan #spirituality #costarica #friends" and even if that was Ale in the picture, the tag says FRIENDS. Nothing about love.



    2. Gods, the look on her face. That's not a wife. That's a hostage.

  48. Can any of you HATERS tell me if Teal Swan still takes part in Teal Tribe?

    1. anyone? hmm.. you shadowy haters aren't as organized as Teals says. it's almost you aren't really much of an organized hate group at all.

  49. i can't resist re-posting this from the teal+her husband ale but is a photo of blake instagram fiasco.

    the_yoni_savant Can I be Teals next husband?

    iwasonceagiraffe@the_yoni_savant Probably...if you have a$$et$ and connections and (this is really important) you are super duper compliant and willing to be publicly critisized and diagnosed by someone with zero credentials, proffesional experience, or ethics. Oh, you should probably also be ok with with cutting your kids, job, and family out of your life, in order to prove that you are "commited to life", her mission, but really just HER. Ironically removing what interested her in the first place (the resources and the challenge), and causing her to begin nitpicking your every "flaw" and ways you annoy her/let her down, all of which she will blog/hint about to get sympathy while demonizing you. Because, you know, expansion, "authenticity" or some other double speak. Its only happened to *all* of her partners, but its cool if everyone just ignores the common denominator and tired ploys :)

  50. In her latest blog, she mentions Sarb again ("I couldn’t relate to them when they said that going back ‘home’ felt like all the tension left their body and they could breathe again.") She's also homesick and disappointed that there's so much poverty in CR. Well, that would explain why they don't have any new retreats booked. I bet this whole experiment is folding and they'll be packing up soon to head back to Park City.

    1. she can't because
      1. she said she bought the place
      2. that ww3 was about to start with civil war breaking out in america right after the election so as a spiritual luminary she had spearhead a new micro society from which to rebuild humanity

      hmm.. unless she made that stuff up to sound important..

  51. latest instagram=

    tealspiritualcatalyst""Hi friends!! We are coming to Houston, Texas on April 15th for our next Synchronization Workshop!! Share this attached Houston flyer on [Facebook] [Instagram] with a note stating how Teal’s work has positively impacted your life along with the hashtag #tealswanhouston for a chance to win this amazing Teal Swan Ultimate Healing Gift Pack valued at over $100, plus a signed photo of Teal. The post which gains the most likes wins the gift!! The contents of this pack has been carefully chosen to facilitate your inner healing and include:
    Signed Photo of Teal
    Frequency Shirt “The Cure”
    Frequency Pendant “Blue Ray Transcendence Grid”
    The Completion Process Book" #tealswan #contest #spiritual #spiritualevents #synchronizationworkshop #win #chancetowin #houston

    1. On facebook it is ILLEGAL to ask the followers to 'SHARE' the post or pic. Dive into the terms & conditions.

  52. Diary of a mental hostage:

    1. i.. i.. i can't even.. i can't make this more farcical and depressing than it already is.

    2. it seems the 'husband blake' instagram was entirely conscious message after all.

    3. And look who else knows how to plagiarize:

      From Ale's blog:

      "As a psychotherapist, Grof was involved in earlier tests on the therapeutic potential of LSD. When psychedelics were peremptorily banned in the 1960s, Grof developed holotropic breathing as a means of simulating the psychedelic experience of LSD without the drug itself."


      "As a psychotherapist, Grof was involved in earlier tests on the therapeutic potential of LSD. When psychedelics were peremptorily banned in the 1960s, Grof developed holotropic breathing as a means of simulating the psychedelic experience of LSD without the drug itself."

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. They've finally added another retreat to the roster and it's for gay men who would for some reason want to celebrate pride month in Costa Rica being told how hard it is being gay. More to the point, the price is that standard rate again, so I guess Eric Laronda doesn't qualify as a "big guy" either.

    1. Oops! And another one has just been added. So this is two events added today that are being lead by Philia staff. Not a "big guy" in site.

    2. Well Eric….who embodies all past event organizers (who all disappeared btw) in one person. His ego and Gabriella's and the ego of the wedding photographer (which Teal killed with her eyes during a carefree freestyle dance session in front of her and a stoisch Ale) got pumped by T the cow into delussion grande. And yes Teal: let´s pray on the gay and the harry potter fans. Nice marketing campaign

    3. "eric, teal wants you to jump in the pool again, this time try and make it look as of philia is a fun place to be. Once we get them here THEN we can get back to the business of making people suffer"

  54. A grown man letting his face be burned is sad. Bit he deserves it. Cheated on his wife with like 5 women, left his kids, and bragged to the whole world about teal. Dude is drinking poison and liking it. If too many people speak badly about this Teal probably beat him lol. He deserves it though.

