

Jan 30, 2011

Horoscope for January 31 - February 6

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Years ago, when I was working in a bakery, a new baker joined us fresh from culinary school. He was so full of his vision of baking and the art of making pastries that he talked non-stop about everything he knew about baking while he spent the better part of the day making a single torte. It was a beautiful torte, but sheer “torte-ture” for the rest of us as we produced dozens of cakes, pastries, cookies, loaves of bread, and rolls around him. He was completely oblivious to the pace and flow of the work, not to mention the real reason he was there - to work as a team player. The story has a happy ending - he did get the picture and quickly became a bakery manager. Your life situation is similar to the story of that “wet behind the ears” baker now. You may think you are ready to graduate and show your expertise, but first you must consider the needs, situation, and established framework before you can bring changes that serve the greater good. The new moon in your 11th house focuses your attention on friendships, group activity, and organizations. To be an effective leader, Aries, you must be a team player.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
To move ahead in life, Taurus, you sometimes have to take a few risks and let go of the old. The planets are giving you enormous support and a big, big push to advance yourself in business and your career, but it looks like you may have to change your own image of yourself. Are you just the solid, steady, helpful, reliable worker? If so, and you have been waiting for recognition of your stellar work qualities, the recognition could come as a promotion or attention that labels you a boss. Now, instead of organizing and following through on tasks, you will be delegating work and monitoring others. Instead of being responsible for your job alone, you may have to answer for a company, yourself, and the employees you direct. The old adage, “Be careful what you wish for, you might get it,” applies to you when the new moon delivers a plate of success and a side dish of authority.

Astrological Trends for January 31 - February 6

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

New planetary positions, aspect patterns, and a new moon make this a week of fresh starts. On Monday, January 31st, the day begins with Venus in Sagittarius forming a challenging square to Uranus in Pisces, calling for a change in relationship status or dynamics. Venus in Sagittarius also forms a supportive sextile to Neptune in Aquarius, creating an idealistic and high-spirited romantic feeling between lovers. For those who are unattached and looking, the urge to find a lover who is also a forever best friend is strong and the drive of these two planets in fire and air will send hopeful lovers out to actively search for partners in places where people gather socially to relax, compete, have fun, or support causes. A mild semi-sextile between Venus and Mercury, the planet of thought, in Capricorn indicates that while the search for true love may be an adventure, it is also a serious quest. If you are already in a relationship, there could be a question of whether you are both on the same wavelength - is it real love or is one of you just having fun? The moon is in steady Capricorn, semi-sextile to the sun and Mars in Aquarius, adding the quality of endurance and patience to the brilliant jumpiness of the current sun/Mars combo. It is a good time to get people motivated to do things and delegate tasks effectively. There are no aspects of note to Pluto in Capricorn until later in the week. The energy of Pluto in this sign is one that you have become accustomed to because of its very slow path through the chart. Early in the afternoon, the moon in Capricorn forms a square to Saturn in the relationship-minded air sign of Libra, which brings a serious tone to all exchanges you may have with other people. Squares are not all bad, just like trines are not all good. You can use this afternoon and evening to get a clear picture of your relationships and see where you can make improvements or build better foundations of trust and respect. Mercury in Capricorn begins a sextile flow of energy to Uranus in Pisces conjunct Jupiter in Aries, which will have an effect all week long. It will be felt most strongly when the moon joins Mercury briefly. Later this week, as Mercury leaves grounded Capricorn and enters the eclectic and electric air sign of Aquarius, the Mercury/Uranus/Jupiter blend will make your mind feel like you drank a six-pack of Red Bull energy drink.

Jan 25, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

The Secret or The Big Dream?