  55. Another gem from the brilliant James Beard. This is really fucking disturbing. Here's teal actually "counseling" someone through that death is like winning the lottery idea of hers. It's like some horrible siren song, coaxing vulnerable people to intentionally dash themselves on the rocks.

    1. I have no doubt either that she 'finds' the most vulnerable followers to run this script on.

      It's a missed opportunity that some of those clips on the channel haven't been crafted into more of a conventional video narrative/ argument.

      But there are some playlists with different titles. e.g. suicide >

  56. anyone know if ale gicqueau is still alive?

    1. It's a fair question, considering that the last photo of him posted to teal Instagram was actually of Blake, huh. Maybe they'll just quietly start trying to pass Blake off as Ale and hope none of the locals notice. I think we can safely assume that the marriage is dead, something to do with Ale trying to feed chocolate to a jellyfish.

    2. well i see a look of steely determination so either the jellyfish thing is P.R. for the tealers before the divorce is announced or the leaving script she wants Ale to parrot on departure.

      or he's locked in a basement at philia for insubordination awaiting his next trial by fire.

    3. My understanding is that he's been fed just enough puffer fish liver to put him in a light catatonic state but not kill him. He is immobilized save for the ability to sign checks.

    4. I'm confused, so she was not the spiritual teacher that did the one where you just love someone without trying to change them?

    5. nope she's the one with the plan to buy entire countries wholesale and only permit select people to have children.

    6. that leaves plenty of villagers over to raise it for you I guess.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Anyone want to take a stab at figuring out what's going on with this?

    It offers a preview, but what I guess WAS the preview – and it was special – has been completely withdrawn. There's zero indication, at this point, what exactly is being offered, or even what it costs to have a premium membership. You get a free meditation, though. You definitely get a free meditation.

    The page title, which you can see in the tab is still "success workshop." The workshop in New York is over and I don't know of any others that are scheduled at this point.

    1. My stab in the dark would be that Blake is trying to build the page and nail down the way to deliver regular content to the platform to make it appealing but so far only has vague, conflicting or changing ideas from team teal which is trying to establish philia, get teal back on the road - whilst negotiating all the psycho dramas going on. Ale who might have provided a lot of the steadiness to make bold changes to the business and relocate may have become the focus for all the teams resentments as the day to day problems and logistics of running philia became apparent to everyone. It's probably not helped by Teal wanting to maximize profit and control by asking team members to work for free or to step up and run workshops themselves. There's probably so many plates in the air with not enough plate spinners that everything coming out looks so half-baked. Rather than rethink and step back they probably all decided to gang up and burn ale's head instead.

    2. ignore my wild speculation looks like everything is back on track and more happy than it's ever been in the valley of fire

    3. Yup, it's all back to normal. His IG page is wall to wall teal and so is hers. Well, except for that one picture of Ale that is actually Blake.

      Move along, folks. Nothin' to see here.

    4. Some other peculiarities with Teal Swan Premium, which have been noted. Take a look at the Facebook page for the site.

      As of today it has 360 likes, despite over 23K views. Yet some of the posts have 1K likes and up. But look at the likes and comments. Either teal has had a sudden surge in popularity in India, or she's paying an SEO company to pump her traffic numbers. Thoughts?

      image 1
      image 2
      image 3
      image 4
      image 6
      image 7

    5. first time ive heard of seo companies. but i've seen the same phenomenon with weird jumps on the bentinho massaro page where out of nowhere hundreds of indian names appear on a particular post.

      i had always assumed that videos get like 1k or 2k views because they play automatically as visitors scroll thru pages without stopping to like or comment. don't know. based on youtube numbers on teal videos that would fit.

      regardless i think it's fairly safe to assume that if fixing the numbers to appear more popular is an option, Teal would be all over it.

    6. It's a way of manufacturing social proof. People respond to what is already popular, so pumping numbers artificially drives real traffic. There was also a 1k jump on Teal Tribe long after her last book managed to significantly increase the numbers. I've long suspected she does this and probably did a lot of it when she launched.

      FWIW Donald Trump just got caught with a lot of fake followers on Twitter. He also got caught paying actors to plump out the crowd when he did that weird campaign launch down the escalator.


  59. I just ran across a recent blog post by Ale.
    Ale is being abused and ostracized by Teal and her minions. It was hard getting through this post. I started to feel bad for this man and realized he was reliving parts of his childhood and unresolved issues through patterns repeated in his current situation.
    One commenter even said it exactly right "This is very disturbing reading. From what you’ve described, Ale it sounds as if you’re experiencing serious abuse from your wife and others members of the group. Somebody who loves you would not put you under pressure to do things you’re not comfortable with. Someone who loves you would not emotionally blackmail you into being harmed, leaving you with permanent markings on your body. Somebody who loves you would not make you the target of their anger & resentment, or cause you to feel humiliated.