"Manifesting Reality is a somewhat bigger prospect than The Secret and all the versions of The Art of Getting What You Want would have you think," explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt as we continue to explore dreams and visions. The underlying belief of many ancient shamanic cultures is that reality, as we know it is the result of the Dream of the Kosmos, or the Dreamtime as it is called in some cultures. From this Great Kosmic Dream comes the thread of life that connects all things and all times. This thread of life flows through your Ancestors into you and through you to the descendants. You and all of your life have been dreamt into existence just as certainly as you are now dreaming reality into manifestation. So, given the stuff of your life, what are you dreaming? And for the parts you don't really like, how do you change your dream to change your reality? The helping spirits in a shamanic practice teach us that one of the many responsibilities of spiritual adulthood is to tend your dreams and to pay attention to all that your dreams are creating. Join us this week as we explore how your dreams become part of the Big Dream and how the nightmares of your life can be released by allowing the Big Dream to dream you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jan 24, 2011

Horoscope for January 24-30

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Relationships are a key issue this week, Aries, but not just the romantic kind. Your friendships and group affiliations may be taking time away from a personal intimate relationship. Career and your budding desire to take on a leadership role can also keep you from home now. If you are in a relationship, it may help to set aside some time to realign with your mate. Assure them of your commitment and look for ways to include them in your current accelerated business and personal growth. If you are single and looking for a partner, your requirements may be very specific now. If someone holds you back or doesn’t encourage you to grow, keep things on the light side or move on.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
First, decide what it is that you want, Taurus. This can be a week of hard work that gets you nowhere or a week of working the energy and others to deliver your desires. It all comes down to how you choose to look at things, where you direct your attention, and the attitude you project. A put-upon attitude, thoughts of struggle, or thinking your desires couldn’t possibly be what other people want, too, will leave you spinning your wheels and never touching the ground. Deciding what you want and believing everyone else is with you, rather than against you, will help you attract the situations and relationships that serve you best - and allow you to serve others best, as well. It CAN be a very successful week.

Astrological Trends for January 24-30

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Some things are old and a few things are new for you this week. There are no major lunations to shake things up and you are now well past last week’s full moon. Big plans or cooperative projects could begin on Monday, January 24th, as the moon in the diplomatic cardinal air sign of Libra forms a flowing trine to Mars, the planet of action, conjunct the sun, planet of self-identification and vitality, in the fixed air sign of Aquarius. Higher principles or a shared purpose could be the motivating force behind these plans and projects. Emotions could be a bit taught and touchy, though, as the moon is challenged by a square to powerful Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury, the planet of thought, speech, and travel, is in Capricorn and involved with a difficult square to Saturn in Libra until the 28th. You must make a serious concerted effort to communicate clearly and directly to avoid misunderstanding during this time frame. Listen and let others know you heard them. If you are not sure they heard you, ask for an acknowledgment. This can be a positive square if you apply the constructive, grounding, and balancing energies present with exactness and pure intent. Pluto in Capricorn is semi-sextile the sun conjunct Mars in Aquarius until the 28th, adding a little more vitality and spice, especially in any competitive endeavors. Venus in Sagittarius is sextile Saturn in Libra, helping the free-flowing joy of Venus in this crazy fire sign to sit still long enough to take hold and maybe even root. Jupiter and Uranus are still joined at the hip, but Jupiter is now in the cardinal fire sign of Aries while Uranus is still in the late degrees of the mutable water sign of Pisces. Now, that’s a bit of a shake-up. Imagine you love Converse high-tops and you always wear Converse high-tops. If you were to buy a new pair of them, identical to your old pair but decided to change the color, and then wore one new shoe and one old shoe, how would your feet feel and look? Probably the same, but very different. So, Jupiter is a familiar shoe, just a different look and feel. As Jupiter gets its bearings in cardinal, initiating Aries, you will be caught up in a new beginning somewhere in your life. Neptune is still conjunct Chiron in Aquarius and they are still semi-sextile Jupiter in Aries conjunct Uranus in Pisces, so that is nothing new - we just keep dreaming, believing, and hoping the world will wake up and be a gentler place. On Monday afternoon, the moon in Libra joins Saturn and strengthens the seriousness of the Saturn/Mercury square. A commitment or agreement could be made or an important decision reached that has long-term effects. Both physical and sexual energy is on a simmer, ready to boil due to the sun parallel Mars, Venus, and Pluto; Venus parallel Mars and Pluto; and Mars parallel Pluto. Your body and your confidence can get a boost, but you must move this strong flow of energy constructively through physical activity or it can become stressful if not directed and released.