    It sounds as if your wife & the group are gaslighting you by trying to convince you that you’re somehow wrong or bad. It sounds like your wife uses guilt to manipulate & control you. This is emotional abuse.

    You say your father has no real relationship with his children, has a difficult relationship with heavy resentment yet maintains that his wife is perfect. I’m sorry to say, but this sounds like you’re describing yourself there. Could history be repeating itself?

    You say that you once suffered in a cult with a ‘megalomaniac guru’. Could this make you vulnerable to finding yourself in a similar situation again?

    I’m concerned for your safety & wellbeing, Ale. It may not be my place to say & I understand you might not be open to hearing it, but I think you need to get away from this situation as soon as possible & reach out to any family or friends you have outside the group, &/or find a qualifiied therapist who will support you.

    I understand you’ve given up a lot & invested a lot to be in your current relationship & living situation. I also understand you might not realise you’re being abused, particulary if you’re isolated & your wife & the others in the group have managed to convince you that you’re at fault or to blame.

    The abuse you’re experiencing isn’t your fault. I sincerely hope you’re able to rebuild the relationship with your children in the future. I can tell from what you’ve written here that they mean a lot to you. Whatever you decide to do, best of luck to you & warm wishes."

    1. Now, now. Don't you worry your pretty, little head. He wasn't abused at all. Look1 No scars!

    2. Wow. Well, he's in complete denial. The fact that he (nor Teal's minions) can see the fact that the point isn't whether he has a scar or not but that they actually made him do it is ritualistic abuse.
      I used to think very little of Ale because he walked out on his family. After reading his post, I actually feel sorry for the guy. It was wrong to walk out on his family but this goes to show that it doesn't matter how "smart" someone is, how much money they have, what station they have in life... getting caught up in a cult can happen to ANYONE. This is exactly what happened. He turned to a pretty extreme form of new age spirituality (his story about the guru) to escape unresolved issues and when that didn't fill that void, he found Teal and wound up in his current situation. The fact that he is alienated and ostracized from his family and now, the other cult members is not surprising at all.
      The guy is in denial. Did you notice what he wrote about his father and how his father believes he has the "perfect wife"? Wow! The irony of that statement! His kids must be saying the same exact thing. I really hope Ale snaps out of this.
      I believe I read somewhere that Graciela treated Sarbdeep the same way that she is treating Ale now. She sees Teal's husband(s) as her competition.
      Also, Graciela "being experienced in Kambo" is scary. Think about a very unstable and emotionally needy person poisoning (for lack of a better way of putting it) you.
      Sorry to say this but I would not be the least bit surprised if someone there wound up seriously hurt or worse... I hope it doesn't get that far.

  60. I haven't watched this yet so don't know what's in it

  61. Looks like Ale got both his and Blake's doses at once

  62. It looks like the laughter yoga retreat has been cancelled. It's no longer in the retreat listing.

    So as it stands now, there are three events on the schedule and nothing in the month of May.

    Where are all those "big guys?"

    1. probably teal didn't want anyone laughing or having too much fun.

      "In my position now, I have access to so many of the world’s prominent spiritual minds." (last blog)

      and none of them are touching philia with a barge pole.

  63. Oops. "Magic of Philia" is also gone

  64. web page hasn't been deleted yet

    "Philia is quickly becoming the “Hogwarts” of the spiritual community! We have held and guided countless people into the shadow and helped them to become more whole. "

    um. no.

  65. More NOT "big guy" retreats have finally been added to the schedule. The first is at a lower price point than other retreats and looks to be a marketing opportunity for another local retreat center, for those who like it rugged. It's 1111 for a single room and 666 for a shared room, so that's choice of the gateway or the number of the beast.

    At $300 bucks above their most commonly used rate structure is a Kambo retreat. I'm glad to say, it's not Graciela, so one assumes it won't involve burning anyone's forehead. It's being led by a local "shaman" named Carlos. Carlos what, we have no idea.

    The explanation of the retreat is almost entirely, you guessed it, plagiarized from other Kambo websites.

    "Kambo is getting traction in the West, where increasing numbers of people are seeking the medicine to treat mental, emotional and physical issues. The resin contains substances known as peptides, which have been proven to strengthen the immune system."

    Word for word, from hear:

    And the list of precautions, which oddly (and wrongly) excludes the third month of pregnancy, is taken from here:

    The only difference is that that source did not make the introductory sentence a bullet point, because why would they.