Jan 18, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Gateways of the Dragon: Sarah Finlay and Peter Clark

"As we move along our path of continuous evolution," explain Sarah Finlay and Peter Clark of Shaman's Flame, "we often go through cycles of heightened or diminished connection to our self-esteem and the sense of our divine power. These cycles might ultimately lead to a spiraling upward of increased consciousness or to feelings of stagnation and diminished potential. Gateways of the Dragon, offered by Peter and Sarah this May at the Residential Shamanic Conference in BC, provides useful tools to transmute these inert cycles, helping us to break through barriers to our personal evolution." This week host, Christina Pratt, explores the many innovations Sarah and Peter bring to their core shamanic practice as a direct result of their unique techniques in obstacle transmutation and the cultivation of multi-dimensional awareness. Peter and Sarah join us as guests in the Society of Shamanic Practitioners sponsored interview series. In this series we explore how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenge of their world where the relations of things-the living and the dead, the humans and nature, and the technological world and the spirit world-are profoundly out of balance. It is the ancient role of the shaman in all cultures to tend the balance of things. How are these shamans meeting this extraordinary need today?

This week's guests:
Sarah Finlay and Peter Clark

Sarah, a shamanic therapist, educator, artist and writer has had an ongoing relationship with the spirits since her early teens. She has devoted much of her life to looking for answers pertaining to reality, communication and our divine relationship with the universe. Sarah has worked with several acclaimed shamanic teachers and completed advanced studies in shamanic healing. She has been a practitioner since 2005 and works with all aspects of shamanic healing and divination, but her passion is a unique method of shamanic counseling that combines Jungian psychology and spirit directed healing. Along with this, she often incorporates the extraction of intrusive energies and the retrieval of lost soul parts in her healing sessions. All of Sarah's work can be done in person or long distance via phone or Skype. Sarah is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing.

Peter, a lifelong scientist and educator, has always held a fascination with the cosmos and the nature of reality. In the early 1990's after a spiritual awakening, Peter began a devoted practice that includes yoga, meditation, systemic balancing and shamanic healing. His work integrates seamlessly the concepts found in quantum physics with the spiritual path of shamanic healing. Over the years, Peter has been involved in a number of advanced shamanic healing programs, and has had a healing practice since 2005. He is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing. Peter's specialties include extraction healing, soul retrieval, channeling, land spirit communication, past life healing, and divination. The work can be done in person or long distance. Peter is an ordained minister in the Universal Life Church, and provides unique shamanic wedding ceremonies.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jan 17, 2011

Horoscope for January 17-23

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Communication, mental activity, and plenty of restless energy keeps you very active at the beginning of the week, Aries. All that mental power is being directed toward your career, friendships, groups, and your own spiritual development. The more you decide to be more, the more opportunities appear for you to excel at what you do and be an example for others to emulate. The day before the full moon, you have a desire to travel, relocate, or open even further to a new way of being and looking at the world. The full moon itself can bring you to a turning point in your life concerning home, your psychological foundation, and your career and lifelong goals. You have been expending a great deal of energy and now you are wondering if it is pointing you in the right direction or not. Following the full moon, the planets support you in taking a vacation or some time off so that you can get a new perspective on things before coming to any irrevocable decisions. A change of scenery is a necessity of life now.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Negotiate for more money on the job this week, Taurus. If you have your own business, re-work your business plan and make adjustments accordingly. You have been doing all the right things - now it is time to see some more profit. Some Bulls may receive an employment offer from another company that is worth considering. The full moon encourages you to rise above fears and realize that security is not something guaranteed, nor does it come from the outer conditions in your life. Trust that all you need will come to you easily when you follow your intuition and emotions. The week brings many chances for material blessings and fortunate connections if you keep yourself open to the possibility that unusual, unexpected, and exciting events and exchanges are a boon rather than a threat.

Astrological Trends for January 17-23

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Monday, January 17th, begins with the moon in Gemini exchanging energy with three pairings of planets, making the day extremely active. Until late this afternoon, you will be positively supported by the moon in the creative air sign of Gemini trine the inspirational planet of Neptune in the humanitarian-minded sign of Aquarius, which is paired now with the healing planet of Chiron. If your job entails inspiring other people or finding solutions to problems, you will have extra planetary assistance to carry you through the day. For all of us, this trine can help keep spirits high and thoughts focused on future improvement. At the same time, the moon is challenged by a square aspect to Jupiter, the planet of growth, which is conjunct Uranus, the planet of change, in Pisces. One more aspect to the Gemini moon is a quincunx to the sun in the late degrees of the stable earth sign of Capricorn, which is energized by an electrically-charged Mars in Aquarius. I see this air moon/earth sun/electrical Mars as an image of Ben Franklin flying a kite in a thunderstorm or a child grabbing an electric fence. While the moon/Jupiter/Uranus square is saying, “Wait - no! Don’t do that!” all the other planetary aspects demand risk, exploration, and experimentation. The sun/Mars conjunction forms a favorable sextile to Jupiter/Uranus, which tells me that any objections the square throws up - whether they are legitimate concerns or not - will be overridden. The sun, which is presence and self-identification, conjunct Mars, which is action, are also semi-sextile Neptune/Chiron. Neptune/Chiron are semi-sextile Jupiter/Uranus. Although these minor aspects are just that - minor - they act like cheerleaders to the sun and Mars, prompting you to follow your ideas and do what you think you should do, no matter what the outcome. The image of the tarot card, The Fool, comes to mind. Mars in Aquarius is the newest energy that you will be adjusting to this week. Aquarius has a low tolerance for ignorance and stupidity and Mars has a low tolerance for laziness. You will be driven now to clear out anything from your life that is, well, stupid or ineffectual and you will seek to find ways to increase your understanding of how life works and how you can make yours work better. Venus is now progressing nicely into the adventurous fire sign of Sagittarius. With Venus, the planet of affection, in fire and Mars, the planet of physical sex, in air, your love life may heat up and become exciting, experimental, or playful. Air feeds fire, so new relationships may spark and ignite while established relationships may be fanned into higher flames. Late this afternoon, as the aspects mentioned previously begin to lose their effect, the moon leaves cerebral Gemini and enters the emotional water sign of Cancer. Later this evening, the Cancer moon opposes Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication, conjunct Pluto, the planet of transformation and intensity, in the serious earth sign of Capricorn. If you stuck your finger in some sockets today, you may end your evening in some deep, quiet review and contemplation of the day’s events and revelations.

Jan 16, 2011


Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

The Crab Nebula has surprised astronomers by shooting off mysterious flares.

One of the most well-known celestial objects still has some tricks up its sleeve, according to a new discovery of surprising gamma-ray flares coming from the famous Crab Nebula.

The Crab, long-considered such a steady celestial light that it was used to calibrate other sources, has now had three flare-ups where it brightened significantly in the gamma-ray range for a few days, astronomers report.

"Our belief of a stable Crab got smashed completely — now we have to think again," said Marco Tavani, an astronomer at the INAF-IASF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica-Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica) in Rome.

Jan 15, 2011

Evangelicals Coming to Jesus on Gay Rights

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Pastor Jay Bakker

There seems to be a sea change happening in the evangelical Christian community regarding homosexuality. I've long thought that this was inevitable; due in no small part to the massive influx of Christian youth. The born again movement is getting younger and young people are so over this issue.