    So that's a lot of plagiarized text, a shaman with no last name or biography: $2K, please.

    1. given the nature of all this Carlos may just be Graciela with a fake mustache on

    2. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You could be right.

  66. "hey honey this photo of us turned out great! i'm going to post it on instagram to show the world how happy we are together. "

    1. They do look happy, almost as happy as this couple here, if not quite as intimate.

      I wonder why teal hasn't posted that on her own page?

  67. Well, this is disgusting. Once again, the Philia Center is marketing a singles retrea with the bodies of its female customers. (See Russian brides in the post above.)

    This is what's posted on their Facebook page:

    "We are almost sold out for the women regarding the upcoming Singles Retreat from July 1st to July 8th in Costa Rica at Teal’s retreat center at Philia! We have received an overwhelming number of applications and Teal has selected an amazing group of powerful and gorgeous women to attend this retreat (like the one below). We need however to receive more quality applications from men to complete enrollment for this exciting retreat to ensure gender parity. To encourage men from applying, we are giving away until May 31st a free frequency tarot deck to any man applying whose enrollment is approved by Teal.
    Apply today here:"

    Can you imagine paying over a grand to a retreat center just to be pimped out by management? If you're pretty enough, you too can whore yourself out for Philia!

    I'm posting an image for people who can't see FB posts.

    1. This post appears to have been removed. It got a lot of negative feedback of the this is sexist bullshit variety. So they've gone back to their Russian Brides motif.

      Here's a screenshot.

  68. roll up, roll up! what a a lovely specimen we have for you today gentlemen! fine breeding stock! do i hear 1 thousands dollars? c'mon on now, don't be shy, i'll even throw in this pack of cards.

    what a grubby sham of spirituality teal swan is.


  70. In other news, the gay men's retreat appears to have been cancelled and another event has been added to the schedule... in 2018.

    The new addition is a tantra retreat. I've never heard of these people, but they apparently taught at Esalen. Are these the "big guys" she's been promising? Well, they're bigger than most of the retreat teachers, but not so big as teal. I'm going by price point. A private room for this retreat is a mere $3200.00, whereas a single room for teal's curveball thingo was $5000.00.

    So there are currently three events on the Philia schedule between now and early 2018. So, um, yeah.

    1. Oh, and this happened. We have another "big guy" retreat scheduled. Aaaaaaaannnnnnd it's just teal again, doing her "curveball" I'm-just-gonna-wing-it thing again, topping out at $5000 per person AGAIN.

      And if you feel like you haven't cringed enough today, you might try watching this excruciatingly uncomfortable interview with the hosts of the upcoming (ahem, 2018) tantra retreat.

    2. 5k? Who in their right mind does this? So buy a car, put a down payment on a house, start a small business, etc or go be called a creep.

  71. Teal's new overly dramatic Trailer ends with her saying:

    "I wish for everybody the capacity to be completely honest with yourself ... and with the world"... or so.

    Eat your own advice my dear. A liar who wishes that everybody is honest, is a (oxy)moron not a swan

  72. On a lighter note:

    Teal's instagram page turns into a Teal wallpaper - pretty hilarious. Can I nicely point out that her new "daily update" series serves her to increase the addiction of Tealers to switch them over to sheepish premium payers at a certain point in future. They will be so used to see her face everyday that they can't possibly handle the moment she will switch it over to "only for premium tealers" . I also would like to bring your awareness to her newest character play of "sweet" Teal, gently whispering the name graciiiiiiii with some fluttery lashes, some modelled poses pretending being deep in thoughts and being surprised by Graciiiii's presence. The most honest Teal can be seen here. That is her, pissed with the current man in her life and being honest about it (; Good job Teal. More of real Teal please.

    I guess the daily update series is the desperate try of a narcissist who's main dinner plate for compliments aka workshops dropped rapidly in numbers. Now she needs her daily adoration but nothing comes without a business plan with T who obviously embraced her title as black swam by using her black swan logo more often. Kind of funny I have to say.

    Sb send me a link to new fb page who deals with T's word salad

    I noticed this: ops

    "“Spiritual teacher” Teal Swan issued a Citation, Cease & Desist & Fine for practicing “Mental Health Therapy” without a license in the state of Utah. Teal Swan failed to pay fine. The fine is referred for collection. This Citation is public record. Disciplinary record online June 2017.