High profile evangelicals have also been walking proudly out of the closet -- as opposed to being dragged out by scandal. 

A while ago I posted a blurb on singer/songwriter Jennifer Knapp who rode the wave of Christian Rock success in the late 90s. Like many, she had to get real about her own sexual orientation and find her place in the religion she loves. And like others have, she came to realize that the Biblical case against homosexuality wasn't strong enough to prevent her from being who she was.

Jan 13, 2011

New Message from Karen Bishop

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

For those who don't receive emails from Karen Bishop, I am posting her recent message in full, as she no longer posts anything online. An explanation for her lack of web presence right now can be found on the front page of her Emerging Earth Angels site. It's a great, little explanation of what's been going on that, for me, is very resonant. Now, here's the current missive.

Hello everyone!

It has been an interesting few months of twists, turns, trials, and experimentations with the energies in regard to the ascension process, but nonetheless, everything has been designed and implemented in support of the end times, and adjusted in accordance with how things have chosen to unfold.... and always, but always in unpredictable ways in recent times, even though the end result will remain the same.

Below is a brief update of the latest news offered to you as a support and validation of your own experience, as well as yet another way of touching base while my latest book promised to you is still in the writing stage (I am still in a seeming endless transition as my new geographical, spiritual, personal, and professional destination abruptly changed in accordance with how the planet chose to experience the end times). Please know that for various reasons, I am currently without a website and have also shut down my PayPal account, so for now, e-mail (not my favorite modality) is all that remains for communicating to large groups when needed. If needed, my mailing address is posted at the end of this e-mail, and mail will be forwarded from there to the temporary address where I am currently residing. Below is a brief planetary update:

Generally speaking, things are right on track in regard to our spiritual evolutionary process as a planet, even though things unfolded in a very different way than expected. Currently, there is very little darkness left, and what is left is up and out...the very last tendrils which are just hanging on by a thin thread.

Jan 11, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Shamans and Dreams: Part Two

Spirits produce dreams, but not necessarily all dreams. This is important because it means that there are potentially multiple spirits producing dreams, not just a single human soul. Spirits producing dreams can be: personal souls; helping spirits; or non-helping spirits, such as the dead stuck in the land of the living, upset elementals, or angry spirits of the place. And it's these non-helping spirits that we need to be concerned with. Dreams, no matter their source, are messages. They are gateways to a field of non-localized, non-ordinary information/experience and we need to be sure who is tending that gate. Dreams can be tests, seductions, and distractions that lead us away from our truth in subtle ways never see coming just as certainly as they are guides, warnings, and teachings that can keep us on the path of our true calling. To keep our dreams clear and free of pollution we must be impeccable in our life, live free of fear-based thoughts and motivations, and align with the love light of true awareness. Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, as she explores how shamans interpret dream messages, dream states, and the true source of our dreams.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

Log on to Listen
Why Shamanism Now? on Co-Creator Network
Questions? Comments? Call: 1-512-772-1938

All episodes are now available in the iTunes Podcast Library.

Jan 10, 2011

Gotta Love Those 11s

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

President Obama just lead a moment of silence, at the nation's Capitol, in honor of the "innocent victims of the senseless tragedy in Tucson, Ariz., including those still fighting for their lives." I couldn't help noticing that it was at 11:00am on 1/10/11. How's that for "Oming the dome?" We are in the midst of massive, collective shift in awareness as it regards the toll of hate and aggression. That's the most obvious expression of much deeper transformation taking place. I know a lot of people are offended by the political excess we've seen following the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford that took 6 lives, including that of a 9 year old child born on 9/11. (There's that 11 imagery again.) I'm sure a good bit of it is cynical. But there is no question that it has brought us to a dialogue that we've needed to have in this country for a long time.

Horoscope for January 10-16

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Last week you shook things up, Aries, and this week you are establishing new order. Some of your decisions may have caught others off-guard or perhaps you went off in an entirely new direction, most likely in your career sector. This week, it looks like the shock has subsided and your new regime has been accepted. As the week unfolds, you get caught up in the excitement of new beginnings and reach out with plenty of communication. This is an ideal time to market, sell, and self-promote ideas or products to people because you feel like you are “all together” - and you are. You may meet a potential partner who shares your values or you and your mate get on the same page about finances.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
The planets are delivering your week in two separate installments, Taurus. During the first half of the week, you will feel like you are slowing down and turning within for some careful examination of your thoughts and feelings. Everything will go on automatic pilot as you enter that quiet space. You emerge midweek refreshed and confident as the moon enters your sign and makes favorable aspects to planets affecting important areas of your life. Most notably, your powers of thought and persuasion can get a big boost that brings more opportunity for successful business and increased income. Your personal magnetism is stronger, too, and others want to be with you socially this week.

Astrological Trends for January 10-16

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

A high-intensity day is possible on Monday, January 10th. The morning begins with the moon in a late degree of Pisces conjunct Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. Pisces is naturally an emotionally sensitive sign and the moon rules emotions. Jupiter and Uranus combine with the moon today to make your emotions bigger and more erratic than they would be if the moon stood alone. To make things seem even more extreme or out of normal proportion, Mercury in the expansive fire sign of Sagittarius is forming a problematic square to the moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. I would advise avoiding mainstream media and crowds today while the planetary energy can fan the fire of exaggeration and hysteria. Mercury does form a supportive sextile to Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius, which can make people compassionate, but not necessarily practical or sane! The sun in Capricorn square Saturn in Libra, which cast a shadow of seriousness over your life last week, is still in effect today, but by tomorrow its influence will fade. Venus in footloose Sagittarius forms a semi-sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, which can give just enough anchoring to love without curtailing too much of the flirtation and fun. Mars, the planet of action, in the determined cardinal earth sign of Capricorn gets strong support from a sextile to Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces. This is an aspect that can keep you going even when things feel futile or you would rather quit. Mars also gets an extra shot of faith from a semi-sextile with Neptune conjunct Chiron in Aquarius. At lunchtime on Monday, the moon enters the cardinal fire sign of Aries and forms a flowing trine to Venus in Sagittarius. “All fired up,” is the best phrase to describe your emotional state now. If you have been waiting for the right moment to ask someone out, this could be the perfect time. The moon and Venus in a trine of fire support passion, pursuit, and risk-taking. Later this afternoon, the moon in Aries forms a challenging square to Pluto in Capricorn. The essence of this planetary clash is youthful, initiative energy seeking to overturn established order and control. An examination of your natal chart to see where you have Aries and Capricorn energy can give you a better idea of what area of your life will be affected by the busy aspects today.

Jan 8, 2011

The Birds... and Fish

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Well, the bird story just gets stranger and stranger. It was weird when it was just in Arkansas but the bird and fish kills are now being reported around the globe. Somehow, I was not mollified by the theory that they were startled by New Years Eve fireworks. Until I learn that there've been thousands of bird deaths every New Years and Fourth of July that have been previously unremarked upon, I will remain unconvinced. The fireworks theory is also undercut by the fact that birds are continuing to drop out of the sky all over the globe, with the most recent shocker coming out of Italy, where it rained 8,000 dead doves.