    DATE ISSUED: 02/22/2017
    OFFENSE CODE (as seen on Citation)
    58-1-501 (1)(a) "(a) practicing or engaging in, representing oneself to be practicing or engaging in, or attempting to practice or engage in any occupation or profession requiring licensure under this title if the person is (i) not licensed to do or not exempted from licensure under this title.
    58-60-109 (a) "(1) practice of the following unless licensed in the appropriate classification or exempted from licensure under this title:
    a) mental health therapy;""

    Is this the reason she run into the Palm woods of CR?

    Anyway: never boring in Teal country isn't it.
    Time to leave this mad country again.

    PS: noticed Blake found himself a nice woman. All the best

    1. Putting the rest of her IG video updates behind a paywall is one of her shoddiest stunts yet. She couldn't put the whole thing on YouTube? Why is she pretending she has no option but to charge for her video content, all of a sudden? Does she think people are stupid? Don't answer that.

    2. ah let's face it. She was just worried that Gaby P. adds to her collection of Teal's moronic moments by diving into her material and putting together youtube compilations ... ( ; Also, there was just too much suicide hick ups in her trillion workshops. She also hides the fact that she is hardly booked anymore behind the paywall. It was pretty obvious on her livestream that there was not much movement lately. So many reasons...but it ends with the longterm plan of hooked Tealers spending all their money on their drug: Teal.

  73. Observing Teal for a long time now, it always amazes me with what kind of twist she comes up to devaluate people who point out her shite on public sites... Looking at her latest mind game aka "if you can't love me, you have to be against me" or "if you are not a Teal follower you need to find another group to follow" bullshit.

    she hit a wall by calling people who point out all her games "haters" for the last few years. Now she calls them "Anti Teal belongers" and warns them that this is a dangerous state of mind, degrading their emotions and needs to express their anger of being duped by T for so long, degrading her desire to express what they observed in TT, degrading their inner desire to protect others from harm. What a mind game she is.

    Teal it is OK that people don't love or don't like you. It is ok that people understand your games and feel the urge to warn others, it is ok that people dont take you serious, it is ok that people don't agree with your many mental ideas, it is ok. They are not the mentally ill as you indirectly call them in your blog which you should have called “Damage control The 5th”. They saw a swan turning into a cat and started barking the cat, just as LaVaughn is doing. Understand that you will never mind control all people, phantasy alien. Live your dream of owning peoples minds, hearts and countries. You will always have followers and you will always have people who see how unstable and risky your words and business ideas are. It is ok.

    The thing you overlooked by implanting this sad idea into Tealer’s minds is this: people belong to their current perception of truth. For some you were carrier and courier of their truth. Until they noticed things, BIG THINGS in regards to your actions, plays and history. Their perception changed of you and for them they feel protective over people which fall, will fall or fell into the same delusional honey teal pot. They will express it. Very natural. So stop calling them belonging-zombies.

    Your mind vaccinations are really something else Teal….

    PS: on a lighter note: congrats to the “ex tealer” to get some fresh air into his or her brain. Share what you saw. Everybody will decide for themselves if you are just an angry ex dealer or if you are genuinely sharing what you observed. IT is not up to T to label you. And yes, this person will “join” a movement and feel belonging in it. It is a natural process of following your guts and not a two way option of belonging to Teal or belong to the group against Teal. :D sometimes your simplifications are stupidly too simple T.

    1. Yup, this one was really, really manipulative. But she kinda gave the game away here.

      "Our cry is a wolf's cry in a chorus of bleating."

      In other words, she's a wolf among sheep. Freudian slip much?

      It's horrible. She takes no responsibility for kicking these poor lost souls (as she's convinced herself they are) to the curb because they dare to question her, then insists that their lives are still defined by her. It's all about her. Always.

  74. Fantastic new video: The Suicide Catalyst. Watch it.

    PS Fuck Photobucket. No, really fuck'em.

  75. Tori - Teal's good friend of the past is speaking....have a read

    Meanwhile Teal is teasing Tealers into premium subscription to satisfy their needs to see a meltdown by teal, filmed by her "manager". Well the money needs to roll in. This is one way of many :S

    1. Thank You Tori for putting it out there. I was always aware of you and I found myself wondering one day because you seemed to have disappeared at a certain point and I noticed your abstinence at her hideous "upgrade" wedding full with manipulated A-Tealers (ha), a mind-controlled photographer and wannabe-spiritual-writer, a silly Ale and parents who do anything to not loose touch with Winter (I understand).

      You confirmed so many thoughts and ideas. Thank you for that. Blake & graciela are to far down the rabbit hole. Blake believes her, adores her, is scared of her, sexually desires her (still) and even marries a funny and sweet Tealer to solve his dilemma (we all remember the video where Teal said: "Blake’s future girlfriend or wife better has a place in her heart for Teal as well). Ugh..roll eyes…programming successful.

      I am sorry to hear that this “spiritual fecker” of spirit science did that to you and I am happy for you that you found sb who is helping you through this. I am glad you got away from her in time as she would have messed you up big time.

      Although I was very silent lately and lost interest in following the nutter and her latest psycho games your blog sparked great interest in me in regards to the creature called “Tealer”. There are about 10 hardcore “A-Tealers” who built their lives around T the Cow, some moved to CR to take care of the energetically dead Philia halls, some tried to copy the Teal Guide business concept and getting nowhere with it. Some have a great holidays in CR on Teal’s dirty money expenses. :) And then we have G - the right hand and chair of T the Cow. Teal is taking great measures to please G, even painting her walls with a shitty mural to make her feel special (it looks shite…sorrry…and totally depressing but probably portraits the landscape of the plant G is from hahaha…I bet 1000 bugs on that). G who appeared lost, disconnected in the first few shadowhouse episodes got a purpose now, driven by Teal’s phanasy stories about her past life etc. She programmed G with great cleverness into a self confident state of mind for the only purpose to serve her. The foundation of it is Teal’s grid of gigantic phantasies. I hope G will have a gentle landing one day which enables her to live a normal life again and to love herself without hardcore programming by T the cow.

      A well I will light a candle now for all Tealers although they think I am the crazy one. I don’t mind. I wish them well and I hope they get a grip in life after the day they can full heartedly scream into the sky “FECK OFF TEAL” and they are done with spiritual catalysts, gurus and wannabe completion process kids with silly certificates of a shite liar called Teal Bosworth….. no she is not a Swan.

      I am still pissed that she stole Sarbdeep’s name, only purpose of this marriage to give her this branding which all the spiritual lost adore. I always liked Sarb althoughh I was questioning his mental state during the short lived marriage. She is not a fecking swan, not a teal swan, not a catalyst. She is just a little, pretty liar-psycho with some great talents, come clever mind, cunning to the core, conscience free asshole who messes with people of all kinds of backgrounds….being fully aware that at the same time she’s a lost human trying to “become” something to silence this void in her like we all do in many different ways. I wish Doc would finally speak out. It would wake 50 % of the old Tealers who follower her since 2012 up.

    2. Thanks for posting this, GA. Beat me to it.

    3. Another man of teal opening a blog. I bet Teal was screwing on some srews she had installed in Blake's brain a long time ago to get him to put this blog up to "protect" her. My gut feeling tells me there was another tantrum (hopefully filmed by the manager for thirsty premium members to witness) she threw when Blake was peaceful and calm about the blog of Tori. Teal is pretty transparent once you understand her basic script.

  76. Blake, what the heck???:

    Blake Dyer: "Later Tori’s article came out about her incident with the “rape”. Go read the article. She explains the night in full detail. She said no, she said no again, she said no again, then she said ok. yeeeeaaahh… That’s not rape. That is poor boundaries. I feel sorry for all of the real rape victims out there (including Teal) that will have their pain demeaned because of irresponsible statements and people like Tori."

    But considering this, I can see why you write what you write

    "Fallon Dobson: Blake abused Teal Scott two nights ago, he fingered her and she froze scared to death. Teal refuses to tell the world about it. I have been paying her mortgage and she refuses to tell the world about it. I have been hurt so deeply." (comment section)


    What a mess. I didn't read Blake's blog further.
    Blake I wish you the best. You are the other hand of T. May you take responsibility for looking away. Heal without creating a platform for a deeply damaged and hurt Teal. You multiply the suffering by a million.

  77. I saw Tori’s comment on Blake's blog. I believe that Teal experienced trauma by being raped at a young age too. I also think that her brain is wired in a very unique and rare way. I don't believe in her alien story, her cult abuse story, the doc story, the model - las vegas prostitute -ski story, her outstanding sensory abilities and her mission. In my opinion they are all phantasies, fiction at its best to weave a business concept. I see a beautiful woman in her early 30s, a sharp mind with great interest in spirituality, sex and abundance with some artistic talents in writing and painting with a dark side which is so gigantically fucked up to its core, tricking people, manipulating for her own interest. I see a psycho- and sociopath, a pathological liar with schizophrenia, multiple personalities etc. Her strength and skill set turn into deadly weapons because of her agenda which is nurtured by pain, pain and pain. And although she repeats some good stuff of other teachers out there and some might feel inspired, she confused the core teachings and hooks all her followers based on mind games…. which leads nowhere other than into her bank account, ching ching.