Reading the dove story this morning was something of a synchronicity for me. Last night, discussion of the bird deaths caused me to ruminate on a darkly comic anecdote from college theater days. I will probably get some of the details wrong, but this is how I remember it. One of the technical theater students returned from doing summer stock with this tale of stagecraft gone horribly wrong. He had been working on a production of The Sound of Music. In a daring attempt at spectacle, the director had called for live doves to be released during the opening number. There was some concern from the techs about the difficulty and expense. I, for one, would have had even larger concerns about things like bird crap on audience members, but I wasn't there. Besides, any objections were overruled. This was a director with a vision! So, cages with drop out bottoms were strung up above the stage. Doves were purchased and secured in the cages on opening night to be released at the appropriate moment. But, it seems, the cages were a bit too close to the lights. When the intrepid young actress playing Maria appeared onstage and began to belt out "The hills are alive..." she did so amidst the disturbing spectacle of dead, baked doves plummeting all around her like some bizarre snow storm.

Jan 6, 2011

The Dark Night of the Soul

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

I stumbled upon this very insightful post on the dark night of the soul. (It can also be found here.) Here's an excerpt but I think the whole thing is a must-read for anyone who is going through this painful  process of alignment.

The dark night of the soul is a process many spiritual seekers go through at some point in their lives, I being one of them. The dark night is not mentioned that much in spiritual texts and teachings. A lot of the times, we are being told to be happy, raise your vibration, look to the light, but none of this will be lasting until you have loved the dark.

The dark night of the soul is an overall beautiful experience where a person’s ego/false self is “dying” to their true Self which is LOVE or in other words one is realizing the ego self is false and never really existed. This process can occur at any point in one’s life, but it usually emerges after a spiritual seeker has attained a lot of spiritual knowledge or growth. This is because the ego is now being called out for what it is and it tightens its grips on you to hide you from the light that you are.

Even though this is a very beautiful and sacred process, it can be perceived at the time as very difficult. Especially when you are in the thick of the fog. This is why it is called the dark night of the soul (it may feel like a dark century of the soul to some lol). You feel as if you are stuck in the dark with no hope of seeing the light again. You already feel totally alone due to this process, and ontop of that it is not talked about often in spiritual texts. This is because a lot of us look for the light only and try to run away from the dark, not realizing that the dark will only grow larger the more you ignore it.

Many think they have done something wrong when the symptoms of the Dark Night appear. Especially if they just went through so much perceived spiritual growth. This is furthest from the truth! When you find yourself in the Dark Night show gratitude because you are going through a sort of rites of passage or a spiritual detox. The pain you feel is the pain you have tried to suppress for years, decades, and even lifetimes. It is now finally bubbling up to the surface to be healed with the love you give it. Even though it seems painful to face this pain, you should feel honored that this pain is finally flowing out of you. We don’t even realize the heavy baggage that we have held onto for so long.

Jan 5, 2011

Love and the Disgraced Priest

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Father Albert CutiƩ has a new book out on his journey from disgraced Catholic priest to happily married Episcopal priest. He and his wife also have a newborn daughter so I know his book publicist is loving him. In the publicity game we call that great timing. But I digress.

CutiƩ has harsh words for the church he left.

"In the Roman Catholic Church, a scandal is not really a scandal until it becomes public," Cutie writes in his new book, Dilemma: A Priest's Struggle with Faith and Love, which hits stores Tuesday (Jan. 4).

Yet when he was caught by paparazzi canoodling with his girlfriend on a Miami beach in 2009, Cutie was booted from his rectory, dropped from his insurance plan and told he would no longer receive a paycheck.

Jan 4, 2011


Around the Web, Around the World

"Why Shamanism Now?" with Christina Pratt

Shamans and Dreams: Part One

This week we explore your nighttime dreams and how shamans interpret them. "There are many valid and useful systems of thought through which to interpret our dreams," explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt. "It is helpful to understand that there are different types of dreams and to select the appropriate system to use to interpret them. Carl Jung believed that dreams are important gateways to unknown parts of ones self. Jungian dream interpretation is based on the belief that dreams are a direct message from the personal unconscious delivered through the archetypes of the collective unconscious. Working with the dreamer's symbolic associations the dreamer's system is accessed. The most important symbolic associations are gathered and combined to give a holistic view of the dream's meaning. Shamans also believe that our dreams are messages, but that the "sender" of the dream may or may not be your personal unconscious. It depends on the type of dream you just had. Dreams can be sent by your spirit, your helping spirits, or by energies that seek to block or divert you from your destiny. We can learn to discern the form, intensity, and sensory quality of our dreams, the type of dream, and how to best interpret it. In this way we can learn whether the dream message is a teaching, a warming, or an intrusion clouding our vision to our soul's true purpose.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 11:00 AM Pacific