    I am not sure if there is anybody out there who truly can help her because she will outsmart 99% of them. Maybe there is no help for her other than becoming rich, successful and a leader of the lost to avoid her spinning out of control. Those who follow will pay a high price. I wish her the best and will always express what i observe and scream ALERT. I care about the hooked once who seem to experience a rainbow party whilst being sucked out of life and sense.

    Please shorten the road and don't spread so much pain into the hearts and minds of your "followers". Just marry a hollywood star or even better -the king of oil - and you will be rich and he will buy you an island somewhere which you can name. You can buy houses, cars, people, ….

    Damnn... that doesn't leave any room for the deep desire to own, manipulate, seduce and reduce a large group of people... which seems to be her successful game plan to overwrite all the pain she feels. And damn this also doesn’t fill the void. What a dilemma. Then there is only one way to help this little brat:

    “Jesus, Angels of the lights, god, buddhas and all enlightened beings, please gather around her and hold her in your arms so that she can feel for one second the authentic feeling of love and being loved. Protect those who follow and followed her down into the dark rabbit hole. Gently ground them and lead them into their own strength away from Teal the cow. May everybody who ever got hurt by her, Blake and Graciella release the pain and return to themselves, holding a benevolent attitude towards her and self. And may Teal's, Blake's and Graciella's pain get the attention it deserves in order to transform into nothingness.

    And may you understand that your favourite label "haters" are people who love and protect the people you are sucking out. There will be always people who will stand in your destructive way and confront you with boundaries they arose around those who can't protect themselves right now because you skilfully fucked with their minds and heart. No guuurl, just no.

    Teal may you feel loved and be in love with self life.... just for one second.
    That is my honest wish for you. ”


  78. Blake deleted her comment - here for reference

    Tori motherfucking mclellan An hour ago

    You deleted my comment, Blakey. Come on now- it doesn't look good on you. I said "First of all, it is a dangerous move outing someone's rapist before the victim is ready. Secondly, you forgot to mention the police investigation and tangible evidence going back to 2013. Also you forgot to link my blog:"

  79. Blake deleted a crapload of comments on his blog and I managed to screenshot what was still up on my Mac the night of July 3rd. There were some good ones, including one of Tori's. Let me know if that would help anyone in anyway. I can send them to you. Email me at It's not my primary e-mail so give me some time to get back to you.

  80. Teal is getting more and more literal. Just woke up to this hilarious installation of people, gathered around teal whilst sitting in the clouds. The comments on instagram are hilarious too. But who knows: maybe akii.wink is right and there is nothing wrong with sitting higher than the group with the servant husband to the left and the personal maid to the right :D May the Hunger Game of Thrones begin

    Teal never responds to her followers.

    I love your chair, but why are you sitting higher than your group of people.?

    Why the high chair teal? Looks like a big guru move from your side. Are you making a show to add credibility to your relationship advice?

    @tealspiritualcatalyst has earned her level not arrogance but huge inner wisdom ❤️

    Ale looks suitably uncomfortable. Awkward even...

    maybe she just wanted to sit on that chair. Omg stop taking everything so seriously.

    Nice throne....the usual pedestal

    just watched their interview and they asked her partner if he lets her know when she's doing something he doesn't like and she said, he's not allowed to call her out on her anything and can't bring anything up. So there goes communication. How can you give others sound and healthy relationship advice when clearly it's a one street in their relationship. When they don't like being told when there's an issue? Not everyone is a hater by the way because we don't agree with every little word she says. We just have minds of our own. She stated in the same interview that everyone who sits next to her gets insecurities because of who she is. I can't imagine Eckhart or Wayne Dwyer speaking like this. Her chair is positioned to be seen as huger than others. There's no doubt about that.

  81. Seems like some Tealers can still be reached. Her chair doesn't sit right with them ��

    Ok... something about you sitting on that high chair doesn't sit well with me at all

    They all look kind of dead inside, particularly Ale. Did something happen? Yeah, she does seem to be putting herself on a pedestal here. I think most spiritual teachers in that scenario would make the effort to connect with the group & help create equality within it. Bit strange that Teal is looking down on them & making them look up to her.

    Like the chair, don't really know why it has to seem so much higher than everyone else's.

    Some people are great advice givers, but not receivers. People can say whatever, but do they live by the same standards they preach? From the body language in this video I highly doubt it. Shouldn't everyone have a tall chair? ������

  82. Hey Blake, I guess Teal's Headway Foundation is loaded with money by now isn't it because Teal cares so much about it... or remember me, what again was the purpose of it? The word on the street in the www is telling much.

    3.10.13 (on Fallon's side)

    29.1.14 (on Sarbdeep's side)

    for 3 years no word of it. Jezzzzz. Very curious to see what your "PR" team is gone do about it.

  83. I can only imagine Ale's life is a living hell. A wife who treats him with disdain, disliked, by his own admission, by all in the teal inner circle, having no role in the org. save for money man, gofer, and event planner minus any appreciation. Ugh. It's the 7th circle of Hell.

    He's bright enough to know he's been sucked into a vortex of utter horseshit but with nowhere to turn. He can't go back to the two children he adores and the guilt he must feel over losing them is doubtless unbearable. Not to be morbid or anything but I fear his only way out is at the end of a rope.

  84. GA, that chair is ridonkulus! I'm glad to see people are picking up on that.

  85. Wanted to post this here because sensitive people who care are the ones who can be driven to self destruction by believing a guru knows more and can "see through" and will agree to a abuse through extreme "mediation" or some other "method of integration".

    'She didn't know what was real': Did 10-day meditation retreat trigger woman's suicide?

    I really feel sad that at this time when the world is in chaos and people feel overwhelmed, even one more beautiful being will be taken in by the cult "madness" and hurt and even die.

    "The center that Vogt attended in Claymont Delaware, the Dhamma Vipassana Meditation Center, uses the traditional teachings of the spiritual leader Goenka, who died in 2013.

    His daily lessons have been videotaped and are played nightly for meditators at retreats. So there is no "main teacher" on site.

    Instead, volunteer assistant teachers are supposed to guide meditators on site but their qualifications are unclear.

    There is generally one lead assistant teacher who is supposed to be trained. The woman who lead Vogt's retreat said she was from Cambodia.

    The other volunteers may have no training. The only requirement is that they have attended at least one previous meditation course."

    This method is hateful of human soft heart beingness. The same spirit of disdain is under the teachings Teal espouses (though Teal's "method" is her own twist):

    "The gist of Mr Goenka's teachings are that there's something wrong with each one of us, deep sankharas, that will give rise to future rebirth, and to the illusion that reality is real. That's right, Mr Goenka teaches that everything is just millions of little kalapas arising and passing away trillions of times every millisecond, and that you can attune your mind with his technique, to feel them, and go beyond them, to experience the liberation of Nibbana within yourself. Nibbana? By this he means something beyond mind and matter, the deathless. Of course this idea is entirely subjective, unempirical, unfalsifiable. In short it's just polywaffle, pseudoscientific woo dressed up as science. No wonder Mr Goenka is so disappointed with the students who do 100 times the 10 day retreat and still get no benefit. He accuses them of "playing games of sensations". The truth is I think that many people get confused by Mr Goenka's teachings because they are by definition invited to and given the tools to conduct psychic surgery on their own minds. He literally informs the students that this is what they are doing, late in the course when he says they have come to this Dhamma hospital for this purpose.

    Finally you won't find much criticism of the teachings online because most old students if they suffer harm find themselves unable to blame the technique or teachings, instead blaming themselves. Having started the process of psychic surgery and of course blunderingly cut up the whole psychology of oneself, one may feel that one has to continue with Vipassana to complete the job. It's as if proof of harm by the technique is proof that this technique indeed does deal with the subconscious mind and ergo must be the only technique available to fix it. In any case, the practitioner says, I was sane when I went to the Vipassana meditation centre, I'm not going to a psychologist now to deal with this new problem that incidentally has arisen only as a result of practising. It must be an old sankhara. I'll keep on practising. Even though I don't know what the technique really is, I'm sure that it's right.",117747,page=1

  86. Teal killed her tribe which she founded. I think she had enough and it run into nowhere. Now it is called Forum, the tribe map is gone. I think the business strategy didn't work as she was hoping to source events for herself in different locations but somehow there are no teal events anymore. She changed the plan to Teal premium by teasing the addicts with access to full on camera melt downs, or to hear the end of a stoooryyyy. And the sheep are following. In Ireland they spray their sheep with different spray colour. We know which colour her sheep are carrying. I would guess that she has about 5000 subscribers max so far. What she didn't realise is that this business plan will not work. I will not list why.... Wrong road to bring in the bucks and hey lets hope Ale or the other potential future husbands listened to your priority list in love services and help to generate even more passive income. For some reason I have the feeling her latest overrated youtube BS called "the relationship elixir" was another campaign to give the future husband a "teal manual" ( ; clever girl. I hope all the tealers will not trap their relationships now in this innocent, promising looking list of demands. It might be fun for a short time but the big shock will come later. I am not saying more details here but she is leading you guys into a dead end. PLEASE SEE IT and don't use the method. See the bigger picture how the human mind will work with this list!!!! MIND MIIIIIIIINNNNNNDDDDDD. Couldn't lead you further away from your heart and your intuitive partner choice.