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Jan 3, 2011

Horoscope for January 3-9

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

Aries (March 21st - April 20th)
Get ready for a rough ride this week, Aries. The good news is that you are the one who has decided to break in some wild horses – nobody and nothing is forcing your hand. All the turmoil or disturbance in your life will be of your own making, which is how Aries likes it best. The new moon of the 4th falls in your house of career and standing in the outer world. The moon is joined by other intensifying planets, making the focus even stronger. If you have a partner, they may be concerned over any job-related moves you take or decisions you make. It also could be that you are having to call upon parts of your nature that have been dormant or never tested before. It is a week of important soul growth.

Taurus (April 21st - May 20th)
Relationship is your true north this week, Taurus. Both your lover and your friends think the world of you now and support you like crazy. The bad side of this is that they are not impartial observers of your life and situations. They may love you, but they won’t always know what is best for you. The new moon this week is asking you to know your own mind and apply it primarily to your habits and routines, and work and career. It is your responsibility to be self-aware and mature. If you have problems, feel free to share them with others to get support or feedback, but make your own decisions and claim them. Get the education or training you require, or show up and participate or teach when asked.

Astrological Trends for January 3-9

Cross-posted from Aloha Astro

An intense and serious atmosphere pervades your day on Monday, January 3rd, when the moon in Capricorn joins the sun and Pluto, also both in the austere earth sign of Capricorn. This lunar configuration will enable you to follow through on any New Year’s resolutions you may have set. Mercury, the planet of communication and transportation, is now direct in the excitable, mutable fire sign of Sagittarius and it forms a mild but pleasant semi-sextile to Mars, the planet of action, in Capricorn. Any plans you have been holding back because of the Mercury retrograde period can now be acted upon. In matters of the heart, Venus in Scorpio is still trine to Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces, but square to Neptune and Chiron conjunct in Aquarius, making some things in relationship absolutely wonderful and others problematic. If you use both aspects correctly, you can expand your love at the same time that you uncover painful things from the past that are impacting love in the present moment. With Saturn, the planet of duty and discipline, in Libra, the sign of relationships, now is a good time to do the work of relating and aim for clarity, understanding, and a shared plan for the future. With the moon transiting the higher octave signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces throughout this first full week of a new year, your attention is likely to be on the events and conditions in the world around you and what that means for you in a broader sense. Like an ocean explorer heading off to distant shores, who is busy watching the sky and sea to determine his course, you are watching society and the economy closely before you launch any new adventures or changes in your life.

Jan 1, 2011


Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Food replicators: One aspect of the Star Trek universe that never really appealed to me. Okay, in outer space, I could see the necessity. But here on the ground I prefer my food to come from, well, the ground.

The team at Cornell University's Computational Synthesis Lab (CCSL) are building a 3D food printer, as part of the bigger Fab@home project, which they hope one day will be as commonplace as the microwave oven or blender.

. . .

"Imagine being able to essentially 'grow', 'cook' or prepare foods without the negative industrial impact - everything from fertilizers to saute pans and even packaging," he says.

"The production chain requirements for food would nearly be eliminated."

Local food, could really mean local.

"You can imagine a 3D printer making homemade apple pie without the need for farming the apples, fertilizing, transporting, refrigerating, packaging, fabricating, cooking, serving and the need for all of the materials in these processes like cars, trucks, pans, coolers, etc," he adds.